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                                                        THIS IS THE DAY.

                                                                       part 3


In this part, I am going to include some writtings that I got from different people. Why? To show how each of us interpret things differently (depending of where we are in this journey). We are all where we are, in understanding. This is why no one should judge each other. Instead, we should LOVE each other and just be glad that we are all on the same journey, HOME. I will include websites so you can read for yourself.




King James Version Bible Translation Errors
(Part 1)



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What's Wrong With Modern Translations?

The Old Testament has been faithfully preserved by the Jews in what is known as the Masoretic Text. There are few translation problems with the Old Testament.

However, most modern translations, from the Revised Standard Version (RSV) to the New International Version (NIV), use as their source for the New Testament a Greek Text based upon the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus of the fourth century. This text, publicized by Westcott and Hort, is also known as the Alexandrian Text. It originated in Egypt and has been massaged by "higher critics" down through the ages. These manuscripts, used in the RSV, represent less than 5% of known Greek Biblical manuscripts, but are supposedly more authentic because they are "old."

The bulk of New Testament manuscripts were copied century after century from earlier ones as they wore out. Older copies did not survive because these texts were used until worn out. This text, the so-called "Received Text" or "Byzantine Text" (also termed "Syrian", "Antioch", or Koine text) was used in the King James Version. Nearly 4,000 manuscripts of this Byzantine or Official Text agree almost perfectly with each other, and are a far better standard to go by than corrupt copies no matter how early they were made. Located primarily at Mt. Athos in Greece, copies of the Official Greek Text give us a very reliable record of the New Testament scriptures.







Proof the Received Text is Correct

Jay P. Green, Sr., General Editor and Translator of the Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, states in his preface:

"The market-place is being glutted with new books which are being represented as versions of the Bible. Each one claims to be the very word of God, yet there are literally thousands of differences between them . . . . they all leave out dozens of references to the deity of Jesus Christ, and they add words which tend to question His virgin birth, His substitutionary, fully satisfying atonement. This is due to their decision to depend upon an Alexandrian [Egyptian] textbase, instead of that body of God's words which has been universally received and believed in for nineteen centuries, known to us as the Received Text. These new versions [such as the NIV, New Jerusalem Bible and others] are not only marked by additions, but also by subtractions, since some four whole pages of words, phrases, sentences and verses have been omitted by these new versions. And these are words attested to as God's words by overwhelming evidence contained in all the Greek manuscripts . . . .

" . . . it has been written, 'For I say to you, Until the heavens and the earth pass away, in no way shall pass away one iota or one point from the Law, until all things come to pass.'- -Matthew 5:18 [Green's paraphrased] . . . .

"What then is the evidence these Bible-alterers offer to persuade you to give up the precious words they have removed from their versions? Mainly, they cite two manuscripts, admittedly old, but also admittedly carelessly executed. The Sinaiticus was so poorly executed that seven different hands of 'textual critics' can be discerned as they tried to impose their views on the Bible . . . it was discarded, found in a wastebasket fourteen centuries after it was executed. The Vaticanus manuscript lay on a shelf in the Vatican library at Rome until 1431, and was considered so corrupt that no one would use it . . . . they have systematically removed Luke's witness to the ascension of Christ--and of course they have done away entirely with Mark's witness to the ascension, simply because these last twelve verses do not appear in those two corrupt manuscripts, the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus . . . .

" . . . Origen, an early textual critic . . . said, that 'the Scriptures are of little use to those who understand them as they are written' . . . . given the opportunity, many like Origen will actually alter the manuscripts to make them say what they understand them to mean....Justin Martyr, Valentinus, Clement of Alexandria, Marcion, Tatian, and a horde of others practiced their 'textual science' by operating on manuscripts, or by writing their own 'versions' . . . .

" . . . Today there are more than 5,000 manuscripts and lectionaries in Greek as witnesses to the New Testament text. And 95% of them witness to the Received Text readings [contained in Green's Interlinear and the King James Version]. Partly due to the fact that ancient manuscripts containing the Received Text were worn out by use, while the Alexandrian textbase manuscripts were preserved by the dry conditions of Egypt, some have sought to discredit the Received Text because they say it is not ancient. But now that manuscript portions from the second century are being unearthed, it is found that many of the readings of the Received Text which had been tagged scornfully as 'late readings' by nearly unanimous consent of the 'textual scientists' are appearing in these [newly found] manuscripts. Readings which were before called late and spurious have been found in these early-date manuscripts . . . . Yet strangely, in textual criticism classes, such discoveries are swept under the rug, not reported to the class."

We use the King James Version exclusively as our main study Bible, only using other translations to aid study of certain passages, to get another perspective. The fact that modern versions slavishly depend on the Egyptian and Vatican corruptions of the New Testament should make us avoid them as a "main Bible."

Why Are There Errors in the King James Version?

You have probably heard the joke about the bigoted Protestant fundamentalist who said, "If the King James Version was good enough for the apostles, it is good enough for me!" People sometimes forget that the KJV was published in 1611 A.D.

For centuries prior to 1611, Latin was the only scholarly language in Europe. The Latin Vulgate translation of Jerome, based upon a corrupt Alexandrian Text, was the "official" text of the powerful Roman Catholic Church.

Protestant translators sometimes did not have access to all of the Received Greek Official Text, and being familiar with the Vulgate, they sometimes put words into their translations based upon the Latin which were never there in the original Greek. Schaff points out that in about 80 places in the New Testament, the KJV adopts Latin readings not found in the Greek. Erasmus had a corrupt, incomplete text of Revelation to work from, and hence this book has many errors in the KJV.

The King James translators did a marvelous job with the materials they had. While this article is necessary to point out the KJV errors, it should be noted that the errors, omissions and additions made by the RSV, NIV, and other modern translations are much, much worse!

Translation Errors

Here is a partial listing of King James Version translation errors:

Genesis 1:2 should read "And the earth became without form . . . ." The word translated "was" is hayah, and denotes a condition different than a former condition, as in Genesis 19:26.

Genesis 10:9 should read " . . . Nimrod the mighty hunter in place of [in opposition to] the LORD." The word "before" is incorrect and gives the connotation that Nimrod was a good guy, which is false.

Leviticus 16:8, 10, 26 in the KJV is "scapegoat" which today has the connotation of someone who is unjustly blamed for other's sins. The Hebrew is Azazel, which means "one removed or separated." The Azazel goal represents Satan, who is no scapegoat. He is guilty of his part in our sins.

Deuteronomy 24:1, "then let him" should be "and he." As the Savior explained in Matthew 19, Moses did not command divorcement. This statute is regulating the permission of divorce because of the hardness of their hearts




During the past few months I have been exploring the language of Aramaic spoken in Palestine before and during the time of Jesus. It was the common language of the day and the language Jesus spoke. (Biblical Archaeology Sept/Oct 1992) The Hebrew language itself is a dialect of Aramaic. Aramaic is not a theological but a physics language.

Through my study of Aramaic I have found the scriptures hold much greater understand of how our bodies and the universe work than I ever imagined! This study has opened a brand new door I would like to share with you.

Let me give you one good example of what I have learned from the Aramaic translation which can change your life. The scripture warn us, "The wages of sin is death." This was not some religious threat; God was going to get us if we sinned. It was information on how our bodies work. Sin as we know is an archery term. It means missing the mark or the bull's eye on the target. What the scripture is actually revealing is how our thoughts govern our body. Sin is thinking from a belief system which says we are "less then" or "don't measure up" to divinity and therefore are full of thoughts of fear and hostility.

"The wages of sin is death" reveals certain energies don't belong in the human body. Those energies are fear, anger, and hostility. This verse is simply information letting us know how our body reacts. If we put enough disintergrating energy into our tissue structure by thoughts which miss the mark of our true being, our tissues will start falling apart, become diseased and we will die. Through the Aramaic language this scripture becomes crystal clear!

Our bodies were not designed to house the energies of hostility and fear. The problem is our mind has been imprinted with false belief systems which have caused us to entertain these energies within our bodies. When we lean to release negative energies from our tissue structures we will be able to recover from death. We were not made for death, we are life! Our energy system was designed to incarnate love and nothing else. Most have come from generations who have been locked into hostility and fear so they deal with life in this way.


