One for ALL...ALL for One

A young man walks into a crowded room, closes and locks the door behind him and proceeds to take a machine gun out from under his trench coat. He fires a burst of bullets into the ceiling and immediately gets the attention of his audience. 

"You are All my prisoners and I am going to kill each and every one of you" says the gunman.

The captives, cringing in fear, back away from the gunman and cower to the floor, wondering why? Will he really kill us All? When am I going to die? How long do I have to live? what is the motive for such a heinous act of violence? Who will be the first to feel the sting of death? The hearts of men are filled with fear and disbelief.

It does not take long for the gunman to speak once more and from his lips comes a proposal that is unheard of in this type of situation.

"I will release ALL of you if One volunteers his life for ALL. Which one of you will sacrifice herself, to save the lives of  ALL the rest in this room?" there is silence in the crowd and none move a muscle.

"What about that boy there? He is young and really does not know what he would be giving up, by laying down his life for All. He might be in a car accident tomorrow and be paralyzed the rest of his natural born days. what a great sacrifice he could make for all to be spared and live." But the bout moves not. He wishes to live and prays for another to step forward.

"What about you, young man, with your beautiful wife? will you give up your life to save your wife's and the rest of this bunch? Will you allow your precious to continue to raise your children without you. to allow her to tell of the marvelous courage you showed and the hero you will become to them and others. She could put on your gravestone: he that others might live. what an epithet? What glory! Prime time TV.!"

But the young man, too, wanted to live and prayed for another to take his place. The sacrifice was too great for him to bare.

So the gunman moves to an elderly woman and asks her: "What about you, old one? You have nothing more to live for. you have seen it all, done it all and now your life is about over anyway. Why don't you allow me to kill you now, and I promise to let the people go? One life for ALL. Is that too much to ask for?" But the elderly lady fears death all-to-gether and wishes to spend as much time in this realm as possible. She has many grand-children that she so loves and the luxuries that this world has provided her, are to great a blessing to give up just now. She too is silent.

There is a stillness in the air, a quietness none there has ever experienced before and a waiting to see who, if any, will step forward to release ALL the rest. One, just ONE is all that is requested, to save ALL present. One for ALL...ALL for ONE.

Then out of the stillness comes a stirring and a still small voice from out of the crowed begins to whisper: "I will", says the voice in the silence. "I will lay down my life to save ALL the lives in this room."

A shout of joy splits the night as the prisoners feel the relief of their tomb. They are saved. They will soon be free and tears of gratitude overcome them ALL. One has come forward to set ALl the prisoners free and ALL the captives that the ONE who will give his life for ALL. And as the young man steps forward towards the gunman, to lay down his life for ALL, there is a stillness again in the room.

"I have come forward to sacrifice myself for the lives of ALL present. I agree to your terms. Let these people go and you may take my life in place of theirs." said the brave soul to his soon to be killer. Greater love hath no man, than this, that he should lay down his life for his brethren.

Which of you would do the same? would you have placed yourself before the killer and sacrificed your life to save ALL in the room? Ah, it is easy to say you would as you sit in front of your computer screen, safe in the confines of your home. I would give my life willingly, just to save one soul from death, you exclaim out loudly to no-one in the room. Great and brave words from one so safe, but seldom with meaning.

Many, during times of great danger, have acted bravely and have saved individuals from the jaws of death. A drowning, a burning building or a car accident have brought out the best in humanity. The hero gave no thought to the circumstances presented and acted without fear of the outcome. It was just done. they became hero's to the community and to the one whose life was ready to be extinguished. But would they, or you, have done the same, should you have had the time to think about it? Step forward and tell the gunman to exterminate my life for ALL here.

"You take mine, " says the young man as he presents himself to die.

"I lied", says the killer and proceeds to kill ALL in the room. ALL except the young man.

"You are free to go. You thought it would be ONE life for ALL but it was ALL for ONE." Says the gunman as he quickly turns, unlocks the door and vanishes into the darkness leaving the young man to ponder what had just happened.

A young woman finds herself in front of a door pondering whether to open it or not. she has been troubled for many a day and has wept many a tear over the situation that has brought her to this door. No one knows. No one will know. she has kept her secret well and has even traveled far to protect herself from being exposed. she is in deep thought but is quickly snapped back into her present circumstance by the maddening crowed behind her.

"You murderer. How can you do such a thing? What kind of woman are you to presume you have the right to murder your unborn?" comes the shout from the protestors. 

"Stop before it is too late. God will punish you for your act of murder of one of His souls. He will send you to hell forever." comes the angry roar of one.

