A New Spirituality - part 2

And the Sentient Being continued:

"I want to give you some information that I hope will empower you in some way. Let's start from a question. What is physics? Even thought the ideas of quantum physics seem to run very different from conventional thinking, they seem to run very parallel with our spiritual thinking. Remember I said earlier, that I believe that the mystery of God was finished. Now, I was at least led in a direction to believe that God's nature was mysterious. That God loved a good secret. To me God was a very mysterious old white man living in the heavens somewhere as a passive observer far beyond this planet. And we were all total victims on planet earth, not only of our systems but, of God. I had to deal with my belief with my victimization - a misperception of my relationship with God was that I had never had a choice. I was predestined and preordained before the foundation of the world. I believed that I was literally coded and wired - and I am not saying that I have not been coded and I am not saying that I have not been wired, but what I have been shown is that I was part of the process. I can say that, not from theory or revelation, but I can say that from an experience that I had while up ministering in a church, an experience that many have heard me talk about before, where I had this experience or vision given me that answered a question that I had about a piece of my life's puzzle. In my search, I had even submitted myself to regression therapy in search of some answers, but none of that information gave me peace. Little did I know that the answer was not in another lifetime, but it was what happened to me before coming into this lifetime.

Words fail to describe this experience completely, but I was taken before a kind of review board and asked if I would be willing to enter into this life and live what would be equal to four life times in one. I said yes, initially, but as I was passing down through the different realms I started changing my mind and saying, "Noooo, I don't want to do this." So, I came into this 3rd dimensional world with some anger for being here. It was not until I came to grips with the fact, that it was my choice that brought me here and not some God forcing me to live this life, and forcing me into the ministry at the young age of sixteen. When I owned my own choice, I could now reevaluate this choice, so much so, that love has compelled me to make my life a willing offering unto God. I have called this a cellular memory where I totally got my answer. It was a very powerful experience.

Quantum physics is called a theory that is becoming less and less a theory and it does finish the mystery. When I looked up the word mystery as it is given in Revelations, "The mystery would be finished", I found that word 'mystery' meant in the Strongs, "mystery due to religious rites or rituals or ceremonies". I said, "What?" They have made God a mystery to me, God has not made Itself a mystery to me. The systems of religion has made God a mystery by withholding certain information, frequencies, tones that would have awakened our inner remembrance and potential to know exactly who we were. We will talk about how that happened and why it happened a little later. I have tons on information about all this.

Without the understanding of quantum physics we would not have micro chips, wireless microphones, and many other things that you probably use in the course of a day that we would not have without this discovery of the subatomic world, the quanta. The quanta is the smallest unit of energy. There would be no photoelectric cells for modern cameras, no superconductors. So, welcome to the quantum age, because we are there.

Some say that physics actually began 2500 years ago. Something very phenomenal went on in consciousness on this planet 2500 years ago. Many say that at this time a spiritual desire came into the human consciousness, which has been called by Julian James, the breakdown of the bicameral mind. We became consciousness of ourselves as separate entities. Up until that time there was a certain amount of innocence, or innocence in ignorance that prevailed upon this planet. But, like all growing up, we have to go through adolescence. We can't stay innocent children forever. To reach adulthood, we have that intermediate, challenging part of our experience called adolescence. I believe this time for mankind began with Adam. Leaving his mother/father and cleaving to his wifesounds like an adolescent to me. You wanted to do it, and your children wanted to do. To launch out on your own, get your own apartment and go cleave to all the illusions of life.

The Greek idea of rational thinking or logic became a major problem or challenge. It is what we in the west have built our educational systems, and science on. This logic was that you could understand things in the term of elements, or you could take things apart and by its parts you would understand it. They believe at that time that matter consisted of earth, air, fire and water. Then came along an important player in the scheme of things. Every generation has one that has incarnated to help us to move on to the next level of consciousness. One of these movers was Aristotle. He said you have missed one of the most important of all of the elements, which he called physis. Physis was his word for spirit. Isn't that interesting, that we get our word for physics from this and also our word physical comes from his word for spirit. That blows me away. This just shows how far we have gone to separate the physical and the spiritual. Science and religion...the dichotomy that we created...the wars upon each other. It thrives upon the resistance between the two systems. Einstein has a wonderful quote where he says, and I paraphrase a little "spirituality without science is lame, and science without spirituality is blind". There has to be a marriage, but both partners have to change a little bit to have a good union and marriage.

