Part 4 Feast of Tabernacles
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             As good as rugged individualism is and upon which this country of the United States was founded, we must be careful that it doesn't become individual license for personal self-satisfaction and greed. As a whole the United States has embarked upon a precipitous path with its focus on personal gain at the expense of family, faith and friends. This striving for gain, financial wealth, is an empty deception with holes in the bag. Beware that such a philosophy comes into the church where there would no longer be found a people who would sacrifice for one another.

There is a place in the feast of Tabernacles for personal development, but in reality it must be balanced with the corporate action. It is only as we are bonded together, chemically bonded, that we reveal Who He is. Sodium and Chloride are poisons as separate entities. But when these substances are bonded together, they create salt, a life saving and preserving ingredient. If one can be prevailed against, two can withstand the onslaught. If one can chase a 1,000 then two can chase 10,000 (Deuteronomy 32:30, Ecclesiastes 4:12). Power is found in the corporate. Deliverance is found through corporate action. The United States was founded by rugged individualists who came together with one purpose and of one mind which was to be relieved of tyranny.

The tyranny of Adam is overcome by one purpose and one mind of the overcomers, those who walk in the feast of Tabernacles. Those who have entered into union with God must progress to the next step which is to join with others of like same faith to foster the corporate manifestation of God. This coming together will create the joining of the dry bones of Ezekiel together by the sinews. The resurrection from the dust of Adam will come forth through the new creation man in full splendor of the Lord's glory. It is only as each of us place ourselves into one another that we are able to cause the corporate manifestation of the Lord, the coming of the Lord. 

Revelation 3:12 states that He will make us a pillar in His temple. Every time the word 'temple' is used in the book of Revelation it is the Greek 'naos' which is associated with 1 Corinthians 3:16-7 where it states that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  The word in the Greek for the building used by the Hebrews for the physical temple is 'heiron.' It is a totally different word. As one reads the book of Revelation, and sees the word 'temple' know that it has a dual meaning - something going in you as an individual as well as the corporate. Also realize as you study the book of Revelation that the word 'tabernacle' also relates to you personally and corporately. (see our 160 page book: Unmasking the Book of Revelation).

While the book of Revelation is a book describing the battle of the carnal mind and the mind of Christ on an individual basis, it is also a corporate battle between the harlot system (economic, social, political, religious) which is a false body, and the true woman who brings forth the manchild (the order of the kingdom which is neither economic - for all shall know Him and have what they need, social - neither male nor female, political - no hidden agendas, nor religious for each shall know Him in the fullness without denominations). And in that same sense it is a battle between the corporate harlot system against the spiritual corporate body of Christ. The harlot system body has had the upper hand and continues to control seemingly because the Christians are more concerned about themselves and their personal growth in God then establishing the house of God, their fellow believers in Christ.

God declares that He will make us a pillar in His temple. How is that accomplished? I have had a lot of pillars established in His temple (inside me, my life). I can think of Charles Krull, Bill Britton, B.S. Westlake just to name a few. They are a pillar in my house that cannot be moved because they taught and revealed to me Christ, not some doctrine or religious idea. They built up His temple. God wants to use you to establish His house. He wants to use you to build His house. He is going to place you into someone else. Are you willing to devote the time to be placed in someone else? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the temple of God?

A friend of mine from West Virginia worked in the coal mines all his life.  It was his job to remove the pillars of coal that held the mountain up. The coal was completely mined and then he would go in and gradually remove each pillar sending the coal up to the surface as the mountain would collapse about him. God is calling us to go into the mountain of Adam and collapse it. We are to establish and place ourselves as pillars in the Lord's house of another person. Zechariah 4:7 states that any mountain of flesh can be removed by saying "Grace, Grace” to it. This call is for those who are willing to make themselves vulnerable, even as Christ was vulnerable.

The tabernacle of God is with men (Revelation 21:3).  The Amplified Bible states it this way: "The abode of God is with men, and He will live (encamp, tent) among them and they shall be His people and God shall personally be with them and be their God." The feast of Tabernacles is not about you or I but what God is doing - encamping within us. He wants to fill His house, which you are with Himself. He is who others are. And God wants to use them to become a part of you. He accomplishes this by placing you into the life of another so that they can receive Him as well as you receiving them as Him. Perhaps, they receive from you just a touching caring caress, or a word of comfort in season, or salvation. But He places you in them so that they are changed ever so gradually into His nature. Be careful, even in the smallest thing He is calling you to reveal Him. From changing a diaper to climbing a corporate ladder is to be a revelation of Him because He has encamped within you.

