July 2000
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Part NineteenJuly 2000

As a general issues commands and orders to the officers and soldiers under him, or a CEO gives instructions to the employees of his or her company; so Christ, by the Spirit, reveals steps of spiritual growth to His elect and chosen ones, which will lead them to His fullness. And as the soldiers of an army conquer their enemies by obeying the orders of their commanding general, or the employees of a company prosper in business by following the principles set forth by their CEO; so these remnant saints are growing in the Spirit. They are growing to the fullness of Christ by hearing their Father's word of truth and by doing His perfect will without hesitation. The Lord may only lead us to take one step at a time. These may not be gigantic steps that cover much spiritual ground. But our Father knows that because of the carnal nature and mind within us, which opposes and questions every true Word we hear, we can only take small steps in our growth to His fullness. Each step in our spiritual growth is very essential in our progressive walk to His fullness. And the elect are not failing to take each step as it is revealed to them by the Spirit!

Christ is the Head of this body, not any man. He is speaking to His elect, by the Spirit, giving them guidance and direction that will lead them to the greater fullness of the kingdom of God. Each step He leads us to take is vitally important, not only for our individual growth, but also for the advancement of all His holy plans and purposes for this world. By hearing and doing the will of our Father, as revealed to us by the Spirit, we shall grow to full spiritual maturity, and will be transformed in our bodies. We are thus becoming partners with God in establishing the fullness of His kingdom in all the earth, which will eventually bring about the full salvation of all mankind.

In hearing the voice of our Beloved, we will then know there is one more mountain for us to climb, spiritually speaking, on our way through this "wilderness." This will result in our transformation, which will fully change us into the image and likeness of Christ. For the elect, this mountain is called "the mount of transfiguration." It may also be called, "Mount Zion," but it represents a spiritual mountain of His greater presence; it is the mountain we will ascend to be changed and become what Christ is. The term, "mount of transfiguration," more properly describes this next spiritual mountain, since it is the mountain where some of us may be transformed. As Jesus was transfigured on His "mount of transfiguration," even so shall we be changed by ascending our "mount of transfiguration." It is on this next spiritual mountain where we shall see the Lord and be changed. This next spiritual mountain represents the final set of tests and trials and other experiences necessary for our transformation. And this mountain will be the last spiritual summit we will climb on our journey through this present "life" to the fullness of Christ.

No doubt many of us know that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. We most certainly are not earthly people having a spiritual experience. We are first and foremost a spiritual people! Our spirit is the real person that we are, since our spirits came from God! When we die, or when this present "life" is over, our bodies of dust will return to the earth as it was, and our spirit will return to God who gave it (see Ecc. 12:7). The spirit that we are, or the real person we are, came from God. We are primarily a spiritual being! We were sent to this earth by our Father to live the life we are now living in this earthly realm, according to His will for us.

Our purpose in being here on earth at this time is not to gather wealth or possessions, raise a family, establish a ministry or a church, or make a name for ourselves among mankind. All these may be secondary purposes or results of our present soulish "life" here on this earth at this time. As the Lord's elect, our real purpose in being here now is to grow spiritually in the wisdom and knowledge of God, to become His manifest sons who shall set the groaning creation free from its long and painful bondage to sin, death and corruption.

Some Christians can accept and believe the truth that Jesus existed as Christ in the heavenlies before He ever came to this earth to suffer and die for our sins. One of the old Gospel songs tells of Christ leaving "the ivory palaces" of the heavenly realm, to come to this earth in a body like ours to die for our sins. But we should understand that we also were once in the heavenlies with God, as a spirit. Of course, we were not in the high and exalted realm in the heavenlies, at the right hand of the Father, as Christ was and is. But we were in a lesser realm of the spirit somewhere in the vast and limitless heavenlies of spirit with God. The spirit that we are was sent to the earth at this time; we were given the body we have now, along with the commanding word of our Father, calling us to return to Him.