Science to me is the part of spiritually that loses the mystery. It is not a separate or far away thing, but better said, it is a deeply inward mystical room inside of us called spirituality. There is no way that you can get away from your spirituality. It is without boundaries or time. It is unlimited. It is the essence and truth of what we are. Aristotle called it the 5th essence, or quintessence or physis. After Aristotle, it was not long after that that we lost all knowledge that we had gained from them, Aristotle and the Greeks and the Hebrew kabbalist that held the true meanings. This knowledge came to be locked up and held in secular domains called monasteries. They were basically built for that purpose...to hold information from the people and keep them in the dark. Hence, the dark ages.

I personally want to say, that everything that the ego blesses in the beginning, betrays us in end. So, originally some of the reasons for the keeping of truth from the people in these monasteries, and later mystery schools may have been with good intention in the beginning. Up until about 4th century when the Nicean Council began to meet these institutions had been keepers of truth until the masses would be ready to receive it. But, as so many times happens, good intentions degenerates in the hands of those who come into power as they come into greed and self- promotion. Haven't we seen that in our society with kings, politicians, preachers, and etc.

This degeneration began to happen along about the time of the death of Pythagorus, the philosopher who brought us radonics which is the ability to measure spheres in frequencies and to find the very power in the purest language that we could understand matter in and that was mathematics. The story goes, as far as we know, that he was poisoned. At that time, some very interesting things were happening, some very interesting things crossed each other as we enter into that period of time.

One of the things that is happening that I am fascinated with is the ability of electromagnetic frequencies and tones to resonate the inner inherent self, or to awaken it, or to activate it. Activate is the key word. That was the word given for the year at our New Year's meeting. It is not that we need anything, we already have everything if you have God. And, it's not our humanity that needs to be awakened, it is aspects of our divinity that needs to be awakened. That's where we are missing it. The ego has us over here shadow boxing, trying to fix our humanity and trying to fix things that will automatically entrain itself to match the inner vibration as it is awakened.

Biblically I was always fascinated with that one story of how that great storm came.....and I think we are in that time of the great storms of life in the sense of change and breakdown and transformation.... changing of patterns of consciousness on this planet. The story goes on to say that one was sleeping in the depths and bowels of the ship, and it was Christ. The disciples had to go WAKE UP CHRIST! I said, to myself, "That's it! We have been trying to wake up the wrong thing!" We have been trying to wake up effect, instead of cause. We are trying to wake up something that will only resonate to the inner kingdom that is within us , ie our thoughts, our perceptions our ideas. How we put that together is what will cause our body to follow. The body always follows consciousness. We have to understand that there is nothing here that is real, but the divine. When I understand the great risk that love took, to come into this very slow dense frequency, my God, this is like coming into the 'tomb'. We are living in the 'tomb', living or playing this game.

Allan Watts who teaches a lot of children, when asked by them questions like "Who are we, and where do we come from, and who is God, always tell them that it began with God who was just God and there was nothing else. I will give you my definition of God and what I am comfortable with: God is a nonlocal, nonmaterial intelligence that interacts with Itself. Words cannot really take me there. Even the word G-O-D can't take me there. The word 'God' falls short - it can't take me there. I have made peace with that because the ego would like to wear your mind out trying to get there. You don't have to get there, you are there! To understand the Divine as it exists, is to understand it as it exists in and as man/woman. That's is the importance of the symbol of who and what Jesus represents. I think Jesus represents to us symbolically, the ability to know God incarnate. The divine incarnate. The only way to find God in this dimension, is to find God in ourselves, that is ourselves. As we continue on we will know God from this planetary dense dimension, to a galactic dimension, to a universal dimension and finally back to pure Source. We have to understand God on a planetary level, because we are on a planet right now and are in its biosphere. I believe that's what Jesus' message was, was to look into yourself and you would know God. "I Am the way, I Am the truth, and I Am the Life", he said. What people fail to remember is that Jesus only spoke what He heard His Father say. So Father, or I AM was saying, "I Am the Way, I Am the Truth, and I Am the Life." Know thyself and you shall know the Divine. The I Am in you is your Way, your Truth, and your Life. Instead religion has projected it all on Him as the only One and, completely missed the living object lesson he was teaching.