Yes the reality of the circumstance jolts her out of her thoughts. She pauses for a moment, then proceeds to open the door and walk in to a room full of other women, nurses and doctor, locking the door behind her while escaping the hands of the angry mob. but the ringing in her ears is still upon her mind. "God will send you to hell forever."

And as she waits for someone to speak with her, the hustle and bustle of those about are soon sharply interrupted by the sound of busting glass and hysterical screaming. she cringes in fear and begins to fall to the floor as bullets wiz about the room. And as she drops to the floor, she sees the blood of a doctor being spewed before her eyes and the doctor, as if in slow motion, shatters her view and falls lifelessly to the floor before her. Oh God, what is happening? Why? Then silence.

A short while later, the gunman is caught. She reads that he has be sentenced to life in prison and feels compelled to visit him and ask him why he did that which he did. So she makes the journey to her would be killer.

"Why?" she asks. "Why did you kill the doctor?"

"Did you murder you unborn child?" asks the prisoner. 

"I am a Christian and I believe that to take the life of an unborn child of God is murder and you do not have the right to do that and neither does the doctor. He is supposed to save lives, not kill them. Only God can give life take life." says the Christian man.

"But did you not play God, by taking the life of the doctor?" asks the woman.

"I chose to sacrifice the life of one, to save the lives of many. Better that one should die and ALL live, than ALL die and one live." Says the Christian.

As a born again Christian, I know God has forgiven me. I know that He knows my heart and intentions in the saving of perhaps hundreds, even thousands of innocent children. and as a saved believer and child of God, I also know that when I die, I will be rewarded with eternity with my Savior, in heaven." says the prisoner. 

"I was their savior and because I saved the unborn, they will have the opportunity to be born and live out their natural life in this realm. I willingly sacrificed One life for the life of ALL." he continued.

The woman left the man that day, pondering how such a Christian, who is supposed to love all men, could have committed such a horrible act to another human being. and as the woman left, the Christian pondered how such a beautiful woman could have committed such a deed to her own unborn child. The eyes of one could not see through the eyes of the other.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, says the Scripture. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, the penalty of Adam passed on to ALL men. To remove that penalty and the sin nature that men posses, we must place out faith, out trust in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. We must repent of out sins and ask forgiveness and in doing so, we inherit eternal life with Him, in heaven. This is the basic message of the Christian church realm that is preached to all the world. Though the doctrines may differ, to some extent, the principle basic is the same.

In order to be saved, to go to heaven and be with Jesus for eternity, Christianity says that one must repent of his sins and believe in the saving work of ONE. If you do this, you are saved from the fires of hell and an eternity of wrath without the presence of God. this saving grace of God does not reach out to you in the afterlife, but must be chosen while you are presently living. According to the establishment, one cannot be saved unless he/she makes a determined choice to do so and repent. Only then is one saved from eternal hellfire and given the privilege to be with Christ in heaven. To make that decision, one must reach the:

 "Age of Accountability"

What is that, you ask? Well we certainly understand what accountability is. It is taking responsibility for ones own actions and decisions in life and accepting the outcome of ones choices, be it good or bad. But what about the "Age" factor? when does one reach this magical "age"? no one really knows for sure. It may be at age 6 or perhaps 8 or 10. It may even reach as far as a lifetime for someone who may be mentally handicap. So the question one should ask Christendom and those that believe in this magical "age", is what happens to those beautiful children, should they die BEFORE they reach this magical "age of accountability?" What happens to that eighty year old man, who has the mind of a three year old, should he finally take a heart attack and pass away from this realm? What happens to the unborn child in the mothers womb, should it miscarry or, heaven forbid, be aborted?

Ask the preachers, the teachers and deacons of your church where their young baby of innocent child will go, should their life be suddenly extinguished. Would they admit that, according to their doctrine, their belief, their understanding of the Word of god, that their child would go to hell forever. Never to be in the presence of Jesus. Never to have his arms placed about their warm souls. would they admit that their baby girl was ever in front of Satan and his imps, forever feeling the pain and suffering of the burning fires of destruction? Would they? Ask them. Go ahead, ask them. If they were true to their convictions and beliefs, they would reply that to their dismay and pain, their child would be in hell forever. To reply otherwise, would be to turn their back on their long held belief in hell for the unsaved. They would have to chose between their child and their doctrine. Between the Word of God, as they understand it, and their innocent baby girl that they were given by their loving God. They cannot do so.

