
Whenever You Become Aware

This One Moment Now

The Moment You Enter The Now

The Veil That Covers The Mind

A New Spiritual Practice

You Are Avoiding What Is

The Joy of Being Who You Are

Bringing You Into This State of Being







And in thinking you into this moment of NOW, is taking off the cover of the mind. Again the veil that covers the  mind are your thoughts ad your imagination that control your mind. THE CHEBUM were sown into the veil, and the CHERBUM represent your imaginations. This is what keeps you from the tree of life within you; in THE MOST HOLY PLACE. I f I would have not spoken to you the word of the sin offering and the atonement made and accepted, you would not have come into this Most Holy Moment of the NOW! You can feel the joy in your heart, because it is true. Now can you understand what  it means  when I say, YOU ARE FREE? And you are free to enter into this Most Holy Moment of NOW. This is the secret place of the Most High Supreme God. That there should be time no longer; for you have entered into the NOW.