There is a people who dwell in heaven in the tabernacle of the Lord (Revelation 13:6). The enemy seeks to pull them down from that realm but cannot (1 John 5:18 see Amplified).  Even as the enemy attacked Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus conquered by remaining in the nature of God and not identifying with the ways of the flesh. You, too, because you are in Christ, and no longer in the adamic fallen nature since salvation, can stand and withstand the cries of the enemy. Who is the enemy? Is it not Satan, who is the Law of carnal commandments, rituals, and religiosity? You have victory because of your faith (1 John 5:4).

 Belshazzar’s Feast or the Feast of Tabernacles? 

            You know the story of Daniel chapter 5. The king is away and leaves his son, Belshazzar, as the king of the most famous gardens in the world – the hanging gardens of Babylon. Belshazzar was the king of Babylon while his father fought battles away from home. It was he who decided to hold a party of all parties. After all this was the greatest and most powerful kingdom in the world.

            Beshazzar had not learned the lesson of his grandfather, Nebuchnezzar, who for seven years ate grass as an animal until he came to realize that God rules in the affairs of men. No, Belshazzar was caught up in his own world of power which he had not even created. Belshazzar assumed he was in control, his first deception. Building upon this false foundation would be his downfall.

            He decided, because of his power, to have a party that would involve thousands, all the leaders of the city. He felt the city was impregnable and it was except for one short fall. When water was diverted from the river, the channel was dry and soldiers could walk in under the walls! Such would be his end, unknowingly to him. A false feast of tabernacles will occur first and many will succored unto it. Hear and understand. There is a false feast that occurs before the full true Feast of Tabernacles.

            Belshazzar took all the vessels of the Lord (Daniel 5:2-4), the golden vessels which speak of divinity and holiness. He placed within them the wine of the world. He contaminated the vessels of the Lord with that which was carnal. The wine used was the life of the world rather than the wine of the Spirit which is true life. He tried to sanctify that which was carnal with that which was holy.

He placed himself as a priest and he was only to be a king. He merged both, priest and king, into one which he did after a carnal commandment. While God will have kings and priests (Revelation 1:7) as the KJV states or a kingdom of priests as the Greek states, the kings and priests of God are far different from the self- appointed and coronated after the order of Belshazzar. God will not have anyone usurp His place of honor and glory. Like we have mentioned in the previously about Jeroboam, there is not to be any flesh in the Feast of Tabernacles and neither should there be a false tabernacles.  The self-effort of Belshazzar which came from an understanding of godly things was his downfall. He knew these were vessels of the Lord. He knew they were to hold wine. He knew there was to be a king/priest ministry. Yet, every truth he knew, he lowered from the heavenly realm to the carnal.

If there are people that see kingdom truth and they cannot get along…they do not see kingdom truth. There many be an understanding within their mind of the truth, but the costly reality formed in their life is not evident.  Belshazzar set up his own feast, rather than create the true feast while brings affliction to the soul (Leviticus 23:27-29). He sought self-aggrandizement over humbleness. “You have not humbled your heart, even though you knew all this (Daniel 5:22).” The sin of pride goes before a fall. He made the feast personal. It was his feast. He invited others to come and attend but they were not on the same level. The true Feast of Tabernacles is democratic.

Belshazzar used the vessels for worshipping the gods of silver and gold (5:4). He knew they were to be used to worship the one and only true God who proved Himself to his grandfather. But Belshazzar rebelled and used the vessels for all these false gods. These gods cannot hear, see or understand (5:23). 

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin was written on the wall by the finger of God, even as the kingdom was being wretched from Belshazzar.  Tekel means that the person has been weighed in the scale and that there is not enough in that individual to be an even weight. That person is found deficient.  So it was with Belshazzar and he was slain that very night. A false weight, a false tabernacles, is not sufficient to bring about the true manifestation. The true manifestation costs everything. Make sure that your pattern is the true tabernacle of God – Christ Jesus, the risen Lord (not the Jesus who lived 33 ½ years).