Mary Lou Hollis







The End of the Master's Reign

sigler.org/watson/new_from_tony_salmon.htm - 27k

This writing reveals truth, a reality that has been pulsating, resonating within my being, but has been difficult to share. I believe that in the interest of speaking the truth without compromise I must share the revelation I received without holding back. I feel as if I am here in this physical plane for one reason, to release what I brought with me from the other side into the earth. Deep inside me there is a burning flame of the Word that was sent with me into the earth. It is a burning flame, and a booming, pulsating Voice from the other side that keeps speaking and reminding me of what I knew in the beginning. The Apostle Paul said he would rather speak five intelligible words in your midst than ten thousand that cannot be understood. I realize that he was speaking of the gift of tongues that I personally am so very thankful to have. But, Paul's words are touching a deeper understanding in me than a simple but beautiful gift of the Spirit. I realize it is time for me to put away all ten thousand voices, doctrines, teachings, idols, and IMAGES from well-meaning instructors who handed me the religious paradigm of Babylon and teach only that which I brought with me into the earth. It would be better to share five intelligible words of truth that I brought with me from the Source of truth than ten thousand words that came from Babylon, mixture and confusion. Flesh and blood did not teach me what I now share with you. I realize this writing will make some of the readers very upset, and I understand that, it is okay. I remain a servant to those who would be upset at this writing. I am still teachable and correctable. I would rather that one correct my error than enter into a totally unnecessary separation. Christ is ONE and can never be divided. I feel compelled right now and without choice to share what is burning in my heart. I come to you with these words in the matchless name above all names, the name of Jesus, the first begotten of the Father, the first to walk away from the grave, and the only Savior of all mankind. To Him every knee bows and every tongue in unison declares His rightful place as Lord. It is He Who tore the veil, removed flesh and blood, the covering that was cast upon the face of all people. He took all creation within His bosom, His loins, and removed our humanity, releasing Spirit or Christ from the bonds and shackles of human DNA. And He ever lives, in us and as us, to awaken creation from the nightmare of the human drama, the human existence. On March 17, 2005, I walked out my door and went to the church building to do my ministry work. It was only 6:00 in the morning but there was already a lady there, Sandy, cleaning the building. "Have you had any revelations since you've been on the property?" Sandy asked. "What do you mean?" I replied. "Well," Sandy continued, "people often say that they receive revelations after spending time on this property." "Oh, well no, I can really sense the Presence of the Lord here, but I can't say I have really received any major revelations yet." Those were my famous last words. After more than an hour of wonderful fellowship Sandy finished her work and went home. I walked to the house and soon returned to the building to finish what I was doing. The Lord met to me there, and gave me a revelation. I was bombarded with the overwhelming sense of His Presence, and from deep within, I heard His Voice speak. He revealed to me that the reason I felt it so difficult to release Him and ascend to higher places is because of my loyalty and devotion to Him for all He has been to me and for all He has done. Why shouldn't I feel loyalty and devotion to Jesus, the Savior that I perceived to be a man, much like the One that walked the shores of Galilee? Why wouldn't I want to be with Him always, riding around in His shirt pocket? I can give you a thousand reasons why I would not want to move on, but I will give you only a few that are among the most meaningful reasons to me. I was consciously aware of the Lord's Presence from the time I was very, very small. When I was four my mother taught me to pray that prayer that starts with the words, "Our Father, WHICH art in heaven..." She told me if I ever found myself in a difficult place I could turn to Jesus, call on Him, and He would be there. This instruction was not without a purpose. She knew her earth time was short, and though she was fighting a battle with and being treated for heroin addiction she wanted to make sure I knew where to turn when she lost the fight. It was Jesus Who stood beside me when I found my mother dead when I was only five years old. It was the Voice of Jesus Who spoke within me at the age of seven with the words, "RUN, RUN, RUN!" just before a speeding ambulance crash landed ON ITS SIDE EXACTLY WHERE I HAD BEEN STANDING JUST THREE SECONDS BEFORE. There was no indication that the ambulance would crash. I heard the noise of the siren, and as was my custom, I was moving close to the road where I could see the rescue vehicle rush past me. The Voice within ordered me to run and as I ran with my back toward the ambulance, it hit a bump in the road and turned over in the precise place where I had been standing just a moment before. I heard the crash, and when I turned, it was all over and the ambulance was on its side. I knew immediately that Jesus saved my life. He also spared the ambulance crew and the patient on board...no one was hurt in what should have been a major tragedy. It was Jesus Who met me in the regeneration when I was thirteen. It was Jesus again Who came as the baptizing flame of fire when I was baptized in the Holy Ghost at age fifteen. It was Jesus Who stopped accidents, near misses, brushes with death, and imminent tragedy when I would call aloud His Name in times of trouble. It was Jesus Who comforted me in the moments I felt all alone. It was Jesus Who offered His fellowship, kindness, and love at any time. It was Jesus Who has been the friend that sticks closer than a brother. It is Jesus Who never failed in any way, and Who has always been with me. It is Jesus Who promised to never leave me, nor forsake me. And now I am supposed to leave Him??? I pondered the Lord's words to me. Yes, I felt a loyalty and a devotion to Him and would never even think of attempting to ascend to higher spiritual planes without Him. As I stood in the building with all of these thoughts in my mind the Lord asked me a question. "Doesn't Corinthians speak of the end of My Reign?" "Yes, Lord," I began, "but ONLY after every knee has bowed to You and every tongue has freely and openly confessed You as Lord, to the glory of God the Father!" There, I had him. I quoted to Him out of His own Bible and He was not going to win this one. Then came the truth that was going to make what I thought was solid ground beneath my feet crumble and fall away. "In the realm you are ascending to, you will see that every knee has bowed, and every tongue has declared My Lordship. In this realm you will see it is already finished." He won. I know that realm, that place. I have visited there many times. In the moments of deep worship and intimacy I have stuck my head into those heavens and have seen that reality. What reality? The reality of a world without sickness, poverty, death, disease, aging, heartache, time, space, trouble, depression, or mental disease. A world where there is no curse. A world where there is no sweat, because there is no effort or struggle in all we speak forth and create there. A world where there are no enemies of any kind, anywhere. A world where there is only LIGHT (understanding), love, joy, and peace. A world that does not contain right and wrong, for the tree of the knowledge of such things is not there. A world where there is only LIFE! This perfect world I speak of is also called a city in the Bible. A city where the Lamb is the light, and where there is no darkness or ignorance, lack of revelation or understanding. In this city all things are possible. In this city there are no limitations or boundaries. This city has never been touched by the curse and is not effected by the limitations of time and space, or the force of gravity. What is this world or city of which I speak? This world or city is a spiritual plane, a realm of consciousness or AWARENESS, or a paradigm. This city, or paradigm is the mind of Christ. We visit this world in the intimate moments with the Father. In those moments when we disappear behind the veil and we are in that still and silent place where we experience the reality of, "I and my Father are one." In that place the veil of separation has been completely removed and we are no longer seeing in the glass, the laver, darkly, but we see face to face and we know even as we are known. In that place the stillness and silence becomes the loudest voice we have ever known. We see in that place that all creation is restored, for it can be no other way. We see in that place that the last knee has bowed and the last tongue has confessed, and that every lower kingdom, vibration, and enemy has been subdued. In that place we see that every tear has been wiped dry from off of every face and all the weeping and gnashing of teeth from emotional torment and pain has ceased. In that place all the inner voices of sadness, fear, and doubt has been hushed, calmed and quieted. In this place it is done and we see all creation waking up from the nightmare of the dream-state of another place, another time, another country where all of these separation-based lies are possible. Jesus came to remove the veil that would open the window to this "new world." He hung the veil on the wooden stake of the cross, that place where the time beam and space beam of this three dimensional world intersected with the death of our humanity in the center, to lift us into the fourth dimension, and beyond. He opened the window of heaven into the new world by ending our humanity by tearing the veil of His, our, body. "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations" (Is.25:7). On the mountain of Calvary, Golgotha, the place of the skull, Jesus destroyed the face of the covering cast over all people. He tore the veil by removing the flesh and blood that was cast as a covering over all creation. Jesus said He was the door. That door was ripped open at Calvary so that you and I would be free of the prison house of our human paradigm and enter through the torn flesh into the true reality, the real world, the true essence of our being, spirit. He removes our humanity at Golgotha, the place of the skull. The skull is a type of the human paradigm. Jesus is crucified right there in that place, at the very top of the skull. An ancient prophecy is fulfilled which said that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent, which is human thinking. One paradigm descends out of heaven, the mind of Christ, and crushes another paradigm, the mind of man. One CITY descends, the mind of Christ, the New Jerusalem, and CRUSHES, DESTROYS the OLD CITY, the mind of man. The old city, the old paradigm, is obliterated without mercy, and an entrance, an open window is revealed by which we escape the corruption of identification with flesh and blood into the very gate of heaven itself, the Christ PARADISE or PARADIGM. The coming of Jesus was literally to lift us OUT OF human consciousness into divine consciousness. The skull is crushed, and we are free to ascend from the restricting barrier of human thinking into the divine. From the cross Jesus cries, "It is finished!" He "yields up the ghost," or releases His true essence, Christ, from the prison house of the body. The Spirit or Christ transcends immediately all realms, dimensions, and all frequencies. The Christ Spirit goes into the earth to wake the prisoners of the grave, causing great earthquakes. Rocks are rent and graves are opened. The bodies of the righteous dead are jolted back to life just like in this hour many that are in the graves of human consciousness are hearing His Voice and are awakening to the reality of the new world. The Spirit of Christ goes into the temple and tears from top down the hanging, the veil of religious works, the veil of carnal reasoning, to show us our true identity which is behind that veil. Creation in that moment was restored, and all things put in order, and the veil removed. Joseph of Arimathaea, who was a disciple and a father-figure to the man, Jesus, watches as Jesus releases His spirit and hangs His head. Joseph gets a revelation, "cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree." It is Friday. As soon as the sun sets the Sabbath begins. If the body of Jesus is not removed from the cross and put away in a tomb before sundown that body will trouble us, it will become a curse. Joseph goes to Pilate and begs for the body of Jesus. He begs for permission to remove what remains of the human existence of Jesus, as well as that of all mankind. The body of Jesus receives the burial rites of the kings. No expense is spared. The body of Jesus receives a rich man's funeral and he is buried in a new tomb where the bodies of the wealthy were entombed. The body of Jesus is sealed away. There will be a resurrection, oh yes, but even in this resurrection Jesus will never be known again after the order of men, flesh and blood. He is no longer a man. "The end of all FLESH has come before me..." was the word spoken in Genesis, but its reality was found at the cross. It was the total removing of all flesh and blood, forever. Even as Jesus is never again to be seen as a man, so is it with all creation. Never again will any man, any woman, or any child be seen as a flesh and blood creature, for the end of all flesh has come before the Father. All flesh became a whole burnt offering upon the altar at Mount Calvary, and the smoke of that past life is as a sweet smelling savour in the nostrils of Father. It is done, it is finished. Our body is removed from the rugged tree of human existence and now we are free, as Christ, to ascend to higher places, planes, and worlds. Have you been to this City of which I speak, or are you still waiting to die a physical death and be carried off to a literal celestial never, never land in the sky? Have you ever lifted your hands in worship to the Lord, only to find that you have lifted them into another realm, a higher dimension? What was it like there? Were your burdens instantly removed? Did the troubles of another life all the sudden seem like a bad dream as you found yourself AWAKE in the reality of your true identity? Were you tired when you were there? Were you worried when you were there? Did you have feelings of inferiority when you were there? Were you sick when you were there? Did you have thoughts of depression and suicide when you were there? Did you feel like a failure over there? What were your thoughts when you were there? Were you angry? Were you afraid? Were you jealous? What time was it there? Did you feel lonely or alone over there? Did you take any thought at all over there? Did you take thought about tomorrow, what you shall eat, what you shall wear, where you shall live? Just what were your thoughts in that City? Did you know or have the knowledge that you and your Father are ONE being, not two? Did you notice that there is no time or space over there, and an hour and a second was exactly the same? Were you AWAKE to the righteousness that you are? Did you experience the overwhelming peace that passes all understanding? Did you experience joy unspeakable and full of glory? Did you know that righteousness, peace, and joy in the holy ghost is the Kingdom of God? In that City all the shadows disappear. There is only revelation or understanding. With he veil of separation removed, we see that there is no separation between us and the Father, we are one. Do you understand that we enter this City by the shed blood of the Lamb? To shed something is to RELEASE it or let it go. Flesh and blood was our problem, our veil of separation. The blood carried genetic lies...lies of disease, sickness, and death. Jesus poured out the human blood with all its genetic misinformation. Then the veil, the body, was torn open showing us that to have access to the Father, we must get past flesh and blood. Jesus opened, "A new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh" (Heb.10:20). Once in that City our identification can never again be with flesh and blood, that body on the cross will be a troublesome burden in this new world. Ponder deeply the words of Jesus, "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me" (Jn.5:30). Selah. Stop for a moment and consider the words you just read. These are the words spoken by the Master Himself. The Master denied "self" with the words, "I can of mine own SELF do nothing..." The Master made a distinction between the man, Jesus, and Christ that was in Jesus. "In my humanity, I am as powerless as you, as flesh and blood I can do nothing." Consider the truth. The flesh of Jesus, by the Master's own confession, is as powerless as the flesh of any other man. Human consciousness is impotent because it was created in the abyss, in the darkness or ignorance of the void, man's imagination. Jesus acknowledged that the power was in the Christ within, whom Jesus referred to as His Father, His higher consciousness, His true identity. It is this Father Who sent Him. It is this Father that doeth the works. "...but My Father, which is in heaven..." Heaven? Is that a place with literal mansions and streets of gold? NO! Heaven is the other realm. Heaven is the higher consciousness or paradigm. Heaven is a state of BEING. Heaven is the mind of Christ. "And Jesus answered and said unto him, 'Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in the other realm'" (Matt.16:17). Jesus revealed the Father. That is the reason He came, to show us the Father. "Philip saith unto him, 'Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.' Jesus saith unto him, 'Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?'" (Jn.14:8-9). His purpose was to awaken humanity to their true identity. Jesus, even now, walks with us until we see the greater reality that "I and my Father are one." Once we awaken to that reality, we ascend forever through the open window AS Christ never again to be veiled by flesh and blood or to be trapped in the horror of the dualistic world of opposites or opposition, the human paradigm. "Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether" (Ca.2:17). "Until the day break, until I wake up from this dream of separation. Until the DAY break, when the light of understanding breaks forth in my soul. Until the day break and all the TYPES and SHADOWS of Christ disappear in the reality of our ONENESS, come to me, Jesus, with the haste and energy of a roe or a young deer. I am beginning to see the truth, Jesus, but the day has not fully dawned within me. I am still seeing duality, I am still seeing You as a separate being outside of myself even though in my innermost being I know the truth that You are me, and I am You. Until the veil is removed from my eyes, Lord, I need You to come leaping upon the mountains to me as my lover. Court me, my Lord, and let me drink the wine of Your Spirit until I am drunk, and bring me the gifts of the Spirit while I dwell in the land of in-part reality. Until I see that in reality there is only one, be my lover Who comes leaping to me upon the MOUNTAIN or VEIL of BETHER, separation." "Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all" (1Cor.15:24-28). When we escape the corruption of the human consciousness, pit, or paradigm through the open window, we see this is already done, it is finished. We begin to see the truth that in reality God is, and there is nothing else. God is all there is. "I and My Father are one." "I am God, and there is none else." "Be still, and know that I am God." This truth is echoed a thousand times but yet it is been only as a faint memory in our heart of hearts. It has been hidden beneath human thought or reasoning, a treasure hidden in an earthen vessel whose light beams are waiting to break forth out of the clay pitcher. As He did with Lazurus, Jesus stands to unwrap us from the burial clothes of flesh and blood that are used to bind us in the tomb of human consciousness. "Loose him, and let him go..." was the command given at Lazarus' tomb. As the Lion of Judah He roars and breaks the lying chain linking us to human existence and death, the DNA molecule. He looses the bands of iniquity by breaking the DNA chain. And at the cross He finishes the work by unveiling everything that has to do with a flesh and blood existence. It is done. It is over. Mission accomplished. It is finished. NOW all that remains is for us to enter the City through the open window, by a new and LIVING way, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh... "After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter" (Rev.4:1). Selah.