The Psalmist said of all of us, "Lord, thou hast been OUR DWELLING PLACE in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Ps. 90:1-2). Moses is said to be the psalmist who declared the truth given in this psalm. It is said that Moses gave this word when Israel was beginning their appointed period of wanderings in the wilderness. This psalm therefore becomes a prophetic word for all of us who are enduring this present probationary period in the wilderness of this world. Moses is not merely telling us here that God existed and was all that He is now before the earth was created. But he is also telling us that we were a part of God, as a spirit in Him, before the earth was created. God was indeed our spiritual dwelling place in all generations, before the hills and mountains were brought forth and before the earth and the world were made. I was a spirit in God from the very beginning, before the earth was created, and so were you.

Then, at a designated time according to the sovereign purposes of our Father, He sent us to the wilderness of this world, or to this realm of dust, sin and corruption, to grow in the Spirit and become like Christ. Moses described our coming to earth as a spirit from God, when he said, "Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men" (Ps. 90:3). In other words, God sent us out from the spirit realm to live here on this earth in this earthly body of dust, to endure the corruption and destruction of the "wilderness" of this world, that we might grow spiritually to become like Him and set the creation free. We were also given His word, which is continually calling us to return to Him. And in returning to God, we shall come back to Him, not as a "naked" or "unclothed" spirit, but as a fully matured son of God with a gloriously redeemed and restored body like Christ (2 Cor. 5:1-4). As Paul wrote, we groan, giving expression to the continual burden we have, which is to be "clothed upon, that mortality (or this dying body) might be swallowed up of (His) life."

We are called to return to our Father to a higher, spiritual realm. And we are returning to God, as we live this life of tests and trials, for His Spirit is continually calling us home! We will return to our Father in greater glory than we were when we left that spirit realm by doing the perfect will of God. As we continue to grow in the Spirit to become what He is, we will not return to the same spiritual realm of immaturity that we left. But we will return to our Father in a much higher spiritual or heavenly realm as kings and priests unto God and His Father (Rev. 1:6). But the elect, who have been chosen of their Father to be changed in their bodies, will be given a body like unto Christ's body of resurrection Life and glory. They will also reign with Him from His throne in righteousness, justice and peace.

Can you hear your Father's voice calling you home? Do you hear His Spirit calling you to return to Him? Home for us is not a mansion over the hilltop, nor is it a cabin in the corner of gloryland. Our Home in the Spirit has nothing to do with what some think are literal streets of gold, walls of jasper, or gates of pearl. Our true "Home" is a pure and exalted realm in the Spirit where we reign in and with Christ. And our duty, our obligation, our high calling in God, requires that we grow spiritually beyond the normal Christian experience, to attain to new and higher heights in the Spirit. That is why the Spirit is speaking to us of a mountain. For us, this is not just any mountain, this is our "mount of transfiguration;" this is the mountain where we shall meet the Lord and be changed into His image and likeness (1 Jo. 3:22). And we shall climb all the way to the top of this mountain by hearing His voice and then obediently taking one step at a time!

More than thirty years ago, the Lord gave me a vision of a mountain in the Spirit. Some of my dearest friends and loved ones had gone on to be with the Lord, and some of them spoke to me during that vision. I saw those departed friends and loved ones as if they had been climbing a spiritual mountain during their journey in this life. The "shells" of the bodies of those departed saints were scattered all over that mountain to show their spiritual growth, which they attained during this life. Some had attained to higher spiritual levels on that mountain than others, but none of them were satisfied with their spiritual growth during their experiences here on earth. As the vision progressed, the departed friends and loved ones I had known started calling out to me. Without exception, every one of them called out to me, saying, "Go higher, Paul, keep going higher and higher." There was some sorrow and regret in their voices, for they hoped they would have grown spiritually to higher realms in God than they had achieved during their earthly journey throughout this "life."

For some reason, the Lord wanted me to know that the life we live in this world has some important spiritual connection with the Life that is to come. What we do spiritually while in this earthly realm determines our spiritual attainment at the moment of our death. This is not to say that we cease growing spiritually when we leave this "life," but our spiritual growth in this life is very important. As far as I am concerned, I have heard His voice calling me home. And I must continue growing in the Spirit, by taking one step at a time. I have no interest in the passing and temporal things of this world. There is a Cause to represent, and a Kingdom to inherit. All this is before us! It is our inheritance! And that inheritance will be given to those who will climb this last "mountain," to become the true overcomers in the kingdom of their Father.

