

Racism is defined, in Webster’s dictionary, as: “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

Thus, a racist is one who believes his race is inherently superior to all others.

I have a friend, of several years, who is an admitted racist. He believes that the white race is superior to all other races, by nature of his skin colour. If he had his way, he would remove all other races from off the American continent and send them back to where he believes they came from, i.e. Africa, China, Japan, etc. Now this is an improvement from several years ago, when he would like to see them annihilated. His superioric belief, however, does not stop there at the racial aspect. He is a pagan by religion, which I guess some would say is better than no religion at all. And as a pagan, he has no use for any other religion, especially Christianity. They should all be sent to oblivion, never to walk the face of the earth again. In his view, the world would be far better off if the three mono theistic faiths were wiped out and paganism returned to its rightful position as the religion of the world..

Now we certainly know that there are some Christian denominations who believe that race is more important than grace as far as God is concerned. British Israel and the Aryan Nations are but two that I can think of, that hold to the racial aspect of the Biblical message. Although I am sure that the main line denominations and other faiths would not even include them as being Christians. These denominations use Scripture verses and historical understanding, to prove to themselves and others, that the Bible was written for and to the white race and not to any other. Because of their inherent belief that they are the superior race and that God only speaks to and through them, they are shunned by most of society and castigated by main line Christianity and those of other faiths.

How do they come to believe in there superiority  over others from reading and studying the Scriptures? Is God a racist? Does He only speak to those of the white race? They say yes.

We would vehemently oppose this understanding of Scripture and reject anything that would be of a racial superiority nature. But that does not remove the fact that some people do believe in the racial aspect of Scripture. If we all saw things in the same light and understanding, if God spoke to each human being with the same oneness, we would all be one and there would not be thousands of different denominations bringing thousands of different messages of “truth”. But we are not one in belief and understanding and so, in the Christian faith we may have the Baptist, the Pentecostal, the this and the that, even to the Kingdom message of the Universal Reconciliation of All men. Even within these denominations, there is different opinions, from those that believe in the Trinity to Oneness, the rapture to no rapture. Each denomination and believer in these denominations, believes it and they have received their revelations from the one true God of their particular faith. But are any of these Christian based faiths, racists? Do the believers in the Baptist, Pentecostal and Kingdom message, preach a racist message? Do they look at all others with a superior attitude because of the colour of skin?

No way in hell, we would say. Christianity does not preach a racist message. The Kingdom message is for ALL men, not just for those of a particular colour. It includes black, white, red, yellow, pink, blue and any other colour or version thereof, that one can imagine. To say otherwise is absurd. Or is it?  

In the US and around the world, the struggle for racial equality has had an effect on how the world views racism. We can be thankful for the work of Dr. Martin Luther King and his vision to bring this equality to his people and to those of all races. And, with perhaps a few exceptions, all faiths hold to the equality of ALL mankind. But, my friends, racism does not stop at the colour of ones skin. In fact, that is not the defining factor in the definition of racism. It is the fact that one believes in the inherent superiority of his belief. Believing that ones faith or understanding is superior to all others. No matter how one comes to that belief, and most, if not all, would claim that it is direct from God himself, is not the issue. The issue is that ones belief, ones understanding is the right one, the only correct one and that ALL others are wrong, if they oppose my belief. The concept of right and wrong, automatically pits ones superiority against an others inferiority.

By this standard, ALL faiths are racist, for ALL faiths believe that their belief is the right one, the true faith and all others are wrong. Else why hold to that faith? Would anyone believe their faith or denomination teaches lies? Their faith is the one God has spoken to and the one inherently superior to the others. Christendom is no different that any other, be it Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism, and they, in turn, hold to the same understanding. Racism can be of colour, but it can also be of politics and religion. The underlying factor is the superiority aspect of the belief. We need only look at the present day wars against one another. Wars are only wars because one believes his position is superior to the other. Truly the Scripture is fulfilled in the verse that there shall be wars and rumors of war.

Now in saying al that has just been said, I hope to stay within the boarders of the Kingdom message and of its people, although it applies to all. I hope to show that even within the Kingdom message of the love of the Father, the Reconciliation of ALL men, there is racism. There is superiority of ones belief over another and the justification that the Bible tells me so.

How is this superiority shown? How do we tell if one of us is a racist and how, if anything, can be done to rectify the situation? What characteristics can we look for, that would disclose a racist perspective of religious superiority? Well there may be many, but I hope to touch on just a few. I am sure that you will be able to come up with others. I hope to shed some light, by using some personal experiences that I have been involved with and then add from another source. So lets take a journey into religious racism.