Tony Salmon



King James and His Translators

By Rick Norris http://www.dtl.org/versions/article/king-james.htm

Director’s Comment: I hesitated posted these items as I am reluctant to "bash" people who are long dead and cannot defend themselves. However, KJV Only advocates do use the supposed godly character of King James and the translators of the KJV as "proof" of the KJV’s inspiration (see KJV Only Arguments). As such, it is warranted to evaluate these claims.


The Great Hypocrite or Great Dissembler:
Was "godly" King James a Liar, a Compromiser, or Both?

While king in Scotland, Benjamin Brook noted that James had declared in the general assembly at Edinburg, with his hands lifted to heaven, "that he praised God that he was born to be the king of the purest kirk [church] in the world." "As for our neighbor kirk [church] of England," said he, their service is an evil-said mass in English." James also said "that the Book of Common Prayer was the English mass book, and that the surplice, copes, and ceremonies were outward badges of popery" (Lives of the Puritans, Vol. 1, p. 60).

W. H. Stowell also pointed out that James "had made strong declarations in Scotland of his adherence to the Presbyterian discipline in which he had been educated, publicly avowing his gratitude that he belonged to the purest church in the world, and his purpose to maintain its principles as long as he lived" (History of the Puristans in England, p. 222). Can the evidence be any clearer that King James either lied in Scotland or else later compromised his own professed beliefs in order to promote the very false teachings of the state church in England that he had claimed were retained from Roman Catholicism?

King James was known as a "great dissembler." "To dissemble" is "to conceal or disguise the actual nature of somethings," "to make a false show of," or "to conceal one's true nature, intentions, etc.; act hypocritically."

W. H. Stowell noted that James was "a great dissembler, a greater liar" and that he was "unscrupulous in breaking his promises" (History of the Puritans, pp. 230, 246). Ashley observed: "James was a congenital, if perhaps unconscious liar: he did not regard truthfulness as a necessary royal attribute" (Stuarts in Love, p. 103). Sir Walter Scott pointed out that James "had been early imbued with the principle that the power of dissembling was essential to the art of reigning" (SCOTLAND, Vol. 2, p. 138).

W. M. Hetherington wrote: "The policy of principle he knew not, because he was himself unprincipled; but the policy of falsehood, cunning, and sycophancy, he well understood and practised" (History of the Church of Scotland, p. 203). Hetherington also noted that James "had repeatedly broken his most solemn pledges, and brought his word into such suspicion, that the more earnestly he protested, the less he was believed" (Ibid., p. 175).

P. Hume Brown noted that in Scotland "the ministers perfectly understood that James was ready to change his faith the moment he should find it expedient" (History of Scotland, Vol. 2, p. 192). It seems that the godly pastors in the Church of Scotland regarded King James as a compromiser and as unworthy of trust. How does all this evidence line up with the unproven claim that James had a godly character?

Director’s Comment: In addition to King James’ possible dishonesty, I also have had several people e-mail me and claim King James was a homosexual. I e-mailed Rick and asked him if he had any information on this possibility. Below is his reply.

Hello Gary, (this "Gary" is a Gary that this writer was communicating with). In answer to your question about King James, I have read several biographies, histories of England or English kings, etc. that claim that King James was a homosexual. Otto Scott in his 1976 book James I: The Fool as King and published by Ross House Books, P.O. Box 67, Vallecito, CA 95251 claimed that he was.

On the other hand, in his book defending James, Stephen A. Coston, claimed that the majority of historians are wrong in their view that James was a homosexual and that there is not a preponderance of evidence to support their claim. While Coston has a few possible explanations to explain away some of the evidence against James, he seemed to start with the assumption that James was a godly ruler; therefore, he was not a homosexual.

Clearly, the overall evidence does not prove that James had a godly character.

Comment: Whatever the case as to King James' sexuality, it is true, as a couple of the e-mails I received pointed out, that the KJV’s rendering of 1Cor 6:9 is rather "soft" on homosexual behavior. I discuss the translation of this verse at length in my article "Homosexuals" in 1Corinthians 6:9.


The Doctrinal Views of A "Superior" KJV Translator

D. A. Waite, a KJV-only advocate, listed Lancelot Andrewes as one of three "superior King James Old Testament translators" (Defending the KJB, p. 68). Gustavus Paine stated that Andrewes was "the real head or chairman" of all the KJV translators, directly under Archbishop Bancroft (Men Behind the KJV, pp. 16, 70).

Higham observed that the faith of men such as Andrewes and Archbishop Bancroft was "Catholic in its respect for ancient custom, ordered worship, and episcopal rule" (Lancelot Andrewes, p. 34). Ashley noted that Andrewes "sought to reconcile Catholic ceremonies with Protestant beliefs" (England in the Seventeenth Century, pp. 41-42). Hill pointed out that "Catholic tradition in the Church of England owes a great deal" to Andrewes (Who’s Who in History, p. 31).

Horton Davies observed that Anglican spirituality had a "continuing link with Catholicism in Lancelot Andrewes and his successors" (Worship and Theology in England, p. 428). Ian Green also referred to the "High Church or Anglo-Catholic persuasion" of men like Andrewes and Laud (History of Religion in Britain, p. 174). Robert Ottley noted that Andrewes considered the Eucharist "both as a sacrament and as a sacrifice" (Lancelot Andrewes, p. 204). In an introduction to a book of sermons by Andrewes, G. M. Story noted that some have claimed that Andrewes was "virtually a crypto-Catholic" (Andrewes, Sermons, p. xiii).

Andrewes had a large influence on William Laud, who was a leader among the younger Anglicans during the reign of James, and who became Archbishop during the reign of Charles I, James's son.

Some of Andrewes' writings and sermons have been included in a series of books entitled the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology. One would think that KJV-only advocates would be shocked if they actually read some of the sermons of Andrewes and saw for themselves his Anglo-Catholic views.

For example, in a sermon on John 20:23, Andrewes taught the doctrine of absolution and confession (Ninety-six Sermons, pp. 82-103). In his sermon points, he claimed that in the institution of baptism and the holy Eucharist, there is a power for the remission of sins.

In the texts that head his sermons, Andrewes used the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate along with an English translation. Could a man who preached from the Latin Vulgate be influenced by it in his translating?

Please excuse an ordinary believer like myself for examining the evidence about the views of this "great" scholar and "superior" KJV translator. Surely, there must be some Scripture verse that teaches that the "superior" KJV translators were perfect in all their interpretations of God's Word whether in their doctrinal views or in their translating, but I don't know of one.


Archbishop Richard Bancroft and his Influence on the KJV

The Church of England was established as a State Church under the King of England, Henry VIII, following the Pope's refusal to grant Henry a divorce from Catherine of Aragon to facilitate a marriage to Anne Boleyn (1533).

Thus, the King of England became the Head of the Church of England, a split off of the Church of Rome. Next in the chain of command was the Archbishop of Canterbury. Diocesan bishops were under the Archbishop. Under King James I, the English Bishops were "Erastian"--that is, they accepted the State as being over the Church and its affairs -- which meant the King was sovereign over both.

King James I had Archbishop Richard Bancroft oversee the translating of the KJV, which was published in 1611. In their preface to the King James Version, the Translators referred to Bancroft as the "chief overseer and task-master under his Majesty, to whom were not only we, but also our whole Church, much bound." Thus, Archbishop Bancroft was known for his determination to make everyone conform to the views of the State Church, the Church of England. He harassed and persecuted the Puritans and other Non-conformists, including Baptists.

In an 1852 booklet, Baptists stated: "Bishop Bancroft, to whom the king confided very much in the actual execution of the work [KJV], was one of the most bigoted and bloody sectarians in the civilized world" (The Bible Question, p. 38). Albert Peel wrote that Bancroft was described by Andrew Melville as "the capital enemy of all the Reformed Churches in Europe" (TRACTS, p. x).

Alexander McClure noted that Bancroft "was the ruling spirit in that infamous tribunal, the High Commission Court, a sort of British Inquisition" (KJV Translators Revived, p. 217). Daniel Neal reported: "Bancroft was a divine of a rough temper, a perfect creature of the prerogative, and a declared enemy of the religious and civil liberties of his country" (History of the Puritans, p. 240).

It was Archbishop Bancroft that approved or made the rules for the translation of the KJV. By his establishment of the rules and overseeing of the actual translation, Bancroft had great influence on the KJV. Bancoft's chaplain, Leonard Hutten, was one of the translators. Several bishops who were in agreement with many of Bancroft's views and were directly under his chain of command were also translators.

In spite of his great influence and authority over the translation, the finished work of the KJV translators did not satisfy Bancroft. This proud Archbishop had to make some changes in the translation before it was even published. Paine noted that Miles Smith, final Editor of the KJV with Thomas Bilson, "protested that after he and Bilson had finished, Bishop Bancroft made fourteen more changes" (Men Behind the KJV, p. 128).

Henry Jessey, a Baptist pastor in the early 1600's, complained about the KJV for its bent favoring "episcopacy," and said that Bancroft, "who was supervisor of the present translation, altered it in fourteen places to make it speak the language of prelacy" (Williams, Common English Version, p. 53). "Prelacy" refers to a system of church government by Prelates such as Archbishops and Bishops set over more than one local church.

Were these fourteen changes directly inspired or approved by God? Are they the "verbally inspired Word of God, preserved through all ages since the Apostles?" One reason to question these fourteen changes is that the changes were certainly made to support episcoplian church government views of the Church of England. The changes were also in violation of some of the translation rules for the KJV. In addition, expressed opposition by some of the KJV translators to these changes indicate that these changes were viewed wrong by these translators.


The Influence of the High Commission Court on the KJV

Most likely, most believers today know very little about the High Commission Court in England in the late 1500's and 1600's. On the other hand, believers during the 1600's knew a great deal about the great power of the High Commission Court. The Church of England used the High Commission Court and the Star Chamber to force everyone in England to conform to this state church.

Walker pointed out that the High Commission Court "could examine and imprison anywhere in England and had become the right arm of episcopal authority" (History of the Christian Church, pp. 406-407). John Brown stated that this Court's "methods of investigation were described as worthy only of the Spanish Inquisition" (English Puritans, p. 76). Neal also observed that this Court's methods "were almost equal to the Spanish Inquisition" with its "long imprisonments of ministers without bail or bringing them to trial" (History of the Puritans, p. xi).

Thomas Smith noted that John Cotton (1585-1652) complained that "the ecclesiastical courts are dens of lions," "cages of uncleanness, and roosting places of birds of prey, the tabernacles of bribery, forges of extortion, and fetters of slavery, a terror of all good men, and a praise to them that do evil" (Select Memoirs, pp. 391-392).

In 1610 during the reign of King James I, Babbage stated that "the House of Commons addressed a Petition to the king for the redress of grievances arising through the Court of High Commission" (Puritanism and Richard Bancroft, pp. 286-287). Alexander McClure noted that Archbishop Richard Bancroft "was the ruling spirit in that infamous tribunal, the High Commission Court, a sort of British Inquisition" (KJV Translators Revived, p. 217).

What possible connections or links are there between this hated High Commission Court and the KJV? Directly under King James I, Archbishop Richard Bancroft, a leading member of this Court, was the overseer for the translation of the KJV. He approved or made the rules for the translation, and he clearly had the power to force his views on others. A KJV translator claimed that Bancroft made at least fourteen changes in the KJV before it was published.

