There's Nobody Home

A Wise Sentient BE-ing wrote:

"Having come to the understanding of the Kingdom being found within ourselves (not outside of us), I now experience and realize a better understanding of this kingdom (consciousness) of which I speak. You see, when I first began to hear the Kingdom of God ministered by different ones, I was looking for something to match what they described to me it was. What they described to me never fit what they were saying it was and what Christ said it was, or vice versa. But after the realization that the Kingdom of God is actually a consciousness found only within one's self, all the parables, references, descriptions, etc., began to line up correctly. Understand this consciousness generates an acute awareness or "knowing" of being "born again" to a right relationship with the Father. Paul described the Kingdom of God as righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. All three are found within this born again consciousness. Righteousness--meaning you have discovered your "right standing" as a son of God, and the peace that passes all understanding rules your heart and you dwell in a state of everlasting joy. That's living TODAY in the Kingdom of God. It's not mysterious, hidden-away-in-a-corner, but rather a realm of daily living and operating in the MIND OF CHRIST!

It is my desire to further enlighten one's realization of the Kingdom of God found "within" mankind and the progressive growth of the awareness in one's life. Just as a seed must fall into the ground and die, we also experience the seed being dropped into our heart and the quickening of the spirit within the seed breaking forth out of the old shell of human thoughts that has held this new life captive within for many years. Do not be misled, this seed is within EVERY man and it will NOT corrupt! It is only waiting for the quickening (realization) to burst forth out of the prison bars of unbelief that has kept it bound.

Over the past few years, many seeds have been planted in my heart that have now come up and the fruit is being harvested. One of these seed thoughts happened a couple of years ago while driving by an old house sitting out in a field, somewhat off the road. The Lord called my attention to it. The roof of the old structure was partially collapsed, and the walls were deteriorated, the foundation sinking, etc. The seed thought was planted within me as a question. "Why is that house falling down when there are many, many, more that are much older and are still standing in good shape?" Then just as quickly as the question was asked, the answer was present, "There's nobody home!" Needless to say, I was somewhat taken back by the whole event that had transpired with a few seconds. I'm sure you have observed a similar house, barn, or shed, sitting in the middle of a piece of land, dilapidated, falling down, maybe has even fell down! Yet, if one were to inquire with the owner of the property, one would probably discover that the old barn was built "after" the house, which is still in fine shape! Yet this "newer" structure has deteriorated faster than the house.

If you have read any of these writings, hopefully you have begun to realize the importance of observing the "things that are made" to understand the "invisible" things of God. Herein is no exception. As stated already, a seed was planted that day and has grown over the years and now further enlightenment has come. The answer heard that day was simple, yet profound. "There's nobody home." Let me explain.

WE ARE SPIRIT BEINGS CREATED BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. That means we are created in the likeness and image of God which is Spirit. You were given a body and together with spirit, or breath of God, you become a "living soul." The body bears witness of the spirit, or said another way, the body is but a shadow of the true image of Spirit. Your body is NOT the real you, only a "shadow." It is only a MANIFESTATION of the "invisible" spirit of who you are, slowed down to a place of "visibility" in this three dimensional world. For example, if you look at the blades of a fan, the faster they turn, the easier it is to "see through" them or they become invisible to our eyes. However, if we were to slow the fan down, the slower it revolves, the more visible the blades become. Can you somewhat see that?

Water is another example of this stepping down to a point of visibility. In its realistic structure, water is analogically a form of spirit. It is invisible. For it is made up of two gases, (gases are invisible just spirit) hydrogen and oxygen. But when these two gases are "condensed" or slowed down, these gases become visible by becoming a liquid and with further reduction of movement, these molecules will become a solid object called ice, which becomes even more visible. Yet when sped up, the process is reversed and the ice will melt and return to the liquid state of water, and if further accelerated, it will once again return to gases, leaving the visible and entering the invisible. And if you think that "steam" is visible it is only the molecules of liquid water that have not reached the state of invisibility and become a true gas. Need I remind you, these described events happen everyday, right here...TODAY...IN THE NOW! So why would one assume that what is manifested as a visible body is one's true reality, when in truth, you are spirit? So it's important to know "what" you are.