As a son of God seeking to do the will of my Father, I lend my voice to the Voice of my Father. I surrender my will to the will of Him Who has called and chosen me. I call out to all who will hear, "Return, ye children of men, return to your Father. Keep going higher and higher in the Spirit. Never let up, but earnestly and sincerely pursue the goal to gain the prize that is before you. Forget the needless things of this life. Worship the Lord in the Spirit; see Him whom you are becoming. There is one more mountain to climb; take it one step at a time. Be sure to climb as high as you possibly can during this present life." The Prize is before us! Some of us will reach the goal and will obtain that Prize, which is the fullness of the Life of Christ. And they/we will do so without dying the death so common to this earthly body.

Just What is Death?

We all know that Christendom in general lacks the truth and the understanding of the Spirit concerning the scriptures and the word of God. This is especially true regarding the subject of death. For example, there is obviously more than one death. The Bible speaks of the second death, as we read, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" (Rev. 21:8). Those who are led by the Spirit are not in the group described in this verse. Most Christians can easily and mercilessly confine murderers and whoremongers to the judgment of the second death, due to their lack of understanding. Yet they seem to think that their carnal fear and unbelief of the truth of God should be excused by the Lord. But God puts all liars as well as the fearful and the unbelieving in the same category with the murderers and whoremongers. They all shall be purged of their unrighteousness, including unbelieving "Christians," in the fiery presence of the Lord, which is the second death. God's purpose in putting people into the purging fires of the second death is not to kill or destroy them; it is to cleanse and purify them, and prepare them to be fully saved in spirit, soul, and body.

Concerning the second death, George Hawtin wrote the following: "It is impossible for anyone to rightly understand what the second death is until he understands what the first death is. It naturally follows that, if there be that which is called the second death, then there must of necessity be that which is called the first death. The first death is not the grave, as is almost universally believed, but it is the entire expanse of our existence from the cradle to the grave, which we are fond of calling life. Paul made the following enlightening statement to men and women who were born again Christians. Writing to the Ephesians, he clearly taught them that they were dead, not only spiritually, but physically and bodily as well. With this thought in mind we read the following from Rom. 8:10. `If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life (alive) because of righteousness.' So then, the sinner in his sin is dead both physically and spiritually, for that is what the scripture says, but the believer who has believed is now alive in spirit. His body is dead, for, though his spirit has partaken of the life of Christ, his body has not been made partaker of life.

"Then the word goes on to show that the day is coming when the body also will partake of life just as the spirit has already done. So Paul continues, `If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken (make alive) your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.' (Rom. 8:11) Thus it is very plain from this verse that all of our existence outside of Christ is in the realm of death and God does not consider that existence to be life at all, but only death.

"Then again was not Adam distinctly warned, `In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die?'There can be positively no question that this death actually occurred. Adam died spiritually and physically the moment he sinned. The life of God departed from him. He did not merely `begin to die.' He actually died and all his existence from then on was in the realm of death. Adam and Eve were not at first naked in the garden. They were clothed with the life and light of God, but when they transgressed, they were denuded of the life of God that had covered them and now they stood naked, ashamed and uncovered. The life of God had gone from them and all that was life was death. As long as we imagine that we are alive until we go to the cemetery, we will fail to see the true picture. The grave is only the final part of the death experience. Our life in the flesh is in reality naught but death.

"David once wrote these instructive words: `Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.' The valley of the shadow of death is not entered just before the tomb. The valley of the shadow of death is entered the moment we come forth from the womb, and in its shadow we walk until we experience the resurrection life of Christ, for our spirits when we are born again, and, secondly, for our bodies at the resurrection of the just.