I was born and raised into a Catholic environment and although I cannot remember my parents even attending a Catholic service, they made sure I did. I went to a Catholic school and it was there that I began to learn that only Catholics went to heaven when they died and all others went to hell for eternity. You had to be a Catholic to be saved. Direction came from God to the Pope, the Father here on earth, and then passed down the chain of command. I was twelve when I left the church. Never liked telling my sins to a priest.

In my early twenties, I began to search out God and started studying the Jehovah’s Witness faith. Again, only the Witness’s could hear from God and only 144,000 of them made it to heaven. All other J.W’s lived on earth and the rest of us just went into oblivion. I soon left that, because some Baptists came over one night and informed me that they had the “truth” on the matter of God and salvation. And wouldn’t you know it…they used the same Bible that the other two used, all be it a different translation of it. This was the Authorized one, what ever that means.

So I became “born again” and spent 12 years in this faith. Now this group was not outwardly superior, accept towards the Pentecostals and Catholics, which I guess does count for a large group of believers. The Pentecostals taught the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the Baptist taught that that doctrine was from the pit of hell. And the Catholics were not Christians at all, cause they weren’t “born again”. So I guess there  were “some” superior attitudes taught!!!

But I would guess that my greatest experience in a racist church was when I attended the last church for some 4 years. It is still the church my wife and daughter attend, so what I am about to share, I do not say lightly and I will not disclose the denomination. From the examples I am about to share, I hope that you will be able to see the superior side of its belief and perhaps be able to look at the faiths around you. Do similar things go on there? Do believers act in some what similar fashion? Does this kind of behaviour go on in the Kingdom realm. Remember an individual who does not see himself as a racist, will not see himself as superior to another. But quite often, his actions speak louder than words. The superiority comes from the belief, and not necessarily the understanding of that belief.

We are all seekers of what we would define as the truth and for that reason we continue to seek and to search out that which speaks to us. We tend to accept that which seems logical or that which we believe the Spirit has spoken to us, either by way of inner speech or Biblical understanding. We all want the “truth”.

My first recollection or what I would define as a superior attitude in the church, was when the congregation was gathered together on a Sunday evening service and the “man of God”, as he is referred to, began to mock a Trinitarian church in the community. We did not believe in the “devils” doctrine of the Trinity, because we “knew” the “truth” of the Oneness of God. The mocking of the Trinity and the church in the community, took the form of singing in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Ghost, taken from the great commission in Math.,  in a disparaging fashion. The whole congregation began to laugh out loudly, I included, until some thing hit me. There was a knowing within that this was not appropriate. Did not know why, but I stopped laughing and began to wonder why we were laughing at an others mis-understanding of the Scriptures and the Oneness of God. It was through the attitude and inflections of the pastor, that superiority came forth, and in our laughing at the misfortunes of others, that our superiority came out. Why were we making fun and mocking an others faith, simply because they had not received the “truth” of the Oneness of God? Has we not all come from the same background as they? Did we not all, at one time or another, believe the “devils” doctrine of the Trinity and were now set “free” from this lie? Yet here we were mocking what we once held, and not the doctrine, but the people who held this belief. And that was the glitch. We were, somehow, superior to them, for we had heard from God, the “truth” and we were now expressing that superiority openly.

We were the only ones in  the community, who knew the truth about the Trinity. In fact, the church was the only Christian church in the community. All other, so-called Christians, were not Christians at all. They were all lost and going to hell, unless they came to know “our truth”. So why were we making fun of the lost to begin with? Was that not our purpose in life, to reach the lost and dying of the world? To bring all into the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet here we were, mocking the lost “Christians”, while extending our hands out to them to be saved. The mockery was not against the Trinitarians, but against us.

Why was the “man of God” trying to humiliate the other church by mockery and why was he trying to instill that attitude within his congregation? Well, he did not see it that way. You see, we were just practicing our truly held religious beliefs. We were right and they were wrong. Hell, everyone was wrong accept us. We, alone, knew the truth about all in the Scriptures. Just ask us, we would certainly put you in your place, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. And who could fault us for that? We were, after all, using the Bible to prove our truth.

