July 1998
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                                 THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THE WORK OF THE SPIRIT


                                                     Part Thirteen                                                  July 1998



The Lord shall have a people today who have no other will or purpose but to do the will of their Father. They are totally surrendered to Him, to do His perfect will in all the earth, even as His will is being done in the heavens of His Spirit. The will of God for this new Kingdom Day is very different from His will for the church age of yesterday. An entirely new order is now coming forth in the Spirit. That new order is the order of the kingdom of God on earth, which is replacing the former church order. If you know this, by a revelation from God, you will also know that our Father is calling us to lay aside the church works of the past age that we might receive the new principles for the new order of the kingdom of God on earth.


When a remnant present themselves to their Father, to do only His will in the earth, the Lord then removes the previous order that He may establish the second, or the next order, in them first and then in all the earth. Thus, it is written, "He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second" (He. 10:9). If we have committed ourselves to our Father, to do only and always His perfect will in the earth, He will then begin to remove the old order from us. He will strip us of all that was of the past church order that He might impart the principles of the new order of the kingdom of God within us. All who are awakened by the Spirit to the reality of this new kingdom Day, have surrendered all the old order church works of the past. They are committed to doing only and always the perfect will of their Father in the earth, as He reveals it to them.


The company of Father's elect and chosen ones of this new Day are not serving Him in a shoddy, slipshod, or haphazard manner. They are worshiping and serving Him in strict obedience to His will and His ways. The way of the kingdom of God on earth is to be seen throughout the scriptures, including in the Old Testament types and shadows and in Israel's feast days. The lives of the elect will conform perfectly to God's will and ways so that they fulfill all those Old Testament types and shadows, bringing that original word to greater fulfillment in the kingdom of God. The elect are progressing from Pentecost to the greater fullness of Tabernacles, from types and shadows to the greater reality, and from the church age to the more glorious age of the kingdom of God on earth. And they are doing all this, fulfilling the word of God in their lives, not by observing the law or its principles, but by being led by the Spirit of their Father.


When the Lord set forth the principles for the original observance of the "feast of tabernacles," He established a "day of atonement" between Pentecost (or, the feast of weeks, Lev. 23:15-21) and Tabernacles. The "day of atonement" for us is a walk or an experience in God beginning with repentance (Gr. "metanoia," meaning reformation, implying a reversal of decision and direction), continuing with the affliction of our souls, and rest from all the religious works of the past. It means a complete ending for us of all the works of Pentecost and of the church age. The principles for the original observance of Pentecost, or the "feast of weeks," are given in Lev. 23:15-21, followed by the "feast of trumpets" in verses 23-25. Then the principles for the "day of atonement" are given in Lev. 23:26-32, followed by those for the "feast of tabernacles" in Lev. 23:33-36.


While we call these necessary steps of spiritual progress "principles," they are not to be considered more legalisms or more of the law. They are to be considered more like stepping stones of spiritual progress in our spiritual journey to sonship and the fullness of the kingdom of God. By becoming aware of these necessary principles or stepping stones set forth in each of these "feasts," we are able to look back on our lives and gauge our spiritual progress by comparing our lives with the Lord's anointed word of truth.


We leave the realm of Pentecost and progress toward Tabernacles in our spiritual walk with God in obedience to His call. We then leave the realm of "tutors and governors" (Ga. 4:2), which is the realm of the church system, to begin our walk unto sonship. In our spiritual progression from Pentecost to Tabernacles, we then observe the "feast of trumpets," by the Spirit. Trumpets represents the prophetic word of the Lord (Rev. 1:10, 4:1), and is in sharp contrast to the voices of men, which we once listened to and followed. In our experience at Pentecost, we heeded and followed the voices of man by going or ministering at a man's bidding. If a person invited us to speak to their group, we went thinking that was the will of God for us. And if someone was blessed by our ministry while at that realm of Pentecost, we were even more convinced that we should be doing that. But then the Voice of our Father, as the sound of a trumpet, interrupted our youthful venture, and called us to "Come up hither" (Rev. 4:1).


