Nothing - The Becoming

So the Sentient Being ended by saying:

The Power of Imagination

"After my awakening, in 1988, to the potential in nothingness, I remembered a tremendous experience I had had, ten years before, in 1979, that seemed to tie everything together for me. At that time, I was sitting in a Sons of God convention and for some reason, I was just not connecting with the person who was speaking. So, to pass the time, I began to use my imagination.

That may sound like a childlike thing to do, but I read a quote from Einstein that said, "Imagination is greater than knowledge". Imagination is tapping in beyond the five senses to what could be the potential for creating our future. We take that away from our children and, many times, from ourselves. As adults, we need to regain it. We need to reclaim that ability to tap into our own potential through visualization, imagination and meditation.

I don't care what tool you use, if it is anointed by the Holy Spirit, it is all right with me. I'm not talking about Transcendental Meditation. I'm not talking about an Eastern practice or Hindu or Buddhist ritual. I've even tried that, but I'm talking about something that is anointed by the Holy Spirit. I'm learning how to move into that silence, that quiet place of potential inside myself.

Playing God

While this meeting was going on, I was very bored and began musing about what God thinks. So, I decided to pretend that I was God. Isn't that blasphemous? But I thought, "Okay, why not?" So, I was pretending that I was God. But, the word God is rather an abstract term, so I was trying to see Him as the highest thing that God is, Love. So, I pretended to be all-encompassing, unconditional love. I played with that for a few minutes; then I went to being all-Joy, and then all-Peace, and all-Light, and all this and all that. And, I thought, "This is wonderful!" Then I began to be The-All-Everything!

In retrospect, I began to understand that my imagination had tapped me into a deep cellular memory. It wasn't a game of imagination any more. I was there, and I was experiencing being with Him, even before the hills were formed, when I was His delight. I was literally existing before creation, in the Creator. And it was powerful!

When I did this, I began to have a sense of a missing piece, somewhere around the heart and the solar plexus area. And all of a sudden, my excitement began to slow down, and I found myself back to thinking: I am love; I'm all love. And I began to get slower, and I began to get questionable, and all of a sudden, being everything was not enough.

But what could you be, if you are everything?

And, somehow, I knew that what I desired was to BECOME all that I was. Being all-love is not enough, because love has a desire to be loving. Nouns were becoming verbs. Words of statement and declaration of being, began to be words of action. I began to feel the inner law of stimuli and response. I wanted to love something! I wanted something to tell me what it is that I am. And I thought, "This is the whole reason for creation!" God just didn't create to experiment with a bunch of human beings like rats caught in a maze. Creation came out of a deep desire to be mirrored, to look into the image of something and see what one is.


The way I really understood this concept, was by being brought back to the birth of my daughter. I married a lady who was a widow, a little older than myself. She already had two daughters. It had not been a desire in me to be a parent, because of the way I preach and travel. But, things change, and we had a daughter. My point is that the potential of being a natural father was already in me. That was extended to me by my natural father.

When we create or form a body, we don't have any right to choose not to extend that part of the process of creating into what we form. It goes with the territory. It is extended in the creation act. We can't say, "I want to have a child, but I do not want my child to have a child." We have to pass on that equal ability that formed our child, into our child. A creator has to extend into its creation its own ability to create. It is inherent in the spiritual DNA of the creation. that information is there, and that ability is there.


When my daughter was born, and they brought her out, it was a transforming moment for me. When I looked into her face, in her, I became. It was something I could never have done without this experience, even though it was potentially in me. It took me outside of myself, coming back to me, to make me become more than I was. I looked at that child and there was my image, and boy, was it. My daughter is me. I looked at her, and she ministered back to me. I had given her life, but her life ministered back to me in that circle of giving and receiving that is really what praise is all about. That is what we are really doing. We are giving back to God a life that God has given to us. It's a cycle. It is a circle of life.

This is not Pentecost anymore! There is something happening that is not old time emotional Pentecostal escapism or some euphoric emotional experience. This is about release of the potential of spirit at the cellular level! This has been proven by other cultures, such as the Native Americans, and Africans, in their drumming sessions. There is something that changes our rapport with time and space through rhythm, through movement. King David did it so beautifully, and like David, we just need to let go, and let that happen. When we get this circle going at a certain momentum, we find ourselves spinning off, and at the cellular level, there are electrons that are going around the nucleus of the soul. The soul begins to speed up to a different frequency, and it begins to raise the vibratory frequency of the body. This cause us to begin to experience a physical resurrection, and we will not be in the same place that we were when we started.

There is noting wrong with these things, but let's do it consciously. Let's do it awake! We've done it asleep! Just think what we can do awake! It is so powerful!


I became a father through my child. God became in us. When you were, God became! When God became, that was you spiritual creation. That is your being. You and I were literally God's experience of its own Self Realization. God looked at His Son, the only begotten Son, the many-membered Being, and saw Himself.

This is where I draw the line with the Sonship message. I don't personally, at this point, believe that the only people who are Sons of God are people who have gone through some salvation ritual. I think it is the people who are awakened to their Sonship. That is what the salvation experience is . It reminds us, it connects us to what already is. I don't think we get it, because now we are good enough. We get it because we are God's children, just as our physical children, by our bloodline, are always going to be ours, even if they turn out to be mass murders and land themselves in prison. They are still ours.

