
A Sentient BEing once proclaimed:

"I AM Here, there, and everywhere. I AM within all, within every fibre, and cell of your being. I AM in the inanimate as well as the animate- I AM everywhere. I AM everything and everywhere; call upon ME and see if I will not open the windows of Divine substance. I AM that I AM-that particular I AM Consciousness which will come to this condition of situation and made its nothingness appear. I will release the power that lies hidden there. I AM ALL in ALL- I AM everywhere. No matter whither you go, into what locality, I AM there-I have gone before you, because I AM there already and always have been. I have already caused Myself to be so impressed upon you that you find everything prepared before you arrive. You find everything answered before you ask. You find everything supplied before the need arises. It is well with you-do you hear?-irrespective of person, place, or thing. It is well with you, irrespective of teachings of any nature whatsoever. I AM - I AM - I AM.

I AM the lost Word which is hidden within your consciousness, which is your consciousness veiled by a mystification of the human senses. In judging from appearances you have lost true values, and have accepted shadows as realities. I AM the lost Word, the Word before which the doors of the universe fly open-doors in the impassable walls of human obstacles; doors that lead out on highways never charted by the human sense because of its limitations. Doors that belong to the palaces of the kings fly open at MY coming and the riches of Caesar are laid before Me-to take and do with as I like.

I AM here, there and everywhere. It is well. The new voyage upon which you are about to embark is already prepared-minute details have been taken care of. Arise! take no thought; all these things shall be added to the unafraid one. Do you hear? You who read this page? You?

The endless planning and trying to arrange things suddenly cease. "The Government shall be upon His shoulders," the government of your life, and all is well. Only the personal attitude can keep you out of this beautiful, restful experience. Be not afraid: "It is I," Why should you be afraid to accept your good here and now, instead of waiting for the harvest? Have I not old you over and over again, "Look again," the fields are white, the labourers are few? Thrust in the sickle. Read, you who read this page. You!

Reap the fullness of life everywhere present. Not one thing shall be hidden from you. When you come to recognize the Allness of Life, there will be no place for sin, disease, or death, and you shall find a new thing working in your members which will be above both health and sickness, a new consciousness which is not the result of evil overcome, but which is the out picturing of the Spirit, which is of too pure eyes to behold iniquity.

The healed man is perhaps better than the sick man, but he is till swinging between the pairs of opposites he will have to move up to the place of recognition of the All-Presence, and there abide in a state of changeless bliss. His ability, then, will not be to demonstrate the Word, but to bring the living presence of the Word into visibility. This is your power; it is the power which was given to the child-in consciousness-the ability to accept the Good that has been prepared for him. Do you hear? I speak the word of healing for you at this moment.

There is but the NOW-it is NOW that I write. It NOW that you read, and this divine instant of the ALL-NOW I speak from out these pages and say, "Rise up and walk; open your eyes and see the glorious Finished Mystery: open your ears and hear the things which human lips cannot utter; stretch forth your arm of strength and accomplish that which you will. Go your way into expression. It is well with you. Be whole; be free; be newly born."

You who are reading this page, do you hear? Do you hear? Do you hear? In the glorious ALL-NOW, it is well with you-rise and declare from the housetops of your being. "It is wonderful! It is wonderful! It is wonderful!" Even the wrath of man shall praise thee-even the thing which has seemed so untoward shall rise and sing thy glory. The limited personal Jesus shall praise the Christ within your consciousness. You shall call it from the housetops of your being by telling it in secret to your soul-by pure recognition of the ALL-Presence in the ALL-NOW.

Human language fails to express anything like the Joy of the ALL-NOW, but between the lines you will find the Spirit that will accomplish this for you. Be still; the unuttered word is the Word of God which shall not, cannot, and has not the ability to return unto you void. For the Word of God is fulfillment pressing toward your consciousness for expression. The word which speaks it into existence is the actual recognition of the Presence everywhere.

I AM here, there and everywhere. To recognize this is to understand without further difficulty how it is that you can now reach out across the universe and touch ME in another being, and cause that being to take on the splendid sense of health, of happiness, and prosperity that you formerly tried to make happen by beseeching special favours of me. The Sons of God shout for joy-you cannot help it-Blessings, infinite blessings-like the deluge of golden mist that fills the valley after a storm-you are filled with this invisible-visible substance, and the light from this consciousness causes all the evil shadows of human belief to recede. It is well with you. Blessings, infinite blessings. Do you hear? Do your hear? Not the cold human words, but the spirit of that which sets aside every human law, however conceived or made. Blessings that come from the Grace of God pouring into expression in your life in the All-NOW, in the ALL-Presence.

Be still outwardly, and shout for joy within until it has shattered the walls of your prison. Do you see? If you once glimpse the ALL-Presence in the ALL-NOW you will begin to see that I AM not only here and there and everywhere, but I AM everything, and partake of the nature of everything through this great Oneness. I AM everything and everybody; I AM ALL.

I speak to you, and for this reason comes this message into your hand. From this instant I AM into manifestation in your life as a real, living factor-not as a far-off God, but as the very life of our life, the great connecting -link between you and everything manifest on the earth. It is well; be not afraid. It is I .

I have many hidden things to show you when you can be still. One by one the clamouring voices of argument, revenge, and resentment will have screamed themselves lifeless. That which can rend you must come out of you, even though you fall as one dead, and dead you will be to the human babbling. This which can rend you sore must come out of you so that you can soar to the new heights which were impossible with the former baggage. Let go, give up, and call down into manifestation the blessing of the All-NOW and the All-Presence. The coming and going of things is only in the human thought. Nothing passes away in the reality of the Real. There is nothing to be destroyed, hurt, or made right.