 The True Feast of Tabernacles

             The Feast of Tabernacles is an inclusive feast. It is not exclusive. Paul writes, as translated in the KJV, in 2 Corinthians 5:14 that “love constrains us” or as the NAS version states “controls” us. However, the Greek really goes even deeper in its thought of the word ‘’constrains” or “control.”  The Greek has within it the idea that the love is so powerful that it maintains all parts together and keeps it from falling apart. This love is so inclusive that it keeps what it has in place and draws more unto itself and holds it also in place.

             “How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? Matthew 18:12” What a love has the Father for us that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to seek redemption of all creation and He will not settle until even the last one is brought in. What man has such a love? None. What child has such a love? None. What woman has such a love? None. Only the Father’s love can cause such an act.

What a Son, only begotten in the image of the Father Who enraptures Himself with the cause of the Father. Coming forth from the heavens, He lowers Himself to the realm of the carnal corrupt world of man.  Descending to the pit  and walking with those of the seemingly lowest estate in the bottom of hell itself. Oh, what a God who leaves the green green grass of home for the muck of death and dust. What a God Who would not walk with the best of society, but chooses for His company, those who are the bitter dregs of society, the scum of the earth as they are called. Called by those who are just as black as the kettle itself for thinking such. But this God, my God, different from all other gods is motivated by love that far surpasses any human condition, any human thought, even the highest thought of man cannot grasp this unless but by experiencing this love.

This love is not satisfied until it reaches the very last one who has gone astray. What an opposite of man who seeks to love his flesh at all cost rather than love another other than himself. Oh creation how fallen art thou from the heavenlies (Isaiah 14:12)! Choosing the lower, Eve, the offspring of Adam, brought all creation low. Deceived by the outer visage rather than looking inward to the spirit, such vain glory set a path that led to death passed onto all (Romans 5).

But then, then came a Savior, God Himself. Descending to the abyss of the outer visage, clothing Himself in the likeness of sinful flesh; downward from the heavenlies he came; sliding down from all knowledge and wisdom He came; lowering Himself further He was born in swaddling clothes (left over cloth strips, their usefulness gone, of no value) in a manger. What love would lower itself so far? But yet even this depth of descent was not counted enough. No, for even this visage of holiness, visibly superior to what was evident, even died on the cross. Yet, even on the cross death was not like found in the paintings that depict it so, for the paintings are not humble enough. For this God died naked on the cross. His humility was seen of all.

But this does not do justice to the magnanimity of the love of our God. As David fought the lion and the bear to protect the sheep, even so our God has put a hedge about us (1 Samuel 17:34-35). as 1 John 5:18 reads in the Amplified Bible: “We know [absolutely] that any one born of God does not [deliberately and knowingly] practice committing sin, but the One Who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects him – Christ’s divine presence preserves him against evil – and the wicked one does not lay hold (get a grip) on him or touch [him].” It is He that keeps us from the bear and the lion. It is He and not we ourselves. It is He the most glorious of the Father, who reveals the love of the Father to us. What stone God of the Hindus has revealed such love? What god of the Jewish Law and legalism has done such? What mental effort of the mind such as Scientology or Christian Science has done such? None I declare unto you.

What religion seeks to elevate another? Hinduism is a walk of personal effort and growth. Shintuism (Japanese for “the way of the national gods”) worships its ancestors as a pantheon of gods similar to ancient Grreks. Buddhism is a religion of laws and degrees of personal growth. But the love of my God voids all self-effort of human endeavor. No effort by any human can accomplish or perform enough to become the love of my God. The love of my God, confounds those who think deeds done well can create a heaven bound result. For it is not deeds, efforts, laws, or personal growth. None of these are love nor the fruit of love.

Love constrains. 2 Corinthians 5:14 states love constrains us. The Greek means that “it holds together lest it fall to pieces or something fall away from it.” This love is so pervading that like a magnet it pulls things to it and holds it all together so that not one is lost. This is the love of my God. No matter what I do, even if I stumble while seeking to follow Him, His love is so strong that it pulls me up and onward into His glorious presence. Yea, even if I stumble (Ps. 37:24) He will uplift me. In fact, the New Testament states that none can come to the Lord unless He draws them (John 6:44). The word “draw” is translated from the Greek, which means to drag. This love is so constraining that it drags, pulls, hauls the person in. 

A Safe Harbor

 Note the love of this shepherd. He guides the 99 into a safe harbor. He leads the 99 to a place that they may feed safely and securely from all the wiles of the world. He does not leave them in a position where they could be broken asunder by wolves, bitten by serpents or battered by the weather.  Just as the ark in Noah’s time was covered with pitch (the first time the word atonement is found in the Bible, which is part of the Feast of Tabernacles) inside and out so that all creatures would be safe and secure, so the love of the Father is for us. He surrounds us with Himself. The wind may howl, the storms may roar and the earth may quake but nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35,39). For He has placed us under His pinions (Psalm 91).