Other members of this High Commission Court were KJV translators Lancelot Andrewes and George Abbott. Abbott became Archbishop after Bancroft died. Other KJV translators that were Bishops were most likely also members of this Court. A disciple or follower of Lancelot Andrewes, William Laud (1573-1645), who was a leader among the younger Anglicans during the reign of James, would become the Archbishop during the reign of Charles I, James's son. Frere described Laud as "the man who was to take up Andrewes' work and carry it out into practice by energetic means" (English Church, p. 371).

Some may question whether the High Commission Court with its "distinguished" members such as some KJV translators and several Archbishops can be fairly compared to the Inquisition. As members of this Court, George Abbott and Lancelot Andrewes urged the burning at the stake of two men for their religious views and King James approved this sentence.

The brutality of some of the punishments issued by this court are shocking. The example of the treatment of one Puritan preacher, Alexander Leighton, in 1628 or 1629 illustrates this brutality. For writing a book that condemned the institution of bishops as "anti-Christian and satanic," the High Commission Court issued a warrant for him. He was taken to Laud's house and then to Newgate prison without any trial. Leighton was put in irons in solitary confinement in an unheated cell for fifteen weeks. Smith stated that the roof of his cell was uncovered so that the rain and snow beat in upon him (Select Memoirs, p. 428). None of his friends nor even his wife were permitted to see him during this time. According to four doctors, Leighton was so sick that he was unable to attend his supposed sentencing (Ibid.).

Durant noted that Leighton also "was tied to a stake and received thirty-six stripes with a heavy cord upon his naked back; he was placed in the pillory for two hours in November's frost and snow; he was branded in the face, had his nose split and his ears cut off, and was condemned to life imprisonment" (Age of Reason Begins, pp. 189-190).

In 1615, Archbishop Abbott, a High Commission Court member, "forbade anyone to issue a Bible without the Apocrypha on pain of one year's imprisonment" (Moorman, Forever Settled, p. 183). This order was likely aimed at the Geneva Bible with its 1599 edition printed without the Apocrypha. Archbishop Laud can be linked to using the power of the High Commission Court to make the KJV the officially approved translation.

Conant noted, "So pertinaciously, indeed, did the people cling to it [the Geneva Bible], and so injurious was its influence to the interests of Episcopacy and of the 'authorized version,' that in the reign of Charles I, Archbishop Laud made the vending, binding, or importation of it [Geneva Bible] a high-commission crime" (English Bible, p. 367). Was it the power of this cruel High Commission Court that finally forced believers to give up their beloved and popular Geneva Bible?

Does this documented information, that some of the KJV translators were members of this court which was known as a "terror of all good men," relate to the claim that these men were "superior translators?" How could truly godly men take part in the cruelty of this court? Why did none of the KJV translators condemn the many abuses of power by this Court? Why did King James or the KJV translators do nothing to stop this Court's persecution of true believers?



This writing is by Stephen Wright, dissecting Des Walter's writing . Condemning. Stephen's words are in red: Des Walter's writing is in black::

www.tonysalmon.org (under Writings by Others)


Let us take a closer look at Him, "Who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, THAT HE BY THE GRACE OF GOD SHOULD TASTE DEATH FOR EVERYMAN". Tell me, when did He taste death for everyman? Ah, you will say, "On the cross" for that is what has been taught. But was not the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world? The word "foundation" is a translation of the Greek word "Katabole" which means "The casting down." The casting down was when Adam sinned. That's when the Lamb was slain.

Here we begin to see one of many strange statements that should not be allowed to go unquestioned. "The lamb slain from the foundation" was when Adam sinned??? I should not believe that the Lamb was slain on the cross because "that is what has been taught"??? YES, that has been taught repeatedly in nearly every book of the Bible. "The Lamb slain from the foundation" means that the cross and the redemption of mankind was already "in the mind" of the Father from the beginning. God saw the fall of man, the cross and the redemption, and the reconciliation of all men to himself from the foundation. In that sense we have been predestined to become the Sons of God. Above it has been inferred that Adam in the garden and Jesus are the same person. It also states above that Adam sinned, so following this logic, Jesus must have sinned. Think I'm reading too much into this? Read on..

Now, let's go back to Genesis 2. Isn't it amazing how we keep having to go back to the book of beginnings,, because we have got it so screwed up because we have never laid a true foundation for our Faith. We came in from the Matthew, Mark and Luke Gospels, because we thought that this is where the Good News was established, and that screwed us up again. The truth is that these Gospels interpreted Jesus according to the Hebrew concept of the Messiah and so because of that they belong more to the Old Testament than to the New. It was from these Gospels that embraced the idea, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel, baptizing them, and teaching them, and make disciples out of them", and we said "That's our task". NO IT WASN'T! That was for Israel, because that is what Israel did. Israel did not evangelize the world, they proselytized the world. They went out to make disciples of Moses, because everybody they brought into any kind of relationship with God had to be circumcised and to keep the law. That is what Israel did. That is why they kept having an argument with Paul, because he wasn't doing that.

Perhaps we should just get rid of 3 out of the 4 gospels then if they don't fit our doctrines. Maybe those gospels screwed Mr. Walter up, but to me there is life in the apostle's writings. Matthew and Luke were hand picked by Jesus and lived with him for over 3 years. They were baptized in the Holy Spirit and sent forth by Jesus to proclaim his word. Luke and Mark were associates of Paul and worked with him to evangelize the world and make disciples. I shouldn't have to come to their defense.



Thus Adam and Eve found themselves to be NAKED! No this is not a simple reference to having no clothing as the natural mind would have us believe. The PERCEPTION of man had changed. His ability to see into the reality of things was lost, and in its place they created an illusion that today we call physical mortal life. MAN was not created as a physical being, for the man in Genesis 1:26 has no body, for he was a pure spirit man. This should not appear strange to us because GOD IS SPIRIT and man came out of God. Gone was the intimate fellowship man had with God in the Spiritual Garden of his heart, and instead man had created a whole new physical material world that was no longer a Garden, but a wilderness. When God had completed creation, Scripture says, "And God saw everything that he had made and behold IT WAS VERY GOOD!" But in the world man has created there is both GOOD and EVIL and the earth brings forth thorns and thistles. In this "world" man has to earn his bread "by the sweat of his brow" unlike the provision God made for man in a Garden that provided everything he needed.

The above teaches that the entire physical world is an illusion created by Adam and Eve, as a result of their disobedience to God. According to this thinking, the physical world was never meant to be, kind of an accident, not God's perfect plan. It is taught in Genesis 1, that God created the heavens and the earth. The earth is a physical place, where God created physical animals, physical birds, physical water, mountains, the sun, the moon, etc. In Genesis 2 it says Man was formed from the dust of the ground, he breathed, and became a living soul. All this happened before Adam and Eve sinned in Chapter 3, thus the physical realm already existed and had nothing to do with the fall. It was not an illusion created by Adam. What came about due to Adam's sin was the curse, or lowering into vanity, of the whole physical world. The physical world is not some kind of illusion that you can think yourself out of. The whole creation awaits its liberation by the manifestation of the sons of God. (Romans Chapt.8)



There are not really two people here. God called THEM ADAM. God did not call them Adam and Eve. It was Adam that called his wife Eve, the soul. So the soul now takes the fruit to the Spirit and says to Adam, "Here you are. This is really something. This fruit can make us wise. This fruit can make us as gods". Now the Spirit has a dilemma. Adam has a problem. What is he going to do? He can do one of two things. He can tell Eve, "You've blown it now, because remember God said, 'The day you eat of that tree you will die', and I'm sorry for you Eve. I mean I love you very much, but listen, I'm not going to mess around with that, because I know what God is, and I know Who He is, and I know what He said, and you're just going to go out there and have to wear it. I'm not having a thing to do with you or with the fruit." Now he could have said that, but if he had said that, you wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't be here today. Why not? Because the soul would have been eternally separated from the Spirit and there would have been no redemption. Can you hear that? Can you understand that? Because the soul having sinned would have been separated from God and would have had to die, while the Spirit remained true to God and lived. Can you hear this? So what did Adam do? Adam said, "Okay", and he took the fruit and he ate it. He did not eat that fruit in rebellion. He did not eat that fruit being deceived by the snake! Are you hearing this? HE ATE THAT FRUIT BECAUSE HE WAS PREPARED TO DIE, SO THAT THE SOUL COULD BE SAVED! Can you hear this? Of course, you know who Adam is, don't you? THAT'S CHRIST. That's Christ. The man in Genesis 1:26, who was Christ, the WORD, that dwelt with God and was God. He breathed into the nostrils of this MAN, the breath of life. That was the breath of God. That was the life of God. And, Adam said, "Okay, I am prepared to forfeit my life, in order that salvation might come to the soul".

I have read the entire paragraph above several times and cannot follow the logic here. There are so many flaws, and it is a rather poor attempt to try to explain away the fall of man. First, the assumption is made again that Adam was Christ; and that by Adam following Eve in eating the forbidden fruit, somehow this becomes the sacrifice that will lead to the salvation of the soul. It seems like disobedience to God is the way to salvation here. Secondly, the statement is made that Adam "did not eat that fruit in rebellion". I'm not going to quibble about whether it was rebellion or disobedience, but the fact remains, that God told Adam not to eat of that tree and Adam did eat. Supposedly, this is Adam (Christ) laying down his life for the soul. Here Des leads us to believe that this is the great sacrifice of Christ for all mankind, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Do you not see that this spits on the true cross of Christ at Calvary, and destroys the foundation of God's plan for salvation? Or maybe you think that I am reading too much into this, that he is not really saying this, well read on...



Go to verse 38. I am not going to read it all because it is this "begat", and that "begot", and this "begat", but in verse 38 it says, (and this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ, "which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of ADAM, WHICH WAS THE SON OF GOD". Adam the MAN is the SON OF GOD. That is who MAN is. That is Christ. Can you see it? Isn't it amazing? When somebody shows you these things, you say, "Yeah, why didn't I see that before".

Yes, Adam was created as the Son of God, but he fell (and us with him) through disobedience. Adam's close fellowship with God was broken because he chose to be his own god. Adam (that's all of us) died with Christ on the cross and was resurrected with Christ (see Rom chap. 6). This took place in the mind of God, in the spirit, from the beginning, but in actuality in the physical realm on Calvary's cross.



I want to tell you the babe in Bethlehem was no different from YOU WHEN YOU WERE BORN!!! He was no different from me when I was born. He was born of a woman and I am born of a woman. He was flesh and blood and I am flesh and blood. I don't know any God that is flesh and blood and who is born of a woman. God is Spirit and is eternal.

I understand that the thought here is to show us who we really are. Jesus is our Savior and Lord but also our older brother. The Father and the Son desire that we be "where they are". But to say that there are no differences in our birth and the birth of the babe in Bethlehem is not true. Jesus had no earthly father as we did. He had to be the lamb without spot or blemish. He did not inherit the Adamic nature from his father as we did. He was tempted in all the ways in which we are, yet without sin. His earthly state must have been similar in many ways to Adam's before the fall. Des states in another place that we also, like Jesus have God as our father and that is our true identity. That is true of course, in the Spirit, but it doesn't change the fact that we inherited a sinful nature from our earthly father that defiled the soul, the mind, and eventually the body. As the Bible states "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God". Rom. 5:8 states, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". Redemption was necessary and has been accomplished! Now God has restored us and "equipped" us..."till we all come to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ". (Eph 4:13). Interesting that the next verse adds: "that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine..."



Now let us go back to Hebrews 2:10, "For it was an act worthy of God and fitting to the divine nature that he, for whose sake and by whom all things have their existence, in bringing many sons into glory, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect, i.e. bring to maturity the human experience necessary for his perfect equipment for his office as high priest, through suffering." That was CHRIST. He was made perfect through sufferings. Where was the suffering? Not simply at the Cross but they began when Adam took the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Now the earth was cursed but not the man. Oh, by the way, we had better look over here at Timothy 2:11 first, because people say to me, "But Jesus Christ never sinned". I said, "I know that. You are not telling me something new."

