I Am A Sinner

I Am A Sinner.

What just popped into your mind as you read those words? How did you feel deep within? Did you draw back, wince, feel pain, sorrow or a deep condemnation? Say it again...I Am a sinner.

Now that condemnation has set in, how is it removed? Ah, I am a sinner saved by grace. Jesus died for me and saved my soul. Feel better? Feel relieved? A little less condemnation on your shoulders? Now you can return to that peace that passes all understanding, for Christ has set you free and given you life and life more abundantly. Wonderful, ain't it?

Now you can feel justified to call someone else a sinner. Now you can pick out another's shortcomings and declare them to be in sin. They are not born again, they have not accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They are living unacceptable lives of sin and depravation and you are just the one to tell them so. They must repent of their sins and turn from their wicked ways. You are the one chosen to bring the Gospel of Salvation to the sinner, so they too can have the same peace you have. And so you call them out, inform them that they are in sin and are sinners, lost and separated from a loving God. And in doing so, you bring them into the same condemnation you felt when you first read the initial sentence.

Feel better, NOW?

Instead of Be-ing condemned, you can condemn others. This relieves you of that burden and heaviness you felt. Pass the buck, so to speak. Now, you are the superior one, informing others they can't do this or that. Can't act this way or that way, if they wish to be saved, or stay saved and go to heaven.

"But I don't do that", you say. No! You have never told someone they are a sinner because... They have to repent of their sin because... Did it turn you on? Did it make you feel righteous, somewhat better and above the individual because you don't do that which they are called to the floor over? What about your Brother in the Lord? He drinks a bit, you don't, tell him so. She sometimes uses foul language and your lips are the picture of purity. Let her know, so she can be like you. Call their sin out so they can have that heaviness you just had.

Next time you meet a homosexual, a lesbian, a drunkard etc., tell them they are a sinner. Feel the power behind those words. Feel the condemnation in the utterance, the strength in the authority you now have. In the power to bring another to their knees in utter despair.

But, you say, It is not condemnation, it is conviction I bring to them, from the Word of God. No it ain't honey. God convicts, man condemns. And unless you are claiming to be God (which you are not likely to claim) then you are condemning. And guess what...you love it! Why? Because you love the power you have over another, believer of non-believer. And you are not dwelling on your own sins.

You want to remove the burden off yourself and place it upon another and you don't care who it is, just as long as it ain't you. But I am not calling my Brother a sinner. I am just trying to correct him so that she can grow in God's grace and love, you say. Ever try removing the beam in your own eye first. Well I have, says you. Good, check the other eye. You might just have left a sliver there that you haven't quite gotten out. Hey, this is great. Now I am calling out your sin. Feel the power! Feel the rush! Feel better????

Now read the following.

I am a missing the marker. Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? Doesn't have the same power behind it? The same panache, the same authority, nor the same heavy condemnation. Interesting, ain't it!

You have been trained by churchianity, religiosity and denominationalism to feel condemned every time the word sin or sinner is used. You have cringed underneath the weight of guilt, to the point of weakness, when called to repent of your sin and to confess to God your vile carnal mind. And it has been man, under the guise of love, who has brought it to you. It has been the preacher, the teacher, the evangelist, the apostle, the prophet, the this and the that, who has brought the condemnation upon you. All under the banner of love and righteousness. Many times it has been your Christian Brother and closest friend, some who would leave you stranded, if you never repented of your "sin". Brother it's a sin to watch that boob tube and until you stop, I will not fellowship with you. You are living in "sin" you "sinner". Pass me a couple more of those burgers and another plate of fries and gravy. Umm, man those briskets are good and that lemon pie and ice-cream sure does go down well. Oh, and tell Sister Mary, she can come fellowship with us if her dress is not above the knee anymore.

But what if, just what if, you stopped calling yourself and others sinners and just said I missed the mark that time. I wanted to do this or that, but just didn't quite hit the target I was aiming for. I don't really want to drink, but I missed that goal again. I don't find being a lesbian really satisfying, but last nights fling will hopefully be the last time. What effect do you believe that would have on you and others? Do you believe there would be any pressure on you to try again or just say the hell with it? Would you feel condemned, like you did when you read the first sentence, or would you have the tendency and desire to try, try, try again until you did hit your target?

What about the power you would lose over another? Hey, you lesbian missing the marker. Hey you person born out of wedlock missing the marker. Can't you just see them shaking in their boots. No you can't because it doesn't have the same strength the word sin has. And that's the point.