The other phase of "knowing" is to become consciously aware of "who" you are. You have been told you are a sinner and you have borne that image all of your life. You were told at an early age, you were a descendant of Adam and Eve. You were further told that since they were sinners, you are a sinner. However, that is not true. Yet you have believed that lie and developed and lived a life according to that belief system. And the "serpent mind" has struck again! Because you have accepted and retain that belief in your true consciousness, that is what you have manifested in bodily (visible) form. Yet in reality, you are a SON OF GOD, created in the likeness and image of God, the same as Adam. That brings up the question, who is the SON OF GOD?


Christ is the ONLY begotten Son of God made in the likeness and image of God. Many people believe that Jesus was Christ. I am not necessarily suggesting otherwise, yet the problem is many believe Jesus was and is the "only Christ manifestation" and there will never be another. Yet if one believes that as a one person entity, I would have to strongly disagree that Jesus was the only Christ. But if one believes that Jesus "expressed" the Christ, thus "becoming" Christ, just the same as we today can "express" the Christ, thus "becoming" Christ, then I would agree whole heartily with that statement. Jesus, therefore, was the "first man" to literally manifest Christ as the "Word made Flesh" and live, move, and have his being completely as a Son of God. He was the "first!"

In response to all those who believe He is the only one, what can we do with the scripture that states He was the "first" among "many" brethren. Christ is the "head" of the church which is Christ's body, and the head is always the "first" to come out during the birthing process, if the baby is turned right. We've had many "breached" births and have not realized who we are! However, if we realize that we are "now" the Sons of God we will quickly become conscious of "the greater things than these shall you do" words of Jesus. When you begin to assume [not presume, but take on] the Mind of Christ, just as Jesus did, you will manifest the Christ TODAY, the very thing the whole creation is groaning and travailing for!

This is not a mystery folks! We've held belief systems of no value way too long! The time of Father plucking up that which He has not planted has arrived. It is of necessity that we differentiate between the man Jesus and the Christ, even though that can be hard to do because of the completeness and harmony of the expression in Him. Yet if we miss the difference, we will relegate Christ to "only" Jesus and that would be a grave mistake. Do not misunderstand me, I am not stating that Jesus was not Christ. He WAS the literal embodiment of the Christ, yet he was a man from Nazareth, born in a stable, whereas, you may have been from Kalamazoo, born in a hospital. If you place the man Jesus as anything else, you may very well miss His whole example as the "firstborn" among many brethren. Let me say it this way without you picking up stones to stone me, Jesus was no more the Son of God than you are! You may say, "That's blasphemy!" NO! I'm saying, YOU ARE A SON OF GOD the same as Jesus was! Only He was the FIRSTBORN!.....only you have not yet realized it....evidently...those who are having problems swallowing....these.....words!

Jesus, the carpenter (if He actually was), was the "Son of Man." Maybe to help you understand this somewhat better, it would help to replace the word "MAN" with the word "manifestation." Doing that we would see that Jesus, the "visible" man, was the "Son of Manifestation," or as commonly known, the "Word made Flesh." To "manifest" is to make visible or appear to the five natural senses of man. That's what Jesus, the "Son of Man," did. He was a visible expression of the manifested image of Christ, the Son of the Living God.

When we turn our attention from the man "Jesus" and focus on "Christ," you will see that Christ, not "Jesus the man," is the only begotten Son of God. Remember, Jesus was the "Son of Man." All of humanity was created in, through, and by "Christ, the SON!" That's not to say, all of creation is "expressing" the nature and image of God, because many are not aware of who they are and bear an image of who "they" perceive themselves to be. Because they believe themselves to be formed in the likeness and image of Adam, they bring a "son of manifestation" of Adam to birth and live a life comprised of pleasing themselves through the sense knowledge of an Adamic consciousness. This un-awareness of who you really are, goes back to the deep sleep of Adam. If you recall, it was AFTER the deep sleep came upon Adam, the CHRIST MAN, that there was a division of soul and spirit and the notable ramifications. Yet we read to "Awake, thou that sleeps, and CHRIST shall give thee light!" Who will reveal with light? CHRIST, THE I AM, will reveal to you your true beginning.

I'm sure many are asking, "So if Jesus isn't, who or what is the Son of God?" As it has been already wrote, "CHRIST" is the Son of God. What is Christ? In the simplest explanation one could describe, Christ is the "anointed nature and expression of God the Father," the "image" of God. That's why Christ is called the "SON" of God. A son will always duplicate the image and likeness of its parents. While meditating recently, the Spirit began to quicken the words of Jesus saying He only did what He saw the Father do, and say what His Father said. Then the Spirit revealed to me a literal example of this in visible form. Remember, that's Spirit "slowed" down to a place of "visibility."

