Part Five

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Renewing Of the Mind Part 1
Renewing of the Mind Part 2
Renewing of the Mind Part 3
Renewing of the Mind Part 4
Renewing of the Mind Part 5
Renewing of the Mind Part 6
Renewing of the Mind Part 7


I ask that throuhout this entire study, that you keep in mind, MY meaning of the word "Christ". I AM NOT TALKING ABUT THE MAN, JESUS. to me, "CHRIST" means, GOD'S LIFE FLOWING THROUGH A PERSON. This way, I won't have to type this explanation everytime I use the word, "Christ".

We saw that chapter one of the Book of Genesis, was a creation of all things IN THE FORM OF SPIRIT. As we saw, just a little, is that this is a SYMBOLIC chapter. It is an allegory.

Genesis (especially the first few chapters) is an interesting allegorical picture. It’s really hard to separate the metaphors from the similes and the similes from the symbols: for example: God creates LIGHT before he creates the sun, moon, and stars. the metaphorical approach on this is: Days begin at night (6pm in the evening, so tradition tells us). We have DAYS and NIGHTS before we have sun and moon. Also, we saw how that in chapter one of Genesis the trees, the herbs and the MAN were created in chapter one, and yet, in chapter two, there is no man to till the ground; and there were the plant of the field, and the herb of the field; and yet nothing had happened because THE LORD GOD, NOT GOD, but the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth. WOW. How amazing is the Mind of God!! And that is what it will take to UNDERSTAND the allegories, and the similes and the metaphors and the symbolic words that we try to understand with the natural mind.

This whole, entire bible is symbolic; allegorical. Just think, Jesus TAUGHT EVERYTHING in parables!! And even though the people of that day, DID NOT KNOW that the Spirit that God was, so were they. They, like many today, did not know that they had within themselves, the MIND OF CHRIST. I can just see a multitude of people walking away from a meeting with Jesus, saying, "Boy He is good! But, what did He mean , when He said.............". I have done that myself. Even today, have you noticed some, who when they have heard a good teaching, from someone else, begin to use the very words of the one doing the teaching???? What's with that? They are not made any more spiritual by using someone's words, than they were before they heard the word. hmmm Strange world. But, when Jesus called aside the disciples, HE SPOKE AS THEY WOULD UNDERSTAND. He didn't use "more up to date" words; or words that SEEMED to be more spiritual. He WANTED the people to understand. That is what we should want, when we speak or teach.

Did you know, that in the Book of Revelation, the words that are spoken there, WERE JOHN'S CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING? Everyone should study out the culture of that day. They didn't speak in words like, "thee", "thou", etc. That language, those words are the culture of King James. HIS or the translators of that day, wrote the bible in THEIR language. And yet, we see people of OUR CULTURE trying to SPEAK in those words. This is part of TRYING TO APPEAR SPIRITUAL. I am sorry if I offend anyone, but, my ministry is to ENLIGHTEN people. Just as the prophets of old, used the saying, at the end of a prophsey, "JUST SAITH THE LORD"; well that isn't our culture. IF it was our culture, every time we use the word "says" , why don't we THEN use the word "saith"? You get the picture. We DO NOT have to TRY to be or sound SPIRITUAL, WE ARE SPIRIT, and we were brought forth as an EXPRESS, INDIVIDUAL, ATTRIBUTE OF GOD!! When we try to sound or make people see us in a way that we THINK looks or sounds spiritual, what are we doing? We are doing the same thing that Moses did, when he struck the rock. We are doing it OUR WAY, OUR CARAL THINKING WAY. Do you know what God wants today? He wants a people to come into the knowing of their True Identity, the exact way God wanted them to speak and appear. IF He had wanted us to appear as the way the King James translators were, He would have made us in THEIR image. And did you know that most of those translators weren't even "saved". Do you think that IF God appeared to us today, and wanted us to take a drive, that He would say, "Linda, get thee in thy charriot and go to California"? I think not. I think He would say, "Linda get in the car and go to California". Of course, we will not always need a car, but then again , at times we may use them But, this is way I say, before we study the bible, we should study ABOUT the bible and the cultures.

Anyway the bible is all symbolic parables. BE as Who you are. As long as we try to BE SOMETHING, we are not ALLOWING God to BE, as us. This is not meant as condemnation, I am hoping and calling forth, that this is an awakening to some.

Can you see, with what we have gone over, so far, that the first chapter of Genesis is a SPIRITUAL writing. In this part, we will be looking at more things that will show this truth. We have already seen a hint, when we are told "there was no man to till the ground". So this is where we are going to start.