The reply, most often, from Christianity, is that they leave it up to God and to His will or at least something to that effect. but they cannot admit that their doctrine has been challenged by their belief that their child is in hell. so this, my friends, poses a great dilemma to their established doctrines and beliefs, for on the one hand they preach that to be saved, one must accept the Lord as their Savior, repent and trust in the finished work of the Cross, while in the other hand, they hold to the belief that those that do not reach the magical "age of accountability" can reach heaven without accepting Jesus as their Savior. How can this Be? Does not the Word say that there is no other name, under heaven, whereby a man MUST be saved. Does it not say: accept the Lord and thou shalt be saved? Are we not told, over and over again that there is no other way to be saved and reach our heavenly goal? And yet the mythical "Age of Accountability" has bypassed this route to eternity. Could this be a crack in the teaching of salvation through the Cross alone? To hold to such a position that a certain time period decides your eternal outcome, is to allow another door to chose from. There is another gate to enter heaven and if there is another gate, could there not be more? To believe that one has to come to Christ for salvation, after the magical age of accountability, yet allow others to reach heaven, before this age, becomes a perplexing doctrine to work around!

Murderer or Savior

The doctor, sent ALL the unborn to heaven for none had reached the age of accountability and ALL died. But the Christian sent ALL the unborn to hell, for they were allowed to reach the "Age of Accountability" and only One died. 

Who was the greater savior and who the greater murderer?

The doctor takes hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives, yet, according to Christian doctrine, saves thousands of souls from eternal hellfire. Is he a great murderer or great savior? Or is the Christian believer, who killed the one doctor, to allow thousands to be born, reach the "Age of Accountability" and die without accepting the Lord as his Savior only to spend eternity in hell, the greater murderer? Who, of the two, is the greater savior of souls? If the doctor is allowed to live, ALL souls are guaranteed eternity in heaven. It is a certainty, for they will not reach the "age". If he is eliminated, there is no guarantee that those allowed to be born, will ever make a decision for Christ. To lose, even one, is less than what the doctor can accomplish for Christ. One life for ALL in hell or ALL lives for One in heaven should the doctor accept salvation down the road.

What you have read, may be disturbing to think of, but what is to follow may even be more disturbing and controversial. Please read it carefully and within the Spirit it is being presented.

The Greatest Gift

The dilemma, for this type of belief, is clear and many, if not all, cannot respond to this concept and still keep to their doctrine of understanding. they maintain and preach that Jesus is the only way to be saved, yet will allow another way to reach eternity. should they truly believe in their teaching, then the greatest act of love they could give to their child, is to never allow her to reach the "Age". A Christians greatest responsibility to the world, is to win as many souls to Christ, in this life, as possible, beginning with his/her own family. To assure and guarantee that his children are saved and spend eternity with Jesus, would be to kill them before they reach this magical age. Better to die before the "age" and spend eternity in heaven, than to reach this time period and perhaps enjoy the fires of hell forever. To allow the child to live and be lost, is to shirk one's Christian  responsibility of assuring the salvation of one's own children. But to kill ALL the children, would be to place One life at stake. 

However, the Christian is selfish. He would sooner allow the child to grow up and live his natural life out, enjoy the blessings that his seed can bring to him and then to allow that same blessing to perhaps die without Christ and spend eternity in hell. The Christian has never thought of his doctrine in such a fashion, yet is it not the only way to think on it? Should I allow my child to be born, to enjoy this natural realm and take the chance, or trust in God, that he might be saved? Or do I allow my son to die before accountability and assure his place in heaven? Is sixty, seventy, or even one hundred years of this realm, worth eternity in heaven? It is one of the greatest dilemma's and underpinnings of the Christian doctrine and once challenged, breaks that pillar apart. It does not hold up to scrutiny. Yet it is never challenged neither questioned. Why?

Now here is another thought to consider. Many, if not most, Christians believe in the doctrine of eternal security. The premise that once saved, always saved. The Christian man who killed the doctor believed this, for he knew that God had forgiven him and that even though he committed a murder, he would attain heaven when he died. Why, then, do not all these Christians, go out and kill as many babies and children, who have not reached the "age", as possible? Would that not save more souls for Christ, then to try to reach his next door neighbor? Would that not make him a great soul winner, for the Lord, in his church? Oh, if I could only win one soul for Christ, is the rallying cry of many a Christian in many a church. Oh how wonderful that would be. Jesus would be so blessed. Hell why not kill as many children as you can? Would that not make Jesus even happier? Would that not make the angels in heaven shout for joy? Can you imagine the ecstasy in heaven, if ALL the Christian adults would suddenly begin to practice what they preach and begin to eliminate ALL the children of the world? What shouts from heaven there would be! Of course this would guarantee the extermination of the human race, at some point, but at least ALL would be saved.