The Spirit said, "Have you ever noticed a child, one whom loves their father very much....they do what they see their father do....they say what they hear their father say?" I couldn't help thinking of countless examples of this very fact that become so real to me at that instance. For I have watched my own sons do exactly what they have seen their father do, just as well, say exactly what their father says. I have also seen others do exactly as they have seen their father do. It still goes back to the seeds planted in the ground of their heart. The seed will ALWAYS reproduce after its own kind! You do not have to worry, a watermelon seed WILL NOT produce tomatoes, neither will a tomato seed produce a watermelon! That's why we can be confident the incorruptible seed planted within the heart of every man WILL NOT CORRUPT! Jesus further stated that it was impossible for a corrupt tree to bear corrupt fruit or vice versa! Can you see that? So the child will always do exactly as they see their father do...good or bad! Don't be surprised if your children do not "turn out" the way you planned, when you have tried to tell your children to do good, yet shown them a different example. They will only do what they SEE their father do and say what their father says! So when you realize who your real Daddy is........guess what?

Remember the question Jesus posed to His disciples, "Whom do men say that I am?" Jesus was not asking for his ego's sake. He was checking to see if Father had yet revealed it to them who he manifested. Peter answered and said, "Thou art the Christ....the Son of the living God." Peter did not say, "Thou art Jesus the Son of God, but rather thou art the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus then uncovered the answer all humanity is waiting to hear, "Flesh and blood did not reveal that to you, but my Father." In other words, "flesh and blood," (the "man" Peter knew as Jesus, the little boy from the carpenter's shop,) didn't help at all to reveal the "true" identity of this man called Jesus, but it was revealed by the SPIRIT. If you're waiting to for flesh and blood to reveal this great mystery to you, you've got a long wait in store. But when the Spirit of Truth is come, He will lead and guide you into ALL TRUTH as to who you really are!

Have you experienced this unveiling of your true identity yet? That you really are Christ, the Son of God, the same as Jesus! Or are you still identifying with the "flesh and blood man?" That is, thinking this person you call yourself is the "real you" and one day you'll be perfected and then God will accept this Son of Manifestation of flesh and blood. NO, I'll tell you what happens, flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God!

Since I believe we all struggle with similar thoughts, especially since we have been reared alike, I felt it important to establish the above mentioned struggles because of the struggle that also I experienced while being awakened as to who I really am. To the carnal mind, it would at first to seem blasphemous, yet we find Jesus telling those around him, "know ye not that you are gods." That is, He was attempting to explain their true origin. That is, they came from and out of God. NOT FROM ADAM! But they didn't believe it then and it still is not believed. But if you are or have awakened to your true identity, then further enlightenment is in order.

Deep Calleth Unto Deep!

We are the temple and body manifestation of the LIVING GOD. Therefore, every thought originates and proceeds out of the mind and mouth of God. Don't jump to conclusions yet! Hear me out! Yet, what manifests sometimes, is another thing altogether. So what's the scoop?

Delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit thy way unto Him and He shall bring it to pass. When desire comes, it is a tree of life! If God is presenting us constantly with many expressions of Himself, why is it the expression manifested is not God at all? The answer lies in the fact of who we perceive ourselves to be. Therefore, we bring into manifestation "man's" construal of what was interpreted as the desire of God. Many reasons exist to explain this phenomenon. For instance, our "so-called" belief system is the one of the biggest culprits of this modifying the "Word of God." Beliefs have a way of "coloring" the true desires from the heart of God.

For example, these very words are being mixed together with your beliefs and a coloration has already begun to form within your mind as to whether or not you believe what is being presented. Whereas, these word are coming from the heart of the Father, yet you perceive them to be from the mind of a man because of your beliefs or either the lack of believing. So by what you do or do not believe, you have already "colored" or "altered" the Word of God. The soil of your heart will only produce what you will let grow. As long as you keep pulling up what you perceive to be weeds, you will only reap a harvest of what "you" perceive to be "good" fruit. But Christ in Jesus said, let them alone and let them grow up together, lest while you are pulling up what you think is weeds, you may pull up the good also. In other words, quit eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil!

