No Truth, But TRUTH

As one began his walk back to God, we were taught different things. And as we were taught, we thought about what was being taught to us. One may grow up in a Baptist home and thus learn Baptist doctrine and thought. Another, perhaps, a Catholic, a Buddhists, a Hindu, or whatever, etc. All of which as we grew, we thought on.

And as our thinking upon the teachings became more in depth, they began to be our beliefs. The beliefs in the thoughts we had, produced an acceptance of those thoughts and gave them an existence that was not there, but only in thought. Because they became a belief, it allowed you to believe something that another thought was not true, yet was true for you.

Why was the belief true for you and not for the other? Because you were lifted up into another realm. You had gone from the realm of the Outer Court of thought, to that of the Inner Court and the Holy Place of belief. Those in the thinking realm of the Outer Court cannot see into the Holy Place of belief, as there is a veil between them. Thus the thinker has no understanding or insight into the realm of belief. His thoughts are thus opposed to your belief.

He who is in the realm of the sacrifice of the Cross, sees only the Cross. His thoughts have become his belief and his reality. But his reality and beliefs are but thoughts to the one who is in the realm of the Holy Place. He cannot accept the existence of the next realm, for they are not beliefs to him. They may not even be thoughts yet. The individual, in the Outer Court, looks at the one proclaiming a belief, in something, he does not believe and thinks the other is living in a world of fantasy. A dream that is unreal. A distorted perception of a vision that has no form. Both thought and belief take time.

It takes time to think about what you are thinking about. One brings up a new thought that you have never thought about before, and you begin to think about it. As more in-formation is given you, you think deeper about it. Then there comes a "time" when that thought becomes a belief. You now believe in the thought about the Re-conciliation of ALL, or whatever.

And so you rest in the belief that whatever you believe in, is true and is NOW your reality of Life. And true it is, for you. But not for the individual who is still thinking his belief on the Cross of the Outer Court, is true. For him, your belief may not even cause him to think about what your truth is. It is just a passing thought to which he doesn't give a second thought to.

Now you are the one who is in the Inner Court of belief, and another comes to you and says I believe in the realm of Tabernacles and this is all that is in this realm. Your truth is now being challenged by another's truth and a veil is cast between the two once more. You reject the others truth as a fantasy and hold to your belief, as reality. Yet to the one in Tabernacles, his belief is reality, and he may no longer give a second thought to your belief, which he may have once held to be true. But the call to the one in Tabernacles is to come to the Ark, for there is where Truth lies. And he who dwells in Tabernacles now looks upon the Ark as but a fantasy. And thus the progression, progresses.

What prevents each thinker to change his mind into the truth of a different realm? Fear. Fear that what he now believes his reality to BE, is but a lie. And the ego within, does not like to think it has been lied too, when in reality, it is the ego that is lying. Fear is the absence of perfect love and perfect Love casts out ALL fear. As in the Matrix, in order to go from one realm to another, you must remove ALL fear, doubt and disbelief. All of which are in the mind. Re-new the mind and you remove the fear, you cast all doubt aside and dispel all disbelief. Your state is then one of reality. Yet, even reality, is but a thought to he who is I AM - Absolute.

Jesus said, referring to the Christ within, I AM the way, the Truth, and the life. In ALL realms, that which is reality to us, is Truth. The one who is on the outside of the Tent, believes his thoughts are truth and to him they are. He, who is in the Outer Court believes his reality to be truth, and to him it is. And so on, up the ladder of realms.

TRUTH lies in ALL realms, for there is nothing, no-thing, but TRUTH. If Christ is the Truth and ALL things were created by Him, and for Him and out of Him, then He can create no-thing but Truth. Thus, in ALL realms, there is naught, but Truth.

When you are climbing the ladder of Truth, is the truth you left behind, any less true to him that is below? When you are reaching for another rung on the ladder of Truth, but can't seem to grasp it, or are hindered by another on the rung above you, is your present truth less true to he that is above, who in turn is reaching for still another rung? If you believe the one above, is hindering your climb, perhaps the one below is being hindered by you. Each may be grasping, with both hands, to the realm above, and many a time, has no time, to reach out his hand to the one below. Do not hinder one seeking a higher realm. Do not step on the hands of a climber seeking a closer relationship with God, for your hands may be stepped upon by another above you, hindering your climb. As you climb, lift another higher than yourself and give a hand to the one below.

Each rung is a place of thought, belief and reality, to the one on it, and yet on each rung there dwells a rung above it that he who dwells below may not see. When you reach the reality of your rung, do not distain the reality of the one below, whose truth you may have once held as your reality.

Your reality is but another mans belief, whose belief is but another mans thought, who perhaps, doesn't even give it a second thought.

There is no Truth, but TRUTH.


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