Hebrews 2:10 is speaking of the pioneer of our salvation which is Jesus. It is again stated here that Adam and Jesus were the same person which means, according to this teaching, that Jesus disobeyed God. I don't think there is need of any further comment here.



Hebrews 2:10 is speaking of the pioneer of our salvation which is Jesus. It is again stated here that Adam and Jesus were the same person which means, according to this teaching, that Jesus disobeyed God. I don't think there is need of any further comment here.

Paul is speaking to Timothy his son in the faith, "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection". Hasn't the church hammered that one? "But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." So, what is Paul talking about here. Is it true that he has a dislike for women, saying they are not to teach in the church? He is saying, "Don't let the SOUL preach!" Of course, now you see, you've got a man standing in the pulpit, who wants to be called "father" but he is dressed like your mother, and He is just a LIVING SOUL (the female aspect of mankind,) expressing itself. And God said, "Get Him out of there! HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO TEACH". And how many preachers do we have that still minister out of the soul? And the soul is still teaching and preaching. That's what Paul is talking about, not that you women can't teach or preach, not that you have to be silent, and can't say anything in church, no, no, but it better not be out of the soul, because God says that's not good.

"For Adam was first formed, then Eve, and ADAM WAS NOT DECEIVED". ADAM WAS NOT DECEIVED. Underline it if you want to. He WAS NOT DECEIVED! "But the woman being deceived was in the transgression". So you can see that I am not attributing sin to Christ, you hear that? Paul tells me, Adam was not in the transgression. It was not the Spirit that sinned, it was the soul, and that is why you always read in the New Testament concerning, "the salvation of the soul", "save our souls" - SOS. Why? Because your SOUL NEEDS SAVING AND NOT YOUR SPIRIT. So Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

This text of scripture does NOT say that Adam "was not in the transgression", but only says "the woman was in the transgression". Other scriptures do speak of the transgression of Adam, such as Romans 5:14: "...death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam." Romans 5:12 states: "through one man sin entered the world...and death spread to all men". If Adam was Christ, as the teaching goes, and Adam sinned, then it follows that Christ sinned. Then how could he be the lamb without spot or blemish? I know that Des stated earlier that this wasn't really a sin, but a sacrifice of himself. Well then why does the Bible treat this over and over again as a sin, as disobedience? Why was Adam cast out of the garden and the earth cursed? Why was fellowship with God cut off?

Here are the answers I would expect to hear from defenders of these teachings: 1) You can't trust the writers of the Bible, they really didn't understand the whole plan of God. 2) The writers of the Bible were mostly steeped in Jewish tradition. 3) The Bible is a spiritual book, not to be taken literally, (which I agree with by the way). But this becomes a way to deal with every scripture that doesn't go along with the doctrine we wish to promote. 4) That's old order teaching, taught by "Christendom".

Gal. 1:6-8 states "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ to another gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."

Brothers and sisters, if we no longer have respect for the simple truths of the Bible, and no longer use it as a standard to guide us and to measure all other teachings by, then we have become exalted in our own mind, and open to all manner of deception. One might respond with "Oh, but the Bible has been used to justify every imaginable doctrine and behavior". That is probably true. But we being "the elect" and "the enlightened" of God can surely interpret the book accurately as it was intended.

If our teachings and beliefs are out of harmony with the written word, then we need to examine them. It doesn't matter if our beliefs make us feel good, feel special, feel loved, whatever...let's hunger for the truth above all else. There is a great danger to those who have come out of traditional Christianity. Many times we are looking for new truths, and seeking new revelations to help "bring us in". This is a detour! As Jesus said to Thomas, "...you know the way". Sometimes it's easier to go hear a great new teaching than to WALK in that which God has already shown us. It's almost like your typical fundamentalist church always having a new building project to keep the people excited. We should NOT seek new teachings, but seek HIM, and walk in what he has showed us. He will reveal new truth to us in his way and time.



You see this is a foundation that needs to be laid in your understanding, before you will understand the cross, so we need to hear the VOICE OF GOD and not the words of man. You need to understand these things, how man functions, how sin came into the world. Sin came into the world through the soul and not through the spirit. And you see, when God created man, He created Him in his own likeness and image, MALE AND FEMALE, or SPIRIT and SOUL united as one.

And if God is Spirit, we must also be Spirit, having come out of God, but after six thousand years of human history we have become convinced that what we see in the mirror is "me," and this is not true. You cannot see me for I am Spirit. You see the body that I live in, and that is what the government identifies as being me. They identify your "body" by your birth date, parents and photograph. But they can't identify your Spirit because they cannot see it. But we need to develop our spiritual identity in this life, because that is what cannot die but will continue on. If you have a spiritual identity in this life, you will have a spiritual identity in the next life. For we are part of a "Melchizedek order" and therefore there is no beginning and there is no end. Hallelujah!



The above paragraph states that the one Son, (the only Son), that God created was in Gen. 1:26. Actually that is true. But this was not the creation of Jesus Christ, but of Adam. They are not the same person. Adam was created. Christ was not created. In Heb. 7:3, likening Jesus to Melchizedek, it states:"...Having neither beginning of life nor end of days." In Heb 1: 2, talking about Jesus, it states: ".has in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the worlds." If the Son (Jesus Christ) was created in Gen 1:26 how could He create the worlds which were created first??? In the first chapter of John, the writer refers to the "Word" being "with God in the beginning", and states that "without him nothing was made that was made". In John 1:14, that "Word" was made flesh, which was obviously Jesus being born in Bethlehem. This same Christ from his beginning with God was lowered into our realm of vanity, "who was made a little lower than the angels" (Heb 1:9) and "who, being in the form of God...made himself of no reputation...coming in the likeness of men...being found in appearance as a man." (Phil. 2:7) From these verses it is clear to see that Jesus pre-existed with God, that the worlds, and Adam, were created through Jesus Christ.

Now we were "created in Christ Jesus" as stated above, but when exactly did this creation happen? No, it did not happen in the Garden of Eden. If you will read all of Ephesians Chapter 2, you will see that it was by the sovereign working of God through his mercy and grace. "And you he made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins." (Eph 2:1). We were dead and now we are sovereignly made alive ".by the blood of Christ." (Eph 2:13) Now our identity is CHRIST.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, do you not see that the above paragraph that I have highlighted, and many other statements in this writing, attempt to do away with original sin, and therefore salvation and redemption through the blood of Jesus. I am sorry if you believe that you were divine from birth, and that your main problem is that you have not "realized" who you are; i.e. your incarnate divinity. If you believe this then you will feel right at home in the Unity Church or in any of the many New Age fellowships that have sprung up. Actually, these types of teachings are not new at all but just a rehashing of false doctrine that has been around for centuries. Yes, we do need to know our true identity; but it comes through the knowledge of Him who died for us. Through his mercy and grace He raised us up to sit with him in the heavenly places.

Please continue to the next highlighted passage, for it is very damaging to the heart of the gospel, and you need to be aware of the error here.



want you to understand that God does not need the shedding of LITERAL blood to set you free. Christendom has tried to convince us that God has always demanded BLOOD Sacrifices. But remember what Jesus said when he came into the world. "Sacrifice and offerings and offering for sins you did not desire and neither did you have pleasure in them." Heb 10:5 & 8. (See also Jer. 7:22) The idea of blood sacrifice came from the Hebrew concept of God under the Old Covenant. They thought that God demanded the blood of some animal or, in the case of our redemption, the blood of His only begotten Son.

So God does not need the shedding of LITERAL blood. This statement should make you angry as it does me. Jesus shed his LITERAL blood for us in agony on the cross. He didn't have to do this, he did so willingly. There was a terrible price to be paid for our sins and he paid it, so you don't have to! The shedding of blood was not only an old covenant practice, but "blood" is found 101 times in the New Testament. It is amazing to me that I find myself having to defend the basic truths of the New Testament. Come on people of God, let's see this for what it is!

What would you say if I asked you, "What is the blood that cleanses you from sin?" Most Christians would say, "Well, it would be the blood of Jesus when he died on the cross". Do you mean the blood that was in the veins of that man called Jesus? "Yes". But he was a mortal man and the blood of a mortal man cannot save you from sin. Anyway that blood fell to the ground, so I don't know how he would pick it up and take it into the Most Holy Place, according to the analogy of the tabernacle. It had to be something else.

Brothers and sisters I hope you are seeing what is being said here. I only have one verse to quote in response to the rubbish that was just stated, and it should be sobering: "Of how much worse punishment...will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the spirit of grace". Heb.10:29.



what is the function of the seraphs? Well, in Isaiah 6, you can read for yourself, that when the prophet went into the temple he saw the Lord high and lifted up with his train filling the temple. The sight so overcame him that he cried out, "Lord, I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among a people of unclean lips, and Lord have mercy on me". At that very moment a seraphim flew across to the altar and they picked up a live coal and brought it over to Isaiah and touched his lips and said, "Your iniquity is cleansed and you are purged from your sin." Your lips are now clean and you are clean, and there wasn't any sacrifice there, because the seraphim are the guardians of God's holiness, and they also take care of the fire of God. They were in charge, if you like, of the fire department, not putting it out, but keeping it burning. You see, it was the fire that cleansed him. Again, please notice there was no blood sacrifice. He was cleansed by fire, not by blood sacrifice.

This does not do away with blood sacrifice. There are many ways to be cleansed according to the Bible, such as by fire, by baptism, or simply by the spoken word. This in no way does away with the blood of Christ as the means for our salvation!



SALVATION, beloved, is LOOK and LIVE.

NO, salvation is to repent and believe in the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

That's what Jesus is telling us in John 3. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, in the same way must the Son of man be lifted up." Oh, well then who does the serpent on the pole represent? The answer must be, "The one who died upon the CROSS who was lifted up just like the serpent in the wilderness." This is Adam from the Garden of Eden. What in the world is it that makes you sin? What is it that every time I want to do good I can't do it, but I find that I am doing the thing that I don't want to do. What is causing me to live like that?

Above it is stated unequivocally that Adam from the Garden of Eden is the one who died on the cross. So again it is written that Jesus and Adam is the same person. This has already been commented on, and I find it an absurd statement!



And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed, saying, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done". What is the cup that he is drinking? Well, back in the Garden of Eden he took the fruit from Eve, and he ate it, not in rebellion nor in deception but with his eyes wide open. He knew the consequences both of eating that fruit of good and evil, and also what would be the result of abstaining from eating the fruit. Do you realize what would have been the result of Adam not sharing the fruit with Eve? Let me tell you. If Adam had refused to join Eve in eating of the tree of good and evil the soul would have been eternally separated from the Spirit and there would have been no salvation for any man!! Think about it!

This is quite a stretch to say that this CUP was his eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The CUP which was still ahead of him was his offering of his body on the cross and the taking of the sin of the world upon himself. It is also ridiculous to state "there would be no salvation for any man" if Adam had not followed Eve in eating of the fruit! How silly to think that Adam had to disobey God in order to bring salvation to mankind! God foreknew that that Adam and Eve would sin and he had a plan for that.



Those people destroyed themselves, because whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps. Sow to the flesh and you will reap corruption. Sin and its consequences have nothing to do with God. But Christendom considers that SIN has outraged God, demanding that he give his only begotten son as a sin offering, instead of destroying mankind. It's like God says, "I'll tell you what I am going to do. I can't forgive you unless I have a BLOOD SACRIFICE so here is the deal. This time an animal sacrifice is not sufficient so I will kill my only SON on the Cross of Calvary. Then when he is dead and his blood has been poured out then I will be satisfied, and forgive only those who repent.

This may be how some immature Christians would view Christ's sacrifice. The sacrifice for sin is only one part of God's great plan. We died with Him on that cross. He died AS us. Therefore we are delivered from Adam, and placed IN CHRIST. Not only that, but in the great plan of God, Christ died for ALL men. Love is all that motivates God.


JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT THE SIN OFFERING. He was made to BE THE MAN OF SIN or the last Adam who is responsible for our mistaken identity, and the illusion of our mortality and this physical material world.

I have to disagree again. YES, he was the sin offering as it says in 2 Cor.5:21: "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us". And NO, He was not the "man of sin". The only man of sin in the bible is the "son of perdition" in 2 Thes. 2:3. And Jesus was certainly not the son of perdition! The LAST Adam was not responsible for the problems we have, but the FIRST Adam. The FIRST Adam was a sinner; the last Adam was the Savior. The FIRST was a creation, the LAST was the creator. 1 Cor. 15:22 states "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive". 1 Cor. 15:47 states "the first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven". Therefore, how are the first and second Adam the same person??? The only way to try to create a doctrine like this is to pervert the writings of the New Testament, and spiritualize away the plain and clear teachings of the Bible. There may be some who will read this who no longer find the Bible to be relevant. I am sorry but the truth of the written word confirms or refutes what we consider to be the truth. And I don't mean obscure passages easily twisted to conform to one's doctrine. If I was to just state my opinions and my feelings, with nothing to confirm it, and you were to do the same, then we would just be having a "free for all" discussion; I feel it's this way, and you feel it's that way, like boats on a lake with no rudder, going in circles.



What about Jesus, what happened to him? Well, he died because he was flesh and blood also just like me. There was NO JESUS that rose from the dead. How glad I am for that, because otherwise I would also have gone through the cross and remained the same mortal human being I was before.

Maybe I'm missing something here. I don't follow the logic that if the "flesh and blood" Jesus had risen from the dead "...I would also have gone through the cross and remained the same mortal human being I was before". This makes no sense to me at all. I see no point in quoting the multitude of scriptures that talk of the "physical" resurrection of Jesus. Was he the same "mortal human being" that he was before? Of course not! I don't know too many physical mortal human beings that walk through walls for example. But the body of Jesus was raised from the dead, Thomas touched Him and was converted from unbelief.



Well I thought maybe things were changing for the better, but I am afraid not. I am bothered by the statement that when we worship Christ we worship ourselves and the congregation. Yes, Christ is in us and is our hope of glory. Our identity is now Christ and not Adam. We need to understand that. But it is Jesus, God's Son, who died for us and should have the glory! This is not some "generic" Christ that is floating around and now has no connection to the person of Jesus. It is the name of Jesus that has been made higher than any other name (not the name of Christ). At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow! Jesus shed His blood for our salvation---not Des Walter-or Steve Wright-or any of the saints. It is not some "Christ" blood, but the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the man who fulfilled his father's will in every way. Yes, we can worship the Christ within us, I understand that, but it is not ourselves or the congregation that we are worshipping. None of us are worthy of any worship, we didn't do anything. Only one man did, and you know who He is. If that is who you are glorifying than you are giving God glory. If you are worshipping some "generic" Christ who is now separate from Jesus, you are worshipping yourself and the saints. Jesus has become the head of the body. He is the head and we are his body. The scriptures state: "He who honors THE SON honors the Father".

In the above writing we have seen some foundational truths of the Bible trashed. I will summarize some of the major errors:

1) Adam and Jesus were the same person. Jesus had to come back to correct his failings in the Garden of Eden and make things right.
2) Adam did not really sin in the Garden of Eden, but partook of Eve's sin knowingly in order to not lose her (the soul), having the idea that he would eventually redeem her.
3) There was no original sin, because either Adam did not really sin (the writing is not clear on this point) or if he did sin, we are not related to him anyway because our origin has always been Christ.
4) Neither the blood nor the cross is the means to our salvation. These things only make God out to be a bloodthirsty vengeful God. Besides, if there is no original sin, we don't even need salvation.
5) Our salvation comes through revelation and an understanding of who we really are, and all of our problems are a result of not knowing who we are. (I don't have a problem with that except that this is not an end in itself. Our actual salvation is through the cross and blood of Jesus and in no other way. To try to enter any other way is as "a thief and a robber").
6) The actual person of Jesus did not raise from the dead, only Christ. (This becomes confusing, because obviously the mortal body of Jesus was changed, He was given a new glorified body that could no longer die. Paul referred to Him later as CHRIST JESUS. The same One who died upon the cross, is the same One who existed with the Father from the beginning. He finished his work and is now seated at the right hand of the Father until all his enemies are destroyed. The mystery is that he also lives in us, to do the will of the Father through us on the Earth.)

Some will probably say "What about all the good and beneficial things contained in these writings? Is it not possible to take the good and leave the bad?" My response is that I have not talked to very many people yet who even knew that these things were being taught. Most people have just heard some new things that they liked, and got the "new revelation rush" and that was it. We all have some misunderstandings in our thinking. I don't know anyone who sees it all perfectly. But these things I have pointed out are way beyond common misunderstandings. They undermine God's purposes and demean our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May God keep us pure in our understanding,




The Lost Books of the Bible


The Church View:
In the Catholic Church the version used is the Douay-Rheims Bible consisting of 73 books. In the Protestant church only the 66 books approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1885, which today is known as the Authorized King James Bible, are used. No other books, neither the Apocrypha, which was included in the original King James Bible, nor the 22 books mentioned or quoted in the King James Bible, are considered inspired.

The Bible View:
There was no specific list or accounting of all the books that made up the Bible until the commission of the first Bible by the Emperor Constantine in the 4th Century AD. The books that make up the Authorized King James Bible were chosen by men, not divine forces. The language of the King James Bible is obscure and limited.

An Introduction

Human history has allowed precious few ancient religious writings to survive the onslaught of the more aggressive and powerful religious forces, which seek only to gain territory and wealth. Genocide and cultural eradication always go hand in hand with missionary zeal. In many cases every trace of the conquered society's religious writings, practices, icons, and even buildings were destroyed, in the name of conversion from worship of gods considered evil, and religious customs labeled as heresies. What generally results from past crusades is the conqueror's religion replacing or predominantly blending with the conquered culture's former religious practice, making the its religion almost unrecognizable. Christianity falls into the latter category, having been the victim of the Roman Empire, under the Emperor Constantine, who blended the Christian Church with the institutionalized "pagan" practices of Rome and eliminated any semblance of either the Jewish religious influence or the first church Jesus established during his ministry.

The First Reformation

After solidifying his position to gain complete control of the western portion of the empire in 312, the Emperor Constantine instituted the Edict of Milan, a "Magna Carta of religious liberty," which eventually changed the Empire’s religion and put Christianity on an equal footing with paganism. Almost overnight the position of the Christian Church was reversed from persecuted to legal and accepted. Constantine began to rely on the church for support, and it on him for protection. The Church and the Empire formed an alliance, which remains to this day. Very rapidly, the laws and policies of the Empire and the doctrine of the Church became one with Constantine as the interpreter of both law and policy. This was accomplished by eliminating hundreds of books thought to be against "Church" doctrine and watering down what remained by blending Christian beliefs and practice with long established Roman sanctioned pagan worship.
Constantine believed that the Church and the State should be as close as possible. Constantine tolerated pagan practices, keeping pagan gods on coins and retaining his pagan high priest title "Pontifex Maximus" in order to maintain popularity with his former subjects. In 330 he began an assault on paganism but used a clever method of persuasion to force people to follow the laws by combining pagan worship with Christianity. He made December 25th, the birthday of the pagan Unconquered Sun god, the official holiday now celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. He also replaced the weekly day of worship by making rest on Saturday unlawful and forcing the new religion to honor the first, not the seventh day, as a day of rest. As a way of defining his concept of the new universal religion he simply classified everything "Jewish" to be an abomination. Considering almost every aspect of the Bible is "Jewish" by association, every doctrinal biblical principle was changed or eliminated. After 337 Constantine increased his purging of the more obvious aspects of paganism.
Through a series of Universal Councils, he and his successors completely altered doctrine without regard to biblical edict, set up a church hierarchy of his own design, and established a set of beliefs and practices, which are the basis for all mainstream Bible-based churches. The separation of the Protestants and the Roman Church caused a physical split but the beliefs and practices established by Constantine remained almost identical. Very little has changed since the 4th century Councils changed the face of Christianity. An effective practice instituted was the purging of any book in the formerly accepted biblical works, over 80% of the total, that church leaders felt did not fit within their new concept of Christianity. The doctrines and practices remaining in the surviving books were effectively eradicated by simply changing them by replacing clear scripture with Church-sanctioned doctrine.

Forbidden Not Lost

Constantine began what was to become a centuries long effort to eliminate any book in the original Bible that was considered unacceptable to the new doctrine of the church. At that time, it is believed there were up to 600 books, which comprised the work we now know as the Bible. Through a series of decisions made by the early church leadership, all but 80 of those books, known as the King James Translation of 1611, were purged from the work, with a further reduction by the Protestant Reformation bringing the number to 66 in the "Authorized" King James Bible.
What we now have in Bible-based religion, whether labeled as "Catholic", or Protesting Catholic, known as "Protestant", is unrecognizable form either the Hebrew religion, now known as the Jewish religion, or the church established at Jerusalem by the Apostles and disciples of Jesus. The practices of this first church are not practiced by any major religion and they are almost unknown, despite being clearly outlined in the existing New Testament. In its place are doctrines and practices first established in the first "true" Reformation of Christianity begun by Constantine.
There is much controversy over how many books the Bible should actually contain but considering the depth and scope of those few works remaining in the "accepted" Bible, we see but a fragment of incredible wisdom and history. A study of the Lost Books of the Bible is incomplete without a clear understanding that this is not a matter of simple loss, but a campaign by the Roman Catholic Church to purge books variously classified as heretical, dangerous, and corruptive. To the public they are "lost"; to the Church they are "forbidden". Although the exact number of books purged is known only to the Church, and not shared knowledge, some can be determined by the discovery of their presence in the church prior to the reformation resulting in what became known as the Roman "Universal" Church.
One of the more obvious forms of discovery comes from the surviving books themselves, which sight works not present in the existing collection. Also many do not know that the Apocryphal books were actually included in the King James translation until they were officially purged by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1885. Other writings also connect many books to the first church. Whatever the number before the purge by the formation of Catholicism by Constantine; even one lost book is a great loss indeed.
We claim no expertise concerning the authenticity of any the lost books and leave this judgment to the reader. We do, however, strongly reject the self-proclaimed authority of any dogmatically motivated and church-controlled mortals who think themselves qualified to make such decisions. One of the most logical and realistic concepts in the Bible is the caution that one should prove all things. We believe that proving the veracity of a given thing is an individual responsibility, which must not, and should not be the duty of those who think themselves better judges.

This section is divided into the following categories:

The Apocryphal, Or Deuterocanonical Books
The 15 books, known as the Apocrypha, were not officially removed from the English printings of the
King James Bible until 1885 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, leaving only 66 books from the original 81.

The Real New Testament
The books of the New Testament of the Bible were chosen by one man who was a servant of the Emperor Constantine and did that choosing to satisfy Constantine's agenda to completely reform early Christianity.

Books Mentioned But Not Found
Besides the Apocryphal books eliminated from the Bible used by Protestant Church
there are, at least, 28 other books mentioned in scripture, which do not appear in the Bible.

Books Removed From, Or Associated With, The Bible
The known books believed to have been removed from the original collection.

Books HYPERLINK "anomlostbooks6.htm"On This Site
The Lost Books that appear in their entirety on this site.

Anomalies In The Apocryphal Books
The anomalies connecting the Apocrypha to the Authorized King James Bible and the
advanced technology of the Elohiym.

Anomalies In The Lost Books
The Lost Books of the Bible contain the same aerial anomalies, beings and people
flying up into the sky, and enigmatic events as the King James Bible.


7) In this article, Tony Salmon is telling us that GOD gave him this understanding:


by Tony Salmon

The God within will never fail me, I AM beginning to UNDERSTAND the truth, for UNDERSTANDING and KNOWING the truth opens that dimension to us.