As my stay, in the church, continued I began to see other things that did not sit well within and the superiority became more and more obvious to me, although, as I look back, I could not place a name upon it. One evening, we were in prayer. We sometimes pray for tow, three and even four hours. During this time of pouring our hearts out before God, or sleeping,  if we thought no one saw us, the pastors wife began to shout out from the back of the church. Repent, repent, you’re lost and going to hell, or something to that effect,  and other things, which I cannot remember. The shouts grew louder and louder and I grew weaker and weaker, until all the strength had been zapped from me and I lay on the floor under the pew, with my head on my wife’s lap. I had been intimidated into believing that she was speaking about me and I was in deep fear of being lost and hell bound. She was the pastors wife, and she must know and be closer to God, than I. She was holier than I and was able to touch the Spirit of God. I was but a worm, as had been once preached from the pulpit. She was the “man of God’s” wife and like he, beyond reproach. And above all, she was superior than I, and I inferior to her understanding and closeness to God. It took some time for recovery from that intimidating experience.

Have you ever been in a church or situation, where someone proclaims that someone has an evil spirit and that the members present, must pray over them and lay hands on them to remove that evil from them? I have. First off, that person has to be identified and someone has to do the identifying. Kind of an intimidating and humiliating time for someone, wouldn’t you say? Imagine yourself being called out in front of people you don’t even know and having all hear you have a devil in you. Shutter to think that can happen to you. Well it happened to a young teenage girl in the church I was in.

The pastor was away and the pulpit was given to a late twenties man to bring out the message left by the pastor to teach us. Well seems the message was not good enough, so he called out this young girl and proceeded to humiliate her right before the whole congregation. She had a spirit of lust towards him and she must stop it and repent of her ways. Apparently this had been going on for several years and nothing was being done about it by her. Oh yes she had prayed and prayed, but obviously the evil spirit was still there, and now it was time for the whole congregation to know about it. And the parents said nothing.

The brother, took the opportunity to show his superiority on spiritual matters and knew she had an evil spirit of lust in her and that she must repent and receive the Holy Ghost again. Can you imagine how she must have felt before her friends and those she had grown up with. The embarrassment to her person and the pain she went through? Perhaps you can!

Well come to find out, apparently the pastor had to remove a devil from the man, some time later and he had to be born again, again. No apology even came to that teen and she is no longer in the church nor does she ever speak of spiritual matters.

Embarrassment, intimidation, humiliation and mockery are just some of the things used to show forth superiority, both within ones own congregation and towards those of other beliefs, but what about within ones own denomination? What if the same denomination attacked each other? Does that happen? Would we go at each other simply because we saw something just a bit differently than our brother?

You see, in this church, we were holy. In fact we were holier than those in the church in another state. Why? Because we did not watch TV and they did. TV is from Satan and because we knew the truth of that and did not watch the devils tool, we were holier and closer to God, than our brothers down below. And our women did not wear make up, one “true” sign of a Jezebel spirit. Our boys did not partake of organized sports, while some others did. You see competition is a sin, as is all the rest of the items just mentioned, and all sinners go to hell. So I guess, we looked at all of our brothers and sisters in the other church, as being lost and hell bound. But we were saved. We had the “truth” direct from God. We were a step higher on the rung of life, than they. In fact they were slipping lower and lower into the pit.

And our brothers to the north of us, must be hell bound too, for they were believing the lie of the rapture and all liars go to hell. We were, however, allowed to fellowship with this group because we had the same laws for living for God. But I have always wondered, why we would fellowship with liars? After all, were they not sinners and did they not need to repent of such satanic doctrines. And if they were sinners, then they did not have the Holy Ghost and if they did not have the Holy Ghost, then they were lost. So why were we hanging out with lost people and pretending worship together as one? I have often asked my wife the same questions. You see it is OK to mock the Trinitarians because they preach the lie of the Trinity, but let us not disclose the liar within our own group of believers. These group of pastors were “men of god” and we believed the Scripture to touch not the man of God, for fear that we would be struck down by lightening or something. Hell bound for sure, at least.

Fear, intimidation, humiliation, mockery, superiority.

But that would never happen in the Kingdom message, you say! We do not classify ourselves superior to another’s faith or belief! You cannot lay the charge of racism at the Kingdom. Well I do not, but I will allow you to be your own judge in the following matter.

Ever think of yourself as being in the 60 fold, while, say your friend is in the 30 fold? Perhaps you even see yourself being in the 100 fold or even in the Melkezadec order of the Priesthood, while those about you are just not quite there. Oh, someday, they may be, but not today. You see, God has told me that I am above my brother! Well you don’t really say it that way. We just encompass it about in other terminology, like we are entering into Tabernacles, so come along. But you can’t come cause you just became a believer in the Reconciliation message and have no idea what the hell we are talking about. That might be a bit subtle, but what about the overt expression of superiority? Does it exist?

