Now And Then Part 1

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Part 1
I read an article by a man who is also a believer, KNOWER, of Who and What we are, our True Identity. So I added his words to my words. There are a couple of things that we are on different pages about, BUT, on one thing we both agree, our True I dentity.


What could we have been ~ were it not for our ignorance pertaining to what
manner of beings we are ~ and our 'ego's? God could not have made us in His
mage and likeness ~ without giving us an ego! For He gave being to us by
becoming us! Each of us is God individualized ! We are miniscule, like as in school, we
manifest more of Him who is ALL and IN ALL , as we pass from grade to grade. Like children, learning more and more of our True Identity.

Not only is He the 'sole' presence in the Universe ~ He is also 'our'
reality, He is us, we are Him! ( As well as the reality of every other 'thing' in the Universe!)
And we read in Isaiah 42-8 ~ "I" am the Lord. (Lord=, Eloheim=plural God, the same meaning for the word "God" in Genesis chapter 1) That is my name ~ and my glory
will I not give to another ~ neither my praise to graven images'! Our God ~
is a jealous God! For in reality ~ there is NO ONE ELSE! This is emphasized
in Exodus 34-14 ~ 'for thou shalt worship no other god ~ for the Lord whose
name is jealous ~ is a jealous God'! When He brought us forth, out of Himself,  in His image and likeness ~ He shared His 'ego' with us! Not only with 'us' so called 'human
beings' ~ but with every other living 'thing' He 'became'!  

In chapter 3 in the book of Jasher we read where Enoch taught the "children of God" the way in which they should go and the work which they must accomplish in order to enter into the ways of God'! .And for two hundred and 40 years he taught them the ways of God ~ followed by several hundred more years of like instruction by His son Methuselah. Then an Angel of the Lord called Him to heaven ~ 'that He should reign over the sons of God in heaven
as He had reigned over the sons of men on Earth'! But in the latter days of Methuselah they rebelled against what Enoch and Methuselah had taught them ~and robbed and plundered each other, and corrupted their ways. And all because of their 'ego's' ~ their 'me first' mentality! .But also, this was all for the lessons they, like us, had to experience in or to BE Who we truely are. It was during the Life of Enoch and His son Methuselah that there was Peace on Earth..

Enoch was the seventh (?) generation from Adam! What if His followers had carried on teaching the ways of God as did he and His son Methuselah? It was what Enoch taught ~ that Jesus taught! 'Man' is God individualized ~ God embodied ~ but the World failed to get the message! Why ~ because 'Jesus' message ~ was not what the 'religious' elite of the day wanted 'their followers to hear! Other wise ~ they could no longer count on their 'followers' to cater to 'their' needs and desires! (They could not keep 'enlightened' people enslaved!) They were driven by their ego's! Is it any different today? (I know that this is not true of every Minister ~ but they dare not stray from their ancestral teachings!) Those that do are looked
upon as heretics! But, as I said, we must keep in mind that this is GOD'S PLAN. He knew every move we would make; every lesson we must experience; every hard time we must learn to indure, in order to manifest our True Identity--Elohiem, God.

Adam's protégé were not aware of the fact that man and God were one. (none of us did, until NOW) They no doubt believed in God ~ but thought that God simply worked 'through' them.Because this is what we were taught to believe, by religion. Religion has been fearful of being called a heretic. AND FEAR IS NOT OF GOD!

They were oblivious of the fact that Enoch knew that he and God were One!. In like manner the religious of the day thought that it was God who 'used' Moses to free His people from enslavement from the Egyptians. They thought it was God speaking through 'Moses' when he commanded the waters to part in the Red Sea. It never dawned upon them that 'Moses' knew that the I Am within him ( and every one else) was God ! (Read Exodus 34-through 35) He
had the same problem "Jesus", Who was God, had ~ He could not get His people to see that
they too were children of the Most High! (children=being the level of understanding that they were in). God is not a "children". Neither is He our "Father", for His understanding is COMPETE. He is God. He is Spirit. The only place He is "Father" is in this physical realm. We cannot see our True Identity, as God, and be a child also. The more we awaken, the more we realize this truth.

(Read Exodus 33-11) Joshua witnessed 'Moses' talking to the Spirit of God ~ (to
himself) Which all of us do when we awaken and find that the Spirit of God, is God. God is a Spirit, as are we and there is only one God, so BEING that Spirit, we are what and who God is. No doubt it
was through his faith or his level of faith, at that time, in the indwelling power of the Spirit of God that enabled him (Joshua) to drive the unbelievers out of the promised land!  This is what awakening is doing within us, level by level, realm by realm. As a flesh and blood being, this is what is happening "grade by grade", awakening and awakening to the depth of awakening.

And Elijah also walked 'with' God ~ (as God). And the people of Jesus day did not realize that they were talking to God when they were speaking to Jesus.either. All they could see was the man they knew as being "Jesus' of Nazareth!" So too is it with whoever walks As God!


 People ~ cannot 'see' God ~ they can only see the 'person' they 'know'! Or the person that they THINK they know. For virtually every individual on Earth believes they have being as the person their parents created when they named them at their birth. But God is the "I" within every one ~ the reality of every one!


Virtually every Christian on Earth ~ as well as every Buddhist ~ Muslim ~Sikh or other seeker of Spiritual enlightenment ~ seeks to be 'filled' with the 'Holy Spirit'! But virtually every one believes they are nothing more than a mortal  'man'! And that it is blasphemy to even dare to 'think' you could be God!  But Jesus saw that it was not 'robbery' to be equal with God ~ for He KNEW that God was the reality of every 'man / woman' on Earth!. He KNEW that we were ALL One ~ and that God, was that One! And it was His most avid prayer that we might ALL come to that realization! (Read St. John 17) If God be the Vine and each of us a 'branch'
(St. John 15) ~ why is everyone so reluctant to acknowledge Him as being their reality? A branch of a tree comes from, and is what, the tree.  Because it means the death of their ego ~ 'their outer self', this flesh and blood being that they and most of us dare not admit our True Identity. For "man" loves darkness rather than light! To acknowledge Him as being their reality requires the crucifixion of the "self" ~ the "ego of flesh man"! For ~ who ever should choose to BE HIM, their True Identity~ must deny their "self" ~ and "take up their cross (the cross is a sword, upside down) and walk AS HIM'! For ONLY as we walk AS Him ~ can we BE Him!

And only AS Him , God, and as a Creator, can we attain the transfiguration and the ascension! We must KNOW Who we are, to ascend to the next dimension, the next step in our journey of learning and experiencing, in order to come to the place of being all knowing, which this knowing IS WITHIN US.

 It is HE ~ that is the "I" within us! It is not a case of "us' becoming Him". It's a case of realizing that HE IS US! There is no one else!  No 'man' (male or female) has any 'being' apart from Him ~ or other than Him! All that we require ~ is FAITH in this realization! UNWAVERING FAITH! We are ALL ONE ~ and HE ~ the "I" within us ~ is that One!

He KNEW, (the man Jesus) that we were ALL One , why else would He have said (Matthew 16-24) , "If any man will come after me  let him (any man) deny himself  and take up his cross  and follow me"?


Once a person awakens to THIS TRUTH, it is then that we wonder, " I know all, now, about the flesh realm, so what's my next step of learning?"  It is here that  most start the continuing of the journey. And I am sure that most  start out like the part we just left, saying, "oh my can this be true?  Us as Creators roaming the next dimension of our journey, not on earth, but in "the heavens".?


to be continued.