I AM learning to turn to the God within. Underneath the veil of flesh He waits, so quietly, so patiently for me to see Him. He loves, He waits, He is patient, kind, never critical of my wayward flesh for the manifestations of that wrong thinking are only a school to bring me to that place of surrender and to cease the carnal efforts of dead works that I might turn to the new and LIVING way, that I might turn within and see the I AM. He is the highest thought within that my carnal reasoning can never comprehend, yet that higher consciousness IS me, for before Abraham was...I AM!

Jesus came to show us the Father...isn't that statement enough to cause us to see the truth? While preaching I would often say of Jesus that if God were a man, that (Jesus) is exactly what He (God) would look like.

But I have missed the simple truth.

Jesus looked exactly like you and me.

No different at all.

Show us the Father and that will suffice us?

But you are looking at him and cannot see the forest for the trees.

For if you've seen me, you've seen the Father.

If I hold a balloon, I can breathe life into it. The balloon takes shape because the air gives it shape and life. The air in the balloon we cannot see, but we know it is there...so is everyone who is born of the Spirit! We do not see the air because it is a combination of gasses with molecules moving at a very high rate of speed which gives it life, a higher, less dense consistency than that which we call matter.

The Bible says Jesus is the IMAGE of the invisible God. An image is a likeness, literally a statue, the shape of or representation of something else. Jesus the man was only a shell containing the essence of the Father which is Spirit or BREATH, wind. Once we look past our wall of flesh we begin to see Him. Within Jesus' shell, or balloon, there was only God, nothing else, for in reality there is nothing else. And He reminded us of the simple truth, that when God formed Adam, all He did was BREATHE into him, He simply put Himself in the shell called Adam or man. There were not two, God and Adam, man, there was only one...God manifesting Himself as Adam.

You are the creator of your own hell, your own demons, and your own opposition. You created these monsters so that one day they would ultimately point you back to the reality of God within, and as the truth begins to dawn in your heart, the monsters and demons who have served their purpose will begin to fade away.

Adam IMAGINED himself an entity separate from God which created a world of opposites or opposition. Imagining himself to be separate from His Father IS a fall, and that fall or separation is responsible for all of mankind's pain and distress. At the cross, the Lord Jesus destroyed the veil...He said, "YOU tear down this temple that I may rebuild it!" He destroyed the temple of flesh and poured out or shed the lower realms of light (human blood) that all the hindrances to seeing God within would be taken out of the way. "Eat my flesh, drink my blood...get it out of your way that you might live."

At the cross Jesus destroyed the IMAGE of God that the REALITY of God might be seen and that the essence of the Father which is BREATH, LIFE, or CHRIST in you might be revealed.

At the cross Jesus ended ALL enmity which is OPPOSITION and DUALITY, the double mindedness that thinks we are something other than what God is.

Did not God tell Moses to tell Pharaoh that I AM hath sent me?

Say that a couple of times...go ahead...say, "I AM sent me." Say it a few times, I dare you.

Now say, "I AM going to the mall."

"I AM going for a walk."

"I AM visiting a friend."

"I AM waking up."

Could it be that you already KNOW the truth that slips out of your mouth by calling yourself I AM?

Did not God tell Moses that he (Moses) would be as GOD to the children of Israel?

Will you recognize your Bible now or will it be a brand new book?

Could this truth be hidden, veiled throughout all its leaves?

Look at this one..."Verily (truly) Thou art a God that hidest Thyself, oh God of Israel, the Savior." (Is.45:15). Where does He hide Himself, is it not within, behind our wall of flesh?

Jesus destroyed the image at the cross. He tore the veil giving us access through His flesh into the eternal heavens within, consecrating for us what He called a NEW and LIVING way. (Heb.10:20).

What are we told to do with the images in our grove?

Smash the damn things!

Turn to God, the I AM in you. Be still and KNOW that I AM God!

Jesus is Lord and unto Him shall every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

But there is more.

Every knee will bow, every tongue will swear that "I AM God, and there is none (nothing, no one) else (Is. 45:22)", and knowing that truth is what SAVES (delivers) you.

He stands behind our WALL (flesh) and looks through the windows (eyes). (Ca.2:9). It is HE within you, but yet it is I within you.

Until the DAY break, and the shadows (type and antitype) FLEE AWAY, TURN, my Beloved, and be thou like (be in the LIKENESS of, or be as) a roe or a young hart upon the MOUNTAINS of BETHER (SEPARATION!!!). (Songs of Solomon 2:17).

Until the new Day DAWNS in our consciousness or understanding, we see TYPES and SHADOWS of Christ. Until that Day when we hear His Voice within and awaken He comes leaping upon our mountains of separation and appears as our lover desiring to court us. Revelation 6:14 declares that every MOUNTAIN and every ISLAND, everything that separates us from Him, were removed out of their place. Once we awaken, the veil that separates is removed and we see the eternal truth that...

I and my Father are ONE.

Prophesy, son of man, and say to your mountain of separation, "Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done." (Matt.21:21).


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Craig W Leris


Craig W. Lewis Sunday, September 21, 2008

As A First Time Guest To The Website I Welcome You.

I feel it is very important that you understand who I am and what this website is all about. I was married for over 35 years. I have a son and daughter and am a proud grandparent too. I was raised on "The Flying 'L' Ranch" , which was then owned by my father in Wyoming. I have served in several ministerial positions. My formal ministry began in the 70's and since that time have served in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas in the fields of Music, Youth and Education. I also Pastored a Denominational Church in New Mexico and another in Colorado. After receiving the knowledge of The Holy Spirit (or the fullness of the Christ), I left our denomination and Pastored a Non-Denominational Church in Colorado before moving to Phoenix Arizona. I held leadership positions with a ministry formerly called Marriage Ministries International during a span of 15+ years. I also participated in several of the Healing Explosion Crusades with Charles and Francis Hunter, (Hunter Ministries). I was blessed to serve as a supervisor of the healing teams at a number of those crusades. Since leaving formal ministry I also served in several churches mostly in the area of Helps and Healing Team Ministries. New Life International, Inc. which I formed in 1986, is now a Web-Based ministry which is being used to disseminate information and teachings from and about the Word of God. This newest endeavor is to get out information concerning the Kingdom of God as it is being revealed by the Father.

Most of my ministry time I have served as "Bi-Vocational Pastor" meaning I took very little if any salary for my ministry and instead raised much of my own support by working various jobs such as; police officer, public school teacher & school administrator, social service director, horse trainer, & ski instructor, & having several businesses over the last 35 years to include, automobile wholesale dealer, and in my own financial services agency, all at various times while ministering. Your donations and prayer support for the ministry have always been welcome and most appreciated by me over the years. Thank You All!

I would now like to give a short narrative of the 5 major paradigm shifts in my life. A paradigm in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language means: "A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline." I definitely have had some changes over my life pertaining to my assumptions, concepts, values & practices. Especially as it related to my beliefs, and doctrines and my theology.

My first paradigm shift was when I were born naturally. Does that surprise you? I thought that the world as I knew it was suspended in liquid, quite dark and confining. I got my nourishment from a tube connected to my belly. What a surprise awaited me as I entered into the second phase of my life. I'm sure you can relate to the changes that took place at that point. I now had to learn to fend for myself in this strange new world which my "Eyes and Ears had been closed to". There were all kinds of "New" things, (which had been there all along), but had just now been revealed to me. Now I saw in a much different light and I was able to hear things that I had never heard before. What an exciting time to explore this new revelation of life. What a time of education and exploration of these "new things."

My second paradigm shift was when I heard and read the Word of God and understood that I could be re-born. This time "spiritually" born, by realizing the sacrifice of Jesus' death while on the cross and the fact that God raised that same Jesus from the dead to new life. That we have salvation as a free gift and have eternal life with God. In faith I acknowledged Jesus sacrifice and Oh!, what a blessing and a change in my life that brought. That void in my life was suddenly filled with the knowledge and peace of Almighty God within me. It had always been there resident in me and written in God's word but my eyes and ears had previously been blinded and deafened to the truth of their existence. An experience hard to explain but yet experienced within myself. Oh, what a change in my life took place compared to where I had previously been. To experience a life with meaning and at last to be aware and sure of my eternal destiny. To know God and experience the presence of God the Father in my life.

My third paradigm shift was when I came into the knowledge that I needed the Holy Spirit. I had always believed and been taught by our denomination that when we accepted our salvation in Jesus, that the Holy Spirit was part of the package. But when God revealed the truth and spoke it into my spirit, and in faith I received the Holy Spirit, I experienced a whole new dimension in God that I had not had prior. One of authority, and power, and enlightenment to the very scriptures themselves as the Holy Spirit began to then teach me of the things of God. They had been there all along, my eyes and ears had simply been "blinded and deafened to the truth" of their existence. Oh what a change in my life took place. That was the beginning of my real ministry within the body of Christ. We were now endued with power from on high. The ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit began to come forth in my life. I began to see miracles by my own hands.

My fourth paradigm shift was when I came into the revelation of the establishment of God's Kingdom here on earth. A Kingdom not made with hands. The Kingdom of heaven in which the King of Kings reigns. The Kingdom Jesus spoke so often of. This paradigm shift is so dramatic and life altering that it is impossible to put into proper words. As you who have experienced the first 3 paradigm shifts you can attest to how difficult it is to convey in words what God had done in your life and how you know it really is of God. So it is with the Kingdom of God. It must be understood in Spirit because it is a Spiritual Kingdom which God is calling men to. Not an earthly kingdom like we saw the early Christians seek after. Jesus taught them these things but many did not have eyes to see nor ears to hear what he was telling them. In order for you to understand it you must pray that the Holy Spirit would teach you of it, and that your spiritual eyes and ears might be open to what the Spirit is saying.

The Kingdom of God will not be taught of man. It will only be revealed to us by the Father. Just as Jesus never did or said anything except the Father told him. It Will be no different in this day. Each paradigm shift must proceed the other. You cannot have access to the fullness of the Holy Spirit until you have come to the realization that you are a Son of God through the spiritual awakening or "re-birthing" of the salvation which has been provided to ALL mankind. In the same way you can not enter into the Kingdom of God without the fullness and witness of the Holy Spirit. It is He who will guide you into all truth.

There will be many in the days ahead who will speak "Words" of the Kingdom, but will not really have a clue what they are saying. God will speak through them but they themselves will still be blinded to the truth. There are others who will actually see the revelation of the Kingdom, but because of the "Riches" of their man-made "ministry kingdoms" that they are ruling over, they will have great difficulty entering into The Kingdom of God which is not made with hands. Matthew 19:23-24 Jesus himself said concerning the Kingdom, "I tell you the truth, (or Assuredly in KJ version), it is very hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven, (or Kingdom of Spiritual places)." Vs 24, "I say it again, --- It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, (Eye of needle refers to a place at which contests were held to see what camels, with very great difficulty, could go through a special shaped rock formation called "the eye of a needle".), than for a rich person to enter into the Kingdom of God." Today many churches have become in a sense The Babylonian Church of Today. A Church which is intermingled with the things and ways of the world. Living in a world of worldly prosperity and power. In contrast, our example Jesus came as a meek servant yet walked in spiritual power and might. In the True Kingdom of God, The Father is above every part of the body. Jesus and the Father are one, and as Christ he is Head of the Body. Everything is His. All the money, the homes, the jobs, the family, the church, the ministry, etc. Those who realize this are the true ministers of "faith". So many people today are being duped into sending in their money to various ministries with the hope of reaping a large harvest of money. Earthly riches and carnal desires of the world is their real motivation. Many, because of their own greed and lust for the things of the world send it in and then usually nothing happens. Next they feel they somehow are not spiritual enough. Men are being judged as to how spiritual they are by how much money they accumulate. Instead let us learn of the Father and His Kingdom. then ALL things can be entrusted to us by the Father, Then we will not waste them on selfish desires and carnal things of the world. Instead we will use them as HE directs us to use it. It's not a tenth that is His. It's ALL His! When we have gotten to the state of being dead to ourselves and alive only to God, Then will all heaven be opened and the true richness of the King of Glory be manifested. Only then will we really prosper and be in health. First spiritually, and then in the natural. Much more can be found on our "Study Topic Pages" concerning these truths from the word of God.

