Double Minded

A Letter to my daughter, yet to ALL.

Hello Schnooks. I happened to see some material that you are studying, regarding the carnal man. I was not able to view it all, but I felt to write what the Lord has given to me, regarding the battle of your mind.

I know you have been taught that the battle you face, in this world, is in the mind, and I would agree with that if you wish to do battle. The Scripture says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. But what is a double minded man? I contend that he is one who believes he has a carnal mind and the mind of Christ. Scripture tells us to put on the mind of Christ and as believers we trust that we have or are doing so.

What is the mind of Christ? There are many definitions that believers can give for this question. Most would say that the mind of Christ is the one that follows the good and righteous life, over that which is bad. Pure thoughts, over impure ones. In other words, doing and being good and not evil.

So the carnal mind is one that is evil and the Christ mind is one that is good. Thus we look at our walk and believe we must do all that is good and reject all that is evil. In doing so, we prove that we have the mind of Christ. Quite often, however, good and evil are defined by others who determine our walk by their definition of what is good and evil. Evil is watching television. Good is refraining from it. Evil is wearing a short dress. Good is one that is ankle high. And you know the rest.

If you contend that to get to heaven, when you die, one must fight and win the battles in your mind, you must ask yourself if you have the mind of Christ or not.

When Jesus was born, and up to the point of His resurrection, He battled this very same thing. He was tempted in all points, such as we are, and yet was without sin. However, after His resurrection, there was no temptation and thus no battle. You do not find any record of Christ being tempted, after His resurrection and Scripture says, that if you are in Christ, as He is so are we in this world. We have been resurrected with Him.

You were saved and are NOW in Christ, thus you are a New Creation. And as a New Creation, you have put on the mind of Christ. You do not have a carnal mind. What your thinking says, is that you have a dual personality and are thus a double minded person who must fight the good fight of faith, with your alter ego, the carnal, sinful man. If you are an individual who believes that you can lose your salvation, you can never overcome this conflict, for you will always believe that you are saved, then lost, then saved again, etc., etc., etc. Never knowing IF you will ever make it to heaven or not.

Scripture says that Jesus died to save ALL men (As in Adam ALL die, so in Christ shall ALL be made Alive). He shed His blood for ALL sinners, past present and future. He paid the asking price in full, thus any sin you may commit now or in the future, are paid for. That being so, there is no possible way for you to not make it to heaven. And I do understand that you believe that you can walk out on Christ and be lost. But even if that were true, that does not negate the fact that Christ still paid for ALL your sins.

What caused you to be in sin? It is that you were born in sin and shappened in iniquity. You inherited it from your forefather, Adam, for in Adam ALL die. Because of Adams initial disobedience to God, ALL mankind received the mark of sin. What was the sin that Adam and Eve committed? It is said, in Genesis, that they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now notice, my dear daughter, that that which they ate from and received, was Knowledge (thinking mind) of Good and Evil. The food that this Tree produces is BOTH Good and Evil. It is important for you to see this, for this is why you battle both the carnal mind and the Mind of Christ. You believe that Evil is Carnal and Good is Christ. It is not.

The carnal mind is BOTH Good and Evil. The Christ mind is from the other Tree in the Garden. The Tree of Life. The Tree of Life knows not good and evil. How can it? It is a different tree all-together. Its sap is not from the same well as that of the Tree of Knowledge. It is Life and Life more abundantly. Knowledge is of the mind which tells you that there is Good and Evil and that you must fight the battle between the two. So you thus, must walk after that which is defined as good, so that you do not fall prey to evil thoughts and actions, thereby not getting to heaven when you die. The problem is that you can never know, for certain, if you are completely without sin and have confessed all your sins up to the point of death. If there is only one sin, un-confessed and un-forgiven, you don't make it. If there has been one un-confessed carnal impure thought, you lose out on God, heaven and eternal life. You go to hell. And that is your battle of the mind. That is what you fight every day. Will I or won't I make it. Am I saved or am I lost? And that is why there is never any complete victory in the life of those who believe this way. They dwell on the probability and possibility of making it and not on the assurance that they are already there.

You must come to believe that Christ did pay the full asking price, when He shed His Blood on Calvary. You must know that ALL sins were paid for, or Jesus did not accomplish what He set out to do. If He didn't, then none can be assured that they are saved, for no one can know, for certainty, that Jesus has paid for their sins. He only paid for some, and that some does not include you or I. If so, why bother to do anything good. Why bother to go to church or to live the life you do, for in the end, you will be in hell anyway, for the Blood of Christ did NOT pay for your sins. It paid for someone else's and you were never included. This is also why there is such fear in the believers of hell. Uncertainty in their uncertain God.

Schnooks, the Scripture says that God was in Christ, reconciling the world (cosmos) unto Himself, not imputing (laying to your account) their trespasses to them. When Christ shed His blood, He reconciled (brought back into harmony) the cosmos (ALL, everything and everyone) to God. The blood of Christ paid and took away ALL sin, as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed your iniquity from you. He has forgiven you and ALL once and for ALL, forever. If He has not, if He did not pay the full price, then He must do it all over again. He must be crucified again and again and again, until He has done it right. And that is what Christianity does. They crucify the Saviour every day, to make sure He has accomplished what He said He would. Christians do not believe that He did it once for ALL, for they fight this battle of the carnal mind verses the Christ mind, ever learning but never coming to the understanding of the truth.

