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                             THE MANIFESTATION OF FATHER

                                                    Part 1


It seems that ALL of our lives we have been WAITING for the MANIFESTATION of the Holy One.  I was speaking with a sister that made me stop and do some thinking. All alone, no disturbances, just thinking. I'm sure it was like that we Father's ideas came to Him, about creation. First, He thought, then He spoke those thoughts into being. That includes us.

Now, the written Word tells us that we are created IN HIS LIKENESS AND IMAGE. I have really been seeking Father and thinking about this.  In His Image. That means that we are created, exactly as He is. And the written Word also, tells us that He never changes. To me, that means, being the Substance that we are, WE never changed. We just believed what we were told by the carnal mind and the church of religion.

In Colossians 2:9-10, we are told that

In John 1:16, that
WE have received ALL OF HIS FULLNESS.

We have been listening AND BELIEVING that we need to wait for these Words to manifest. But, do we? Or are we injecting our religious "ideas" of what we SHOULD BE, take away our focus from what Father is telling us, and of what we really are?

We are told in 1Corinthians 2:16, that
we HAVE the Mind of Christ.  And some will say, "well look how we think sometimes."  Well, I have come to the conclusion that it is UP TO US to keep that mind coming forth from us, or allowing ourselves to fall back down to the place of the carnal mind.

A couple of weeks ago, I was going through something really rough. And I got really discouraged. I was TELLING Father this and that and how tired I was of nothing changing and yatta yatta yatta.  About 3 days later, I heard Father say,
"where have you been?"  I thought, "where have YOU been?"  (as if just thinking a thing would keep Him from hearing me). Duh!!!  Then it really hit me.  When Father said, "where have you been?", He was telling me, "when you are in that carnal mode, you don't see or hear me, because flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I knew then, that when I ALLOW myself, my mind to fall back into the carnal I CANNOT hear Him and He doesn't hear me. He sees and hears me AS HE CREATED ME. And not only does He see me that way, I AM THAT WAY!!

2Peter 1:2-4 tells us that
we WERE given ALL THINGS that brings forth life and godliness. We not only have the knowledge of Him; WE HAVE HIM AS OUR LIFE!!  This is where the ONENESS comes into play, His Life is our Life and our Life is His Life, because there is no other Life. He is all in all.

We saw for ourselves that Father has given us ALL THINGS, and listen, THAT INCLUDES HIS LIFE!!  Now, why aren't we using what is within us?  Did He place all this in us, to just sit and glory in it? No, I don't think He did. I'm not asking for everyone to agree with me, but, I think that we are ALL THAT WE'RE EVER GOING TO BE. It is just the believing of this that is going to change things in the world.  You see, THIS world is to be HIS WORLD. It IS His world. All things are as much under our feet as they were under the feet of Father, when He walked this earth as the flesh man, Jesus.

It is a KNOWING that we must have. Oh yes, we are going to have to come away from some of the brethren UNTIL they receive this KNOWING.  We have been waiting, and waiting , and waiting. It's been 2000 years since God manifested in the flesh to PROVE to us what we are and have within us. And we've had it all since BEFORE the foundation of the world!!  But, we listen to MAN!!  Why haven't we learned that MAN KNOWS NOTHING!!  Nothing but the carnal.

Listen, with what we KNOW, right now, without a doubt, why aren't we using that thing that we KNOW?  And I know there is the thought, "well I have to hear Father tell me to do this or do that",  well, if we are HIS LIFE, our thoughts ARE HIS THOUGHTS!!!  But we keep waiting for some supernatural thing to happen.  Folks, it HAS HAPPENED!  It happened BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!  Sure, there was a time when we didn't understand Who we are, but, we KNOW NOW!!  So, what's the deal with doing NOTHING??  