During our spiritual infancy we personally did missionary work, pastored churches and taught in Bible Schools. All that was part of our youth; it was part of our spiritual growth unto maturity. Thank God! He did not leave us at that limited realm! But He called us to higher realms in Him when He led us to observe the "feast of trumpets." When we spiritually observe the "feast of trumpets," we will hear the voice of our Father calling us to go on to Tabernacles. The voices of men are then silenced in our consciousness, and we will hear the voice of our Father more clearly. When we hear the voice of our Father and are obedient to His voice, we will grow in the Spirit. We then fulfill the principles of the "feast of trumpets," and can go on to spiritually observe the principles of the "day of atonement," which took place between Pentecost and Tabernacles.


Before any of us can ever approach Tabernacles and all it means to us today, we must observe all the principles of the "day of atonement." Many of us are observing those spiritual principles in absolute detail by being led by His Spirit. The original, Old Testament principles of the "day of atonement" were given to be fulfilled in a more literal way. But we can only fulfill them today by being obedient to the leading of the Spirit. Unless we fulfill all these principles and observe each step on this path, by the leading of the Spirit, we cannot possibly approach unto the greater feast, which is the "feast of tabernacles." It is impossible for us to bypass the "day of atonement" while attempting to keep the spiritual principles of the "feast of tabernacles" in this progressive, spiritual walk with God.


When we observe the principles of the "day of atonement" in our walk with the Lord, two significant changes will take place. There is no way to confirm which of these two changes take place first, for they may influence our lives at the same time. One of those important principles, which will drastically change our lives, is REST from the labors of the past. The other is the affliction of our souls as we enter a period of tests and trials. These two principles of the "day of atonement" will be evident in the lives of ALL who shall progress in God to go on to Tabernacles. Without these two principles working in our lives, we shall remain at Pentecost! Without them, it is impossible for anyone to leave Pentecost and go on to Tabernacles. The REST of God, which we must experience on the "day of atonement," is an absolute cessation of all the religious works common to the realm of Pentecost and the church age of the past. And the affliction of our souls, which is a requirement of all the elect on the "day of atonement," refers to the necessary tests, trials, and afflictions, by which our Father brings us to greater maturity in Him.


Anyone who assumes that they will bypass either the call to REST and cease their religious works, or the call of the Spirit to endure the afflictions of our souls through all the necessary tests and trials, cannot possibly go on to Tabernacles and reign with Christ in His kingdom. Fully matured sons of God have endured the tests and trials of the "day of atonement." They also have ceased all the religious church works of the past age. They are the elect of this new Day whom Father is using to establish the new order of His kingdom in the earth. When those elect have fully experienced, both the REST of God and the tests and trials of the "day of atonement," those elect and chosen ones shall sit with Christ on the throne of His kingdom, to reign with Him. All others, who continue in the old ways of the past age, shall remain at Pentecost while they merely talk about Tabernacles. But such empty, idle talk means nothing to our Father; only our progressive spiritual walk in God will bring forth true, spiritual growth unto maturity. And this spiritual growth will enable us to experience the fullness of Tabernacles!


The feasts of Israel, as given in Leviticus chapter twenty-three, are typical of our spiritual growth in God. We cannot avoid them; they are given for us to fulfill by our walk with God in the Spirit. All who shall observe those spiritual principles, progressing from Passover to Tabernacles, including the necessary steps of spiritual growth of the "day of atonement," shall become fully manifest sons of God, to reign with Christ. Potential sons of God are MADE true sons of God by going through the chastisements and processings of the Spirit (see He. 12:7-11). Those without the afflictions of their souls typical of the "day of atonement" are not yet true, maturing sons of God. And those who are not willing to lay aside all the religious works of the realm of Pentecost and of the church age of yesterday are making a mockery of the walk unto sonship and the more glorious realm of Tabernacles and the fullness of the kingdom of God.


To show the importance and the necessity for us to observe all the principles of the "day of atonement," the Lord said: "For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people. And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people" (Lev. 23:29-30). In other words, those who are not led by the Spirit and who disregard our Father's established principles for the "day of atonement" shall not be a part of the Lord's elect. They will not be a part of that maturing sonship company who shall reign with Christ. How important it is for all the elect to cease the religious works of the church age and enter into His REST! So also is it important for us to endure the necessary tests and trials, which will make us more matured and true sons of God, to become kings and priests after the order of Melchisedec!


