I got up this morning, got INto my clothes and went to work. But when I got INto my clothes, they were not on me! When I awoke and saw that I was IN my home, I was not! I got INto my truck to go to work and saw that I was not IN my truck! I was IN all of them, yet was OUT of them!

Well, one might say, how can you be IN your clothes and not IN them, IN your home and Out of it, IN your truck and Out of that at the same time? That is impossible! You are either IN or OUT.

Can one be IN and OUT at the same time? Obviously the answer would seem to be no, but is that true? Next time you put on your clothes check to see if perhaps you are still naked. And next time you think you are IN your car, check to make sure you are not OUT of it! 

As I write this article, I am IN my clothes, IN my office and IN my home. But then again, I may be naked and outside of the house! Damn it, am I IN or am I OUT? Well that is the question I wish to pose to you, the reader. Are you IN or are you OUT? Are you IN the Body of Christ or are you OUT?

Christendom preaches that one is OUT of the body until he is saved. Now salvation and the getting INto the Body, is presented to the lost in many different ways and in many different understandings. Some would say that your way is not the correct way IN and you may Be OUT of the Body. But for the sake of argument, and for this article, let us presume that all who claim to Be Christians believe themselves to Be IN the Body of Christ. Now what? And so what?

Well how did you get IN the Body of Christ? Was it of your own doing or was it the gift of God? Was it by the drawing of God or by your own hands? Did you place yourself IN the Body or was it Christ. Most would say it was Christ who placed us IN His Body. So what?

If we believe we are IN the Body of Christ, can we Be OUT of the Body at the same time? Can you Be in your clothes and OUT of them at the same time? Can you Be IN your home or IN your car and OUT of them at the same time? You are either IN them or OUT of them, but not both at once. You are either IN Christ or OUT of Christ, but not both at once.

Now we have agreed that we are all in the Body of Christ. If that Be so, what does the Body look like? What is it made of? Allow yourself to close your eyes for a bit, and imagine the Body of Christ. Jesus Christ. What do you see? Look closely. Do you see any sin IN Christ? Do you see any lust of the flesh, lying, murder, hatred? Is there any greed, perversion, etc.,etc.,etc.? If you have seen Christ, have you seen the Father or Satan? Does who you see, have a carnal mind or the Mind of Christ? Is He a double minded man unstable in all His ways? Does He speak with a forked tongue or with a voice of condemnation?

IN the Body of Christ that you are imagining, does Christ put on another mind other than the one He NOW has? Is the Christ you see, the image and likeness of the invisible God or Satan? Is He separated from God in any way, shape or form? 

Is the Christ you see, IN the Body or OUT of the Body?

My friends, we have been told time and time and time again, that we are sinners and we sin every day. We are sinners saved by grace, but sinners none the less. We have been admonished that as Christians, we are to put on the mind of Christ for we are Christians with carnal and sinful minds who need to repent of the sins of our flesh.

Well Brothers and Sisters, I am here to ask you how that can be so? How can you Be IN the Body of Christ and Be a sinner at the same time? How can you Be IN the Body of Christ and have a carnal mind? There is only ONE mind in the Body of Christ and that is the Mind of Christ. Christ does not have a carnal mind. Christ does not have a sinful mind. Christ is not a double minded Christ unstable in all His ways. Christ is sinless, complete and perfect in every way and His Body cannot be any other way. The Body is ONE Body, not separated from the Head. It is complete, from Head to toe and the whole makes up the ONE Body of Christ. Sin does not dwell IN the Body of Christ, for Christ is sinless and if you are IN the same Body, how then can you believe you have sin IN you? IF you are IN the Body of Christ, you have the Mind of Christ, for Christ has only one Mind. Carnality does not dwell IN the Mind of Christ. 

You cannot Be IN the Body of Christ and OUT of the Body at the same time. But many preach that you can! And you believe it to Be so.

The second you understand, were born again, or whatever terminology you place on it, to bring you INTO the Body of Christ, once IN, you took on ALL the characteristic, nature and completeness of Christ. You were sinless, complete and perfect in every way. You had the Mind of Christ and were and are Christ in all that that implies. As He IS so are you in this world. If this is not so, how can you maintain that you are IN the Body of Christ, for that is how the Body of Christ IS. It cannot Be any other way. He is not a sinner, neither a sinner saved by grace and neither can His Body Be. He is not lost and separated from God and neither is His Body. He does not have a carnal mind and neither does His Body, for the Body is ONE, full and complete Body from Head to toe.

My friends, please consider and think about what you are saying when you preach to others that they are saved sinners. Can you believe you are IN the Body of Christ and yet still believe that you can sin, can have a carnal thought and a carnal mind? It cannot Be so. You cannot Be IN and Be OUT at the same time.

Now one may say that when I sin, I am OUT of the Body and must repent to be placed back INto the Body again. Well that poses one problem! If you are sinless, complete and perfect as He is and without a carnal mind like He has, how then can you contemplate sinning? The Mind of Christ cannot sin. It cannot contemplate sin, for it is the Mind of God. It is one and the same mind, therefore sin has no place. If it has no place in the Body of Christ, in the Mind of God, how then can those IN Christ believe they can have sin in their minds, for they cannot have any other mind but that of the Head. There is only ONE mind in the Body of Christ. There is nothing but perfection in the Mind of Christ. Nothing but completeness in the Body of Christ. As He are we. You are either IN the Body or OUT. If you are IN, you HAVE put on the Mind of Christ.

Now my friends, open your eyes and look at yourselves. Are you IN the Body of Christ? Has the Blood of Christ cleansed you of ALL sin and paid the debt you believed you owed? Was God IN Christ, reconciling the World unto Himself, NOT imputing your trespasses unto you? How do you see yourself, IN or OUT? If you believe you are OUT, you need to get IN. If you believe you are IN, then the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel, is that you can NEVER get OUT, for once you are IN the Body of Christ, you have put on the Mind of Christ and that Mind can never sin, neither can it ever become sinful.

I got up this morning and got INTO my clothes....



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