Didn't He tell us, when He brought us forth from within HIMSELF, to go and TAKE DOMINION OF ALL THINGS?  He was just talking to hear Himself talk. We've gotten caught up in doctrines. First, the salvation doctrine, then the Sonship doctrine, and then the WAITING doctrine, and now the finished works doctrine. We need to allow ourselves to get caught up into HIM!! And KNOW it IS HIM walking in this body that we have been calling ours, while we kept Him at arm's distance. We need to see each other as He is. Like a friend said, "when we put titles on people we limit ourselves as to how we see them". And that's true.

We keep asking ourselves, how can all the terrible things that are happening, happen? You want to know why? Regardless of what anyone else is doing or going to do or would do or what they wouldn't do in any situation, is that any reason for us to not do what we know to do? Why don't we step out from the unbelieving Christians and do what God would do?  Why aren't we healing others?  Why aren't we leaving all things, to be about the earth allowing Father to be seen by all?  Had we rather sit in a meeting and talk about what we are going to do when HE is manifested?  Listen, today, right now, we are the VERY EXPRESSION of our Father. There is no way we can get around this.

Some will say, "well the process isn't finished in us yet", and if that's what we are believing then we are calling God a liar. He tells us that we WERE brought forth IN HIS IMAGE and then again He tells us that AS HE IS IN THIS WORLD, SO ARE WE!  Folks, we can't have it both ways.  You want to know why so much horrible things are happening?  It's because God sent SOMEONE to do something about it and they didn't and aren't.

Our mind is not where it should be. You know, it isn't hard to stay in the Spirit. After all , we ARE Spirit Beings. Doesn't the written Word tell us that God is a Spirit, and there is only ONE SPIRIT, and that we came forth in His image? We are caught up with our "earthly" possessions. I know that some will say, "oh that's not true", but it is. We worry about paying rent, bills, food, clothes etc. Then apparently we don't hold to the belief that if He will feed a sparrow, He'll do even more for us?  

A precious sister and I were talking, the other night on the phone. And we got on the subject of what "our ministry or our calling is".  But the truth of it is, that the ONLY calling and ministry that we have been called to is to KNOW that we are Father's expression, His life, that ONENESS that makes us what He is.  We may PREFER a particular ministry or work, but, we have ONLY ONE purpose, to be what He is.

I like what a sister sent to Floyd Watson, after she had read my last article. She said"

quote:  " I've been hearing this same message. It's faint and as fast as it comes to me, I try to grab a hold of it, and I try to reason it and consider it, and I can't. So, I surrender in trust and know it is true."

I had a minister who is a "scholar" make the remark that the people I minister to are "weak minded". But, you see that is what we have called "something from a man of wisdom" and followed after this wisdom holder and began the WAITING with him.
But, there is a people and they ARE hearing and KNOWING Who they are. NOTHING OR NO ONE can keep us from knowing TRUTH. But, I want to tell you something. I love ministering to people who take what Father speaks to them, whether they hold the full understanding at that particular time or not, and KNOWS THAT HIS WORD IS TRUTH and are willing to hold onto it UNTIL understanding is given.

He has always taken a people out of a people and led them further into the awakening of HIM IN US. And if you recall, in the last article that I sent out, I said that there was a "restlessness" in the Body of Christ. What that restlessness is, is that there is a KNOWING that we are manifesting the FRUIT that comes from being ONE with Him.  We are awakening to the knowing that if WE don't do something, then NOTHING will be done.  

Now, for those of you who don't know, let me make it clear: When I say WE, I am not talking of those who think they are mere mortal men; I am speaking to those who know who they are.  I want to make sure that this is understood.  

WE need to stand up in the power and the authority that we have and make this world a kingdom that has become HIS KINGDOM!  We need to seek, and listen and do. No matter how crazy we may think something sounds, when we hear Him we need to move in Him, not just sit and wait for others to it, and then join them.