Back to our subject of hidden and secreted away information, only certain priests, and monks were allowed to study this kind of thinking that we are talking about here. Monks began to understand more about human nature and began to go further than Aristotle and science, which begins the conflict between church and state. The church was supposed to be infallible and then along comes Galileo and Capurnicus and says to the church that they are all wrong. The earth is not in the center of the universe, the sun is. All kinds of persecution happened to them because they were going beyond the perimeters of a static mindset. A book had been written by Galileo which never surfaced until the day of his death. Why?, to save the sacred secrets from the masses; hence, the beginning of classified information.

We are understanding, that we are not victims anymore, but we are players. God is not a passive observer and, we are not a victim playing being observed. We are now understanding interesting things about the power of observation. Carl Jung the psychologist has said, "We are doomed to make choices, and now as an observer, once a choice for our reality has been made, the chooser is now caught by the choice." The chooser must enter and become one with the reality chosen. That is an important statement. I hear people say things about what is coming and what they are going to get and etc. You cannot sit back passively and put those ideas out there and just wait for it all to happen. When you have made an irrevocable choice about something and registered it, you have to get involved with the process. You cannot become a complacent observer just waiting for magic in your life. We have understood today through the new consciousness that has come forth and through quantum physics, the power is deeply within us in thought and consciousness itself. We must become very impassioned and compassionate. And no matter how much the conscious mind knows, it is the subconscious mind that holds the power because it is the true observer. When we observe from higher self we are removing limitations of our viewpoint and all realities of self simultaneously.

The key of quantum physics is in the name itself. The definition of quantum is a discreet quantity of electromagnetic radiation. Physicists speak of creation being non-solid and non-continuous. Our world actually occurs in very short rapid bursts of light. The way the brain sees, and it is the brain that sees, not your eyes, they just transfer the light through nerve pathways. There are all sorts of mechanical dynamics going on that registers information to a place in my brain that I might call a darkroom that develops the pictures and projects them on the screen of consciousness. The old paradigm believed this was the brain and the brain only. Today, in a new paradigm, we understand that the mind has outgrown the brain. The mind is consciousness. It is a transcendent intelligence that is not limited to the perimeters of our physiology. It is a non-local reality.

I admit that all these things are wonderful and how much education it must take to come to a full knowledge of these things, but it does not even compare to the Christ consciousness. " Let, just let this same mind be in you that was also in the Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God." Let it. You don't have to work for it, let it. When you undo all the old programmings and make a choice to let that mind resonate in you, it connects you. This is the thing that concerns me with all the knowledge and revelation that has been given to the ego. It is trying to work it all out and make us all love each other. So, when you flub at it, you beat yourself up and feel bad and tell yourself that you guess you just do not know how to "hold" this vibration. You will never hold it there, you will never hold it using just the rational aspect of the ego. It has to come from the nature and the character ....the intrinsic, the innate aspect. It has got to be natural, not supernatural by discipline.

So, everything at the quantum level is bursts of light, bundled consciousness in the form of light units called quanta. And, when we get into those levels, truly reality for us changes. Our world is so rapid that the eyes, through the brain do not discern individual bursts but instead the pulses are averaged together into what appears as a continuous event. Quantum physics is the study of minute unities of radiating waves, non-physical force whose movement creates our physical world. You and I live in such an advanced time that even this information is not up to date. Everything is moving so fast, that now they have found a more subtle world than the quantum, called biophotons. Which are invisible impulses silently orchestrating us at the molecular level.

Quantum physics now allows for miracles. Some of your most spiritual ideas today will come from science. We have crossed the boundaries, the lines, the perimeters. We can even go to a movie and get some astonishing information that is breaking through into the consciousness.

