Part 2


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The Garden-part 2

Much of the Garden writing is basic because it is intended for everyone, churched and un-churched. Nevertheless the natural meanings of the "Garden" are also intended to stir up the pure mind of those who are used to deeper revelation. Transfer what is being told in the natural into your spirit. You can do this with anything you see or hear. The natural is here to show us the spiritual.

"Family Tree"

If you’ve analyzed your family "tree" with its’ "roots" and "seeds" in "part 1" of this book, then you can see how quickly the world would populate, hundreds being produced by just a few generations. The quantity reached so far from the beginning of time is apropos for six millenniums. I’m not going to deal with the time and monkey thing for at this time my aim is to awaken you to what you already know. I may lambaste Derwood, or Dorwin, or what’s-his-name later. By the way, did I mention that I threw a bunch of little pieces of metal into the air yesterday and the pieces gathered together in the air, and now I have this beautiful wristwatch…?

Seriously, let’s say the original "seed" was innocent and pure but it received a blot or spot from nature that was not innocent. This "seed" which was innocent in its’ originality would now be no longer innocent. It’s like something perfect that got marred or scratched or stained. It would no longer be perfect, never again be able to attain its originality. It is forever doomed to be imperfect, even apt to get worse.

NOTE: As you read and come upon things that are not clear just keep going and they will probably be explained. Lay them on the surface of your "soil" (soul-intellect, understanding, etc.) and as you see that the words or seeds are safe, receive them and they will grow. Prove all things and you will be okay. If you’re looking for faults in this or any writings I’m sure you will be able to find them for I am a marred vessel from outside in but not from the inside out, for perfection is in my midst growing outward more and more each day. Also what you see at times as a fault could be the fault of your own human mind, and it also could be a "true fault". Isn’t that an oxymoron?

We’re pursuing spiritual things and we must go through a natural mind to do it. Since the spiritual and the natural are contrary to one another there will be places of truth that can only be spiritually discerned or understood. These words (seeds) must go into the earth (your eyes and ears), into the soil (your soul), and be rooted in your spirit (your innermost being). It’s from there that they grow. Some truth may at first appear as foolish to you and at the same time seem to contain something good. Focus on the parts that make sense to you. In doing so you will most assuredly obtain nuggets of information that you can store in your storehouse (mind, memory, etc.) and you can appropriate these bits for use in the gain of further valuable (lasting) information ("Treasures"). Also the parts that were not understood or explained yet will be seen more clearly as you go on. Hopefully it will be revealed to you from that which is being awakened in your own being. There is only "One" who will get the glory or credit; not I. You can liken this to a jigsaw puzzle where each piece by itself makes no sense but as it is pieced together the story or picture becomes clear. In other words this is supposed to be fun. If we lighten up then we won’t be in the dark as much. And where "light" is there are knowledge, warmth, and power. The Son (Sun*) is our primary source!

Let’s return to the "original" or first "seed", which became tainted. In turn this flaw passes on to the rest of the "seed" for each one comes from the original. The stain being mixed in with the fabric cannot be removed. The "egg" being scrambled cannot again become whole. The end result to the "Master Gardener" Who is Perfect is the destruction of the flawed species, for what business does the imperfect have with the Perfect? If the imperfect species were allowed to remain in the Perfect Garden then the Garden wouldn’t be Perfect anymore and neither would the Gardener. Right? But would a Perfect Master Craftsman, Gardener, Builder, etc. be able to create an Answer and be able to save the flawed species? The answer would have to be in accordance with perfection. And how did a Perfect Creator allow for such a disaster to happen in the first place? Also would it be proper for an imperfect creation (as myself or you) to question a Perfect God Whose Knowledge is so much greater with "how" or "why"? Even if the answer were given how could that which is on a totally different level comprehend it? And wouldn’t that be an insult to a Creator if His creation wanted all of the answers, to be calculated and deducted by the lower thinking of imperfect logic and sense. Put yourself in the place of a creator and your creation. And where would be the honorable essences of beauty such as trust? Have you ever been trusted with something by someone? How did it make you feel? Isn’t trust a sweet word, or have we been hurt so much that it’s a bitter word? It is not a logic word. And bitterness, or a "root" of bitterness comes from our own reasoning. This was done to me so I will do this to get even rather than wanting to get ahead, through another way of thinking. Now I’m starting to feel like a bother so let’s go on to something else. Let me show you the "Invisible Garden"!