"Furthermore, Paul, writing to Timothy, spoke of `she who liveth in pleasure.' One would naturally think that those who enjoy pleasure in all its forms would certainly be living if any one was, but Paul taught that such is not the case. Rather the opposite is true. Those who are enjoying pleasure to its utmost are in reality dead, for he said, `She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.' 1 Tim. 5:6. Jesus added this further convincing fact when He admonished the young man who asked to be allowed to go bury his father before following Him. To this request Jesus answered, `Let the dead bury their dead, but follow thou Me.' What was He telling the young man but that the men who carried the coffin were as dead as the man who lay inside it? And that, my brethren, is the truth.

"From these few statements of scripture, and there are more which we could consider, we must conclude that this whole realm which we now call life is in fact and in truth the first death. Through it we walk and groan in our mortality, and while we do so, we are always subject to fiery trials that are given to try us and separate us from our sin and carnality.

"Since, then, this realm through which we walk is the realm of the first death, surely it should not be so difficult for us to understand what is meant by the term, the second death. Since this realm, which we call life, is in reality only death, then the second death must be a realm similar to this realm of the first death. We of this first death walk through fiery trials that are to try and purify us. They of the second death will walk through what is described as the lake of fire, and the scripture plainly states that the lake of fire is the second death. Once we see that the lake of fire is the second death, rather than some raging inferno into which God has in frustration and anger cast all people He was powerless to subdue, then things begin to make sense. God will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth, 1 Tim. 2:4. Who is so foolhardy that he dare say He will not? "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterwards they that are Christ's at His coming. Then cometh the end...." which must mean the end of making all men alive, 1 Cor. 15:22-23." (End of quotation.)

God will indeed have all men to be saved! But the elect, or the firstfruit saints of God, shall be the first to be fully saved. The elect of the Lord are now going through the processings of this first death. They are being prepared of God, by the tests and trials of this life, which is the first death, to be transformed by the Life of Christ to rule and reign with Him. All those whom God has not called to endure the preparation unto Life abundant during this first death, shall be thus processed during the second death. All mankind shall indeed be fully saved, some through the processings of the first death of the present era, the rest through the fiery processings of the second death.

In the end, when all mankind are fully saved, we will all marvel and rejoice at the wisdom of our Father, and His sovereign, omnipotent purposes, which He has triumphantly and gloriously fulfilled for all. And we, the elect of our Father, should be of all people most joyous and appreciative. God has called and chosen us to be among those who are now experiencing the first death, with all its accompanying tests and trials, that we might be partakers of His Life, which is the Life to come, the Life of the kingdom of God. We shall then have part in the first resurrection! Thus it is written, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years"(Rev. 20:6).

For us this present life, which is the first death, is our probationary period in the wilderness of this world. Just as Israel of old was led into their forty-year probationary period in the wilderness of their wanderings, even so are we called to endure the wilderness of this first death to be changed into His image and likeness. When we understand the vast difference between this that we call "life," and the greater Life to come, we will say with the Psalmist, "the sorrows of death compassed me," as we journeyed through this realm of the first death (Ps. 18:4). Solomon referred to the things of "life" in this world as being "vanity and vexation of spirit" (Ecc. 2:17). And that is the truth! How often have our spirits been vexed by the carnal manifestations of this present order of things? When Solomon considered the oppressions of this "life" and that many people had no comforter, he then "praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive" in this present worldly order (Ecc. 4:2).

Father's purpose in leading us through this realm of the first death is that we may, in union with Christ, "loose those that are appointed to death; to declare the name of the Lord in Zion" (Ps. 102:20-21). Like the Psalmist, we may say, "the sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the name of the Lord" (Ps. 116:3-4). And, "The Lord hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over to death" (Ps. 118:18). Even though we are now going through the first death, our Father has delivered us from the greater, spiritual death and the fiery chastenings of the second death.