You would not have the same power over their lives any more. No heavy burden of condemnation upon their shoulders to cause them to come to Christ under the guilt of sin. Now what are you going to do? Got to have another scam in order to get that power back. Can't build that church with no slaves! Can't stay in business, with no clients! Damn. No TV shows, mansions, or video sales. Guilt and fear were the perfect con tools. Ah, it worked so well, but now what?

Hey, I got an idea. What about just loving them? Are you nuts? That will never work.

What about loving yourself, with the love of God within. Sharing that love with others. But that is what I am doing when I tell them they are sinners. I tell them they are in sin, because I love them and because God loves them. Love by you, perhaps. Power, control and authority, most likely. Removal of your guilt to another, good possibility. Being right, definitely

God does love them and you, but man has trained your mind to believe in an Illusion, so as to have power and control over your life. You believe you are a sinner. A sinner saved by grace, but a sinner none the least. But if you are still a sinner, are you thus saved? For to be saved is to be free of sin and your mind is telling you that you are not free. And because you are not free, you do not wish others to be free either. Thus you tell them they are sinners. After all, why should they feel free, if you can't be?

Good News. You are not a sinner. You are not even a sinner saved by grace. And those whom you try to place guilt upon, are not sinners either. Busts your balloon doesn't it? Two thousand years ago Christ removed that designation from mankind, once and for ALL. The biggest problem is you do not believe this to be true, because if you did, you would never feel condemnation. And if you never felt condemned, you would not condemn others.

There have been many who have really believed what Christ did, but most then, as today, have not neither do. If you felt just a slight bit of condemnation, guilt, heaviness or the like, when you read the first sentence, then you really do not believe in the complete works of Christ. That is why you still believe you are a sinner and that sin still exists in the world. You believe in the Illusion that God failed to accomplish that which He set out to do and thus Calvary was really a failure.

Your belief in the Illusion of failure really means that Christ has fallen short of the target. In essence, Christ sinned, because He did not accomplish His mission. He missed the mark. And if He missed the mark, if He sinned, what hope have you to hit any target? How can you place your hope, trust and life upon the One who has, Himself, missed the mark He set out to reach. Troubling, ain't it?

Yet we ALL know that is not true. Or do we? We All know that Christ never sinned, never missed any mark and that He did take ALL sin to the cross and nailed it there, once and for ALL. Or do we? ALL have been Re-conciled to God. Or have they?

ALL, and that includes you and them, are without sin and are not classified as sinners. You are not a sinner. They are not sinners. Why? Because nothing, no-thing was ever Imputed to your or their account. For God was in Christ, Re-conciling the WORLD (the cosmos) unto Himself, NOT Imputing your trespasses to you. But you love the Illusion your mind displays as it is easier to believe in it than to accept the Reality of completion. Why? Because my people love to have it so.

You love the Illusion for you love to wallow in the mire. You love the self flagellation and self pity condemnation brings, so you can have a hand in your own salvation. I am a sinner, look at me repenting. Look at me praying, reading my Bible, helping the poor, the weak and the elderly. Look at how I weep for the lost and dying. Look, look, look at me. You are a masochist who enjoys the pain and sorrow the Illusion has brought you. And you love to inflict that same pain on others in a sadistic way. To Be removed from the Illusion and to dwell in the Reality of truly BE-ing Re-conciled to God, would remove ALL your performance based life you have been living in for so long. And your thinking mind does not want that to happen. So you keep thinking you are, that which you are not.

Now here is the reality. Either Christ accomplished what He set out to do or He missed the mark. If He accomplished His task, then there is no sin and thus no sinner. If He didn't, then He missed the mark and He sinned and ALL are still in sin and sinners without any hope of Re-conciliation. Choose you this day, NOW, whom you will serve. Either serve the Illusion that your mind is telling you that Christ failed, you are lost, you are in sin and a sinner, with no hope, or believe in the Reality of your sinless perfection. If you choose the Illusion, you can never live the victorious life, the peaceful life, the overcomers life, for you are and always will be in sin. The Illusion will always falsely accuse you of falling short of the Glory of God. If you choose the Reality of Christ's work, you are NOW and always in the Glory.

We began this writing with one statement. Let us end it with another.


NOW how do you feel?

If this message has blessed you, then bless another, for freely you have received, freely give.



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