He has made Himself atonement for us. He has reconciled us to Himself. He hides us within Himself  (Colossians 3:3). We are in a secure harbor because we are within Him. He has defeated the enemy. The enemy cannot touch us. The feast of Tabernacles brings a time of rest and cessation from self-effort because He, our Savior has won the victory for us. Whatever may befall us, can be overcome because we can rest in His victory, even the cross.

            This love that our God has revealed through His atonement is so pervasive that nothing can be excluded. Before the fall, Adam could have pet the lion. After the fall, Adam had to have a spear because the lion would have bit his hand off. But the love of God is so inclusive that when the new creation person and that corporate expression of Christ come forth, even the animal and plant kingdom will reap the benefit of the Feast of Tabernacles. All creation shall lie down, be at rest because the Feast of Tabernacles is that feast which causes a cessation from all fleshly works. Thereby, there is a safe harbor when no flesh exists.

            The 99 were not looking for the enemy. They were not looking out for a storm or bad weather. The 99 knew they were safe and thereby began to eat at leisure. They were able to enjoy the location or as the saying goes – “they were able to take time to smell the roses.”

 He Seeks the One Who is Lost

             Numbers 29 brings out clearly what occurs during the eight day Feast of Tabernacles. Tabernacles does not deal with sin because that was dealt with in Passover. The Feast of Tabernacles does deal with trespasses. As one reads the offerings carefully, it will be noted that each day 1 less bull is offered. It starts with 13 bulls and ends with 7 bulls. This shows there is a 6 bulls decrease, the number of man. As mankind matures in the Feast of Tabernacles, every trespass ends. In fact there are 199 offerings and in Hebrew this is meant as “Amen” or in other words, “It is finished.”

            The feast numbers in 29 are important and worth personal study. The key is that as the feast of Tabernacles continues the offerings are less. This means that the person/saint is growing in the Lord unto perfection. There is no sin in the feast so the trespass offerings are to ‘cover’ the unknown missteps the individual makes as the individual seeks to grow in Christ. Hallelujah! Isn’t our God wonderful! He forgives our sins in Passover and then continues to cover us as we mature and the old falls away. I liken it to a child who is constantly maturing but has no control and doesn’t even know it is growing. And then one day, the child is a teenager – mature physically. When did it happen? It started at birth! The child was unaware and yet the process continued. So is the feast of Tabernacles. One comes to the recognition of oneness with God and then grows in it, focused on life and all that is immature falls away.

            When shall it be finished? Corporately when the last one is brought in completely. We note that the one lost was a lamb. It already had its sins washed away. Now it had strayed on its own path. It was seeking food and shelter in an insecure place. The lamb was looking for food in the garbage can when it could be hid in the nature of God and have all that it truly desired. The person was looking for life in the carnal arena – the desires and lusts of the flesh when it really wanted to be fed spiritual things. Hunger was driving the animal, deception was leading it away from reality.

            The Feast of Tabernacles is a time when a soul that is not afflicted it will be cut off (Leviticus 23:27-32). Truly the one was cut off from the rest of the flock because the lamb desired food and did not follow the shepherd but went its own way. We all like sheep have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6,7). But He has borne our griefs and our iniquity in order that He can deliver us from the snare. The Feast of Tabernacles is a ministry of reconciliation of all. 99 will not suffice. Only all 100 will do. The cross delivered all creation from sin, but the Feast of Tabernacles is the manifestation of the deliverance by those conformed to His image who seek out that which is lost.

            I used to raise sheep so that I would have enough money to go to college. They are an interesting animal. A sheep will continually go its way, head down, eating. As the sheep grazes, it focuses on the grass and not the others or the shepherd. Gradually, as it eats, it strays from the flock if left unattended by a dog of the shepherd. So many sheep stray that today we use fences to pen them in. A shepherd would have his hands full in the old days watching out for straying sheep, wolves, bears, etc. Occasionally one would wander off. And many times it would be the same one. So the shepherd would break its leg and carry it, generally around his neck, until it was healed. The animal would then learn to heed his voice and know it. What a loving shepherd, what a manifestation of the Feast of Tabernacles.