Another way of saying this is to "agree" with the Word spoken in your heart. When two agree, that's you and the Word, touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by the Father which is in heaven. How can two walk together except they agree one with the other? How can two share the same house/body/temple, except they agree one with the other? How can a man serve two masters, for he will either hate the one and love the other or vice versa. We have a tendency to go looking for someone (another person) to "agree" with us about some particular thing. When all the while God, Christ, and you, the trinity, are a majority! For whenever two, even three are gathered "together" in my name or nature, I'll be the third in the midst! You see, God, the Spirit, gives the thought/desire. You, the body manifestation, agrees. Then the Mind of Christ, the third in the midst, performs it....using your body to bring it into manifestation. When followed according to this pattern, God's desire will be expressed in the earth and the prayer "thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" will be fulfilled. It is not for "man" to do! God will do of and for His PLEASURE! That's why we were created. We sing the songs, yet, either, we do not hear the words we sing, or do not believe what we are singing. "And for "Thy" pleasure, we were created.....!" Instead we have man doing "his" thing according to "his" pleasure. Yet the true order of God is for man to enter into "rest." That's not to mean for one to plop down somewhere. No, not at all! It means for man to cease from "his" (man's) labor and LET GOD! Man is not involved. This is vividly illustrated in the birth of Jesus, the Son of Manifestation, who embodied the Christ.

The Word from Father came to Mary through an angel, or a messenger. Please remember that the Bible is NOT a history book. If we can hear the real words being spoken and not a story told only around Christmas time, we will find the messenger (angel) speaking in our hearts to our "Mary." Our "Mary" is that part of our virgin consciousness that has never been touched by "man." That's the part of us of which this article is written to and about. It's the birthing place of all things from God. It's the place of planting and conceiving of the incorruptible seed of Christ within everyone. The virgin soil of your heart, a place where carnal mankind cannot other words, no "stinkin thinkin!"

The Word spoken by the messenger simply said you are going to birth a manifestation of the invisible into this visible world. This happens many times every day across the world even though many who fulfill this birthing process have no idea of the reality behind it all. They mostly believe it is something "they" accomplished, never once realizing they possess such mighty qualities. Companies are formed, new means of transportation are discovered, products improved, new inventions are created, faster computer programs are written, etc, etc, etc,....all of this is merely the hearing the messenger, conceiving the message, and birthing the manifestation. Can you hear me. Now the hard part. Man had nothing to do with it but to manifest it! Just as Mary did absolutely nothing to conceive the child within her body other than carry that thing within her for the gestation period and then birth the invisible into visibility. As I heard one say, when you step into the "light" you cast a shadow. Well, do you? How? You didn't do a thing! Yet it happens automatically, just step into the light and instantly manifestation occurs, without doing anything but obeying the Voice.

Mary at first was confused. She lived in a world similar to ours, in other words, we hear the same things she heard and have similar thoughts, "How can these things be, seeing I have not had physical relations with a MAN?" She believed as many do today, that man must somehow be involved in this process to bring a son of manifestation into this world. Yet, that was the point exactly, MAN is NOT to be involved in this act. This thing is from the Lord.

Mary was not acting out of unbelief, but just stuck in the mindset we find ourselves so often in, misunderstanding the spoken word and trying to "figure it out" for ourselves. By the process of "Stinkin Thinkin!" But we forget that the carnal mind is enmity with God and neither can it understand the things of God, nor desire them. God is a spirit and they that hear, hear with their spiritual ear. They that see, see with their spiritual eyes. God's ways and thoughts are much higher that man's ways and thoughts.

Now we hear the messenger say something that most hardly notice. We are so caught up in this marvelous message and miraculous birth, that there is an obscure little word in the angel's description of how this was all to take place that calls attention to the fact that this birth would accomplish more than one thing. That word is "ALSO." The angel just told Mary how she would conceive the child by the Holy Spirit coming upon her and the Power of the Highest overshadowing her. But then the angel spoke a message that has remained unheard for the most part. "....ALSO that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the SON OF GOD"....which we now know to be the CHRIST! Can you hear that? This few words blatantly stares at us as to why it has taken so long to recognize the Christ in Jesus. Any time the word "also" is used it is including another topic relating to the same thought. You see, this conversation is heard today within our hearts. As the messenger brings the message of a son of manifestation, whether it be speaking of a book, an invention, an idea, a word, a object, etc., you will hear something along these lines.