To suppose that this realm is life and the realm beyond the grave is death is exactly the opposite of the truth of God. Solomon, the wise man, said, "A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death (is better) than the day of one's birth" (Ecc. 7:1). Accepted Christian doctrine is generally opposite and contrary to the truth of God. The carnal mind will always interpret scripture the wrong way. Only the mind of Christ can reveal the Truth as it is in Christ. And the mind of Christ will teach us that the death of this body is much better than the birth of it. We should rather weep and mourn when a baby is born, and rejoice and be happy when a person goes to the grave. When a believer passes from this "life," their probationary period is over; they have in truth and in fact passed from death to Life.

Those who are not apprehended of God will go through this "life" without the knowledge of God. Their destiny and calling is God's business, but ALL mankind will eventually be saved. The bodies of both the believer and the unbeliever alike will return to the dust of the earth from whence it came, and their spirits will return to God who gave them (Ecc. 12:7). Solomon also said, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof" (Ecc. 7:8). And so it shall be with the plan of God for all mankind. The spirits of the unbelievers will be resurrected to endure the processings of the second death (Jo. 5:28-29, Rev. 21:8). And the spirits of the departed saints of God, who have endured the preparation of the first death, shall be resurrected and given their new bodies of Life and glory, to reign with Christ.

But the highest calling of all belongs to the elect and chosen ones. It is the high calling reserved for those of us now living this "life," who are called to inherit the greater Life of the kingdom of God. It is that high calling of God that calls us to be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ, without going by way of the grave. Are you one of those elect ones? Has the Spirit of God planted that hope deep within your spirit? Some must enter into that Life! And some now living this life will enter into it, to be crowned with the glory of the incorruptible and immortal Life of Christ. This is the PRIZE of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus for which we continually press forward to apprehend (1 Co. 9:24-25, Phil. 3:9-14)!

When once we see ourselves as spiritual beings having an earthly experience, we will then also realize that this realm is death, and the Life to come is true Life indeed. Hear what Jesus had to say in this regard: "if thy hand or thy foot offend thee (or trip you or entice you to sin) cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee TO ENTER INTO LIFE halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting (or age-abiding) fire. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee TO ENTER INTO LIFE with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire," which is the purging fires of God's presence that corrects (Mt. 18:8-9). If indeed this realm that we call "life" was true Life, why would Jesus speak to us about entering into Life?

From the words of Jesus it is clear that this "life" is not true Life at all but only death. True Life is the Life of Christ or the Life of the kingdom of God. And because we seek that greater and higher Life above and beyond anything of this present "life," we will pay any price and make any sacrifice necessary to attain to that Life. We would be willing to forsake the useless meetings of man that we might hear more clearly the pure Word of our Father, which is necessary for our transformation. We might even remove a troubling hand, a foot, an ear, or an eye if any of those bodily members trips us up or entices us to sin, causing us to forfeit the prize of this high calling of God in Christ Jesus. The quality of Life to be gained in the kingdom of God will be worth making any sacrifice to win it! O that our Father would make us aware of the potential we now have in Christ!

In his wisdom, Solomon warned us about the "strange woman," which represents the carnal mind and nature that created the harlot systems of this world and all her many evils. He said of her, "her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell" (Pro. 5:3-5). The carnal mind and nature, with its corrupt systems of man, lead to death; to walk in her steps will cause one to experience the temporary darkness and destruction of "hell." The present world and all that pertains to this "life" is really death, for it all came forth out of the carnal mind of the old Adamic man of rebellion, unbelief, sin and darkness. There are two ways before us. It is as Paul wrote, when he said, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" And, "the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Ro. 6:16 & 23).

This anointed word should convince us that people are living in death now, because of the Adamic mind and nature within them. They are totally in death, especially if they do not have Christ within them and are not walking in the Spirit to do His will. Contrasting the carnal mind and nature and all things of it are the wonderful hope and promise of Jesus Christ, our risen Savior, Lord and King. He Himself said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life"(Jo. 5:24).

These words of truth spoken by Jesus should be all the evidence anyone should ever need, showing that every person is living in death now until Christ comes into their lives and they begin to do His will. Christ within us is the hope or promise of that greater Life to come. We do not yet possess the fullness of the Life that He is, because of the Adamic nature and mind that is still within us. But we have the assurance of that Life to come, by the indwelling presence of Christ. We have already passed from death to Life, spiritually speaking, but the fullness of that experience is still to come. His abundant Life will be ours in fullness when once the carnal, Adamic nature and mind are completely removed from us.