            The one strayed in the story because it didn’t know the call, the voice of the shepherd. For he had called, but the desire of its own lust had a louder voice which it should not have known.  The one was cut off from the others because of its self-effort (Leviticus 23:30).  Beware the call of Belshazzar’s feast.

            The good news of the gospel is that Jesus died for all, once and for all.  The psalm of the cross, Psalm 22, declares in verse 27: “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord.” He has gathered together all things in Christ. Only 100 will do. 99 will not do. Let us seek out the one that is missing that we might be found complete in Him.

 The Parable of the Sower

             You may wish to read the parable in Matthew 13:1-30.  Make sure you read Luke 8:11. Traditionally, the parable has been taught that Jesus is the Sower. But Luke reveals that ‘Jesus’ who was the ‘word of God’ revealed (Jn 1:1-3) was sown. So the Sower has to be the Father Himself. Recently, while considering this parable, I came to a new understanding, whether deeper than what I knew or not I do not know, but truly it was a new thought, a different approach. So please consider.

            Note that the seed, the Logos, is sown in soil that is the opposite of ‘good’ (verse 23). Obviously this soil although not named as ‘bad’ is considered so since the other is ‘good.’  This ‘bad’ soil is the Adamic nature. If the Word of God is sown in the Adamic nature look at the results…it is three fold.

            First, the birds take the soil away or the evil one. This is symbolic of the Law. For the Law is the accuser of the brethren (John 5:45, Revelation 12:9-10, Matthew 4). The Law will always draw the seed away from growth and we know that the Adamic nature, that fallen nature, is religious and abides by the Law as a means to salvation.

            Secondarily, the seed is sown on rocky places. It cannot grow for it has no root in itself (21). This is a type and shadow. For Jesus made His soul (mind, will emotions) an offering for sin (Isaiah 53:10). Therefore the mind of Christ can be in us. But we see that this rocky place, the mind of Adam, leaves little room to be replaced with the mind of Christ. He who is the Rock of our salvation must have fertile soil, and there is no fertility in Adam. Therefore the seed cannot come forth. Thus, we have the second level.

            The third is that of the flesh and we see the seed is sown and the thorns crush it out. The thorns represent the cares of the world (verse 22). Did you know that the crown of thorns that the Lord had placed on His head was a vine type that could be braided? Did you know that the thorns were very fine pointed for at least 1 inch, as fine as the finest needle? Did you know that this needle point went under the skin for a great length and when the Romans pressed in onto and into the head of our Lord it would continually wound? The cares of this world are like thorns. They can emotionally control the mind and overpower it. And so the fleshly desires of the fallen Adamic nature stop the seed from placing its roots.

            The truth that the Lord was trying to share with the disciples is: THE NATURE OF CHRIST CANNOT TAKE ROOT IN THE ADAMIC NATURE. IT CANNOT GROW THERE. Life can be made manifest only in the soil that can produce life – the new creation man. Religious man, that carnal man, does not recognize that his life is hid with God in Christ (right identity) but rather seeks to find his identity outside of God.

            The good soil, that new creation man, is the only one that can produce on three levels – 30, 60 and 100 fold. Each fold representing one of three levels that the seed was placed in the ‘bad’ soil. So, my fellow traveler, it is only the new creation man that can produce Christ. We cannot sanctify the old nature. The old nature cannot produce anything! For whatever it offers is death, not produce, fruit.

            The feast of Tabernacles, the true feast, is not like Belshazzar’s feast. It does not try to replicate life on a lower plane. The true feast seeks to establish life on a higher plane – the new creation man. How so? Consider the next parable.

 The Man of the Gerasene

             This is a story about Jesus. This is not a story about the demoniac. This is a story about Jesus. Remember we are to identify with Jesus and not with the man of the Gerasene.  In fact, as one reads the scriptures in the gospels, when you find the name of Jesus, insert your name there for you are like Him since your life is hid with God in Christ (Colossians 3:3). Most people identify with the sinner needing help, even Christians. Can you believe that? Christ is our pattern.

            After reading Mark 5, note that the similarity between the beginning and the ending. Jesus came from afar on a boat and leaves on a boat. There is much symbolism here. For Jesus descended from heaven, lowering Himself a little lower than the angels, and then, when He had accomplished his purpose, He returned to the Spirit realm. Does not this parable relate that way?

