The Other Side

A Sentient Being came to the rivers edge, stopped and pondered. He looked up and down the river and wondered how he was going to get to the other side, but saw no way of doing so. Gazing across he saw another Sentient Being and cried out to him. "My friend, how do I get to the other side?" The wise Sentient Being, having observed the actions of the other, responded, "My Son, you are on the other side."

For centuries, religions of the world have waited, pondered and wished to be on the other side. It is often referred to as Valhalla, Nirvana or Heaven. No matter the name, the belief in an other side, a realm of bliss of some sort, is held by most of humanity. This state is a reward for the individuals belief, life and faith, while they occupied this earthly realm. Christians receive this reward, for following Jesus Christ. Though they differ as to how to follow him, and how to get to heaven, the end result is the same. Those that do not follow Jesus, get to go to the other side, but it is a different other side. One that has a different reward for their failing.

There is one problem to reaching the other side and that is, one must die to get his reward. Heaven can only be attained, by death. Death to this earthly realm of the physicality, so as to receive the reward of the belief you held on earth.

The first Sentient Being represents today's seeker who wishes to cross over to the other side. In Christendom, this gap has been supplied by Christ, who has stretched out His arms and bridged the gap between heaven and earth. It is often depicted as the Cross with stretched out arms, filling the space between two mountains, bring heaven and earth together. The Cross has solved the problem of crossing over. The difficulty or the problem in crossing over, is the time factor. For it take a full lifetime to reach the other side, to walk the path that leads to heaven, from the first time one receives, accepts or believes on Christ. This Christian, is the seeker, seeking to find out how to get over, by asking another the way.

Seek and ye shall find, says the Scripture. Christians have sought, found, yet still seek the how, the when and where. Some believe that to reach their destiny, they must do many things, such as pray, read the Bible, do good, not evil, etc. And if this is done, then the crossing over on the stretched out arms, will get them there when they die. They are seekers, constantly searching for the way over. They believe the Cross, but add to it.

I find it, however, somewhat strange that, those that seek for heaven and long to receive their reward of the pearly gates and streets of gold, with a mansion next to Jesus, never wish to die right NOW, to receive what they so long for. The Christian eternal securest, is one who believes that no matter what one does here on earth, still goes to heaven when he dies. Even if he committed murder, he receives his reward, although he might also receive a jail term here on earth. However, if he were a true believer in eternal salvation, and really wanted to go to heaven, he need only commit suicide to instantly be there. So why does he not do so, instead of waiting a whole life time to get what he could get, now?

The seekers who hold that you can lose your salvation has a different problem. He never knows for sure IF he will get to heaven or not when he dies. He must rely on his good works for his security, for the Cross is not secure enough for him. The Cross is but a very narrow path that one can slip off and fall into the abyss. This person cannot commit suicide, for to do so, is to take a life, which he holds would prevent him from getting to heaven. I contend that there is a flaw in the belief of both these seekers.

Scripture says; "Greater love has no man, than this, that he lay down his life for his brother." The Old testament commandment says "Thou shalt not Kill".

If the securest, truly believed his doctrine, he would seek to win over as many souls to Christ as possible, then kill them. Or having the true desire to be with the Lord, could say the hell with everybody else and commit suicide. Wanting to relieve his pain of this world and to relieve the suffering of other believers, he could murder all other believers., then relieve himself of his own suffering. This would ensure that all those that are saved get to be with Jesus as soon as possible and would not have to suffer in this world. This person could also do justice to the Christian who holds that you can lose your salvation. Not being able to take his own life, for fear of losing out on God, arrangements could be made for the securest to kill him, after he has repented of all his sins and become righteous before Christ. It is a win win situation. But these senario's don't happen, thus the securest does not truly believe his position.

Another strange problem that crops up in the securest position, is that of abortion. Securest believe that a baby or young child, who has not reached the age of accountability will go to heaven if they die. But once that age is reached, if they do not accept Christ as their savior, then they will go to hell for eternity. So why prevent abortions? Why not stop the life of a child, if it means that that child will go to heaven immediately upon its death? To allow the child to be born, reach the age of accountability, die and go to hell, is a greater injustice to the child, then aborting it, or even killing if after its birth. You do a disservice to the child, by allowing it to live, reject salvation and go to hell forever. To abort it, brings eternal life with Christ. Send the baby to the other side, before it has a opportunity to not get to the other side. Would that not be a blessing to the child? Would that not be a loving, kind, merciful jester to the baby? The baby is more secure in his death, than in his life.

