Need Exists

The Illusion of Need

Does God need anything? Do you need anything? The Illusion of need is the greatest Illusion of all and from this Illusion, the rest follow in line.

All of life's experiences, those things which you feel and do on a moment to moment, day to day basis, and even your thoughts, dwell on the idea of need. I need food, lodging, a job, etc. I need to have friends, a wife, children, etc. I need to be loved. I need ALL these things and more in order to survive. But do you? One only needs, if one is requiring a particular result. I need lodging - to keep warm; a friend - to fellowship with and a wife - to give me love. Need is most often based on want and desire. Sometimes wanton desire! And it is those wants and desires that we often call needs. Yet neither defines need.

What of God? Does He need anything? If He did, where would God get that which He needed and if He did need something, who would supply it? If God could not supply His needs, then would He be God or would the supplier of God's needs, be God? Need is non-existent in/to God. God would need something only if God required a particular result. Something would need to be supplied, in order to bring about a particular result, that God could not bring about without the something needed. God does not require any result outside of that which He produces from Himself. His need is met in Himself, thus He has no need at all, for He is ALL.

There's nothing that exists outside of God. God is All That Is, All That Was, and All That Will Ever Be. There is nothing that IS that is not God, for there is naught, but God. God IS the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and ALL that is in between.

The Idea that God needs anything, would have you question that God is God, for the concept of need means that there exists a lack of something. To lack, means to not BE complete, not full, to be deficient in. If God is deficient in anything, He is not God.

To get another understanding of God, let us change the word God and replace it with the word "Life". God is Life and the giver of Life. All Life comes from God and is sustained by Him and for Him. In God, there is no death, for God is LIFE and LIFE knows no death. There is nothing that IS, that is not Life. There is nothing that exists outside of Life. Life does not dwell in the past, neither in the future, but in the NOW. And ALL things are in the NOW of God. Thus ALL LIFE is NOW., happens outside of God, therefore no-thing happens outside of LIFE.

But in mans thinking and in his imagination he has created the idea, the concept and desire of Need, out of his experience that he needs things in order to survive. He thinks that all the needs that he needs are needed in order for him to keep living. But what would happen if he didn't care if he lived or died? Then what would he need? Nothing at all. And what if it were impossible for him to die. What needs would he need then? None.

Now here is the truth about you: You cannot die. You cannot fail to live. Why is that? Because God created out of Himself and He is Life. God did not create death as you have come to believe, for nothing that He creates can die, as it is perfect, complete and without lack. It is kind after kind and like produces like. If He is the Alpha and the Omega, then that is what He produces. He is from everlasting to everlasting and that is what He produces. Christ came to show us Life and Life more abundantly. It is everlasting Life. It is not a question of whether you will live but in what state. Your survival is guaranteed. That being so, what do you need?

Yes, but survival is one thing, happiness, joy, peace and all that goes with survival, is another. Man thinks that he needs happiness in order to survive, so he looks for happiness in the things he has or desires, only to find that when he gets them, he is still unhappy. Yet has he not survived? He looks for all the "things" that one is supposed to have, in order to be happy and joyful, at peace, yet in all his looking, he is still surviving, even if he never receives that which he was looking for to BE happy, content and at peace.

Man has brought in the Illusion, that when the need of something is met, then he will BE happy, content, etc. and he has imagined that the God he serves also must have needs met in order for Life to exist. Yet this is no more true for God than it is for you. The only difference is, God knows this. And when you KNOW this, your whole reality will change.

So how do you change the Illusion to reality? Remove the thought that happiness is created because of certain circumstances and KNOW that certain conditions have been created in your Life, because you are happy. Your state of Be-ing is one of happiness and thus the results of that state, is the condition of happiness. It is the same with ALL other states in life, whether it is Love, Compassion, Abundance, Peace, Mercy, etc. When you are in the state of these, the resultant conditions will BE one of the same. You project, what you are. It is your state of BE-ing that dictates your experience of Life. BE-is the state or realm which produces the -ing experience.