The word "condemnation," from the above verse, is taken from the Greek word, "krisis," which is the root of our English word, "crisis." It represents a crisis regarding a decision rendered by a judge or a tribunal. In this case, the Lord is the Judge who will judge all those who did not hear and receive His word of Life. They shall then be resurrected to go through the experience of the second death, whatever God has purposed that to be, which shall purify them and prepare them to be fully saved (see Jo. 5:25-29, 8:51, Rev. 21:8). Then they shall enter into the fullness of the abundant Life of the kingdom of our Father, to live with Him in the eternal forever.

The truth we should know for the present, which is the present truth of God (2 Pe. 1:12), is that a change has already taken place in our Father's method of administering His kingdom in the earth. The church age and all the works thereof are over, and the blessed era of the kingdom of God on earth has begun, by the power of the reign of Christ. Throughout the past ages of man, "sin hath reigned unto death." In this new Day of the greater authority, dominion and power of the reign of Christ and the kingdom of God on earth, "grace (is) reign(ing) through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Ro. 5:21). It does not appear to be so now, but God's grace is reigning to bring forth true righteousness unto eternal life, as the word of God has declared. And I believe God's Word! As it is written, "let God be true, but every man a liar" (Ro. 3:4)!

We are now seeing the principle of God's grace being applied to this present, evil world. And that divine principle is, "where sin abounded, grace did MUCH MORE abound" (Ro. 5:15, 17, 20). What a wonderful word of promise given for all mankind in this troubled and sin-burdened world! Are you concerned about the abounding sin in this world? Hear the word of God: where sin abounds, HIS GRACE DOES MUCH MORE ABOUND! The grace of God is reigning like it never has before! Instead of the law of sin and death, we now have the "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" (Ro. 8:2). Instead of eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we are partaking of the better and more spiritual food from the tree of Life in the Garden of the Kingdom of God. And our prayer for you is, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen" (Ro. 16:24).

Mountains, Mount Zion, and the Mount of our Transformation

Throughout the scriptures, mountains are used to represent a place of security and refuge, as well as high places in the Spirit. God called Lot out of Sodom and told him to go with his family to escape to the mountain. When Lot and his family delayed going, some angels took them all forcibly out of the city of Sodom. Then an angel said to Lot, "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed" (Ge. 19:17). I cannot find any better word given in scripture that tells us what we are to do spiritually at this time. God is not calling us to go up to any literal mountain of this earth to escape the wrath of God, as some might have us believe. But He is calling me/us to climb higher in the Spirit, up the mountain of His greater glory and presence.

Forget about literal mountains and other things of this earth and see with me in the Spirit as God would have us to see. There is a spiritual mountain before us. And I can hear that still, small Voice within, saying, "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." God would have us escape for our lives, spiritually speaking. If we remain here on this low, earthly plane, waiting for the fulfillment of all our Father's promises and purposes, we may die like all mankind has died before us. Some must go ahead of all the others to blaze a trail to the fullness of the Life of Christ and enter into His rest (He. 4:3-7)! And that "some" might just as well be some of us! Not until "some" enter in will it be possible for others to partake of that Life.

What then doth hinder us from entering in and receiving the promises of God? The Gospel has been preached to us, and we have heard His word. That anointed word was mixed with His faith within us, and now we believe. The works necessary to bring His Word to fruition "were finished from the foundation of the world" (He. 4:3). Also, this is the seventh Day in the economy of God for this world; it is the Day of the fulfillment of our Father's promises of Rest and Life (He. 4:4, 7-8). If we look behind us or to either side, we may heed the voices of others who would discourage us from making this journey to the spiritual mountain of His Life. Others will not understand our walk with God or our desire for His fullness; nor do we need their understanding or approval. We only need to hear and obey our Father's voice! If we do not escape to the mountain of His greater presence and glory, we will be consumed by death as all others have been before us. There remains but one spiritual course for us to take. It is for us to "escape to the mountain (which is Mt. Zion)."