Some may choose to disregard the passage quoted in the paragraph above as an Old Testament message that has little or no relevance for today. But let us HEAR what Jesus had to say about this "day," and of those who are bound to church order and the works of Pentecost at this crucial hour. "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, SHALL ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; but he that DOETH the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me IN THAT DAY, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Mt. 7:21-23).


Here, Jesus is telling us what we must do to "ENTER into the kingdom of heaven" at the close of the church age. The word "heaven," according to Strong's, refers to "the abode of God"; it implies a realm of happiness, power, and timeless eternity. It is a reference to the kingdom or realm of God, which is beginning to come to the earth, as in Rev. 3:12 & 21:1-3. In all His teachings, only twice did Jesus say anything about the church (see Mt. 16:18 & 18:17). He looked beyond the church age and spoke of the coming kingdom. The kingdom of God was the main interest and chief passion of Jesus' life and ministry! Throughout His teachings on the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of heaven, Jesus spoke of that kingdom as COMING. He taught us to pray for His kingdom to COME to earth and for His will to be done on this earth, even as it is being done in heaven (Mt. 6:10). He spoke of His kingdom COMING "with power" (Mr. 9:1), and He also spoke of the kingdom as being "nigh at hand" (Lu. 21:31). And when Jesus ate the last supper with His disciples before His trial and crucifixion, He said to them, "I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall COME" (Lu. 22:18).


Therefore, the COMING of the kingdom of God to the earth in a greater way to begin a certain DAY is an established, scriptural truth. It is truth that was declared by Jesus. It also is truth that is being confirmed to each of His elect in the innermost chambers of their hearts by the Spirit of the living God. Since the kingdom of God has now COME to the earth in greater fullness to begin a new Day in God's purposes for this world and the people of it, we now have the tremendous responsibility of entering into it. This we shall do by being led by His Spirit, and by denying the constant rejection, along with the negative, impure judgments of our carnal minds!


The message of Jesus in Matthew chapter seven, verses twenty-one to twenty-three, has nothing to do with our primary salvation. But it has everything to do with our high calling in God as kings and priests in the administration of His kingdom on earth. It should be of vital interest to all who hope to reign with Christ from the throne of His kingdom. The message of Jesus in the above passage also has much to do with the transformation of the elect. To be changed into His image and likeness, we must HEAR His every word and faithfully DO all He tells us (see Mt. 4:4 & Jo. 5:25). There is no road-map to the kingdom or to the fullness of Christ! But we do have the living and anointed Word of God that will guide us to our ultimate destiny in Him. It is therefore important that we both hear and do all He tells us to do! Furthermore, the major theme of Jesus' earthly ministry was the kingdom, not the church (Mt. 4:17, 23). Church order was purposed of God to be only a temporary order leading to the greater outward manifestation of the kingdom of God. In the passage quoted above, Jesus is speaking specifically to those ministers and servants of the Lord who served Him under church order or the Pentecostal order of the past, or who are now doing those same religious, church works after leaving the church system.


Those who left the church system in obedience to their Father's call should also have left all church order and all the church works behind when they left. All of it, though originally given by God, has now become the works of the flesh, or works of iniquity. But many brought some of man's doctrines and church works with them when they left the church system, resulting in the Babylonish confusion of more denominations, more churches, more fellowships, and more splinter groups. This has been the course of Christendom's history. Thirty years ago there were at least three hundred Christian denominations, not counting the many so-called independent churches and fellowships. And every one of them is the result of people leaving one church only to start another with a different set of creeds and doctrines. But the Lord's elect of this hour must break this endless religious cycle, or this church routine, which has resulted in more doctrinal confusion and the increased bondage of the Lord's precious people. And this is what we are doing now as we follow the leading of the Spirit! All who are led by the Spirit will go on with God to administer His kingdom in the earth. They will gladly forsake the church order of the past and all of its dead, religious works typical of Pentecost.


There are many Godly believers today who truly desire to serve the Lord, but who, after many years of waiting on the Lord, were never led to work for the Lord and serve Him under church order. I believe these are specially chosen and set apart by their Father to serve Him in this new kingdom Day. They have a special calling in God! Although they never did much in the way of ministry in the past, the Lord set them apart and reserved them unto Himself, to serve His kingdom purposes in this new Day. They know what it means to be led by the Spirit! They are not defiled by the old order! Those elect ones no longer adhere to church order and church works.


