Jesus or Adam?
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                                                 CHRIST OR ADAM:


    Adam holds you accountable; Christ sets you free. When you believe into Him you move out of Adam. Anything that doesn't change is dead (Adam). Adam(the outer man) cannot go into Christ(the inner man). Those in Adam discern the Adam in the other. Those in Christ see Christ in the other. Adam was in part realm ministry. But we have received all in Christ. In Adam we are naked; in Christ we are clothed. There are only two men in the world (Adam and Christ) and one is dead.    

     You are in in Adam when you hate the fire and fear it; you are in Christ when you rejoice in it. Fire out of the Holy of Holies consumes the sacrifice (the outer man). The fire is not optional. We are going above. Not returning to Eden, where Adam comes from, rather we are leaving Adam and ascending to Christ.

    If you have to think to do it you are in Adam. Going in and out of the Holiest of All is moving into Christ and back out into Adam. Overcoming is still contending with the old man. But in Christ there isno contending you are alive in Christ. Justification and forgiveness are for the old man not the new man. Adam is a sinner. Christ is the saint. We don't have to do a thing to get the mark of the beast; Adam is it. The way of life is disclosed to no man(Adam) but only to the Christ within. The earth(Adam) must be dead for the seed(Christ) to come forth.

    The power of the resurrection is the life we see in each other. Break into the unity of ONE the expression of Him. The 10 commandments are life and not a law. Thou shall not kill is saying your nature will not kill! (prophetic of our change in Christ) Take the beam out of your own eye so you can see the Christ in the other person. Our repentance is toward God and not from sin. Jesus knew all things about men and still loved them unto salvation.

     Don't manifest what you think God is; just be. Don't die until you know how you will resurrect. Listening is worship. You can't deal with death to get life. People will be deceived by the antichrist and the Christ because they will be looking with the eye of Adam and the natural eye.  

    If you are still in the fire - you are in Adam. If you are in Christ - you are the fire.


Charles Weller, Not I But Christ, P.O Box 532 Hilliard, OH 43026 USA  


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