The Matrix

The world around you, is hell. It is a covering over of that which is real. If you resist it, it remains. If you accept it, the illusion (covering) disappears. You remove the illusion, by going within. Into the Christ in you. The illusion may still be there, but you are not.

You cannot change what you do not accept. So come from within, for if you do not go within, you go without. That is, if you do not go within your Spirit, you live the illusion of the world around you. You may see the turmoil, the destruction, the problems of sickness and death, but within, you see only perfection, peace and love. You accept the illusion, but live in the reality.

What you resist, stays. It persists. Resist the devil and he is always there. He may flee for a while, but he returns for you to resist again, because you have given him mind. You are mindful of him, and so you give him validity and that allows him to come back again and again. What you resist, persists. Accept the illusion of the devil and you see through him. He no longer has validity and power over you. You stop resisting him, so you are no longer effected by him, thus he disappears from your presence. You see through his illusion of power, and thus he has no power at all.

Jesus new this when he was tempted in the wilderness. He saw the illusion pf power, accepted that is was an illusion and drew from within the reality of Life, and the devil was no more. He accepted it, saw through it and lived in the reality of who He was.

When you are in the illusion - in the world - of depression, sadness, anger, etc., you make creative statements to make it so. You say, I am sad. I am angry. I am this or that. But you can recreate your disposition by going within and renewing your mind from the Christ within. I am statements are very creative. So the Christ within, begins to say, I am happy. I am joyful. I am at peace, etc., and you become those attributes. What you create, you become.

You can create a life from within, or live the created life of the illusion. You can be in this world of illusion, but not of it. The choice is yours.. Accept the illusion, but live the reality. Yet, do not be satisfied with the Realm of Reality - the Christ within - for the Reality is but a stop gap to yet another Realm.

The Matrix is the Realm of the illusion. When you live from within the Realm of the illusion - the carnal mind - you do not see the Realm of Christ. You are on the outside of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. You do not know anything of the things of the Spirit. But when you walk through the entrance of the Tabernacle, into the outer court, the Christ within you is re-birthed and the new creation is awakened. You begin to see things that you never saw from without. You are in the outer court, yet still in the Matrix. For the Tabernacle is without a covering. Once you were fully in the Matrix. Fully in the world of illusion and not knowing anything of another realm. You operated completely from the realm of the carnal mind, oblivious to anything of Reality, yet drawn to the door of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Now, inside, you see things from a different perspective. You don't know what everything means. You don't have full understanding of that which has been revealed to you. You are still in the Matrix, but you long for something, and that something else is on the other side of the entrance to the Tabernacle. To get there, you have to walk out and over those things that are between you and the other place.

You can see this place and you know that there is something behind the door you see, yet to enter in, you must walk through the outer court of the Matrix. So the illusion of Reality is what you walk through while you receive glimpses of the True Reality, that is ever present. You are drawn to the Realm of Reality, by the ever present, yet not fully understood, seed of Christ in you. But the problem, once you have reached the door of the Realm of Reality, is how do I enter in? How do I cross over from the Realm of the Matrix into the Realm of the Spirit. I know it exist. I know it is there, but I wish to enter and have not.

Then Morpheous (changing, transfigured identity) comes along and says to the new creation man - Neo - you can enter the Realm of the Real World, the Realm of Reality, by taking into yourself the Red pill. It will allow you to see into the Realm of who you are and not the illusion. Do you wish to see the real World? Do you wish to cross over into the Spiritual Realm? So you take the Gift and are baptized into the Realm of the Spirit. You are now in the Holy Place. In the Realm of the Real World of the Spirit.

The crossing over into the Realm of the Spirit, is a whole new experience for you. There is joy, yet confusion, for you have never been here before, neither have you seen the things that are here. It is new, different. Your eyes of understanding hurt for they have never been used before. You begin to see things in a clearer way and with better understanding because the glass of darkness has a cleaner vision..

You are now walking in the Reality of the Real World. The Spiritual Realm. The Christ Realm. You have been transported over into the realm where you can see all things, from beginning to end, for in the Spirit, there is neither. And from this place you can look back into the realm of the Matrix and view it as it is - an illusion.

You are in the Holy Place of the Spirit, yet you can return back to the Realm of the Matrix any time, by simply walking back through the door of the portal. The hard line is never disconnected. The operator is always online to receive your call should you want to come back to Reality.

When you are in the Realm of Pentecost (the Realm of the Spirit), that is what you do. You enter and exit the Realm of Reality, at will. The closer you are to the doorway, the Christ, the telephone line, the easier it is to be transported back into the Realm of Reality - the Spirit. The further you are away from the portal, the longer it takes for you to transport and re-enter. If you know that you want to be in the Realm of Reality, do not stray to far away from the portal. Walking in the Matrix to the Tabernacle was not difficult. Walking in the Matrix to Reality is a struggle. It's the fight, we fight daily, in the carnal mind.