We are God's creation by spirit, by creation. We are created Sons of God. We just happen to be a part of the Church of the Firstborn. That is all "firstborn" means. It means that God has a collective model or a prototype. Look up the word born, as in firstborn. It is from the Greek word, prototokos, which is the English word for prototype.

So, we shouldn't get all smug that we are so chosen and elect, because we are just the mode. The prototype is the hardest thing to come up with. Once you get the prototype, just turn on the assembly line, and they are going to start rolling off.

Get ready! We are entering into the fifth dimensional energy of the 21st century, and we are ascending out of the third and fourth dimensional energy of the time-space continuum in which we have been living.

Those who follow us are not going to have to go through what we did. They are not going to take as long as you and I have. They're going to come in at the level we have created. We are going to become the collective womb! We are going to become the Perception Gate. We are going to be and are the gates! "Lift up your heads O' Ye Gates! " Because the King of glory is going to ride through us! And when He does, we are going to see masses of people get up from where they are. They are not going to hear it from a pulpit! A pull-pit! We've pulled people into the pit long enough! We need to use these things to raise people out of the pit of life and bring them back to their true original estate.


The Power of Perception

I am an in-the-house minister. I do not minister much out here in the objective world. That is the world of effect. One of the great lies we have believed is that what people do to us "out there" makes us feel bad.


Pilate said to Jesus, "Look, don't you know I have the power to release you or crucify you?"

And Jesus thought it over for a minute. He didn't really respond back to him, until He said, "You know what? You have no power, unless it has been given to you by my perception! The only way you would have any power over me is if I perceive you as having power over me"

Then Jesus was caught up into the Christ where He wasn't a body any longer. And He said, "Hey, whatever you do to me, do it, because I'm not here. He used The Process to be caught up into that spiritual eternal Christ that He was.

Think about it. The next time you stand before a Pilate; the next time you stand before a condition; you have to go inside and use The Process. Go back to the Father; be one with the Father. Be one with The Process, and say, "Wait a minute! You have no power over me, unless I choose to see you as having power over me. I can choose to see myself as a victim, but I know that I am the cause of my world , and you, Pilate, are my effect! You Pilate, are not the cause, and I your effect.


Isn't it wonderful to go within to pray and meditate? We experience such peace and stillness being in unity with that I AM God. And then we come back to all of this....

What if I told you that it can be just like it is on your inside, on the outside? You won't even know whether you are in the body or out of the body!


We're here to grow up! We are here to make a difference. We've been twenty years old for a hundred years, since the 1900s began. We haven't even come of age, yet, as human beings! We are going to become twenty-one years old soon. And we are going to have our rights as an adult Son and Daughter of God. Think about it! We don't have to be in everlasting adolescence. We don't have to be perpetually confused. Too old for this! Too young for that! Sometimes, I think we are just right for only a second. Did you ever feel that way growing up? Maybe there were just fifteen seconds, and you missed it somewhere, where you were just right. But most of the time, you were too old to do that and too young to do this.

One of the hardest parts of growing up is to stop playing the role of the victim. It is much easier to be innocent and blame everything bad on the devil and praise God for everything good and take no responsibility whatsoever.


Owning up to the responsibility that I have many times wrongly invested my energy, brought me to an awareness of the principle of energy investment. I now give a lot of talks and workshops on Energy Investment Programs. Just like somebody would come along and say, "I have a million dollars; teach me how to invest it". I do that with energy. I try to get people to realize that their life and their energy and their choices are an investment. They need to put their investment where they get the interest, where they get the best return from it and not throw it away on riotous living.


We have to accept the responsibility of where we invest our energy in order to regain our original state of being creative. We are not creative now because we don't have the energy left over to become creative. We spend all our energy in riotous living. We spend so much time putting our energy into what is not real; we don't have anything left over to put into what is real.

However, taking back energy from what is not real has a consequence. The more I took away my energy from concepts and information and perceptions that I had been worshipping and began gathering my energy back to myself, the more I realized that I had to grow up and come into partnership with God.


There are those who might say, "I'll always be dependent on God". That is true to a certain extent, but when we grow up in God, we find out that God has extended His own creative ability into us, the Son. This is why that when we have the same mind that was in Jesus we find it not robbery to be equal with God.

My mother lives with me right now, and I will always be her son. No matter what, that will never change. But in some ways, I have to now meet her at an equal place. I listen to her as my mother, but when it comes to some aspects, I don't mind speaking up. I may be her child, but I an a child-adult, and adult part of us is equal to each other. I don't always have to do what she thinks if I think that it is not right, but I speak up for myself.

So, as we grow up in God, we begin, to find a different relationship, and it is a relationship of equality. It is not being under God, but with God. I think that is one of the key words we need to look at in the scriptures. Come and sit "with" me on my throne. Let us be heirs "together" in the grace of life. Joint heirs with Jesus Christ. These are scriptures that have meant a lot to me and have changed my relationship with God.

It is time for us to grow up! The Son's of God people have been in revelation for the last fifteen or twenty years, and it is ready for a whole new order to come in. We need to get out of the way and let the next bunch come in! We need to get our act together and learn what it is that revelation was to teach us and graduate and move on into a different status in which we are on the throne with Him, where we are sharing His life with Him, where we are sharing His goal, because we are not another; we are what He is!

We are getting ready to take a different status in what it means to be human. We're not going to be adolescent humans any longer. We need to step up and take our responsibility in working the inner processes that we have inherited from our Eternal Creator, the divine Source of all of us and step into our rightful identity as divine human.

It is now time for it to be done on earth as it is in heaven!"


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