

 WHEN THE MIND BEGAN THE CHANGE                      1/7/10



Everyone who receives my articles know Who and What I hold about our Being. This article of sharing is NOT about that. I wanted to say that so that I don't have keep explaining that subject, while sharing this subject. This subject is to show when we began the changing from the God Mind to the natural mind.


I DO have to use scripture to do this, but my dependance IS NOT on the scriptures. We just have to open our mind by laying aside natural teachings. Then, no matter what book we read, we can learn to REMEMBER, by it.

If you read the fist chapter of Genesis, you will see from the beginning of it to the end of the first chapter, that EVERYTHING that God/It created, was good and very good. ( Gen. 1"7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 25, PLEASE READ THESE FOR YOURSELF, before you go any further). And we see in verse 31, "And God saw EVERY THING (this includes MAN in His Image) that he had made, and, BEHOLD IT WAS VERY GOOD."


Now, I think that we will all agree that for it all to be "very good", that God was pleased with ALL. The man was in the image of God, and EXACTLY AS GOD WAS. The Mind was the same, the seeing was the same. EVERY THING about the man was as God was, God's exact IMAGE.


We know that the male and female that the man was, was the ESSENCE of God and the SOUL of God. Both had the exact same thoughts as God had, because They were ONE AS GOD. You could say that the Essence is the part of God that we call, The Spirit/Energy. The Soul of God is the part of God that feels. I know, we have been taught that God had no EMOTIONS, but I beg to differ. IF He is love, He loves, that is an emotion; IF He desires, He wants something; this is an emotion, etc. etc. There is much more that can be taught about the Soul of God/Energy, but this isn't about that subject, so for now, let's go on to the mind change.


The first thing to notice, is that the male and the female WERE TOGETHER. Right? They were ONE AS GOD, so ONE means One. Now, keep in mind that they, the male and the female, WERE TOGETHER. Now let's look at where the mind change began.

The Lord God, US, the Plural Elohim, (what "God" means in chapter one) began the mind change in Genesis 2. I will just be skipping around to show this change.

Look at Genesis 2:18. Now we are told in chapter one that when God looked at the man AND the female that He had brought forth, that they were together and God said, "IT WAS VERY GOOD". Now notice, here in verse 18 here in cahpter 2, the Lord God/US decided that it was not good THAT MAN SHOULD BE ALONE. Well the man WAS WITH THE FEMALE, he wasn't alone, isn't that what Genesis 1:27 tells us? BUT, the "Lord God" DIVIDED THE TWO!! This was a change of thinking from the God Mind to the lower mind. Read it .


Another place that shows the changing from the God Mind to the lower mind is Genesis 2:9


We have been taught that it was GOD/The Energy that created the Garden of Eden and placed the man, along with the female, in it. But notice that here in verses 2:8-9 tells us that the Lord God "planted" the Garden and the he put the man in it. Ok, now go on a little further on down, (in verse 9) and you'll see that not only did the Lord God put the male and the female in the Garden, but he also ADDED a different kind of tree that GOD had created. Look back to chapter one and see that when GOD created the trees, they were ALL VERY GOOD. Now, there is a tree that is NOT VERY GOOD!!!! Boy, is this a change of thinking!! Wouldn't you say? I mean the trees that God created was " in which is fruit of a tree yeilding see; to you it shall be for meat". (Gen 1:29).


Another change; God called man, MAN. But, we see in Genesis 2:19, that all of a sudden, he was Adam.

Now, we are told in the NT that we are to call no man, FATHER!! What do we call our Dad? My father. What do we call GOD? FATHER. Well we were not created in the image of a FATHER, we are created in the image of GOD. Even the word "GOD" comes from MAN. The Energy, IT, has NO NAME, IT is simply a nature.


We see in Genesis 3:1 where the LORD GOD QUOTES GOD!! You see, IF it was God of Genesis 1 speaking, IT would have said, "didn't I tell you not to eat of the tree?" But the catch is, that the trees that GOD had created had no tree of knowledge of good and evil. Think about it, they were all VERY GOOD. Then in Genesis 3:4, even the "serpent" quotes GOD, saying, "in the day that you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be AS GODS". Well guess what? The male and the female was already AS GOD.


As you read through the book, you will see where it was THE LORD GOD who created evil. It was the LORD GOD who created the smith to fan the fire. This was US with changed thinking from what we had we were individualized God.


Search out and you can find a lot more to see the changed mind. But NOW, we are RE-newing our thinking and as we do WE are RE-CREATING all that we created in error. A leanring to BE Who we truely ARE.