Do you see, can you see the problem with this unspoken doctrine of understanding. the Christian would have done a greater service to his Savior, had he allowed the doctor to live, abort the baby and send them to heaven, then to kill the doctor and perhaps have them ALL go to hell, unsaved. and if he truly believes in eternal security, the greatest gift he can give his Savior, is to kill as many babies and children as possible. Is not the soul more important, to God, than the flesh? Will not the two become one in the resurrection, if the soul is saved? Will not the mortal put on immortality, if the soul is saved? The eternally secure Christian never has to worry about his action in this realm. He will make it to heaven, no matter what he does. So why not take as many as he can with him?

But what of the Christian who believes he can lose his salvation? he is the one that works like hell to keep himself out of hell, but never really knows if he will end up in hell, when he dies. Remember, to this believer, one sin can keep him from reaching heaven and spending eternity in a place of warmth. this believer never knows when or even if he is pure enough to reach heaven. He is constantly in a quandary as to his position. am I or am I not saved right now? If I should die in my sleep, am I righteous enough to be with Jesus? So he works out his salvation with trembling and fear. Great trembling and fear! He does not believe he is perfect and complete in Christ, thus not being sinless places this believer in hell, no matter what he does.

Neither believer will place their convictions to the test. for the eternal securest, he fears not the afterlife, for that is secure. He fears the natural one. He fears prison, punishment and all that goes with being found guilty of murder of the innocent. So he does not place his beliefs to the test. The one who can lose his salvation will not act upon his convictions, because he does fear the afterlife, so he spends 24/7 trying to keep himself saved even though he believes he is never perfect enough should he die on the spot. both are selfish and fearful and both these conditions cause these believers to be constantly in the state of sin, for but conditions are not of faith and Scripture says that that which is not of faith, is sin. Fear of losing one's salvation, guarantees one that he will, for that sin will always be within his belief system until he dies. So working out his own salvation, with fear and trembling, is his pre-occupation, yet all the working out is destroyed by the belief that he can lose (fear) that which he has to work to keep. but should this one bring another into the same knowledge of salvation, that new soul will be in the same dilemma as the first and in essence be lost in his salvation, for he too will be in fear of losing what he has received, making them two fold more the child of the devil. Interesting when you think about it! I mean, if you fear your salvation, then you are in sin anyway and you will be lost when you die, so why not save the children who have not come into your understanding of salvation? One soul... yours, for the souls of ALL... theirs.

Why is this scenario not played out by the Christian community? Why are Christians not the saviors of the world in putting their convictions and beliefs into practice? Is not the time at hand? are not the fields ripe unto harvest? why not begin in one's own field? Is it not better to give ( eternal life to the child) then to receive (heaven for yourself)? why? Because it is easier and more convenient to talk the talk, than to walk the walk. Why? Because they really do not believe in the truth of their doctrine though they preach it as such. Why? Because they are too busy getting the joys of this world, than to worry about the afterlife of the souls they preach they are concerned. what Christian denomination, do you know of, that has come together, sold all their possessions and placed all into a common pot, to be distributed evenly, and then spend all your time saving souls for Christ? Not many, if any around like that. The subject of the "Age of Accountability" is a Holy Grail and is taboo to speak of, for it cuts to the very root of their doctrine and thus must be kept a secret understanding, if you will. to discuss, is to destroy one of the very foundations of their belief system and none dare touch it.

It is quite a dilemma for the Christian community. So the preachers continue to preach the gospel of salvation to the lost and dying world. they rent large arenas and bring many to the Lord, only to send these saved ones back to their own homes to perhaps allow their children to  die lost.

We are thankful for all those that are brought into the knowledge of Christ, in every realm and in any way. we are thankful for the workers, preachers, evangelists and all Christians who bring others into this knowledge, but the understanding of the "Age or Accountability" must be brought out into the open so that  those who hold to this doctrine may receive a greater understanding of God's love for ALL mankind. It is not with malice that I have brought this message. I am not judging those involved or believe in the "age". I do, however, see an area whereby those who believe in the Reconciliation of ALL, can be involved in bringing a greater understanding to them. By questioning your Christian brother, as to his position on the "age" you can open the door to God's greater love, to a deeper understanding and to the removal of a heavy burden that may weigh on the souls of your Brethren.

Your Brethren, and ALL mankind, will be awakened to the message that God IS ALL in ALL. We are His messengers, who have been given the Ministry of Reconciliation to the world. We are those Saviors who have come out of Zion, to save (make aware) those that do not yet see. god has many ways to open doors of understanding. This message can bring a door for you to use when you are fellowshipping with your Christian Brethren. Will they listen? God knows. when next you sit with your friend, will the question be:

Is It ONE for ALL, or ALL for ONE?


Sirius 8

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