Illusions Prelude

God is always speaking to us. Most often and by most individuals, He is not heard. But that never negates the fact that He does speak. And to those that do hear him, He shares his insights with them, so that they, intern, may share it with others. And those that have heard, have turned the world upside down.

These have been God's messengers - for all have brought forth truth within their hearts, as best as they understood it, as purely as they knew how, and with the understanding that God had given them at that time. And while they have each done so through imperfect filters, they have nonetheless brought to you great awareness and extraordinary wisdom, from which mankind has benefited.

What is so wonderful is the similarity of their insights have. Although separated by time and places, the message could be seen as one, so small have been the differences.

In the beginning, God and us were One. We are of God, kind after kind. For in the beginning, it could be no other way. There is only One Source of ALL That Is, and ALL that IS, is ALL we ARE.. ALL things emanate from God, who extends His Essence all over, to creation, as a revelation of Himself as Individualized Essences (IE) of the Whole.

Each IE is lowered from one realm to another and returns back into the Wholeness of the Essence of God. Yet each IE is the fullness of that Essence in manifested form, as Christ revealed Himself to us, to show us that we are as He IS.

This lowering of estate is first from the unified Essence of Spirit to the IE Essence of Spirit. The second level is from the IE of Spirit to the individual physical, and the word became flesh and dwelt The third level is upward from the individual physical into the IE of spirit. The fourth level continues the reversal of the initial lowering back into the full unified realm of the Essence of the Whole in the Spiritual realm of the Absoluteness of God.

Then the cycle is complete.

Each IE is the individual expression of that which is not separate from God, but which is individually expressed in a manifestation. The purpose Be-ing for God to express Him Self, as the whole, through the experience of IE's. In the realm of the Absolute, there is no experience, for Absoluteness knows no opposite. So God experiences the Knowing, through the realm of the Illusion.

And that is who you are. You are the fullness of God in IE, Be-ing manifested in the physical , formed from the dust of the ground. You are the sons, and daughters, of God. Spiritual IE's. But in the experiencing, you have forgotten who you are.

So, too, is everything around you. Everything that you see, and do not see. All that is, All that ever was, and All that there will BE is God. And ALL that God IS, He IS NOW, and as He IS, so ARE you in this world of Illusion.

I AM THAT I AM , has always been a statement of NOW, and not one of will be, could be, maybe be. There is nothing that God has ever been that He has ceased to BE. And there is nothing that He will ever BE that He IS not NOW. He cannot BE-come anything that He NOW Is not, nor can He fail to BE anything that He once was. God dwells in the NOW and ALL that God IS, is in the NOW. I AM that I AM. I change not.


God always speaks with One voice, but man responds to many sounds, hearing, but not listening. Father would have us to commune with Him and BE as One. If one chooses to experience this communion with God, you will know the peace, joy, and love Father would have for you, in His completeness. And with it you will change your world. To change your world, you must change your concept of what reality is. With metamorphosis comes the Knowing and the experiencing of Who You Really Are.

To accomplish this may be the hardest thing you have ever done, because you will have to deny who you think you are. Yet it will be the easiest thing you will ever do because there will be nothing that you have to do. All you have to do is BE, and all you have to BE is who you really are. Nothing more, less.

To commune with God is more than a friendship between one friend and another. It is more than being able to confer with your best buddy, your wife and family. It is more than your intimate relation you have with your partner in life, for even they do not know ALL that you are or desire. To commune with God, as One, is to BE One with, in, around, through, over, under, above, and below God. You can BE in commune with God, only if you ARE in the state of Be-ing who you really are and not who you "think" you are.


Not only is God and you ONE, but ALL are ONE. Yet man has failed to realize this, Be-cause he thinks he is separated from God. Thus he separates himself from all others.

The message of Oneness is what Jesus was referring to when He said, I and the Father are One, and as I am, so are you in this world.

The fact that man have so far failed to receive it has caused much heartache in his experience. It has caused every murder, war, rape, robbery, every assault, attack, mental, verbal, and physical. The thought and belief that we are Not One is an Illusion. For as a man thinketh, so is he, he thinks! And ALL thought is Illusion.

Most of humanity believes in a God, whatever they may call Him. They just don't believe in a God who believes in them. Who loves them for who they really are and not for what man thinks their God wants them to be. But God does believe in them. And God loves them more than most of them know. And that is part of the problem. Man does not Know that God loves them, for man "thinks" God has placed conditions on His love for them, and it is the conditions man tries to adhere to, in order for God to love him. God's love is unconditional, for God can BE nothing else but Love and love has no conditions.

God is separate from nothing. There is nothing that God needs, wants or desires, for in these is the concept of lack which would say that God lacks something. God is everything there is. ALL else is Illusion. And yet, even the Illusion can declare the ALL in ALL of God, if thine eye BE single.

Humanity has been living with Illusions for quite some time. He has understood intuitively that Illusions have a very important purpose but he has simply forgotten that he knows this. He has believed the Illusion to be reality. NOW is the time to Re-member. NOW is the day of salvation. NOW is when God is communing with you, for only in the NOW can He do so.

Do not be caught up in the Illusions you think you believe. To commune with God is to live your life through the Knowing of Ultimate Reality.

Man's wish is to know that God exists, and that perhaps He even resides within, that he may have, whenever he wishes, a meeting with the creator. Yet man seeks this knowing by looking at the Illusions, believing that in the Illusions he will find the answers.

God can be experienced and found within and all around you. But you must look past the Illusions. You must ignore them. You must change your idea of what and who God is by the Re-newing of your mind. To Re-new your mind, you must Remove ALL former concepts of what the Illusions have taught you about God, and Re-member who God really IS.

A wise sentient BE-ing once declared that we should allow for the possibility that there may be something we do not Know, the Knowing of which could change everything.

The knowing OF God changes nothing. The KNOWING In God IS everything. Once you KNOW, you can Commune.

Let us look at some Illusions, that once changed, will allow you to commune with the I AM.

To BE continued...



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