Most of us love the Realm of the Spirit. Yet we also love the ability to live in the Realm of the illusion. We desire the Matrix and the Real World. For that is where we live. In the Realm of duality. Sometimes we walk in the Realm of the Holy Place and stay there longer than at other times. And the time spent there is wonderful . And sometimes we stay in the Matrix longer than we want. But the Matrix doesn't satisfy the longing and desire of total Reality. Neither does being in the Realm of Reality. For we have caught a glimpses of another portal and it begins to draw us every time we are in the Realm of Reality. We cannot see it in the Matrix - carnal mind. And although we can see it in the Real World, we know not what is behind it. Now every time you get into the Spirit, you walk closer and closer to the veil of the portal, and just when you want to open the door, you turn around and cross back into the Matrix. The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

What does this portal open up into? Where will it take us should we enter? It is the door to the Holy of Holies. To the Realm of Tabernacles. To Zion. To the Realm of the Absolute.

In the Realm of the Absolute, there is nothing…but everything.

It is the Realm of the Father. In there, there is not, but God. It is a realm where you can cross space and time in no space of time. It is the realm of the ALL in ALL. A Realm where you Are the ALL in ALL. Everything in everything. It is a complete state of BE-ing. You are no longer a human be-ing. You are the Supreme Be-ing. You have returned completely back into the realm from which you came from. From this Realm you re-cognize - that is you know fully again - that there is nothing but God and that that is Who You Really Are. You know this. You just don't know that you know, because you live in the Realm of the Matrix.

The Realm of the Father, is what you are trying to get to. It is what you get glimpses of when you are in the Spirit. You had forgotten your true identity, because the Matrix - carnal mind - had covered you with an illusion of reality. Yet you have always known that there was something else besides this world. There has always been something gnawing at you that said that this world was askew, amiss, out of place to some sort, but yet you couldn't quite put your finger on it! In the Real World, you were able to see what you knew, but you were still not able to enter into the Absolute.

Our goal for the prize of the high calling of God, is NOT the Realm of Reality. It is the Realm of the Absolute. The realm of the Father, where God is ALL in ALL. If you are in the Realm of the Spirit -the Christ, the Anointing - seek to go into the Realm of the Father. Knock on the Door of the Holy of Holies and you will find that that you can walk again, where you once walked before. It is no longer Christ IN you the HOPE of glory. It is now YOU in GLORY.

But it is only those of a certain Order that can go there and stay.

It was only the Priests that could enter the Realm of Reality, into the Holy Place. And you are a Priest and a King. They were able to enter and exit into the Matrix. But it was only the High Priest that could enter into the Holy of Holies. The High Priest is of the order of Melchizedek. The question remains, are you a High Priest? And the answer comes back, Yes. You can walk into the Realm of the Absolute, because you are of the same Order as your older brother. He is the for-runner into the Realm you seek to enter. He showed us the way on the Mount of Transfiguration. He went into the Holy of Holies AND returned into the Matrix. And we can too. The question remains, when you get there, will you wish to return?

Jesus knew who He was. He was God incarnate. God in the flesh. God come from the Realm of the Absolute, through the Realm of Reality and into the Realm of the Matrix -the illusion. Yet the illusion had no power over Him, for He saw through it, and it was not. And He has returned back to the Realm of the Absolute waiting for His brethren High Priests to follow.

Yet He never left us, for, in a sense, He has been *Re-incarnated in ALL of us, as His Spirit is in ALL of us. He did not leave us comfortless and orphans. Christ in us is a reincarnation of Himself, bringing us back from the state of the Matrix, through the Realm of Reality, into the Realm of the Absolute, where we are once again ONE in God. For out of Him, through Him, and back into Him are ALL things. (*note* I do not believe in reincarnation).

So what has this got to do with accepting and resisting? What you resist, persists. What you accept, you see through. If you resist the pull from the Matrix, the Matrix - world of illusion and the carnal mind - will persist. If you accept it, you will see through it and into the Realm of Reality. And if you resist the drawing from the Realm of the Absolute - the ALL in ALL - the Realm of Pentecost will persist. But if you accept it, you will walk into the Realm of Tabernacles, where there is not, but GOD.

The Absolute is what you are after. It is what you long for, desire and are dying to all the things of the carnal mind, for. But you still live in the Matrix. And once in a while, more often than not, you inhabit the Realm of Reality, only to go back into the Matrix again. When does it stop? When can I cross over into the Absolute? Whenever you choose to. Whenever the Real You takes the step, over the threshold, as you did when you received the Baptism of Reality. You can enter into Tabernacles now, if you know that you are of the Order of the High Priest. The knowing is the key to the entering.

It is not in your belief nor in your faith. It is a knowing that goes past both states. Just as you had faith and believed that there was more than just salvation and entered into the Realm of Reality. So to, the Realm of the Absolute will be entered when you KNOW and go past belief and simple faith.

To enter into the Realm of the Absolute, you must know who you are. You must have the same mind as Christ. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God. You have put on the mind of Christ - the anointing, Spirit, the Realm of Reality. Now it is time to put on the mind of the Father. The mind of the Absolute. The mind that the Christ thought it not robbery to have.

The Matrix is an illusion. The Reality is no longer Christ. Your true identity is in the Absolute.

For Out of You, Through you and back INTO You, are ALL things. Do not resist it. Accept it.



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