Scripture says as a man thinketh, so is he. You think you have a dual mind, one carnal the other Christ. However, please allow me to tell you that you do not. You have the mind of Christ, for you are in Christ. You believe that the old wine bottle cannot have new wine in it. That being so, then you are not the old wine bottle, with New Wine (Spirit). You must be a new wine bottle, New creation man, for that Spirit to dwell in. Jesus said that He would NEVER leave you nor forsake you, and He would send the Spirit to be IN you. The New Wine is in you and Jesus said that He would NEVER leave. Once the wine of the Spirit in within, the cork is put on the top and the wine is sealed forever, for Scripture says we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.

If, as you believe, you must pray through, so as to refill the bottle when you have sinned, it cannot be done, for if some wine has left, been spilt or removed, then that which remains is old wine and spoiled. No good, and thus means that Christ is no longer there, for Christ cannot dwell in a sinful vessel. A little leaven spoils the whole lump. One sin within you sends you to hell, for you are spoiled goods, and unworthy to enter the presence of God for eternity. If there is one area, one tiny part of the bottle, where the Spirit does not dwell, then that area is contaminated, for it is no longer filled with the purity of Spirit. And that, in essence, is what you and many others believe. Thus you can never know of a certainty, if you are saved with good wine, or lost, with no wine.

Scripture says, in the book of Revelation, that in the end we win. Why? Because of what Christ did on the Cross. If we believe this, how can we thus believe we can lose. No logic to this, is there. We either win, because Christ paid the full price on Calvary, or we lose because Christ failed at His job. Scriptures says we win, so He must have accomplished what He said He would and the Blood has remove ALL sin from you and from mankind.

How do you overcome your double minded man? Simply by KNOWING that you are NOT a sinner, based upon the efficacy of the Cross. You do not have sin within you. You ARE a New Creation in Christ and ALL your sins have been paid for, past, present and future. They have been removed, as far as the east is from the west. There is nothing, no-thing you have to do, nor can you do, to change this, for Christ did it all, for ALL, once and for all. That is the beauty, the simplicity and the truth of the Cross. The problem is that man has added to the simplicity of the Gospel and the additions have caused most to reject LIFE. They have rejected eating from the Tree of Life and have accepted eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Life (Spirit) that flows within you cannot eat from the other tree, for the other Tree is death. Life (Spirit) can NEVER die, for God is Spirit.

Know that you are LIFE and there is no battle in your thinking mind. Know that you ARE a New Creation and that Christ is always with you and in you, and there is no carnal mind in you nor in the body of Christ, for Christ cannot have a carnal mind. You have put on the mind of Christ, for you are in the body of Christ. The body is pure, holy and without spot or wrinkle. Nothing, no-thing can defile the body, because no defilement exists, as Christ removed all defilement with His shed Blood. And if He didn't, then the body of Christ can be defiled and is never safe. Just think of that for a moment! Can a sin, any sin, defile the body of Christ? If so, then any sin committed by any part of the body, defiles the whole body, including the Head, which is Christ. The moment you commit any sin, you have defiled ALL the body, for a little leaven (a little sin) defiles the whole lump, including your pastor, your church and all the churches in the community of believers. Quite a powerful heaven burden ALL believers must be under, for this to happen. The moment I watch T.V., the instant I have an impure thought, I have defiled the whole body of Christ and none can make it into heaven, for ALL is defiled. If you take the bottle of wine and remove the cork, the moment it is opened, it becomes defiled, for air has entered in. Placing the cork back on, will not help, for the bad air will effect the wine within, polluting all. Our seal of the Holy Spirit, does not allow for the opening of the bottle, to allow bad air to come in. We cannot remove a seal placed by the Hand of God.

If, in fact, the moment one sin could enter into the Body, Christ would have to be removed from heaven, for He is the Head of the Body. The little leaven would cause ALL the Body to become impure and would thus cause even the Head to be impure and to be removed from the right hand of God, having sin now in His presence. Ridiculous is it not? Think about it for a minute. There is an instant when the whole Body is pure. No sin has been committed by any part of the body and ALL are bound for heaven. There is an elderly lady who is just about to die, and is on her way to meet her Maker. A split second before she passes away, a believer commits a sinful thought, and defiles the whole body, sending her straight to hell for eternity, because the whole lump has been leavened.

This kind of scenario is one that must take place if one believes that the Blood of Christ was not sufficient to pay for ALL mankind's sin and there is now, some unknown sin that has escaped and that is able to thwart the power of the Blood.

You will always have a double mind if you continue to dwell on Good and Evil, right and wrong, for this causes you to believe and dwell on the same Tree, not recognizing that it is the same. The mind of Christ, which you NOW have, does not have a carnal mind, for sin has been completely paid for and removed. The mind of Christ can NEVER be defiled, for if it could, then Christ Himself could be defiled by you or anyone else, in or out of the Body. You are sinless, perfect, complete and without spot or wrinkle, in the eyes of God, because of the Blood. And there is nothing, no-thing you can do to change that.


Do you want to fight? Surrender. Surrender to the Christ within and the battles have been won. Not only the battles, but the war. KNOW that you are IN Christ, with His mind, and you need never do battle with a thinking mind that does not exist in Spirit. Stop fighting the Knowledge of the tree of Good and Evil by surrendering to the Tree of LIFE

I love you Schnooks. Please consider this letter carefully, for it was sent to you in love for who you are and not for what you do, Good or Evil. It is God's un-conditional love for ALL, shown to ALL at the Cross.



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