
Whenever You Become Aware

This One Moment Now

The Moment You Enter The Now

The Veil That Covers The Mind

A New Spiritual Practice

You Are Avoiding What Is

The Joy of Being Who You Are

Bringing You Into This State of Being

Obscured By Mental Noise

In This Moment Of Now -I AM

The Secret of the Lord Belongs To....

To Let You See

What Is Life

In This Way You May Follow Me

A Major Shift That Is Taking Place





As you sit in quietness and listen to the silence and allow stillness to bring you the awareness to bring you into my presence; and wait for my word to come to you.     SELAH!


THE JOY OF THE CHRIST LIFE BEGINS WITH THE RESURRECTION RATHER THAN THE CRUCIFIXION. And your death and burial experience all these years is now about to end with the opening of your mind. In death and burrial you were like in the unseen realm where no one could hear you much less see you;you know? Understand what you were saying. But now is come the moment for the grave of your mind to be opened and the life that I am begins to manifest in all of its glory. And in this way you may follow me into the more abundant life of the Christ in you. Can you think of a more joyous and abundant life then to be one with this mighty power? This power of the Christ of the I AM within yourself. Yet you still have that problem of seeing your lack. But in me all, HEAR THIS! ALL THINGS ARE AVAILABLE UNTO YOU. You must come out of your cocoon and see that you are not living in that limited realm of the belief system that was formed in your grave.


SO, IT IS HERE YOU MAY KNOW THAT YOU WERE CREATED TO HAVE DOMINION OVER EVERY FORM, THOUGHT, WORD, OR CONDITION. And yet because of your dullness and beliefs you have failed to understand this in its fullness. You were created to live; and not live as a mortal, limited human being. I have given you dominion to live above every form, thought, word and condition. Now I want to teach you more about taking complete control of your thoughts and words;for in doing so you will have power over forms and conditions. You will not live in the state of lack and fear. But here is where you can begin to create out of the substance of the I AM. And when LIVING IN THIS LIFE, WHICH IS THE FULFILLMENT OF EVERY NEED, YOU WILL FIND THAT YOU ARE LIVING AS I LIVED IN THAT ALL I NEEDED WAS SUPPLIED OUT OF THE SUBSTANCE OF MY FATHER WITHIN ME.


LIVING DID NOT BECOME A DIFFICULT PROBLEM UNTIL MAN DISOBEYED AND REFUSED TO LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICE. This is the problem that you see around those who are struggling with the difficult problems that are facing them. They refuse to listen to the inner voice. If they do hear, they don't listen to what I want , and run ahead of me. Disobeying me causes you many, many hardships that can be avoided, and when THEY RETURN AND LEARN AGAIN TO LISTEN TO THAT INNER VOICE WILL THEY cease to labor for the means of a living, but they will work for the joy of creating. And this is why you should not forsake the practice of quieting your mind in order that you hear the inner voice of the I AM. FOR YOU WILL ENTER INTO THE JOY OF CREATING AND YOU WILL CREATE UNDER THE LAW OF THE WORD OF GOD THAT SPEAKS UNTO YOU.  It's not hard - you be still in yourself and listen and wait for my word to come. Though my word my is in you, you will find that you can move upon the ALL - LOVING and ALL - ENFOLDING SUBSTANCE OF THE I AM THAT I AM, AND BRING INTO VISIBILITY EVERY IDEA YOU HOLD ON THOUGHT. Those thoughts that I have given you to bring forth. Nothing has really happened yet because none of my people haven't really allowed them selves to believe that it is for today. If it isn't FOR NOW, tell me when it WILL BE? Or they hear me speak and they run ahead of me not waiting for instructions.


AND IT IS IN THIS WAY THAT YOU WILL PROVE THE SUPREMACY OF THE CHRIST IN YOU OVER THE LIMITED CONCEPTS OF MORTAL THOUGHTS. I want you to prove me in my supremacy within you over your life. How can I use you if you do not prove what you hear WITHIN YOURSELF. Do you hear me? If you value my word to you, you will do it. If you believe my word to you then you will obey it. Yet you are in the learning stages of hearing my word to you, and you question it. That's okay; because you will learn confidence by obeying my word. It's okay to question it, but then too, I expect you to follow through in what I AM telling you.


FOR YOU MUST KNOW THAT YOU ARE ENTITLED TO EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT OF GOD, AND YOU MUST PREPARE TO RECEIVE THOSE GIFTS THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD AS YOUR DIVINE NATURE. Remember, my nature is in my spirit, to express my nature is to live in me, and I in you. So continue to prepare yourself by letting go of the old; to receive the new. FOR THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE, and all that comes with it. So are you ready for the radical change that comes when your mind is OPENED UP TO THE RESURRECTION.