Rapture Part 1
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TEXT:.                   1 THES 4:13-18

                            THE FACT OF 1 THESS. 4:13 -18


INTRODUCTION: First of all, the subject of the book of Thessalonians is an address to a congregation experiencing intense persecution (1 Thes. 2:14). Upon Paul's preaching In this city, many believed, which caused the fanatical Jews to stir up a mob violence against him and Jason who housed him. Through a tight security Jason was saved while Paul was sent away secretly in the night by the brethren to Berea (Acts 17:110). Aside of the great persecution that the church went through (1 Thes 2:14), they also experienced great sorrow over the loss of a number of their brethren through death (1 Thes 4:13). In order for Paul to strengthen them, he sent Timothy there after his failure to go there twice (1Thes 2:17, 3:3). Upon receiving the encouraging report of Timothy about the brethren, Paul rejoiced (1 Thes. 3:6- 10). But on a more serious note, they needed further encouragement and strengthening, therefore he had to commend them (1 Thes 1:2-10, 2:14; 3:6-10), that they may follow the course approved by God (1 Thes 4:1,2), abstain from fornication (1 Thes. 4:3-8) etc; But above all that they be comforted with THE RESURRECTION HOPE 'But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning THEM WHICH ARE ASLEEP, THAT YE SORROW NOT, even as others which have no HOPE‑‑" 1 Thes. 4:13-18. Therefore the issue in question is that of THE RESURRECTION HOPE and not a 'RAPTURE'. The word of the Lord in Vs 18 is "wherefore comfort one another with these words' which has to do with the Resurrection of the different categories of the saints Vs 3. Those who "SLEEP IN JESUS" (V.14), those "which are ALIVE and REMAIN" (V. 15, 17) and those who are "DEAD IN CHRIST' (V. 16). That is to say the saints should not be in sorrow, for all saints shall meet with the Lord through the process of the Resurrection. So the discussion here is not to escape from the persecution of a so called Antichrist in the great tribulation through the Rapture.



 Simply because the Issue of Rapture is foreign to the mind and the word of God. Therefore they who want to believe it have no foundation. May we first of all outline a few things here about this belief. Those who hold the view of what is called the "dispensational' interpretation of prophecy, teach that the 'second coming' of Christ will be in 'two stages':  first, the "RAPTURE" which is Christ coming FOR the saints (1 Thes. 4:13-17) wherein Christ does not appear visibly to those on the earth, but only COMES IN THE AIR to resurrect the true saints who have died, change the living saints (1 Cor. 15:23, 51‑53, Phil. 3:20-21) and "catch them up to meet the Lord in the air". After this is the REVELATION (His supposed second coming with the saints). The interval between these two events is generally regarded as seven years (Daniels 70th week). During this time, according to this view the Antichrist will make a seven year covenant with the Jews in which he will allow them to offer sacrifices in a rebuilt temple at Jerusalem. But after three and half years, he will break his covenant and place an idol (the abomination of desolation) in the 'holy place' of the temple. The Jews will refuse to bow and a great persecution will result - the time of Jacob's trouble. Finally, at the close of the tribulation period (the end of the age), Christ will return in power and great glory. Those who believe the 'rapture' will take place before the tribulation are called - 'PRE -TRIBULATION RAPTURIST' while those who believe the 'rapture' will take place after the tribulation are called - PRO-TRIBULATION RAPTURIST. This is the theory that has kept the Christian world bound. 

COMMENTS.: First of all, may the true sons of God note that you cannot find in the entire Bible where it Is stated that Jesus will be coming for the saints, rather you can find "IN THE SAINTS' (2 Thes. 1:10) and 'WITH THE SAINTS' (Jude 14). To teach a doctrine with a word very foreign to the world of God is very dangerous. Again, "the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy place' spoken of by Daniel (Dan 12:11, Matt 24:15, Lk 21:20) was prophetic of God bringing to an end the daily sacrifices of the old covenant, to finally put an end to the old order by using the Roman Armies (Lk 21:20) to destroy the temple worship and its rituals, even as they moved into the "Holy of Holies   and destroyed everything (abomination to the Jews) In AD70. It has nothing whatsoever to do with an Antichrist forming an alliance with any Jewish nation. Further more, they believe that the 'Rapture' will enable Christians escape the tribulation by using such terms as "caught up" "transformed" and 'translated'. But the truth is, none of these processes makes us to escape a 'tribulation' but, rather they are making us to escape "Death" even in Adam. We are "caught up" (1 Tthes. 4:13) into a spiritual state of consciousness to escape from our camel mindedness which is death (Rom 8:6), as we partake of His divine nature and so "‑ESCAPED‑‑" from "the CORRUPTION THAT IS IN THE WORLD THROUGH LUST" (2 pet 1.4), even as we" have fled for refuge (Heb 6.18),into Him thereby making us sons (Jn 1:12). Enoch was `translated' that he may not 'see death' Heb 11:15 not because there was an Antichrist or tribulation. So you see, all of these 'terms' are the progressive workings of the redemption of Christ in us. Other confused believers of this Rapture teaching are the "three different groups" of the secret Pre-tribulational Rapture doctrine:  which are (a) The mid-tribulational Rapture, (b) the Split  Rapture and (c) the Partial Rapture. And of course, these groups of believers are more damaging than the previous ones. These 'Partial' and 'Split' believers contend that the 'Rapture of the saints is based upon merit and not upon your faith on the finished work of Christ. This belief is as foreign as the inventors themselves, to the mind, purposed and the word of God. It is never taught in the scriptures. Their whole belief is based on the parable of the Ten Virgins. In their view the Ten Virgins were all Christians with their Lamps trimmed at the first. To them the 'five foolish' Virgins will not go through the rapture because they have no oil  the qualifying factor. While the Ten Virgins can be seen as all being Christians, the truth of the matter is these Ten Virgins corresponds to the parable of the 'Wheat' and 'Tares' all having the appearance of Christianity even in their acts, making it very difficult to differentiate the fake from the genuine a task that only Christ is capable of. The point is if there is to be any "rapture" just like 'resurrection', all should be seen as part of the finished work of Christ on the cross as the resurrection has always been considered. Above all God in His word promised us `ESCAPE" from `TEMPTATION" (1 Cor. 10:13) and Jesus further prayed for us to be 'preserved `I do not ask that you will take them out of the world, but that you will KEEP and PROTECT THEM (Christians) from the EVIL (ONE)." Jn 1'x:15. Please see verses 9, 15-16. It is now clear enough that 1 Thes 4:13-17 which is our text is not dealing with a 'Rapture' rather the issue of Resurrection 1 Thes. 4:13-14.


To be Continued                                                                                                  OGAGA O. DAVID



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