            But even more. Consider the three types of people here: Jesus, the Savior of all mankind, the man of the tombs, and the people of the city. Little needs to be said about Jesus, we know that He died to save the world (John 3:17, 1 Timothy 4:10) and did. He was full of compassion and His life revealed such as He walked among the people. The man of the tombs in reality was sane. It was the people of the city who were in denial of who they were.

            The man in the tombs, lived with the dead. Why? Because he knew he needed a savior! He knew that the world and those in the close city were in denial of their deadness in the Adamic nature. At least this crazy man, as he appeared to others, knew his spiritual state. The people in the city were denying their spiritual estate by being consumed with the lusts of the flesh and the things of this world.

            When the people of the city came out towards the way of the tombs, this man of the Garasenes would attack them and overwhelm them. Why? Because he was living in the strength of the reality of death, and the people were in denial that they were dead in trespasses and sin. So the people chained him and he broke those chains. Why? Truth is more powerful than a lie. Their denial of truth could not stop the reality of it. He lived among the dead and according to Jewish customs, he was tainted and unclean, but in reality they were too and had no need of separating themselves from him.

            He would charge at the people when they came. But look carefully at the story. When Jesus came – Jesus drew the man to him. The man came and bowed before him (Mark 5:6). Here was a man who beat himself into subjection with stones (which represents the Law), trying to overcome death which he knew he was in. But when he came to Jesus, he sank to his feet and bowed before the Lord of Life who could deliver him from the body of death. He, in the midst of death, could recognize life when he saw it. While those who denied death, the city people, could not truly see Who was really life.

            This Garasenes man lived in the deepest realm of death, separated from all others. Yet, Jesus came and reached down and delivered him. The towns people came out and saw Jesus ruin their livelihood - sending the swine over the hill. They did not want Jesus to remove their social, political, economic, even religious understanding. They were in total denial of the reality of death that they were walking in. But the crazy man of the Garasenes knew and sought deliverance.

            He wanted to come with Jesus in the boat to the other side – he wanted total deliverance from this realm of death. But Jesus told him to remain and be a light to the people in denial. He was to remain to show the people when they were finally ready to be ‘crazy,’ ready to deny their life of the death realm, then deliverance could be theirs.

            The story is so rich! Jesus came, descending. He descended to the lowest depths of hell, tartarus. He led all captivity captive. Then He ascended on high drawing all men unto Himself. This is the truth of the feast of Tabernacles. It is an inclusive feast and will include all, after the first fruits manifest the life. Not only does it include the crazy man but even those who do not yet realize they need Him Who loves them.

 There is Only One Truth

             There is only one name under heaven whereby a person can be saved – it is the name of God – Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).  It is not a magical answer. It is not a Trinity or Oneness as some Christian churches preach. It is a nature. There is only one nature that will deliver man from the throes of death – Christ Jesus, the ascended Lord Himself. Allah is not the way. The 1,000’s of gods of Buddhism is not the way. Self-effort in any religious form is not the way. There is only one way.

            There are not two men in the world – Adam or Christ. There is only one man in the world – Christ. The rest is a deception of a dead man who thinks he still is alive. Trouble is that the church still thinks it is in sin and related to a sin nature. The church, that body of Christ, is in His nature. They just need to walk in the truth of Tabernacles.

            Consider some of these collected thoughts of various ministers:

 Adam holds you accountable; Christ sets you free. 

When you believe into Him you move out of Adam.

Anything that doesn't change is dead (Adam).

Adam (the outer man) cannot go into Christ (the inner man). 

Those in Adam discern the Adam in the other. Those in Christ see Christ in the other. 

There are only two men in the world (Adam and Christ) and one is dead. 

Man trying to talk to dead (necromancy) is really talking to Adam.

In Adam or Christ? - You are in Adam when you hate the fire and fear it; you are in Christ when you are the fire

If you have to think to be like Christ - you are in Adam. 

Going in and out of the Holiest of All is moving into Christ and back out into Adam.

Justification and forgiveness are for the old man - not the new man.

Adam is a sinner. Christ is the saint.

We didn't have to do a thing to get the mark of the beast; Adam is it.

The way of life is disclosed to no man (Adam) but only to the Christ within.

The earth (Adam) must be dead for the seed(Christ) to come forth.

Take the beam (Adam) out of your own eye so you can see the Christ in the other person. 

 People are deceived by the antichrist and the christ because they look with the eye of Adam and the natural eye


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