Invisible Forces

Lets’ move on up into more of what is invisible and it’s effect on us as humans. Here are a few things that are invisible, which have an effect on our lives: time, space, the wind, and things that inhabit our mental and spiritual realm are some of those we need to know about.

Time- you can see what is on the clock or watch but you cannot see time. Time is invisible.

Space- If I hold both hands up, palms facing each other, and seven inches apart, can you see the space between the hands? Huh? Can you? Well, I can see the space but I really can’t see the space.

Wind- you can see the results of the wind, pushing the rain, blowing leaves on a tree, or feeling a kiss from a breeze on the cheek. But you can’t see the wind. It is invisible.


What would you say has been the most influential invisible entity to affect your life? Well "time" has a great effect on our society, being used to measure our styles of life: when to go, when to get up, when to go to work, when to eat, when we are born, when Christ was born (B.C. & A.D.), when we marry, go on vacation, get a haircut, etc. I think we get the point. Yet we know little about when we’ll pass out of time into "no time left". Here again we have logic scheduling the times, where it can be used along with reason. These two avoid the type of thinking concerning "no time left" lest we begin to ponder the eternal, thereby leaving them on the outside. Logic and reason are time or temporary oriented and want you to be also. The dimensions of "no time" or an incorruptible world are foreign to logic, they being on a much higher plain than the latter. Logic and reasoning will attempt to keep us from dwelling on such things. They try very hard to keep us earthbound and temporary. Everything logic does is temporary. You could say, and I will, that it is vanity. It doesn’t last. And since it doesn’t last it shouldn’t come first. I’m not saying that logic is bad though it often is. I’m saying that it, being vain, should not come first because it has no lasting value.

An old friend once stated that he thought God might have been speaking to "time" when He said, "let us make man in our image". Genesis 1:26 Through time and many changes this has come to my mind.

So that’s a little bit about time and its relationship to our lives. And like a fine wine these words being placed in our mind will only become better in time. Please stay with me on a spiritual level. I’m not promoting alcohol. And so we know that "time" is very important to us and our desires, and our dreams, and our goals, and everything that we want. But in time there will be no time. What then?


"Space" is a good one. We deal with space "all the time". But how influential is it over our lives? This ink is taking up some space on the surface of this page. But the page itself is not really space. It came from a tree if it’s paper. Being on the computer it is other material. A page comes from a tree which itself takes up space. Space can be seen but not seen. I can’t really feel it. Can you? Being 3-dimensional is very "cool", though some may say it’s "square". It’s really "far out" unless of course the dimensions are small (chuckle). We have wide space, height space, length space, and depth space for a few. We have outer space and inner space. I think I take space for granted. But remembering when I’ve walked or driven far, I did appreciate being close to the end. But usually the question is, "how much longer before I get there", not "how far" or "how much space is left". We normally think of a mile in "time" but it is not time, it is space. Am I going "too far" again? Okay, let’s go on into space and time.


The "wind" is a great influence on our lives. At the time of this writing a level #5 twister landed in the Oklahoma City area and part of Kansas, and although it didn’t damage space or time, it did crush the lives and dreams and property so many had worked for in a quantity of space and time, some shorter, some longer. Many lives were lost and property loss was a quarter of a trillion dollars. Do you think the wind had the most influence on these peoples’ lives? Each of us travels through this space/time continuum, all headed for the same destination, all losing all.

Wind cannot be seen. It is invisible. Yet when the wind picks up speed of over 260 M.P.H., as in a category #5 twister, large trees are plucked up by their roots out of the earth as if they were tiny saplings. We can see the effects of the wind but the wind itself, with the power to pull huge trees out by their root systems, is invisible. That’s not logical. It is the power of the invisible. So in effect, what is more real, the visible or the invisible? Logic, which can never come up with a power equaling the wind would say the visible. It says, "Unless I see it I won’t believe it". This keeps one in a vain temporary existence telling you that your whole life is ahead of you when you are really just one breath away from your last. It’s just a matter of time, short time. Logic says to forget that. Let’s figure these things out through analyzing and deduction. Aren’t we brilliant! During this we are blinded to what is real and everlasting. Not so brilliant, this is a dark light, able only to capture an image but not the reality. These "way layers" of logic and reason say that the eye must see it to believe it, not mentioning that these eyes are also very temporary. That which can be seen and proven by analysis becomes archaic and of little value as time rolls on until it disintegrates or is proven wrong or we die, in which case it all adds up to zip. Yet man daily decides to operate in these base and lower principles accepting them as powers that can create a bigger "I". They blindly lead the blind through a myriad of changing, unstable facts leading ever to death, and never to life. To know that we have been led on a chase after "vapor", and to be trapped in the chasm of the lost with no way out, would only lead to the torture of our soul: the mind, will, emotions, and intellect. But we have the "Answer"!

