Grace And Forgiveness

What we look at, appears. What we resist, persists. What we accept, leaves.

If one look upon another and sees what appears to be hatred, lust, bigotry, sin, the enemy, etc, it will be as one views it and the more one resists the appearance, the greater it becomes, the clearer it looks and the darker is its Illusion, for the glass is distorted. If one accepts that Grace and Forgiveness has been applied, all darkness disappears, and one is left seeing crystal clear through the Blood, Life, Spirit of the Lamb that was applied

Grace and Forgiveness were applied 2000 years ago. It went back in time and covered the Illusion of sin and separation from God. And it went ahead in time to do the same thing. The Grace that was shed, was shed for ALL Time to ALL People, for ALL eternity.

Today is a new day. Yesterday, yesteryear and all times past, are just that, Past, forgotten, forgiven. One is to put the past behind and look forward to the Prize for the High Calling of Christ. But even to bring the past to the Now, the Grace of Christ still covers it. The Forgiveness of God still applies in the Now. There is nothing to forgive, for He forgave it ALL. There is nothing to apologize for, for His Life blood, covers it ALL. There is no- one to ask forgiveness from , for ALL are forgiven. As far as the East is from the West.

God is not a respecter of persons. The Blood shed was for ALL and ALL have been covered by it. All have been forgiven and Grace/Life is towards ALL and in ALL.

There is a transition taking place in each realm. Those that come to the Outer court, those that go on into the Holy Place and those that are passing the veil into Tabernacles. Transition is change and transformation from one form to another, from one realm to another and in the shift, there is much commotion and noise. The earth quakes from under. The mountains are brought low and the valleys leveled. One leaves All things behind to press into another realm, a new realm, a new dispensation, and yes, a NEW AGE.

One accepts the work of the Cross, from the past and applies its Forgiveness and Grace to the NOW. One looks into Tabernacles and sees that His Grace has covered the future and in each realm, one sees only the Life Blood of Christ.

Those in the Outer Court can see only the sacrifice of the Cross. Those in the Holy Place realm still see the Cross and walk in the gifts of the Spirit. But those that have opened the veil! Ah, what do they see? Only the Ark before them. In this realm, there is His presence, His Light and Life and the prize of the Ark itself. Yet even Tabernacles is not the final realm. The Ark is.

When one has opened the veil and begun to walk into Tabernacles, one still must walk through the distance between the veil and the Ark. There is still a time element before one is directly before it and can open it to receive its fullness. There is still a time span, ever it be so short as one is continually being transformed by its Devine presence.

But through it all, Grace is there. It is sufficient to cover the Ploughman so that he stop harrowing his field and begins harvesting his fruit. It is sufficient to stop the quiver of Pen, that it rests its quill ever so softly in the well of Spirit. It is all encompassing to calm the General Uprising of the soul. It removes the doubt of the Thomas' and can even make a Saint of a Patrick. IT does it ALL, for ALL.

One cannot look at another through the eyes of the past, for it has been left behind and there are no eyes in the back of the head. The vision is before and the Light within shines ever so brightly. IT overshadows every dark Illusion before present, for the distortion of the glass has been repaired. The scales have been removed and the mirrored reflection, made of silver, has been changed by the Golden presence of the Devine within. And Grace has covered it ALL.

There is no flesh to see, for it All was buried with the man, Jesus. There is no glory to view, but Christ in you, through you and AS you. Where there is no vision from the past, the people flourish.




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