Those elect make up that virgin Church; they are the true Church of the firstborn. Their names are written in heaven, and they are being made perfect by their obedience (He. 12:23). Their walk in God is now the standard by which all others shall be judged and accounted worthy of this high calling of God in Christ (see Mt. 10:37-39, 22:8, Eph. 4:1-3, Col. 1:10, 1 Thess. 2:12, 2 Thess. 1:5, 11). If Father did not have a people who now conform to His new kingdom standards, others might find a reason to continue in their old order works of "iniquity." But God has His chosen elect of this hour! They have heard His word and were obedient to DO their Father's will. Therefore, all others are without excuse! All who would ENTER the kingdom and be a part of the reign of Christ must DO THE WILL OF THEIR FATHER! Those who are not being led by His Spirit will have no concern for the will of their Father for this new Day. They will persist in doing the same, tired, old Pentecostal works of the church age, and will hear the Lord say to them, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that WORK INIQUITY." What a responsibility is ours in this new and more glorious Kingdom Day!


The above statement by Jesus is also translated to read, "I never approved of you. Depart from me, you who practice iniquity" (Mt. 7:23, Diaglott). The Lord never knew those who disregarded His word, nor did He approve of their carnal, religious works. Like many professional preachers and evangelists today, those workers of "iniquity" are doing what they think is the Lord's work without His approval and His authority. The great deception of doing the Lord's work without His authority has now spread to many others who have left the church system, and who responded to the call to sonship. They have their place in God, but will not make it to full sonship unless they turn from the old order to fully do the will of their Father. Moffatt translates the passage in Matthew chapter seven, verses twenty-one to twenty-three this way: "It is not everyone who says to me `Lord, Lord!' who will get into the Realm of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me at that Day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? did we not cast out demons in your name? did we not perform many miracles in your name?' Then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; depart from my presence, you workers of iniquity."


When the Lord ends the old, previous age, or the church age of the past, and begins the new kingdom age as He has already done, the religious works of the church age then become works of iniquity. To those who fail to make the transition from the old church order to the new kingdom order, the Lord will declare that He never knew them and, more important, that He never approved of their religious works. Then He will send them away from His most intimate presence and glory. Their ultimate salvation is sure, but they will not know or experience the intimate presence and glory of the Lord in the Holiest of all. I would not want to be in that position, and I pray none of you will be either. We have waited too long to compromise our walk now! And this may be the purpose for this message!


The Lord is bringing forth a new order, with new principles or new steps of spiritual growth by which the kingdom of God is being established, first in the lives of His elect and then in all the earth. This new principle, or order, describes how our Father shall do His new kingdom work in this world. The Lord is also giving us a vision of the kingdom of God on earth and what His kingdom provides for us and for all the world. When we once receive and embrace that new vision of the kingdom of God, we will joyfully lay down all the former works of Pentecost that applied only to the church age of the past. That new vision of our Father's kingdom enables us to see the goal before us more clearly.


We will then realize that it is impossible for us to arrive at that goal, or to determine our method of getting "there," by looking back at history. We cannot get "there" by repeating what we did in the past under church order. We cannot go FORWARD in God by looking BACKWARD at past methods! We must turn away from the dead past and embrace the new vision of the kingdom of God, keeping our spiritual eyes fixed on the Lord, who always goes BEFORE US! We must have a clear vision of what is BEFORE us and an intense desire to DO all the will of our Father to get "there" from "here." A new Day with a clearer vision of our goal requires a new method, a new order, a new pathway, a new will of God, if you please, for this new Day. And that new vision will enable us to reach our ultimate goal in the kingdom of God.


The word "iniquity" in the above passage comes from the Greek word, "anomia," and means "violation of law, wickedness." That Greek word is taken from another, "anomos," meaning "lawless, not subject to law," which is the law or the new order of God for His kingdom on earth. To prophesy and preach, cast out devils, and do many other wonderful works in the Name of the Lord are some of the old, religious works common to the realm of Pentecost and the church age of the past. Those works of the church age, though good in their time, have now become the works of the flesh, or works of iniquity, because our Father has changed the order. God is doing a new thing in this new Day! He is removing the old order and is bringing forth the new. And we must change with God, by His Spirit, and embrace the new thing He is doing now.