The Church age is passing and the Third Day Kingdom Age is coming to fullness. They are as different as the three major feasts found in the Old Testament. The Feast of Passover, represents salvation as originally portrayed by the eating of the lamb and the covering of the slain lamb's blood over the doorposts. We must have the Slain Lamb of God, (Jesus), in us, and have His spilled blood covering the door posts of our life (our inner spirit). Then there was the 2nd major feast which represents the manifestation of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and the Church Age. It is interesting to note that this was the only feast where God commanded "leavened" bread be brought as a sacrifice. Then when it was waved before God by the priest as God had commanded, God rejected, and did not accept it. This represents the church of today. Leaven always has represented sin. And the present day church as a whole has a mix of leaven, or sin, or the way of the world, or earthly, Adamic carnality mixed into it. And God will never have his son marry a bride, the church, who is defiled. Entering into the Kingdom will involve a "purifying as by fire" of each who enters in. And then there is the last major Feast, the Feast of Tabernacles which represents the Kingdom Age. This is the feast where the priest would enter behind the veil, into the Holy of Holies, to enter into the very presence of Almighty God Himself. Jesus Christ made It possible at Calvary for ALL to enter in to the presence of the Father. There are still many today who have not entered in. Others are going through the purification stage of trial as by fire from on high. Sadly though most Christians today are found in the "outer court" being ministered to but never really entering into the fullness of God. There will always be a continued need for those who are in the "inner-court ministry" (the organized church and the fivefold ministry), to minister to the masses and point them to the Father. But the scriptures tell us that few will enter into the fullness of the "Holy of Holies, or Most Holy Place, to become one with the Father in his Kingdom. It is this place that no one will place himself, but rather the Father must place in position to reign as Sons, with His First Born Son, Jesus the Christ, over the Kingdom of God. It is there that they become one with the Father.

All of these things are being revealed to those who are hungry and thirsty after righteousness, Those who are tired of the religious Pharisee type ministries who are administering the things of God as by the law with rules, regulations and ordinances. They are not hearing and seeing those things which are being revealed spiritually by the Father. Men cannot understand spiritual things with their natural minds and reasoning. Spiritual things are only revealed to us by God.

My fifth and most recent paradigm shift happened on February 22, 2005 when I had a severe heart attack. I was dead for 23 minutes. After returning to my body I waited another 45 minutes and then underwent a 2 hour procedure to place three stints in the main artery on the right side of my heart as there was no blood flow to that side. It was reported that the left side was severely blocked as well but still getting some blood flow. It was decided at that time that a decision as to what would be done would happen 7-8 weeks later as my heart needed to recover from lack of blood for almost 3 hours. At that time I would have a nuclear stress test done to determine how much damage had been done.

While in intensive care the next day I was able to get out of bed (still hooked up to an array of tubes and wires), and sit. While sitting alone I was suddenly surrounded by a clear, odorless, almost opaque substance which I can only describe as similar to oil in appearance. Then it disappeared and I got back into bed. I did not tell anyone as I wasn't sure what I had observed or why. The next day I was again out of bed sitting in a chair alone when a substance which can only be described by me as an almost opaque smoke and which behaved similar to that of dry ice but with a slight grayish hue appeared. It began at the edges of all four walls in the room along the floor and increased until it reached my feet and the whole floor was covered. I could not feel or sense it except by sight. It then began to rise until it filled the entire room. At that moment I asked, "Lord, Am I able to see things spiritually that I could not before?" Suddenly a voice spoke audibly and said, "The smoke from the alter of incense filled the Most Holy Place." At that moment I realized I was in the presence of Almighty God. Then the smoke-like substance dissolved into thin air. I climbed back into bed and just a few minutes later was interrupted by my daughter and son-in-law coming to visit me. Before I could tell them about my experience we were interrupted by the head nurse who informed me that a gentleman wanted to see me and wondered if one of my relatives could leave so he could come in. (Hospital rules of only two visitors at a time). my daughter left and a man who I regard as a great man of God and also as a personal friend whom I had not seen for awhile walked in. He sat at the foot of my bed and folded his arms and gave me a great big old smile. Then he asked, "What did God show you this morning?" I relayed the occurrences of the last two mornings and then he put his head back and laughed. Then he said "God is so cool!" Then he fixed his eyes on me and said, "God woke me up this morning and told me to come to the hospital and give you this word." This is the word which was given to me at that time. " The other day you died. You no longer have a past and you no longer have a future, for I am the God of the present. The purpose which you were placed here on earth for was accomplished. Your only responsibility which you now have is to do whatever I put in front of you, and to say whatever comes to you to say, nothing else. The only responsibility you have to anyone else including your family is the responsibility Christ has to them." That word came on the second day of my hospital stay in the intensive care unit. That evening I was moved to a regular hospital room. The next morning a series of miraculous events began to happen and lasted the next 3 days until I was released. Someday maybe I will write of those events both in the hospital and days following which confirmed that my experience was real.

Exactly one month to the day I received an anonymous email which said, "When Craig died in the emergency room, with his death passed all the heavenly goals he was given to accomplish in the Earth. If he accomplished them, great. If not, there is no going back to re-live that life. His ownership of stuff, his life plans, goals, ministry, ambitions, preferences and reputation went with him. God did not raise you up from the dead to finish living that life. That man is gone with all that was his. Let judgment day be accomplished for him. The rewards and corrections of that life will be revealed on that Great Day.

The man raised up to live now is to live as an angel, a messenger, a voice from heaven, with nothing to gain or lose except the pleasure of his maker in every given day. The provision for the moment is more than enough. As long as he lives during this day, and for any more days he is requested by his maker to continue in this body of flesh, he will joy in the glory of his redeemer and be the blessing of God to all he encounters. The family he used to be responsible for are now in the care of an under the abundant provision of their Savior. The extent to which this resurrected man is honored to bless them, love them, give of himself to them and intercede for them like Our High Priest does, is one aspect and facet of how Christ himself desires to minister to them.

Each day is a new life. No beginning of days. Each moment is a lifetime. No ending of days. If Christ desires you to remain in this Earth Realm forever, you will pay whatever cost involved to make that happen. We die daily. We are raised to walk in newness of (eternal), life daily."

Since my death I have seen God's word in a new way. I took a year off to learn and consider these things. I have heard many things from the Father. One very important thing He said to me one day on my way while driving to attend Church was, " I see you are going to church this morning." then a long pause, then "I guess I am going also." which for some reason seemed to amuse me. Then he said, and I will never forget it, "There won't be much for me to do though. They already have everything planned." On another occasion He said to me. "Because of Religion, most men have never known me!, Including yours!" Needless to say my walk now is somewhat changed from before.

As you enter our website you will learn to be as the Bereans were in Acts 17:11. "The people of Berea were more open minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul's message. THEY SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAY AFTER DAY TO CHECK UP ON PAUL AND SILUS, TO SEE IF THEY WERE TEACHING THE TRUTH." You will find that many of the "Truths and Doctrines and Beliefs" we hold so dearly, when researched will show historically that they are half truths, with error, and often completely wrong due to various bible translators. Yet often we have believed what ever was told to us. We were taught based on what a denomination or a previous pastor or teacher or bible school taught, ( Religion). Sometimes we believed it because of the particular translation we were using. There are even bestselling books, which by the way are fiction, which people are believing to be truths concerning the end times. I ask, "have you ever wondered why we have so many denominations? Each states that they have the truth. We must learn to only accept the word when The Father, through the Holy Spirit, reveals it to us. We must put aside our "Carnal Knowledge" of the Word. The Pharisees and Sadducees had human knowledge of the scriptures and yet had no clue to what Jesus was showing them of the Kingdom of God. Yet they were highly educated and were very knowledgeable about the scriptures. ( I Think we often have painted them as cruel evil men. but no, I believe they were just like most Christians today). Therein lies the problem, for many today are depending on their own natural, carnal, knowledge of the scripture as determined by men and have formed beliefs coinciding with such knowledge. God could care less how much we "know about Him". He cares about us "Knowing Him" and learning to become one with Him!

Each of us must begin to partake of the Word as God speaks it into us by His Spirit. God has said in His Word, "For My ways are completely different than yours" says the Lord. "And My ways are far beyond anything you could imagine" …And My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-10. He says later in verse 11 of the same passage, " ….with My Word, I send it out, and it ALWAYS produces fruit. It, (My Word), will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." Vs, 12, " You will live in Joy and Peace;" NLV. Prepare your heart to hear from the Father as you look at those things which the Father is revealing to us through His Word. You may find that they may at times seem opposed to that which you have previously been taught or "believed." Much of what you may have been taught were words which concentrated on making YOU richer, healthier, smarter, better and yet the requirement of the Kingdom is that we become DEAD unto OURSELVES, and we do that by becoming ALIVE to GOD and full of His Wisdom and Understanding. ONE with HIM. Jesus was "One with Him" and says "He (Jesus) is One with US" so therefore as we enter into His "ONENESS" we experience "ONENESS with GOD," When people see you, do they only see the Father? That's where He wants to take you. Hallelujah To God Almighty!

John Nicholson once wrote, " We have come to the Most Holy Place and have now taken a step within the veil. We have moved beyond Pentecost and have begun to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. This is a dimension where Father deals with us in a more intense manner than He did in the Pentecostal or Fundamental realm. We were baptized in water and into the Body of Christ in the Outer Court; we were baptized in the Holy Spirit in the Inner Court; and we are now being baptized in FIRE in the Holy of Holies. We are in a dimension of Fathering that will eventually bring us into the very image, nature and character of Yahweh Himself. We find that we move from being servants and friends to becoming SONS. "If ye endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons" (Hebrews 12:7). Now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."

Finally, Our sole mission is to lead, guide and direct God's children by His Spirit. It is not to dominate and control your life. Instead it is to set you free from the mind control and manipulation of religious creeds and doctrines formulated in the mind of men and women who think they know what is best for us over our Heavenly Father who has birthed us from His heart even before the conception of the world. We hope that God will loose you from the bonds and chains of the Religious Babylonian Church System into the glorious liberty as Son's of the Most High God.

Dear Heavenly Father. I wish, that any who enter into the teachings of the Kingdom will do so with open and hungry hearts, searching for the deeper things you have to reveal to your sons and daughters. I pray that their spiritual eyes and ears will be opened that they may see these things. That they may truly understand your ways, who you are, and what you have prepared for those who love you. Thank you Father for your grace as we endeavor to receive all you have to offer us. Thank you for those who have gone ahead to prepare the way. Thank you for those who are hearing the wooing of your spirit to enter into Your Kingdom within themselves. AMEN


I have included, here in Part 3 of this writing, different people, with different views about the bible, the Kingdom of God, what they have to say about others' teachings, etc. I put all of these in this part, so as not to be bias. I think that reading all of this is PROOF that our ONLY way to receive Truth is BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.


Now, let me say, you can see many different opinions here in Part 3. You can see the teaching, say Quote; "God gave me this teaching". Then the same person saying, "I have been teachig in error.". Can God give error? Oh I dont' think so. We have seen one saying "the bible doesnt say that", BUT can it be that one is receiving revelation from one level or realm, and another is receiving revelation from another level or realm?

Let's look at a scrpture which might help explain some of this.

Proverbs 22: 20-21, "Have not I written to thee the excellent things in counsels and knowledge, that I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that are send unto thee?"


This word "excellent" means "three-fold." meaning that there is 3 realms of understanding to the things written in the bible, AND OTHER WRITINGS. I will give my opinion of some of the things written in this part, in Part 4. I pray that you are allowing the Holy Spirit to EXPLAIN to you, what it is that you are seeking; and not follow man or man's teachings. The Spirit, THAT YOU ARE, will explain all that you read, IF YOU ALLOW HIM TO.

Remember, HE WROTE HIS WORDS ON OUR heart. Call it forth.

to be continued......


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