"Mary (or John, Susie, Henry, Alice, or whatever your name is), Hail thou that are highly favoured. The Lord is with you, even in you, the place of where I am speaking. You will conceive in your womb, [that's your soul, the woman of you that is highly favored among women (other souls)] and you will bring forth a Son of Manifestation, that book, or invention, or idea, etc. And the way it will happen is the Holy Ghost (Spirit) shall come upon you and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you. [That simply means, the Spirit will flood your soul with light of the book, or idea, or invention, whatever the manifestation is to be, and the power of the Highest (Christ) will bring it to pass or manifest in the earth.] Oh yeah, by the way, this thing that will come from you, shall be called the Son of God!"

Not by your name, but by Christ! If your name is to be attached, it will never happen. Then the messenger will tell you about another one having the same experience, maybe not in the same fashion as you, but in your eyes, you will be satisfied. Because the other is experiencing the same happening, that's the Elisabeth in us, that has been barren, meaning never produced anything yet that can be called the Son of God!

"For with God nothing shall be impossible." At first glance, this verse just merely amplifies the power of God. Yet if we leave it at that, we will not apply it to ourselves today. And that would be senseless as well as fruitless! I heard a man explain this verse many years ago and I knew when I heard it, there was more than I could hear at that time, yet I knew this verse contain many overlooked truths. If we researched and studied what the messenger is actually saying we would hear these words:

"No Word from God is without power to perform it!"

Wow! Can you hear what is being said? Once revealed, this will set your feet to dancing! Let's explain!

When we get still before the Lord and hear the "messenger" proclaiming to our virgin heart the message of a birthing about to take place, we can assuredly go forth and bring that son of manifestation into visibility without any hesitation or doubt on our part because we realize that the Word sent from God is NEVER WITHOUT THE POWER TO PERFORM IT or cause it to come to pass. That's a powerful those who can hear it!

You see, the "angel/messenger" can be many things. The "thought/idea" can be many things. The "book/manifestation" can be many things. But when it is come, IT WILL BE CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD! Oh, you don't understand, for you are still wondering how a book, invention, idea, etc, can be the Son of God the same way you have thought Jesus to be the SON OF GOD. You are still calling the "manifestation" the Son of God when all the while it is the "Son of Man." Yet, if you do not perceive the Son of Man embodies (manifests) Christ, the Son of God, you will probably find yourself siding with the religious order of Jesus' day and getting very upset because Jesus was making Himself as God....which is what he literally embodied. Yet Jesus, the manifestation, was only the visible expression of God. It was not Jesus doing the works of God, it was God himself, using the visible expression of Jesus' body. When you understand this, you will relinquish the life you now live and allow God to manifest Himself in your body temple. That's your purpose! You will then understand that the "book," "idea," "invention," etc., is not of you, but Christ, the Son of God, is manifesting through you! Then when one reads the "book" or is blessed by the "idea" or "invention," then it will not be you that receives glory, because you will know it was not from you, because you will say, "Of myself, I CAN DO NOTHING!" But "THROUGH CHRIST I CAN DO ALL THINGS!" And CHRIST will appear to mankind! Do you understand, Mr. Reader?

Be encouraged, beloved! When you hear the messenger speaking to your heart, please KNOW, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that that WORD contains ALL the necessary ingredients to perform it. You do not have to stop and try to figure out if it's possible. You do not have to stop and try to make it happen. You do not have to stop and "take thought" about it! JUST DO IT! Have the "Nike" revelation, JUST DO IT! "BE"-COME THE WORD OF GOD! If you stop and think, or figure, or try to make it happen, I can promise you, it will not happen. Because this Word cannot be touched by man. If man can touch it, it is no longer considered VIRGIN SOIL. We have passed beyond the Holy Place where "man and God" participated together, we are now in the MOST HOLY PLACE. In this dimension it is no longer "man and God" but ALL GOD! It will come "through" you but not "from you!" It will be GOD! Can you hear me? Let me give you an example of how this works in a "literal" visible world.

