BEing and Processing


There is much discussion on what is Being and what is processing. Who we are in Christ as opposed to what we are Becoming in Christ. Some see us as kind of taking a trip and being processed into what Christ is, with Jesus as our model. Every day we are processed more and more into what Jesus was and is. He is our example to follow. He gives us the understanding to Be processed into what and who He is. But this will take time and we can never know just how long this process will take. We can never know when we will BE as He IS! That must be left up to Jesus to decide when we have made the grade and have passed onto the fullness of Christ.


This processing is decided upon by the flesh we see. If our flesh supposedly sins, then we still need processing. If all the “bad” stuff is still in our flesh, then we are still in process. But what decides when our flesh is complete, sinless, etc.? Is the flesh, our bodies we look at, or our mind we think with? If our mind decides to do something another believes is sinful, does that make us sinful or them just having a sinful mind. If we do not condemn ourselves, does that still make what our body does as sin? Does that still mean that we are still in the process of BEcoming whatever we are supposed to BEcome?


The Scripture tells us that we “ARE” a new creation in Christ Jesus. It does not say we are in the process of becoming new creations. Are is present tense, not past or future tense. It means that we “are” NOW that New Creation. If we look at the outward appearance to see that New Creation, we will not see it, for we must look at no man after the flesh/body/mind (which ever you prefer), but after the Spirit. The Spirit is not in processing. It just IS. It IS complete, sinless, perfect and the fullness of God, for it IS God. That completeness is within you. It IS manifest in the realm of this world as within a body. God was and IS manifest in the flesh realm.


If it is a process that we are to go through in order to Become the fullness, then when does this process end or Become complete? When our body/flesh changes into an immortal? The New Creation man, is not of the flesh/body. It IS Spirit. The outward is always changing, always processing, but we are not the outward. If we (the outward) dies, does that mean that we will never reach completeness? Does that mean that we can not process anymore into who Jesus IS? Scripture says that as He IS, not as He was, so are we in this realm.


If we look at ourselves as being in process, we are looking at the outward appearance and trying to make that perfect, sinless, etc. We will “do” whatever we need to “do” to make that acceptable in the site of God, by “doing”. We will change everything that we think is sinful and try to make it perfect so that we and others will se that we are processing into the Christ. But does not Scripture tell us that ALL our works are as filthy rags? So how much “doing” do you need to do, in order for the filthy rags to be made clean? How much processing of your works needs to be done, in order for you to Become what it is you want to Become? How will you ever know when that will be accomplished if you do not believe it has already been accomplished? Will you take it to your death? If so, then it can never be accomplished, because all your doing will end. And you will have died not accomplishing what you set out to “do”.


So how nice, how good, how loving do you want your flesh/body to be, before you realize that it is perfect and complete? Do you still overeat, drink booze, curse, lie, etc., etc., etc? If you stop all that, will you then have stopped processing? Will you then Be complete and have then reached the state of Being?


BEing is who we are. Manifesting who we are may be what is in process, but it is not our BEing that is in process. Manifesting who we are is also seen differently by each one of us. Thus perceiving to see someone as telling a lie, means that that person is still in the process of Becoming. In some eyes, we would have to “do” everything perfectly and at all times, in order for them to see us as having reached perfection and not as being in the process of Becoming.


This realm, of manifestation, does not dictate our Being. Our BEing is not dependant on what we do in this realm. We are love. But how much love we manifest others may judge as BEing insufficient. They will say that you do not express agape love, because you do not “do” this or that, so you must not BE complete and are still in the process of BEcoming. It is a judgment based upon their understanding and not upon your BEing who you are in the NOW of your Essence. The eyes of the natural can never see the completeness of BEing complete and perfect for it sees only the natural and not the Spiritual.


I AM not in processing. I AM all that I AM in the manifestation of this realm and so are we all. God IS All in ALL and God is never in processing. HE IS and Because HE IS, so am I.



Sirius 8

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