When you have ascended into Heaven and glimpsed the eternal, perfect harmony of that consciousness without beginning or ending, you will descend into the hell of your human thinking and bring with you the All-Presence, and see this shall self-consumed. You will see the fire of evil wiped out by the blaze of Life. You will merely bring the recognition of that which is in Heaven unto earth, or out into the manifest world, and see it change. You will see a whole city appear with the evaporation of a fog of human thinking and belief, and your Heaven unfold before you out of the mystification of your human thought.

Right where you are is holy ground, for I AM here, there, and everywhere.

Unlatch the latchets of your sandals; let go of the human reasoning or the how, why, when, and where; let go of all the systems of Truth, and drink deep of the living water of Inspiration which is wordless and unutterable. I shall impress you with that which is. "Stand and deliver"--"He who hears obeys."

"When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" You have to answer that for yourself. Perhaps you have already answered it in the negative for the rest of the world. But it has nothing to do with the rest of the word; it has only to do with your world. When the revelation comes to you, when I come to you and speak, even as I AM speaking at this instant, shall that I find faith--recognition on the earth--in the manifest realm of your earth?

While you are looking for evil in the world to overcome, you are making so much noise you cannot hear ME as I stand at your door and knock. It is well; be not afraid; one day the Awakening comes, and then you take your pearl of great price and run away and bury it in a field--in a new state of consciousness -- and you tell no man about it. And you know why.

The deepening of consciousness takes place, and with it the glorious accompanying manifestation. Have I not said to you in many ways, "If a man lose his life he shall find it?" If you lose the personality, letting it be swallowed up in the I AM, then will you lose also all the human law pertaining to that personality; the problems of that personality will then be of no concern to you, for they will cease to exist. The personality is on the plane of cause and effect--the four months to the harvest--the "as ye sow, so shall ye reap," but when you are lost in ME you find your real life, the life everlasting. Literally some will find this and appropriate it, and be translated into the new and wondrous Spirit.

Remember, I have said unto you, "The last enemy that shall be overcome is death." When you lose your limited personal sense of life in the All--Life, you lose the sense of disease and evil, and, without disease, death cannot come into manifestation. Hence the last enemy, the last belief in a power outside of the All--Presence, is swallowed up. Death is swallowed up in Victory, in Life, and you shall say, "Whereas before I was dead, Now (the only now) I AM alive."

Take away the condemnation from our world, bathe it in new Light of Love and Life. When you cease to look for evil, evil will cease to manifest for you.

"Kick the hell of rigid things from 'neath your feet and leap through space; and space shall hold you with the thrilling flux of life ascending; and hold you more complete in every part that did the rigid coils you flung behind you."

The rigid coils of human thinking--the age-old beliefs and laws that have seemed like the coils of a python, crushing the very life out of you! These shall finally put from you by being divested of their power. There is that upward rising, that quickening, that going to the Father, which is the recognition that lifts up to the Mount. "Underneath are the everlasting arms; the everlasting power is with you in you and through you. The great changelessness of the Law of God--which is,

"As above, so below;
As within, so without."

No place can you go where I AM NOT. If you take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, there AM I; or into hell, there AM I. I only have to be recognized to be made manifest in that spot. I only have to be recognized to set aflame the bush by the wayside. I have myriad ways of speaking to you--when the scales of double universe have dropped from your eyes. I AM that I AM. Do you hear? Nothing is hard for ME.

You who have struggled all night with the angel shall have at last the bandage of human belief torn from your eyes, and you shall loose it and let it go. So many have tried this by first recognizing that the angel had power which was working against them, and then, in trying to let go, found it practically impossible to do so. Do you not see that the only reason a problem has power is because you feed it constantly with your thought? The more your attention is upon it, the greater it becomes to you; then one day you recognize the startling fact that you are sustaining it like a parasite, which is mocking the meat it is feeding upon, and you take from it the nourishment of your thought, and find that in so doing you have loosened the only hold it had upon you. Do you see? You who read this page? You!

In the space less and timeless centre of your soul you will see the nothingness of the dust of human existence--you will see that the thousand years have been but a day, and that you stand gloriously revealed to yourself, and it is this inner revelation which causes the human manifestation to come to higher and more perfect proportions and expression. The effect will take care of itself. The out picturing of the state recognized within will automatically be made manifest. When the mind lets go of what it is holding in the hand, the hand unfolds and drops the article automatically, even though it was holding on with all might and main before. Do you see that the results that follow are the signs which follow, and which do not precede? When you are not looking for signs, for results, it will be because you are completely satisfied that the Law of God never fails, and , therefore, any anxiety or thought you take regarding the outcome of the inner vision, is totally wasted, and in many cases acts as a mist that obscures the Truth which should appear.

I have passed you often on the highways of life, and you have failed to see or hear ME, because you are eternally looking to the outward shall. Remember that I speak through any avenue that is free enough to let Me into expression. I do not always come with purple and fine linen or the approval of a Church; I come in the manner which you can best see Me; but if you are hypnotized to the outside, to the appearance, then you will pass Me by.

Fear not! When you are ready, I will do the works through you. When you are ready to let go of the limiting sense of things abut you, and the limiting personality with which you have identified yourself, you will see ME.

I AM here, there, and everywhere---Blessings, blessings, blessings."

One of the great teachings of the Christian faith is that of the belief that God is Omnipresent. He is everywhere present. If He is not, He is not God.


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