Failure And Disunity

Failure Exists

The idea that God's Will could not be done runs counter to everything you thought you knew about God - namely, that God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, the Supreme Being, the Creator - but it is one that you believe and adhere to and because you believe this, you hold to the very powerful illusion that God Can Fail. God can desire something but not get it. God can wish for something but not receive it. God can need something but not have it. Now understand, that God has no needs, wishes or desires, but in the Illusion you hold, it is possible for Him to not have His will done.

In short, God's will can be thwarted. And it is your mind that does it. You have not only imagined of God with needs, you have imagined a God who can fail to have His needs met. When God says I will have ALL men to BE saved, your mind says only some. Only those that are born again, only those that are this or that, but certainly not ALL. Some have Got to go to hell, because they are sinners, etc.

Why have you done this? Because you can't believe in a God that loves unconditionally. Through the use of projection, you project Yourself upon your God and because you can't love unconditionally, neither can your God.

So an ability or quality of BE-ing which you have ascribed to God has been derived from your experiences in this Realm of Illusion. Since you noticed that you could fail to obtain all the things you have imagine you need to be happy, you hold it to BE so for your God. You chose to believe the Illusion and not the Reality of God. Thus God can fail and the outcome of Life is in doubt. It might work out, it might not. It might be okay, and it might not. It will all be fine in the end - unless it isn't.

And so because you doubt that God can have His needs met (assuming He had any) produces disbelief and fear. Once upon a time, God was all powerful, etc., but now that doubt has set in, the Illusion that you can prevent God's will to be accomplished, by your will of disbelief, brings into your mind the fear that you presently hold. I choose to not be born again, thus I am choosing to go to hell and ever be separated from this loving, ALL powerful God I think I believe in. He is All Powerful, BUT, He failed. Quite an oxymoron! Or is it just moronic?

But how could the outcome of life be in doubt if the one producing the outcome and the one experiencing it where the same? For out of Him, through Him and back into Him Are ALL things. God is manifest in flesh.

The only escape from the conundrum was to create a third Illusion The Creator and the creation are not all one. So your mind had to conceive of the possibility of the impossible -that Oneness is not Oneness; and that Being Unified really means Disunity.

This is the Illusion of Disunity - the idea that separation exists.

You reasoned that creations were separate from the Creator, and if the Creator allowed the creations to do whatever they pleased, (your will above God's will) it would then be possible for the creations to do something that the Creator did not want them to do. Under these circumstances, the Will of the Creator could be thwarted. God could want something but not get it. God would have ALL men to Be saved, but some men would choose to not be.

Disunity produces the possibility of Failure, and Failure is only possible if Need exists. One illusion depends upon another. And so enters the story of the fall of man and suddenly there are two powers in Ultimate Reality, God and Satan; and two places from which they operated, heaven and hell.

It was Satan's desire, accordingly, to tempt humans to disobey the Will of God. God and Satan are now in competition for man's soul. And, interestingly enough, this was a competition that God could lose. And most often does in some religions.

All of this proved that God was not an all-powerful God after all... or that God was all-powerful, but didn't want to use His power, because He wanted to give Satan a fair chance. Or, that it wasn't about giving Satan a fair chance, it was about giving human beings free will. Except that if you exercised your free will in a way God did not approve of, God would hand you over to Satan, who would torture you for eternity. Good and evil flourish and disunity, failure and need abound.

Through the first three Illusions was conveyed, the idea, concept and falsehood, that you would not soon forget. So successful has this story been in injecting fear into your hearts and minds, that it has been repeated over and over to each new generation. And today you still hold to the Illusions that:

1) God has an agenda. (Need Exists)

2) The outcome of life is in doubt. (Failure Exists)

3) You are separate from God. (Disunity Exists)

Now if you believe the Illusion of Disunity is true, your life experience will be lived one way. If you hold that the Illusion is false, you will have another which will be quite different.

Presently, you, as well as most all, believe the Illusion of Disunity to be an established reality which thus brings about the feeling of being separate from God and each other. This feeling of separation causes you to have great difficulty relating to Him, yourself and the rest of humanity. It tends to cause you to misunderstand Him, fear Him and sometimes to even deny that He exists. This brings about images in the mind that you have no control of your conditions and situations, which cannot be changed anyway. Thus it produces experiences and outcomes from which you think there is no hope of escaping. Desperation, pain and suffering sets in and your God can't help, because you are separated from Him.

Your belief in the separation between you and God stops you from having a close and intimate friendship with Him. How can you Be intimate with one so far away. One whom you can't touch, feel, and hold. It is like having your so-called best friend a million miles away and every so often you call him on the telephone to chat. Friends, yes. Close, think again.

And because you hold, so tightly, the Illusion of a separated God, you transpose that Illusion to your fellow man. For the God you love, is the love you give. Love a God that is far away, and that is the kind of love you show to others. And you feel perfectly justified in doing so. After all, if I am separated from God, why should I be close to my brothers and sisters. So the pain and sorrow you feel, because of the Illusion of disunity, between you and God, you inflict upon others. And you call it the love of Christ.

If you could recognize and understand that these three Illusions are illusions, you would come into the Reality that if God Needs nothing, then I need no-thing. If God cannot fail, then, I, in Christ, am not able to BE a failure. If there is no separation between God and I, then there is none between I and my fellow man. Remove these, and you remove the pain, sorrow and desperation you have had for too long.

But you love the Illusions. Because if you didn't, perhaps, just perhaps, you might do something about them!!!

And so you did. You created another Illusion to repair the last.

The Illusion of Insufficiency

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