Most Christians can do what they please. They are not yet under the disciplinary or correctional rod of the Lord, nor are they called to walk with God to the higher realm of Tabernacles, to rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom. They will continue to walk in the ways of the old church order, for they have not heard the voice of the Lord at the typical, spiritual realm of the "feast of trumpets." They are doing what they are supposed to be doing! But we must walk out our appointed path to sonship, Tabernacles, and the greater fullness of the kingdom of God. Those who are called to go on with God unto perfection will diligently follow the leading of the Spirit. They are called to lay aside the previous principles of the church age and go on to perfection (see He. 6:1-3). "And this will we do, if God permit" (He. 6:3).


The kingdom of God on earth is, in reality, heaven coming to earth. The wonderful truth for today is, heaven is coming to the earth in a greater way. The new Jerusalem city of God is coming down out of heaven from God to the earth (Rev. 3:12). And now, all things are being made new, beginning with our Father's new order for the administration of His kingdom in the earth. God has a new way of doing things in this new Day! And we must change with God or go the way of all flesh! It is impossible for us to enter the greater fullness of the kingdom of God by adhering to the old obsolete order of the church age of the past. Therefore, with joy we lay aside that which was of the past to more fully do the will of our Father.


Jesus continued His teaching on the kingdom and what is required of us to enter into it. He said, "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, AND DOETH THEM, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it" (Mt. 7:24-27).


Notice the distinction here between those who DO THE WILL OF GOD and those who do not. Every one of them HEARD the word of the Lord! I imagine they all listened intently to the word of our Father and rejoiced in the fact that God had spoken to them. But some of them did not DO His word to fulfill His will in the earth. I have learned that it is very easy to merely HEAR the Word. I found it a pleasure just to rejoice in the hearing of the Word. And I realized that I could live on that Word for many months or years without DOING anything about it. Then the Spirit interrupted my listless state and made me to know of my need to also DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER.


If indeed we are called to sonship and to reign with Christ in His kingdom, our Father will not allow us to stagnate at the realm of only hearing the Word. But the Spirit will continue to deal with us until we are fully prepared to DO ALL HIS HOLY WILL. Many today seem to want to "camp" around the wonderful truth of the salvation of all, or around another popular, revealed truth, while they show no spiritual growth whatsoever. May it not be so with any of us! There is no place for us to "camp" in God, thus bringing an end to our spiritual growth! All who are destined to reign with Christ must press on in their spiritual growth to DO all the will of their Father, and set the creation free of its bondage to sin and death.


I often receive tapes and written messages from others confirming that the church age is over and we are in a new Day. The message has gotten out and many others are embracing this new kingdom word with joy. But merely HEARING the word will get us no where with God! The next step for many of us now is to DO THE WILL OF GOD after hearing it! If we are being led by the Spirit of our Father to become manifest sons of God who shall reign with Christ, we will end the useless, empty works of Pentecost and of the church age, and begin to do only and always the perfect will of our Father in the earth. Then our spiritual "house" will stand midst all the adverse storms that are sent of God to shake and remove all that is not of His kingdom.


"So see to it that you do not reject Him or refuse to listen to and heed Him Who is speaking [to you now].  For if they [the Israelites] did not escape when they refused to listen and heed Him Who warned and divinely instructed them [here] on earth - revealing with heavenly warnings His will - how much less shall we escape if we reject and turn our backs on Him Who cautions and admonishes [us] from heaven?  Then [at Mount Sinai] His voice shook the earth; but now He has given a promise, Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the (starry) heavens. [Hag. 2:6.]  Now this expression, Yet once more, indicates the final removal and transformation of all [that can be] shaken, that is, of that which has been created, in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue. [Ps. 102:26.]  Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe;  For our God [is indeed] a consuming fire. [Deut. 4:24.]" (He. 12:25-29, Amplified)


