
God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself.

The fullness of the Godhead dwelt in him, bodily.

Jesus was God manifest in the flesh and the fullness of God was in Him, because He was God. Everything that God is, was in Jesus. But Jesus did not display everything of God. Yes, He displayed the character of God, love, joy, peace, etc. but there was something missing. Intensity.

The dictionary defines Intense as: "existing in an extreme degree" Intensify: "To increase the density and contrast of". Intensity: "the quality or state of force, extreme degree of strength or energy and the magnitude of force or energy."

In Jesus, the magnitude of Intensity, was in degrees. He revealed himself in the miracles and healings of people. In the simple changing of water into wine and bread for the thousands, to the raising of the dead. But the greatest intensity, He showed, while amongst His followers, was on the Mount of Transfiguration, where His disciples were able to view Him as the light that He was. Yet even in this light, the Intensity was only in an amount that could be seen by them. Blinding, yes, but still visible. The full and complete Intensity was still not seen or visible by any.

It is believed, that God dwells in ALL mankind, for if He did not, then man could not exist, as Life is of God. Without God, there is no life. That Life, dwells in all of mankind, as a seed waiting to be Re-generated. When God begins to draw man unto Him, man begins to come out of his seed/shell format and begins to grow. He begins to feel the force and magnitude of the energy within him...Intensity begins to magnify.

God created both light and darkness and it is written that both are alike unto Him. How so? Because Intensity makes it so. Darkness is but the lowering of the intensity of light. Take your light in the dining room and place a dimmer switch to control it. If you turn it up to its fullness, you receive the full manifestation that that light is capable of, with regards to the power to it. By lowering the dimmer, you lower the voltage and thus the power to the light. In so doing, you lower the vibration of the filament and also the Intensity of the light. Continued lowering of the vibration, continues the lowering of the Intensity and the available light seen.

Yet there is still light visible, until all power is cut off and there is no more light. The Intensity of light can also be seen when you change a light bulb from a 30 watt to a 60 or a 100 watt.

Jesus was the fullness of God in the flesh and so are His brothers. But the Intensity seen by His disciples was visible is a lower vibration of the Light that He was. God's creation are a reflection of His Light, as well. He is hidden in every man, in a lowered vibration of light, waiting for Him to begin to raise the dimmer switch higher and higher, until the full Intensity of you is revealed. Yet each individual, having the fullness of God, reveals only what the wattage is designed for. Are you a 30 watt, a 60 watt or a 100 watt bulb? It matters not what you are, you will and can only reveal the amount of light you were designed for. To increase the wattage of a 30 watt bulb to a 100 watt one, would cause the filament to explode and cease the vibrations of that bulb, thus extinguishing the Light. Yet know, that within every glass there is movement of the filament, even with no power going to it. It is still vibrating in its stillness, the light being unseen by the natural eye.

In God, there is only Light and from that Light, God has lowered His vibrations and Intensity, to a visible realm. Each being enclosed in a glass encasement waiting for God to increase the intensity of the filament and vibrations in the stirring of the electrons and atoms of energy within the glass. When He does, You begin to glow, ever so dimly, yet so. God is the one that increases the voltage, so as to increase the movement of electrons within the glass which is seen through darkly.

Should the 30 watt bulb thus desire to BE the 60 watt and the 60 watt desire to BE the 100 watt? Should the 100 watt bulb lord it over the lower wattage bulbs for BE-ing where they are. Remember that with the dimmer switch, used by God, the 100 watt bulb, though classified and rated at a higher wattage, will also vibrate at a lower one as well. When God raises the Intensity in the 100 watt bulb, it must go through the different realms to reach its rating. At some point in time, the 100 watt is also the 30 watt and the 60 watt. He is in the same order as those there.

God is raising the Intensity of you and I, but remember that if your rating is only that of a 30 or a 60 watt bulb, then that is where God placed you or I. Yet shine with the fullness of God at that level of vibration, until God changes the filament to a different rating. And He will. Remember, also, that if you are designed to vibrate at the 100 watt level, that you were once a 30 and a 60 watt vibration and that there is also a 1000 watt and a 10000 watt, etc. level. Jesus never manifested the 10000 watt level while here, yet He did manifest the Intensity that man could see, while showing us that there was a greater vibration and a higher Intensity available.

BE the Intensity you are rated for and KNOW that you are the Fullness of God manifest in the bulb you are in. Know also, that ALL filaments are changeable within the bulb.



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