If time does in fact travel in two directions, is it possible the road has multiple lanes? Could the events that begin alone on one road of time arrive at a given point in a different lane? Quantum theory now asks if you start on one lane from past into the future, can you at some point change the lane and have a different outcome that is not based on past experience? Could the events that begin alone in one lane of time arrive at a given point in a different lane and leap midstream into a new outcome. In other words, you go to the doctor and he says you have cancer and you have six months to live, and that is the lane you are on. Quantum theory says that we are not stuck with something that is written in stone concerning our future but that we have entered the quantum level of many possibilities, many lanes or parallel universes. Each lane is a universe unto itself.

Can you change an outcome? When I got this information, an event came to mind that happened to me while I was a young man of 21 pastoring a church in Tulsa, Ok. I had gone over to Oklahoma City for something and when I got home that evening cars were all around my house. I thought, "What is going on?" When I went in people were crying and carrying on and when I came in they were astonished to see me. They grabbed me and hugged me and I said, "What in earth is going on ?" They proceeded to tell me that it was on the news about a red LeMans Pontiac was in an accident. All the details described me and that has remained all these years, a very deep mystery in me as to what happened. I never understood it until I came into this information that there has been aspects of my life that could have brought some terrible results in your life, but something changed and you even lost time and arrived somewhere and wondered how you got there. You thought it was Alzheimers setting in. What happened was that you entered a place where, at a certain place, the lanes get so close, that the veil thins so much that there is an opportunity to move through a "choice point" in consciousness. When you and I can understand these windows of opportunity when they happen in our lives, because we are missing opportunities in which we are on a multi-lane expressway thinking that we are doomed to a future of Armageddon and all kinds of things and quantum theory has come along and said, "This is not true, I don't care what the fundamentalists have said, what the conspiracists have said, it doesn't matter, all we have to do is choose again and change lanes and have a different outcome. This is true for the individual as well as all the way to the collective level of the human race itself. This is the great hope and possibilities that we need to anchor ourselves into today. We do not have any more reference points 'out there' anymore because they are all breaking down. We need to find a reference point inside ourselves and hold on to it and realize we are here now because we have chosen to be part of the 144,000 vibration which is a nine when added together which shows completion. (numbers go from 1-9 and then you start over, 10, and a 11 and so forth) We are the company that completes its incarnations in 3rd dimension and say, " No more, to linear time, no more "over there in the bye and bye" stuff, but we are ready to make the leap into the next dimension if we some haven't already.

I sit and watch some things that go on in this world, and I feel like a stranger in a foreign land. There are things going on that I just am not wired to get it. People think I am an absolute idiot. Silly things even. I would be embarrassed to say. When I look at it, it is foreign to me. There is no reference point in me to deal with that. I feel like an alien looking at some race doing something that I do not understand. It just not in my data base. Its not in my programming. If you have those experiences you have most likely already leaped into the next dimension. You are out of the 3rd dimension in consciousness. You are like Jesus said, you are in this dimension, but you are not of it.

We have got to find the new norms that are coming in, in the form of new photon energy and repatterning ourselves. The implications of this kind of thinking, gives meaning to hope, and the predictions and diagnosis worldwide and individually. Destruction, global suffering and at the same time, it invites us to consider the choices that we make in our daily lives as a direct link to future experiences

We have heard that the brain uses only 10% of its capacity and so is our observed universe only 10% of all the matter that there is. The other unobserved matter is called 'dark matter'. Ghost matter. Why? I had never gotten the answer until coming into this information: "In the model we have today we have to consider the component of dimensionality. In an ever- changing view of creation many scientists now believe that all we know of our world is ultimately made of the same substance, tiny packets of light, quanta, vibrating at different speeds. This does away with the division of the body, soul and spirit completely. Some things vibrate highly, and some slowly. Some so slow, that they appear as rocks and minerals. Others that are a little faster, manifest as plants and animals. A certain frequency is human beings and the faster ones are T. V., radio signals and etc. All of that is the same thing, energy vibrating at a different frequency as it manifests itself.

Only 10% of the universe vibrates in the 3rd dimension. According to the theory 90% expanded so fast that it leaped into higher states of expression. Ninety percent may represent the place where the parallel universes of quantum theory dwell. As above, so below; that means that only 10% of our mind stayed in the 3rd dimension and the rest leaped into higher levels of consciousness. All of this, I think, gives answers to so many questions that we could talk about."


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