More on The Day of Atonement

On "the day of atonement," the Israelite was told not to do any manner of work, but they were to REST. They were also told to "afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord" (Lev. 23:27). The people of that day may have done literal things to themselves to afflict their souls. I have even heard of religious devotees in the past who wore "hair shirts," which were shirts made of goats' hair worn next to their skin for penance or mortification. But if God has called us to go on to the higher, spiritual realms of Tabernacles and the throne of God, He will take care of the necessary affliction of our souls. In our spiritual walk with the Lord, it is impossible for us to afflict ourselves to satisfy the Lord's requirements. The truth is, you need not give afflictions, tests and trials a second thought. If God has called and chosen us for this walk, He will give us all the afflictions, tests and trials necessary to make of us true sons. In fact, the Lord may give us more than we thought we ever needed. Whatever tests and trials our Father puts into our lives, we may be sure that He knew we needed every one of them for us to attain to perfection in Him. His measured afflictions in our lives, along with our ending of all the former, Pentecostal works of the church age, will bring us to perfection! And the wisdom we shall gain from those experiences will indeed be worth it all!


While the worshiper under that old covenant offered "an offering made by fire unto the Lord," we are called of God to "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"  (Ro. 12:1-2). The path to sonship and the fullness of Christ and His kingdom is one of sacrifice, and of complete and total surrender. We must surrender our carnal minds and all that that involves. When we have surrendered our carnal minds to the Lord, every aspect of our minds are also surrendered to Him, including our will. Then we shall no longer have a will of our own! Then we shall do only the will of our Father in the earth, fulfilling His purposes for His kingdom on earth.


We may then discover that the will of our Father for this new Day is not something we shall DO, but it is something we are BECOMING.  Many things we used to DO under church order, we are now BECOMING. We once preached, witnessed or taught about Christ as the light, now we are becoming the Light. We once witnessed of Christ and His kingdom, now we are becoming His kingdom witnesses. Formerly we praised Him with uplifted hands; now we are becoming His praise. We are becoming His light, His praise, His peace, and His love, representing His kingdom. And as He is, so are we in this present world. Amen!


The next step in our spiritual growth is to present our bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable unto Him. The terms, "holy" and "acceptable" means sacred, morally blameless believers who surrender themselves to the Lord as a living sacrifice that is fully agreeable and well pleasing to Him. It is our reasonable or logical service; it is that which we will logically do because of our fully surrendered lives. Included among our many tests and trials are the difficult afflictions of our bodies. In the past, our Father taught us the truth of the healing of our bodies. Some of us were even instrumental in ministering healing to many others around the world. But then, our Father allowed afflictions to trouble our bodies in spite of our faith in His ability to heal us. And we are persuaded that sickness and physical afflictions in our lives are our Father's way of bringing us to the point where we will surrender our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice. When we are sick and our bodies are racked with pain, we turn to the Lord, asking for His healing power. But when He chooses not to heal us, what else can we do but surrender these bodies completely to Him? And that is what He wanted all along!


The principles of the "day of atonement" were not temporary principles. They were not given only for the duration of that brief celebration at that time. But those principles remained in effect all during "the day of atonement" and continued to be in effect into the beginning phase of the feast of Tabernacles. All those principles, such as rest from the labors of the past, and enduring the tests, trials and afflictions of the soul, were given "as a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings" (Lev. 23:31). And the greater "feast of tabernacles," also BEGAN with God's call to His people to "do no servile work therein" (Lev. 23:35). Therefore, Tabernacles for us today begins where the principles of the "day of atonement" ends: with a call to cease all the religious works of the church age of the past and enter into the wonderful, peaceful REST of God!


The word of the Lord regarding the believer's reasonable and responsible walk with God was formerly written on tables of stone and on the pages of a book. Today, those principles or laws are written on the fleshly tables of our hearts. Some of us are observing the principles of the "day of atonement" by hearing the Christ within, and by being obedient to the Word that is written on our hearts. Those who have ceased their own labors, and have entered into the wonderful, peaceful REST OF GOD, are those who are chosen of God to grow and progress onward to Tabernacles and the fullness of the kingdom of God. They are led by the Spirit! The new word of the kingdom is being written on their hearts! And they shall reign with Him from His all-glorious, heavenly throne to do those "greater works," which Jesus promised all who believe on Him (Jo. 14:12).