Some who believes in the finished works claim to be walking as Him, and yet they still have a separation between Him and Jesus. Let's drop the doctrines. Let's do what we hear. Let's not worry about what others will think of us, let's just get and keep ourselves in that Spirit realm, HIM.  All we have to do, when the carnal mind tries to jump up, is just rebuke it,and get right back into that focus of HIM. We have made things so hard with our religious thinking. He doesn't want religious people, He wants people who know who they are and ACT LIKE IT.

All of us, teachers and preachers, have taught that all the horrible things that are happening is "God allowing it to happen, so He can use it for the good of someone".  Well, let me say right now, I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS ANYMORE. He is LOVE. And yes, love includes correction; but not horror.  How many times have we suspected that someone is being abused, or raped, or tormented; but we won't say anything because we can't prove it?  So, we sit there KNOWING within ourselves that this thing is happening, and don't do or say anything because we don't want to make anyone angry with us, or maybe sue us.  When it happens, it is US that allowed it, not God. HE gave us discernment, and power and authority to take dominion of these things. Didn't He?  Or is He just living His Life through us, with no power and authority. How many women are being beaten? And how many men are being accused falsely? Why aren't we using the discernment that we have?  When we KNOW that people need help, why aren't we giving to them and depending on Him to take care of His own Life?  Either we don't believe we are His Life, or we do. Which is it?  Saying it isn't enough.

Jesus was the example of Sonship. He did what He KNEW had to be done. He didn't care it folks got mad at Him or not. He was laying an example to be followed by BELIEVERS!!

I like what another sister said:
quote; "totality of the manifestation of God is found in the evidence of all of Creation... every minute, detail of it.... and we are simply just another form of the evidence of the manifestation of God.... or in other words... Behold the Lord in all that He has created!! The works of His hands are the evidence of Him... to all the world!!! "

I say, AMEN AND AMEN!!  Do you know how you're going to see God?  By looking into the face of someone!!

Here is something else that a sister said:

Quote: "The "restlessness" that you mention is not only about to be felt in the humanity of God's creation but it's also in the earth as a whole and the universe as well. There is evidence all around us about these things... the whole creation is experiencing this "restlessness".... and God is at the helm of it all! The very foundations of the world are once again being shaken as only God can shake them, and we're experiencing the same "restlessness" as is all of creation! The traditions of all things are being broken all around us... not only in religion, but in science, geology, and many other elements of creation. The traditions of not having "tornadoes" in areas are changing and there are tornadoes coming, more people are being attacked by sharks and other animals than before, we're seeing earthquakes and strange temperatures in parts of the world that have been traditionally different, and religion and humanity as a whole is experiencing the same thing. Killers that have been a plague on humanity are being caught now after years and years of going free. Those that were killed and imprisoned falsely years ago are being set free... traditions in every aspect of creation are being changed... broken... and done away with. What has been traditionally "known" about our universe also has changed with the discovery of a new planet and new stars that have never been seen before or considered possible. It is everywhere... creation is manifesting the power of God and the glory of God and it seems so new to us because we're able to experience it, but it's only new to us. It is the guarantee of the continuim of "life" that God "intelligently designed" and has purposed from it's existence! We are seeing as always creation exalting God and we're just a small minute detail of it all! It's wonderful and beautiful and there is so much to be seen and learned through all of it! "

Another thing that was said:

Quote: "That's the point.. the discussion that we have with each other are to awaken in us the "thinking" that brings forth the evidence of what is! I understand totally what you mean... you see when discussions like what we're having starts...I just let God pour through me with not only the questions, but the statements and then I have to go back and read them myself, for there is always something more in them for me as well. Yes, you're right.. it is going to take much "thinking" (reasoning with God), asking and demanding... so you go for it dear sister.. and I encourage you to share with me whatever it is that God allows you to share!! Have a wonderful day...."

There will be much more of this coming forth. So, I just ask that you do some thinking and reasoning with Father. Allow Him to make you know that you are as He is; you contain ALL that He is; don't ask anyone, ask Him. Depend on HIM.

Be blessed.


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?