Thus the problem and time element of reaching the other side is solved, IF the securest truly believed his doctrine and wanted to help mankind reach it as well.

The believer who can lose out on his salvation, will never reach the other side, for he must continue to seek the way, yet never being able to come to the knowledge of the truth, that he is saved. Never knowing that he is saved or not, he must continue to plug up any holes in the Cross, just in case he falls through. This person cannot help others reach the other side, for he knows not how to get there himself. His first priority is to himself. He must keep himself Holy, pure and self-righteous, or he will lose out. So to ask for directions of this man, will only cause you to receive directions from a blind man who does not even see the Cross stretched from heaven to earth. How can he? He is blind. He relies on his own good works to get him there, yet never really knows how much good work it takes to reach the other side, nor even what works are good enough.

These two types of Christian are represented by the Sentient Being who is asking how to reach the other side. They are ever searching and seeking, trying to get to somewhere they wish to be right now. In both cases they are prevented by one thing--Fear. The Sentient Being fears trying to cross over the river, by walking through the water. He fears slipping and falling in and drowning, so he seeks a bridge or perhaps stones placed in the river, so as to walk over on them. He seeks security. Fear is lack of security. He believes he can get across, but, maybe not. He knows he and his brothers will make it to the other side sometime, but, maybe not. There is no fear, when your security is in Christ.

How do I get to the other side?

You are already there, says the wise Sentient Being.

The believer who knows that he is already on the other side understands that there is no gap between heaven and earth.. Jesus told Nicodemus, in John 3:13 that He was both on earth and in heaven at the same time. He told us that the kingdom of heaven was in us. Heaven was in our earth and our earth was in our heaven. We dwelt in both at the same time, thus the other side was the same side. Remove the river and both sides become one, for there is no division between the lands edges. The Israelites cross under the Red Sea, walking on the dry land of the sea's bottom. There was no division. Remove the obstacle and you remove the problem of how to cross over, for there is then no problem.

The problem of how to cross over is in your thinking mind, that tells you that there is something to cross over. There is not. Remove the thought of your thinking mind that tells you there is a river, and you see that both sides are one. Jesus provide the outstretched arms on the cross. It touches heaven and earth and thus they become one. Jesus will not and cannot remove one arm so as to break the oneness. Jesus was able to walk through walls. Why? Because there is no wall. Do not try to bend the spoon. Only know that there is no spoon. Do not try to cross the river. Only know that there is no river. Do not try to get TO heaven. Only know that you are IN heaven.

Humanity is always seeking and searching for love, joy, peace and even heaven. They seek outside of themselves, for something they believe is missing. After all, if it wasn't missing, they would not be seeking. It is often said that the grass is greener on the other side. How do I get across to enjoy the reward of my searching? I seek the love I cannot find in the arms of the man I am married to. I am not at peace with the circumstances of the life I am now living. How do I cross over the river to a better life?

My friends, seeking and searching are in the realm of doing. It is s work you must do in order to receive what you seek for. God would have you KNOW that you are already on the other side. When you realize that all you seek for, you already have and are, you have no need to ask how. When you know that I Am Love, you will no longer seek love on the other side, or outside of yourself, or even from God. When you know that you ARE love, BE-cause God is love and as He is so are you in this world, you will have come to an understanding that you have crossed over without crossing over. When you know that you are joy, peace, mercy, grace, etc., you will not need to ask how to cross over, for you will BE the wise Sentient Be-ing who will be asked, "How do I cross over the river?" by another Sentient Being.

The SEEKER BE-comes the KNOWER.

If this message has blessed you, bless another, for freely you have received, freely give.

(This message was a combination of two messages I have received on several occasions. I was not given the understanding as to why they were to be combined, though they somehow are intertwined. I do not advocate the killing of anyone, in anyway, neither in the physical realm nor in the spiritual realm.)


Sirius 8

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