This Day also is another Sabbath Day

The "day of atonement" for Israel was also to be regarded as a sabbath. It was to be to the people as "a sabbath of rest" (Lev. 23:32), during which no one was allowed to work. Just as God ordained a sabbath of rest during the day of atonement, so also has our Father designated this present time as another "sabbath of rest." God would have His elect cease their own labors, or their religious works of the past, and enter into His REST. And as we cease all our religious works of Pentecost and of the church age of the past, and enter into HIS REST, we are prepared of the Spirit to receive a new word, new instructions, or a new order, for this new Day.


The "feast of tabernacles" also began with a sabbath on the first day and ended with another sabbath on the last day, or on the eighth day, of that feast (Lev. 23:39). Thus, from the observance of the "day of atonement" to that of tabernacles, it appears to be one consecutive sabbath of REST. All during this thousand-year Day, those who do the will of their Father and reign with Christ shall cease their own labors, and will enter into the wonderful, peaceful REST of God. By resting in obedience to His will, we are allowing our Father to do His work in the earth, unhindered by the limited, carnal workings of man.


Obedience to the will of God always brings rewards and blessings. The prophet said, "Thus saith the Lord; Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the sabbath day,... neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers. And it shall come to pass, if ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the Lord, (and) hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein; Then there shall enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David..." (Jer. 17:21-22, 24-25).


The prophecy of Jeremiah applied more literally to the city of Jerusalem and to Judah. But the purpose of God now concerns a remnant who shall be obedient to His word, resulting in that remnant people becoming kings and princes who shall reign with Christ in His kingdom. Our obedience to the will and purpose of our Father for this new Day, which is to stop working and REST, as well as our spiritual growth, will bring the kingdom of God to the earth in an even greater way. That will cause all mankind to bow to the Lord in that same spirit of obedience. God's will for His elect today is diametrically opposed to His will of the past, as well as the will of the carnal-minded preachers. They would have us work and work and continue working endlessly. But God will have us cease all our religious works, enter into HIS REST, and let Him do HIS WORK in all the earth.

To show a further benefit of our observance of the sabbath of rest, the prophet Isaiah said, "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord" (Is. 66:23). During the interval between one sabbath and another, all flesh shall worship the Lord. This is a direct reference to the two sabbaths that take place during the "feast of tabernacles," as stated in Lev. 23:39. All flesh shall come to worship the Lord between the sabbath of the first day and the sabbath of the eighth day during the grand spiritual celebration of the "feast of tabernacles." This was confirmed by the prophet Zechariah, who declared that all nations shall go up "to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles" (Zech. 14:16). This shall take place on this glorious new Day of the kingdom of God on earth. Therefore, it is imperative that we honor the Lord on HIS DAY, by RESTING in His finished work. Our obedience to His will and word will make it possible for all God's purposes for this Day to be fulfilled, including His purpose to cause all flesh to come before the Lord to worship Him in Spirit and in truth.


It is also of interest to see that Jesus healed several people on the sabbath day, during His three years of ministry. He did this and other things on the sabbath to show "that the Son of man IS LORD also of the sabbath" (Lu. 6:5). On a sabbath day, He healed a man whose right hand was withered (Lu. 6:6). On another sabbath, Jesus healed a woman who was bowed down for eighteen years, and could not lift up herself (Lu. 13:10-13). He healed a man of dropsy on the sabbath (Lu. 14:1-5), and another impotent man was healed on the sabbath (Jo. 5:5-9), which also took place during the observance of "the feast of tabernacles." Jesus healed another man on the sabbath (Jo. 5:22-23), and He also healed a blind man on the sabbath (Jo. 9:1-7, 13-14). Perhaps Jesus performed these healings on the sabbath to illustrate the truth that mighty and glorious deliverances also shall take place during this greater Sabbath Day, when all the world shall observe the "feast of tabernacles" in the kingdom of God.