Genesis 2:5-6, "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth; and every herb of the field before it grew; for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But, there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."

To me, this is the first experience of creating for us, the Plural Elohim. As we know, the PLAN was already made, and now was our time "in training" to manifest fully, God. But apparently, we had not taken notes while we resided inside God. (a little joke). Since God was RESTING, HE WAS NOT going to do the rain thing. This was the job of the Lord God/us/the Plural God.

This word, "ground" in Strong's is #127. It means, it means, country, earth, ground, husband, land. Now, as I said this is a parable. And it can be explaining more than one thing. Think of it: earth, ground can mean the cosmos, the literal planet; and at the same time it can be talking about US. We are the "field" that a treasure is hidden in. So we also are the ground. To show this, look at the ROOT WORD of ground, #119, it is describing ADAM.

The word "mist" in Strong's is ; (in the sense of ENVELOPEING) a fog, a vapor.

I can only give you MY understanding of all this. Go within and seek for the understanding, if you don't agre. Since this "FOG" is shown to appear BEFORE the Lord God, really starte His work, I think it could be showing us that, the PLAN had already started to come forth. As we know, fog doesn't mean, darkness, but it can be something hard to "see" through. At this time, we must remember that the Lord God had the Mind of God, but we must also remember that God can show us something and WE can change what He showed us. But, let's go on.

"Genesis 2:7, "And the Lord God fromed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostriles the breath of life; and man became a living soul'.

This verse, once we understand that our True Identity, shows that it was US who formed these flesh bodies that we live in, in this earthly realm. This will become more clear as we get to know the Lord God. Now the Lord God DID NOT CREATE US/HIMSELF. God/Elohim created us. And He created us in ELOHIM'S IMAGE. While I am at it, I want to say here, God DID NOT created us, in the image of the son; God did not create us in the image of the flesh man; AND GOD DID NOT CREATE US IN THE IMAGE OF "THE FATHER". Gasp, if you want, but read for yourself. Do you see the word "Father" in the first chapter? The first chapter is the creating of GOD. He did not call Himself, Father. Yes, I know that you are saying, well the bible calls Him , Father, all through all the books. But we have to lose the "RELIGION" and we must realize that because God inspired the bible, but, IT WAS WRITTEN BY MAN. MAN HAS HAD CONTROL OF THE WRITTING OF THE BIBLE SINCE IT CAME INTO BEING!!! Yes, God can still speak to us through the written word, but in order for Him to do so, we must spend time alone with Him. Not just an hour or so, but keep on seeking Him, UNTIL WE HEAR HIM.

Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down 114 Saying of Jesus (The Gospel of Thomas) and those were found in the Nag Hammadi in 1945. In the 2nd verse we read, "Jesus said: The seeker should not stop until he finds, When he does find, he will be disturbed. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished. Then he will reign over everything." Wasn’t that the plan, the goal in the first chapter of Genesis? Aren't we astonished at some of the things that we are coming to see, in this day? And notice, it says "the seeker", it does not say that someone else can seek for us. If it is important enought to us, to find out HIS TRUTH, OUR IDENTITY, then we will be willing to or to "sacrifice" whatever we have to , to come into that truth. If it means, cutting out some of our "importatnt" activities throughout the day, we will. If it means, resigning some of our clubs, we will. If it means cutting out a job, as important as it may seem to us, we will. We will do anything to spend time, within, waiting to be taught. This decision is up to us. We must ask ourselves, WHAT DO I WANT MORE? The things I "need" or communing within? Most of the time, the things we "need" are really things we WANT. We HAVE all that we need. If I haven't learned anything, throughout the last two years, losing EVERYTHING TWICE, starting all over again TWICE, and STILL not having all that I THOUGHT I NEEDED, I have learned, I HAVE what I need. Yep, in the natural, I am consider POOR; but I know better. I could USE MORE, but need, no I don't really need anything. I am alive; I am awakening to Who I AM; I have a roof, humble as it may be, over my head; and things just seem to fall into place exactly at the right time. I am thankful.

Ok, we see that the Lord God FORMED man. There is a difference in creating and forming. God created us, we form our physical body. And since we , at the time of the Geneses writting, were still in posession of the God Mnd, we BREATHED as God. But let's look at the "breathed" that the Lord God did.

Breathed= #5301 in Strong's : a prime root. to puff, to infleate, to blow hard, scatter, kindle, expire, to disesteem, cause to lose (life), seething, snuff.