Logic vs. Spirit

These writings are one way to awaken the eternal that is already inside of you. I’m just endeavoring to bring to your remembrance that which you already have in you. The truth of immortality has been kept in the darkness by the deception of logic and reason. Logic is smart. Smarter than you or I. Therefore don’t speak to it or feed it but rather bypass it going directly to the source of life, your spirit. Logic and spirit are like night and day. They can’t intermingle. There is a separation between the two just as the book of Genesis said that God divided the Light from the darkness. The wisdom and knowledge of eternal things come from your spirit but it must be fed spiritual food in order to be strong enough to let you know what is happening deep in your earth. And the spiritual food must by pass logic and reason in order to reach these depths. This can only happen with a trusting, thirsty, humble or maybe broken heart. Then the still, small voice of Wisdom can be heard in the "deep". It hears something familiar that is good and so trusts and receives. It is a familiar friendly voice from where and when. It is the Voice of my Creator, Heavenly Father and Friend!!

Has this so far been as fun for you as it has for me? Probably not but in coming this far you most likely are gleaning nuggets of treasure and are gaining ground on access to your own storehouse. Then there are some reading this who are already very wealthy in spiritual treasures.

Garden Walls

The walls we have built, presumably to keep us from harm, fearfully keep guard around our heart (spirit man). These walls allow little entrance or exit about the eternal part, allowing it to be as an "unattended garden", thorns and weeds abounding. Our creative source meanwhile remains stagnant like the "Dead Sea". During our existence we’ve allowed visitors to enter, especially when as an innocent child we trusted that these guests would do us no harm. After all, these whom we gave entrance to were put in our path by our guardians, or they were the guardians themselves. Some were people of influence (pleasant appearing trees) who wore titles that we were taught to respect: a minister tree, a teacher tree, priests, police, nurses, doctors, moms & dads, et al. With our trust towards them intact we innocently opened the gates to our soul, or soil, and we gave them entrance into our center (the "root" or "heart" of the matter). Along with those who were trustworthy were those who betrayed us. We were raped, or lied to, or beaten without understanding. They were found to be the opposite of what we were told they were, believing that we were getting what we needed to get along in life. We were devastated and confused by those whom we trusted were there to lead us. We wanted to trust, to expose ourselves that we might grow and be clothed with goodness in innocence, because we thought they were dressed nice. But instead, we exposed ourselves to shame and were left with no place to hide. This is about all of us who were affected by this in one way or another. Rather than allow this to happen again we began immediately a construction project, building a wall around the heart to not allow anyone entrance. Not even God! Especially God, for those who hurt us forged Gods’ signature on their deeds, so our final analysis was that God left me naked and ashamed. What else could I believe not knowing or remembering Gods’ True Signature?

The creative part of us, designed for enjoyment and fellowship with our Creator was exposed to shame by what we thought was God. In our final act of creating (not really) we built walls to keep God out, and to shut Him in. In the process we shut down our creative plant now to build only that which is fleeting. Devastating! From here we expose ourselves solely to the dark, temporary surface contacts. We actually bow to the darkness unable to see and feel the true peace that comes only from deep within. Now it becomes a struggle to survive and to rise above the so-called norm of logic and reasoning. We now work for self, a cruel taskmaster. We never do enough. Day by day we run towards the inevitable, laughing, crying, and sometimes wondering, "What is this all about". This whole scenario is experienced by some very slightly, and by others to the extreme.

This sounds so negative and we don’t want to think about it. But the negative must be seen and felt and lived. When the negative hooks up to the positive, "power" is produced. When a storm blows through the land the trees are strengthened by it as the "roots" grab tighter. The dead branches and leaves are blown out leaving the tree cleaner, and leaving an aroma of fresh newness of life. If you will only believe and begin again to receive you can be assured that every storm and "north wind" that has ever touched you is now producing "new life" in you. Truth only works if you believe it. BELIEVE IT!


Coming Attractions of Garden-part 3: A Higher Way




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This site was last updated 05/28/08