I have been a guest in this home many times. I usually have to make up my own bed and plug in the clock and plug in the lamp and clear off a space to sit my briefcase. I know I’m welcome in this home, but I’m expected to "fend for myself" because the owner is a very busy person with lots of responsibility.

Today, however, was totally different. A few days ago an "honored guest" was expected in this home and the guest bedroom had been painstakingly prepared for his arrival. Not only was the bed made up with clean linens, but lots of extra decorator pillows had been added to make a lovely display of harmonious colors

The clock and lamp were conveniently placed near the bed and operable. The table was neatly cleared and beautifully covered with an expensive horse hair mat. A towel and washcloth were very thoughtfully awaiting the "honored guest." Even a fashionable terry cloth bathrobe was lying on the bed for this welcome guest’s personal comfort.

At the last minute, the expected guest was detained in a business conference and unable to fulfill his commitment to pay my host the visit he had promised.

It was a pleasure for me even to follow in the footsteps of such a person - to be able to enjoy the preparation that had gone into his expected arrival - to soak up the love that was expressed through these careful preparations.

Everything had been thought of. No detail was missing for this person’s comfort: even a small carpet had been placed next to the bed so his feet would never have to touch a cold floor.

How much pleasure we would give our own family or even our closest friends if we worked as hard at letting them know how very special they are in our lives… if we would make the same preparation for their arrival!

So many times, however, we fall into the pattern of taking those we love the most for granted and treating them with the least respect or concern. Oh, sure, we’re going to see they have a bed to sleep in and a roof over their head and we’re going to see that food is in the house. But, so often we allow ourselves to get so caught up in our own schedules that we never take the time to really show one another the preference that family love should display… the excitement and preparation of seeing that individual… when maybe you only saw them earlier the same day.

Imagine the affect on the attitude of a teenager if he were welcomed with the same degree of anticipation as the excitement poured out on the expectation of an "honored guest."

What preparation do we make daily to receive Jesus into our homes… into our hearts? Does He feel unwanted, unappreciated in our lives and homes, or do we anxiously await His visitation - preparing our minds to share with Him all of the current events and concerns of our lives…making Him feel He is wanted and needed…an important part of our lives…truly an "honored guest."

How much of our life must Jesus feel like an outsider - someone we would be embarrassed to mention - much less sit down with and share intimate conversation. And, yet, He waits lovingly, patiently, to see a spark of desire in our heart toward Him. And, should we dare to speak His name and call upon this friend awaiting our response, He eagerly answers us with such words of love and kindness that we are humbled and sorrowful we have not spent more of our time calling on Him - inviting Him into our heart, into our home, and making Him the "honored guest."

I encourage you to invite this person, Jesus, to be your best friend. He has the wisdom of the ages in His hands and He wants to share it with you. It will be time very well spent and may perhaps encourage you to spend more time in preparation for an "honored guest."







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