Now, let's think about this for a little while. We have been taught that GOD breathed into us and gave us life, right? What was and is God? He is SPIRIT. SPIRIT does not need air, breath to live. Have you thought of that? A Spirit Being does NO LIVE ON AIR! Air is what is needed for the natural, PHYSICAL body to exist. Now, remember, at this time, God had not come to dwell in people. There were no people to indwell. Up until this point, EVERYONE was a Spirit form of the invisible God/Elohim. We were ALL Plural Him, or Plural Elohim. We did not need air, breath. But, since the Lord God was creating HIS OWN BODY (this is all of us), this body WOULD NEED AIR, because it was a PHYSICAL BODY. We were/are the SOUL of ELOHIM/GOD. The soul realm represents the carnal or literal , physical US (or as we have THOUGHT ourselves to be.) But keep in mind throughout this study, no matter what we have THOUGHT, it does not change WHAT AND WHO WE TRUELY ARE. It is just that we have enterded an illusion!! W

I want to give some info on this word "ILLUSION".


illusion definition

il·lu·sion (i lo̵̅o̅z̸hən)


a false idea or conception; belief or opinion not in accord with the facts

an unreal, deceptive, or misleading appearance or image a large mirror giving the illusion of space in a small room

a false perception, conception, or interpretation of what one sees, where one is, etc.

the misleading image resulting in such a false impression


a delicate, gauzy silk tulle used for veils, etc.

Etymology: ME illusioun < OFr illusion < L illusio, a mocking (in LL(Ec), deceit, illusion) < illusus, pp. of illudere, to mock, play with < in-, on + ludere, to play: see ludicrous

Related Forms:

illusional il·lu′·sional adjective or illusionary il·lu′·sion·ar′y

Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

illusion Synonyms



Unreal appearance

fancy, hallucination, mirage, apparition, ghost, chimera, delusion, deception, fantasy, figment of the imagination, dream, vision, phantasm, image, trick of vision, optical illusion, myth, make-believe, déjà vu (French), paramnesia, castle in Spain, will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus (Latin); see also dream 1, fantasy 2, vision 3, 4.


delusion, confusion, false impression; see mistake 2, misunderstanding 1.

illusion suggests the false perception or interpretation of something that has objective existence perspective in drawing gives the illusion of depth; delusion implies belief in something that is contrary to fact or reality, resulting from deception, a misconception, or a mental disorder to have delusions of grandeur; hallucination implies the apparent perception, in nervous or mental disorder, of something external that is actually not present; mirage refers to an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, and, in figurative use, implies an unrealizable hope or aspiration

Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus Copyright © 1999 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

illusion Usage Examples

Preposition: of

grandeur: Or may be the school had illusions of grandeur.

Converse of object

shatter: The deep split over the war on Iraq shattered any illusions in a common position on really decisive foreign issues.

Adjective modifier

optical: Optical Illusion - John Langdon, 1999 Can you see why this painting is called optical illusion?

Noun used with modifier

continuity: In addition, the data indicate that the neural mechanisms involved in vowel identification receive an input from those responsible for the continuity illusion.

illusion usage examples (more)

The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of

illusion quotes

The existence of St Sophia is atmospheric; that of St Peter's, overpowering, imminently substantial.One is a church to God; the other a salon for his agents.One is consecrated to reality, the other to illusion. St Sophia, in fact, is large, and St Peter's is vilely, tragically small.

-Byron, Robert

All great poetry gives the illusion of a view of life.

-Eliot,T(homas) S(tearns)

It is not easy nowadays to remember anything so contrary to all appearances as that officials are the servants of the public; and the official must try not to foster the illusion that it is the other way round.

-Gowers, Sir Ernest Arthur

illusion quotes (more)

Webster's New World Dictionary of Quotations Copyright © 2005 by Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Wiley, Hoboken, NJ. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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"illusion." Webster's New World College Dictionary. 2009

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I feel that it is important to put these definitions down for you to see. I know, it can get boring reading a lot of stuff. But, I feel we NEED to undersatnd ILLUSION. Because NOW we are going to see IN THE BIBLE, where the ILLUSION really began, and Who it began with.


Ok the Lord God had formed man. Now we are going to see some things that a whole lot of folks have not seen yet.

Genesis 2:8-9, "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the SIGHT, and good FOR FOOD; the tree of life ALSO in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil......vs 15, And the LOrd God took the man, and put him into the garden to dress it and to keep it." (we aren't going to deal with the rivers, right now). I want us to focus on the Lord G