But because you have forgotten this, you have imagined and believed in an Illusion that certain things must occur in order for you to attain this state of bliss that you seek - and you also imagine a God who needs something in order for Him to Be fulfilled.

God Needs nothing for Him to Be happy, fulfilled, etc., for He is complete in the State He is in. Nothing makes God unhappy, for He lacks no-thing. Only in lack, is there a need. And do you not think that if anything made God unhappy, He would change it! When you can come to the position and understanding that God Needs no-thing, you will come into the realization that neither do you, for as He IS, so are you. God has no need of your worship, your love, your works of this or that. He has no Need of your anything. And if He did, do you think you could supply it? And if you believe you could fulfill that Need God requires, would that not make you God over God!

But you don't believe in a God without needs, because you can't see yourself without needs. And because you don't, you place your God in the same Illusion of need. You look at God through the Illusion of your mind and proclaim that He needs, just like you need, and you try to fulfill both yours and His from the position of the Illusion

When you come to understand that God has no needs, you will understand that neither do you and that you can live that way. You will also come to know that God is not greater than the Real you, for how could He be. God is That Which Is You, and you are That Which Is God. How so? God IS Life and all things are of God and are Life.

You are a Son of God and Sons of God need no-thing in order to BE anything. Sons know this. Men seek it and think they have it in the things they acquire only to fall short of that which they seek. To KNOW who you are, is to BE without need. To BE without need, is to BE the master of your condition of Life. When the Master within is the Master without, then that which is without, is the same as that which is within. The experience of your Life without, is brought about by the Life that is within and nothing from without - no need you seek - can have an effect on it. Seek ye first within, the Kingdom/Life of God, and ALL things shall BE added unto you. However, know this, that if you are "seeking" that which IS within, it means that you are without and have a need, as the idea of seeking indicates you do not have. If you still have the "need" to seek, you cannot yet BE a Son.

Need does not exist. It is an Illusion in your mind, which must BE renewed.. As a man thinks, so is he thinks. In reality, you need nothing to BE happy, content, peaceful, etc. Yet you try to make yourself BE-lieve that these conditions are needed in order to fulfill the emptiness you have come to believe is there. You live in a world of make believe, making yourself believe you need this or that in order for you to BE this or that, when all you had to Re-member, was to BE.

BE love and you will fulfill the need to be loved. BE kind and you fulfill the need of kindness. BE all the BE-attitudes and all the beatitudes will BE fulfilled. Yet in the state of Being, you are all these and thus there will BE no need to fulfill.

In living in a world of make believe - Illusion - you have made yourself believe that God is dependent on something, on some need or someone, in order for Him to BE happy or satisfied, complete or fulfilled. From this creation of a dependent God man created a God that has an agenda. In other words, there are things God wants and needs to have happen, and ways in which they must happen, in order for God's needs and wants to be met..

And here is God's agenda: God's will must Be done, in earth as it is in Heaven. Man has tried to figure out what God's will is, for quite some time. Yet no one has figured out a universal plan of agreement as to what God's will is for all. For if he had, all would be doing His will.

Now the question begs to be asked, how could it be possible for God's Will not to be done if God was God?

If God needs nothing, then His Will is all-ways being done...always. Everything happens by the Will of God, or he is not God. If God needs anything, then His will is not being done. If God has a Will to BE done, it means that something is NOT being done, for if it was being done, He would not be willing for it to be done. And if it is not being done, He has a want, a desire that needs fulfillment, which means He has a need. Again, if God has a need, then His Will is not being done and He is a failure as God, for His Will is not Being accomplished.

Thus, there seems to be a flaw in this Illusion of Need. And because man lives in this Illusion, he must needs try to fix the flaw. To fix the Illusion of Need, man forms another Illusion...

The Illusion of Failure

To Be Continued...



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