The Psalmist referred to Mount Zion, when he sang this song, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. God is known in her palaces for a refuge" (Ps. 48:1-3). Indeed, there are "palaces" on mount Zion, and those "palaces" are dwelling places for us in the Spirit. There is a place there for each and every one of us who will ascend its heights and possess the inheritance reserved for us in the Spirit. In a sense, we are already at mount Zion. We are there in spirit, but not yet in the fullness of our being. And we go "there" only occasionally. But it is Father's plan that we ascend that "mountain" to remain "there," and enjoy the peace and solitude of those "palaces (that are there) for a (our) refuge."

Our Father is magnified on mount Zion. He is great and greatly to be praised. Those who ascend this mountain in the Spirit know their Savior, their Lord, their Head, their King, their God, and their Father. He is well known in her palaces for a refuge. Those who ascend Mt. Zion know Him! They do not merely know about Him, but they know Him and commune with Him regularly in the Spirit. They do not merely know Him with their understanding, but they know Him to the degree that they experience His peace, His comfort, His joy, and that He is their refuge from every storm. They also know where they came from and where they are going! No longer do they work, worry, fret and stew, attempting to bring forth something after the flesh. They REST in His finished work and in His grace! And Christ the Lord is their safe and secure refuge!

Those who ascend Zion's holy hill are not babes in Christ, nor are they immature children. They are matured and maturing sons of their Father who are growing spiritually into the image and likeness of their elder Brother! They give Him praise, honor, and glory, thus acknowledging that He is in control of all things. They see that things in this world are not as they should be. But they also know that their Father is working all things after the counsel of His own will and as it pleases Him (Eph. 1:11). And they also know that He is doing all things well! They know that without Him, nothing is being done, nor shall it ever be done, without His authority as King and Lord of all. Mount Zion is declared to be "the city of our God," and also "the joy of the whole earth." It is indeed the spiritual realm of the Kingly power and authority of Christ, "the city of the great King."

This Mount Zion also is "the mountain of his holiness." It is a realm of His holiness, for He alone dwells there. Nothing can exist on Mount Zion that is not as He is. He is holy, therefore, all who dwell there are also holy as He is holy. Mt. Zion is also declared to be "beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth." How could it be otherwise? This Mt. Zion is so beautiful, her Light and Glory shines forth to the whole creation, manifesting a Light that multitudes have never before seen or experienced. Her situation, or her spiritual elevation, is exalted high above the corruption and degradation of this sin-cursed world. This is the "mountain, which his right hand had purchased" (Ps. 78:54). It is His inheritance and ours also! Those who dwell there sit on their Father's throne, high above man's carnal fear, doubt, unbelief, unrighteousness and corruption. They are righteous as He is righteous, and His righteousness delivers them from death (Pro. 10:2, 11:19).

Yet, the Light and the Glory of that high mountain are not contained solely within her boundaries or limits. Rather, His Light and Glory shines forth as a beacon to all the world, sending His rays to every part of the darkened creation. Mt. Zion has a Light and Glory so powerful it transforms all mankind and dispels all the darkness everywhere with His brilliance. Not only is that spiritual mountain radiant with the Light and Glory of Christ, but also with His Truth, His Life, His Righteousness, His Power, His Joy, His Justice, and His Peace. His transforming power will eventually reach out to every person and every creature, changing them all to conform to His image and likeness. This Mt. Zion is "beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth." And we are filled with Zion's joy when we realize that our Father has invited us to come up to dwell with Him and reign with Him from His throne on His high and holy, spiritual mountain!

As we climb this last spiritual mountain, we will witness the full establishment of the kingdom of God in all the earth. It is written, "the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob" (Is. 2:2-3). This is one way the Lord is using to tell us of the reconciliation of all mankind and the restoration of all things. Here, the prophet saw the peoples of the nations coming TO the mountain of the Lord to be delivered and fully saved.