Our True Worship on this New Day

Both our service to the Lord and our worship of Him changes when we "enter into the kingdom of heaven." Our entrance into the greater fullness of the kingdom of God at this time gives us a new, more spiritual and positive outlook of the world, with a new message for His people and for all mankind. The Psalmist declared, "For He has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted (those who were afflicted on the day of atonement), neither has He hid His face from him; but when he cried to Him, He heard. My praise shall be of You in the great (heavenly) congregation. I will pay to Him my vows [made in the time of trouble] (or during the day of atonement) before them who fear - revere and worship - Him. The poor and afflicted (or, the elect) shall eat (of Him) and be satisfied; they shall praise the Lord who [diligently] seek for, inquire of and for Him and require Him [as their greatest need]. May your heart be quickened now and for ever! All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall bow down and worship before You. For the kingship and the kingdom are the Lord's, and He is the ruler over the nations" (Ps. 22:24-28, Amplified).


When we realize the plan and purpose of our Father for His kingdom on this earth, and see our place in that plan, we will praise Him because of our increased wisdom, understanding and vision. He afflicted us during the time of trouble, to fulfill His purpose for the day of atonement and prepare us to reign with Him. When we cried to Him because of our afflictions, He satisfied us with the Bread of His Life. Our hearts were quickened and made more alive when we realized that all the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to Him, and they all shall bow to worship Him, who is the Lord and King of all.


God is giving us a new song for this new Day. "O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless [affectionately praise] His name; show forth His salvation (not dark-ness) from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples. For great is the Lord (He is not the puny God of religion), and greatly to be praised; He is to be reverently feared and worshiped above all so-called gods. [Rev. 14:7; Deut. 6:5.] Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; bring an offering (of ourselves) and come (before Him) into His courts. Say among the nations that the Lord reigns; the world also is established, that it cannot be moved; He shall judge and rule the people right-eously and with justice. [Rev. 11:15; 19:6.]" (Ps. 96:1-4,8,10, Amp.).


When we see and understand this new kingdom Day, and our Father's purposes for this time, we will sing a new song unto the Lord. Gone are the old songs of hope and promise, and of unfulfilled visions. We now see that this new Day is a day of fulfillment. This is a long, age-Day of promises fulfilled and of hope realized in the kingdom of God. Our message to the nations now is not of the glory of the church, but of the abundant salvation of the Lord provided for all in our Father's kingdom. Our message now is no longer one of trouble and darkness, but now we speak of the light of Christ and the glory of the kingdom of God. We now see our God as a great God; He is far greater than any idea we had of Him in the past. We bring the required offering of ourselves unto Him, to worship Him in Spirit and in truth in His innermost sanctuary in the heavenlies. We put ourselves on the altar, so that His perfect will shall be done in us. And now, because He reigns in our lives, we can tell the nations of His reign, and that He shall judge and rule the people righteously and with true justice. This indeed is true worship! Blessed be His holy Name forever and ever!


"The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble: He sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved. The Lord is great in Zion; and He is high above all the people. Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy. The king's strength also loveth judgment; thou dost establish equity, thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob. Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool; for he is holy" (Ps. 99:1-5). The Lord reigns from His spiritual throne "between the cherubims." This means He is seated on the mercy seat. Therefore, all the works of the Lord, some of which are of judgment unto correction now, and others that pertain to the administration of His kingdom among mankind today, are all done IN MERCY. If we truly know Him in His greater fullness as He is revealed in this new Day, we will know that He is the God of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, righteousness, and abounding blessings.


The Psalmist said, "Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: MERCY AND TRUTH shall go before thy face" (Ps. 89:14). If we would know the ways of the Lord and the manner of His reign, we must know that mercy and truth go before Him in all His ways. The throne of the Lord rests or abides in justice and judgment. Every decree He makes, every act among men He initiates, our King does it from His throne of justice and true judgment. He sends forth His pure Word with mercy and truth going before Him. There is no way the Lord's justice and judgment can be separated from His throne. It is the manner of His righteous and just reign. Mercy and truth manifest shall precede the Lord in all His goings and doings, and in His many other manifestations to the world. When we have ceased the labors of the past and have entered HIS REST, we may then take our place on His throne to both minister to Him and reign with Him. And with joy we declare to principalities and powers, "The Lord reigneth!"   Amen! 

                                                              Paul and Emily Mueller

                                            P O BOX 25055, PORTLAND, OR 97298-0055

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