I heard this example given by a messenger of God that was sent my way several years ago. I call this person a messenger since I now understand a little better what an angel really is and does. This man was one of the ones who was used by God to open my eyes to the stark reality of truth. It was not someone I was looking for, I did not even know who or where he came from, he just appeared upon the scene in my life. I cannot say I have ever had a conversation or even seen this man in person, yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, he was sent by God to speak a message in my heart, just as Gabriel was sent to speak a word to Mary. Whether one hears the message or not, I cannot tell, all I know is I heard it. This particular brother related an incident that happened to him and it greatly describes for us the above truths being manifested for us to understand the nature of our inheritance.

He pastured a large church in Texas many years ago and it was during this pastorate that this event happened. He said that one Sunday morning he received news that a church's roof, on the other side of town, had collapsed due to several days of rain. The next morning when he arrived at his church, he noticed there were trucks surrounding the building with little yellow lights on top flashing away. He became concerned as to what was going on and after finding the man in charge and so on, he discovered the church whose roof had collapsed the previous day, had the same engineers who had also designed his building. Furthermore, the man from the building department informed him that there was about three feet of water standing on top of his building and if they didn't get in off, that roof would collapse also. It was never dreamed when the building was designed that they would ever have that much rainfall in such a short period of time and the roof was designed to hold the water, but not 3-4 feet deep!

The chief engineer from the city told him that they had a plan and needed his approval to implement the plan and get the water off the roof because it was about to rain again. He told them to go for it.

The plan was to put these large round sleeves down into the tar on the roof, pump the water out, then drill holes through the roof to install these large downspouts pipes to drain the water from the roof. They knocked holes through the walls to allow the downspouts to go through out to the parking lot. When they had installed all the downspouts, they removed the sleeves out of the tar and the water shot forty feet out on the parking lot from those downspouts and in thirty minutes the roof was completely dry.

During the six hours it took to implement the plan, the Lord spoke to him and said, "I'm going to show you my sovereignty." He told him to just stand there and watch. When they pulled those sleeves up out of the tar to let the water loose, the Lord asked him a question. "Did the downspouts work?" He said, "Yes!" The Lord asked him again, "Did the downspouts work?" Once again he said, "Yes!" Again for third time the Lord asked him, "Did the downspouts work?" In exasperation he decided to try another answer, since the other one didn't seem to work. "No! They didn't work!" he replied. "Right," said the Lord, "they didn't do any work at all, they merely functioned!" As quick as lighting revelation came and hopefully you see yourself the purpose of our being here. It's not to "work" but merely to "function." To be the vessel through which the "work" of removing the water off the roof can "function!"

We can find these examples everywhere. Electricity is probably the best example one could ever hope to come across. Electricity is invisible yet many, many devices are powered by this invisible force. Those devices do not work, they only function. They express the power behind them. Take away the power and what happens? Absolutely nothing. Is the device capable of "working" on its own? Can the device even function on its own? NOT HARDLY! Without the force of electricity behind it all, just like the Spirit of God behind it all, all those devices become useless, the same with us, take away that life force behind mankind and the same thing would happen! The smallest light would never burn as well as the largest motor if the invisible force of electricity never flowed "through" the piece of equipment. Electricity is known as A/C current. That's not air conditioning either! It stands for alternating current. That simply means the power is flowing both ways! It comes from the Father and returns to the Father! How much better example do you want? So we need to take our places and allow the Spirit to "flow" through us and express this invisible God to the visible world!

So what are you waiting for? What is the desire of your heart? Do you perceive that desire to be yours, or God's? I hope you are beginning to see! For as long as you perceive the thoughts and desires within you as yours, God cannot be manifested. In order to understand this more fully, I must return to the seed thought of the old broken down house. As I pondered the condition of this deserted house, God began to reveal the how's and why's of its demise. It is the same with our lives.

"There's nobody home!" A simpler way of explaining that statement can be found within an old adage we have recited for many years, yet to some it may be new. "Whatever we focus our attention upon, we become." The Bible states it this way, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." I heard a lady speak it this way, "What you love the most is what you'll do the most."

To understand all these different sayings that sound alike, yet different, one must become aware that within himself is a "consciousness" or a "knowing" that is our true life. It is actually better known as the "Mind of Christ." Let this mind "BE" in you that was in Christ Jesus. That's not to say it's not there and you need to go out and find it, but rather "let" or leave behind, forsake, refrain, etc, from "your" mind and "BE" the Christ mind ruling and reigning your heart. To accomplish that, one must first realize this mind is already present within you, not something you must go out and find somewhere. Jesus described this process as losing your life you will find life. In other words, by the death of your mind at the place of the "skull," you will find the in-exhaustive, everlasting life of Christ.