Another spiritual view of the reconciliation of all mankind and the restoration of all things is given in the twenty-fifth chapter of Isaiah's prophecy. There, or "in this mountain," the Lord is seen making "unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined" (see Is. 25:6-9). This spiritual feast will be so potent and life-changing that the veil of death and darkness that covers all mankind shall be destroyed. The Lord will also swallow up death in victory, wipe away the tears from off all faces, and remove the rebuke from His people. "For in this mountain will the hand of the Lord rest, and Moab (which represents the carnal nature and mind in all people) shall be trodden down under him" (vs. 10). Then, "they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Is. 11:9).

We will continue climbing this mountain "till ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain, and as an ensign on an hill. And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you: for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him" (Is. 30:17-18). When we have climbed this last spiritual mountain on our journey to His fullness, we shall be all that Christ is. His many attributes will shine forth from us as a beacon on the top of a mountain and as an ensign on a high hill. We will not work as we did under the former church order, but we will simply let Him manifest Himself from within us! He Who spoke in the beginning, saying, "Let there be Light," will again speak to the Spirit within us, saying "Let there be Light." His Light shall then shine forth from us in great Glory to all people and all nations. And none shall be able to withstand the awesome power of His transforming Light!

"O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God" (Is. 40:9)! From reading this verse, it becomes obvious that Zion and Jerusalem are realms where saints of God abide in the Spirit. All who are in those realms have been processed and prepared of the Spirit. And the saints in both those realms have one common characteristic: it is that they all bring good tidings. They declare the good news of the Gospel, which is good tidings since it is given in the Spirit of their Father with His love and reconciliation. And each order has a distinct calling and purpose in God to fulfill.

To Zion, the Lord said, "get thee up into the high mountain." And all who dwell in Zion's holy realm will faithfully and joyfully obey their Father, and will get up into that high mountain. Scriptures like this never meant much to me in the past. But this is a new Day with a new set of promises and principles for us to see and fulfill. The phrase telling us to "get thee up into the high mountain," never meant much before, but now I hear the Spirit speaking it. And when the Spirit speaks a word, that word is transformed from the previous form of the dead letter to a life-changing, life-imparting directive of the Spirit. Let us then "get thee up into the high mountain," for the word that once was the dead letter has now become Life by the Spirit.

The word to Jerusalem was, "lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God." Apparently those in that spiritual realm were not to climb that high mountain. Their calling is not our calling, and our calling is not theirs. While those of the "Jerusalem" company are to lift up their voices with strength and say to all Judah, "Behold your God," we of the Mt Zion company are called of our Father to get up into the high mountain of His greater presence, or up to our "mount of transfiguration." And as we obediently take the necessary steps of faith and begin to climb our "mount of transfiguration," God Himself will work with us. The promise is given: "Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand." He will come with a strong hand to strengthen us and make it possible for us to keep climbing this vague, nebulous and nondescript spiritual mountain, until we have been fully changed into His glorious image and likeness. It may not be easy to climb this mountain, but our Father will continue to speak to us, revealing His will and setting forth the path we are to take, one step at a time. And we will make it all the way "Home" triumphantly and by His grace!

We know that God is everywhere; His presence fills all things and occupies every known area. Yet, there is a secret dwelling place in the Spirit reserved for His elect. "Thus saith the Lord; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the Lord of hosts the holy mountain" (Zech. 8:2).

To all who love the Lord, serve Him, keep His covenants, and observe this present sabbath of rest, the Lord has said, "Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer..." (Is. 56:7). And again, "he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain" (Is. 57:13). When we see the shakings taking place in the earth, "the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. So shall ye know that I am the Lord dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down NEW WINE,... and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the Lord" (Joel 3:16-18). When we have ascended the Lord's holy Mount Zion to see Him as He is, we will no longer be ashamed because of the corruption of our carnal mind and nature. "For then will I take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride (which is our Adamic nature and mind), and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain" (Zeph. 3:11). Let us then ascend this mountain, be transformed and possess our inheritance!

Paul and Emily MuellerP O BOX 25055, PORTLAND, OR 97298-0055

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