When one recognizes this "consciousness" within, it becomes most obvious that the river of life has been discovered. The operations of Kingdom living proceeds from this dimension of consciousness. All of life is sustained by the invisible forces of this realm. As one begins to hear and obey the Voice speaking from the throne-room of this consciousness, life is realized, promoted, sustained, and wonderful. When this consciousness is withdrawn from its attention, life ceases to exist and the visible manifestation begins to melt away. That was the answer that has now become understood when the Spirit spoke those words, "There's nobody home." In other words, the attention has been withdrawn from the consciousness of its life source, therefore, the visible manifestation was in the actual act of "de-materializing" in front of my eyes! If you can hear this, you will begin to realize why the scriptures say, It's not by might, nor by power, but BY MY SPIRIT...!" We've been looking for might and power when all the while the source of all things was nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart!

When one begins to understand this consciousness within, you realize the Kingdom of God is within you just as Jesus said. You further begin to realize that you hold the keys to hell and the grave, as well as the power of life and death, sickness and health, and poverty and prosperity. Even more so, you realize that it is ALL GOD who is working, willing, expressing, doing, healing, helping, loving, caring, and a million more attributes we cannot even begin to describe. The realization of all this is the key, that is, it all comes from and out of your body/temple. You're where God decided to call home! If you have him somewhere else, then you need to check the address again, for He is nigh you, even in your mouth and in your heart! And He's waiting for you to recognize and acknowledge His presence within you. I stand at your heart's door and knock. KNOCK< KNOCK< KNOCK> When you open the door, I will come in and sup with you and you with me! Acknowledge God in ALL things and He shall direct your paths.

It is confusing to a new-born to understand the difference between "thoughts" and this "consciousness" of which we speak. The reason being, the same facility is being used....your mind! It is through the saving of your soul that you come to the awareness of this consciousness within you.

He restoreth my soul! That simply means to return back to the place I once was, to the glory I had before the foundation of the earth. Nowhere is it commanded that the "spirit" needs salvation, neither the body manifestation! But rather it is the soul that must be restored to its former glory. That is the oneness with Spirit as we seen in the beginning with Adam, and God called "them" Adam! Not Adam and Eve! But Adam! Adam representing PURE SPIRIT and Eve representing the SOUL, the womb of man reproducing PURE SPIRIT in conjunction with and in subjection to the SPIRIT MAN called ADAM! This is the place of "restoration" David was referring to when he stated, "He restoreth my soul." Adam, PURE SPIRIT MAN, operated out of this consciousness of which we speak. Maybe an easier term would be a "knowing." Eve operating independently of SPIRIT sought after a "feeling" instead of knowing. This "feeling" is what we know as the five senses, only acquired by eating the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Whereas the "knowing" only eats of the Tree of Life. When you perceive this knowing of which I'm speaking, you partake of the Tree of LIFE only! You no longer desire the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Our thinking process of trying within ourselves to "work" out our problems by knowledge gained from eating of the Tree of Knowledge is the process of thought that Jesus said to not do...Take no thought! You do not have to try to think about it, for the answer is within you, every answer is already there! Can you hear me?

We have come to understand that the soul consists of our mind, will, and emotions. All of these must return to the place of submission to Spirit. All of these also make up the part of us that we believe ourselves to be. This is the part of us that must die! The soul that sinneth shall surely die! In the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die. This dying is the death of your mind, your will, and your emotions, or in other words, YOUR LIFE! This is Calvary! Where this mind was crucified! If you will lose your life, you shall find it, what is the it? LIFE! Christ LIFE!

This is the inheritance of the Sons of God! Ruling and reigning WITH CHRIST. That's not meaning "John" and "Paul" ruling together, but CHRIST ruling through your body/temple. You are dead! For I am crucified WITH CHRIST, yet not I but CHRIST lives in me! For we know it is senseless to try and change "Adam," the process we have spent years and years trying to perfect. It is time to realize that Adam died over 2000 years ago on a cross outside of Jerusalem. I encourage you to put on your breastplate of righteousness and know your right standing with God."

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Sirius 8

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