What of the self proclaimed Melkezadec Priest who attacks her brother, whom she has know for years, simply because he has what she believes are New Age intentions. She must expose these doctrines of demons to all and so by getting on the bandwagon with others of like mind, they come against the brother and “expose” him for the devil he really is. But it is called contending for the faith of our fathers and the “truth” of the Scriptures. We have examined the Word, and found you wanting. We, alone, proclaim the “truth” of God, while you bring lies to the body. We have the superior position on the ladder of God and you must bow to our understanding, repent and come under our teaching.

Superiority, in this case, is not shown by intimidation, humiliation, mockery, or even fear. It is shown by pride. Pride that my understanding of what God has shown me, is right and yours is wrong. We do not call it pride, we call it “truth” over lies. My truth is true and you are lying. Well of course my truth is true, else why would I believe it?

Just recently, I have been checking in on some chat boards, in the Kingdom and I have come across an individual who holds a strong position on his beliefs. Now I know he believes his positions to be of the truth and he is strong in his faith. But are the words that he uses, intimidating, humiliating, prideful or bring mockery to the one he is speaking to?

Below are some quotes, by a preacher of the Good News as he tries to explain to the other, the “truth”. I will admit that these are excerpts from the complete post and do not convey the entire message, but they do not add to the context of it either. I will also admit, that this preacher of the Good News has many wonderful things to proclaim, but do these words, bring on an attitude of superiority? The thing is that this preacher is of a minority race and he would be the first one to denounce superiority over himself or his race because of his skin colour. I am sure that he has felt the sting of racism during his life time and I can only empathize with him. But is religious superiority in his words, like my friend who would call his race mud people?  I leave you to seek what the Spirit is saying. I do not place these here to bring condemnation to this brother, for there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. I am merely using them as examples for us to see that we may be doing this or something similar to this, every day. And if we are, are we being superior to those who disagree with us and being a racist in doing so?


“…you can ACCEPT a "talent" of truth offered here for your personal edification and GROW higher .... or.... you can reject it blindly and stubbornly like a swine head and continue rooting in the mud. It is YOUR call! You are in NO POSITION TO TEACH .... but you can be a student! YOU cannot understand the scriptures and that is not an exaggeration or a "put down". It is an obvious FACT…”

“You have been trying to convince us that you understand ("see") the gospel, but what you teach is not good news. It is the same old corrupt "gospel of condemnation and death to men" that we find in the churches. You cannot "see" the greater love of God and Christ in what we call Universal Salvation-Reconciliation.”

 “YOU do not know either God or Christ!”

 “What I have just shown you is HIGHEST LIGHT, the beauty of GRACE IN MOTION! These are the "precious truths" of Heaven!”

 “And don't give me that BS that you have not answered my questions for this and that reason! The truth is that YOU CAN'T. I have the VERY DIRECT WORDS OF JESUS AND THE FATHER in rightly divided fashion.”

 “How will YOU reprove Jesus because he is not a liar and he is DOING ALL THESE THINGS WHILE I TYPE?! Will you demand that Jesus do things the (brothers name) way so you can be right doctrine-wise? According to Jesus YOUR DOCTRINE IS A LIE!”

 “Every coward will duck a direct question to defend his flimsy doctrine. You have no legs to stand upon and no mind to comprehend that fact. Every quasi- ET-er who comes here is in for a pounding.”

 “Trying to detract from your ignorance by claiming…”

 “I have suggested that ----- stick around so that he might be "enlightened" by the "increased intensity" of our shining!”

 “Where I am, the Refiners go!”

 “My post is directed toward getting (brothers name) (AND all READERS with similar thinking) to "change his thinking" (RE- PENTA (think). The question is for him to answer! Who knows that better than my Father who directs my path?!”

Isn’t it true that  “That salvation and TRUTH DOES NOT DEPEND upon the thoughts and conceptions of blind ---???”

“It does not matter what men wrote and thought to the contrary! Every man does not speak for God and even the Bible writers "knew in part" and understood in part .... meaning "some" of what they thought is not right! What you espouse is definitely a MISS-TAKE from NOT BELIEVING the direct Words of Father in the First Person. These Words have the HIGHEST AUTHORITY of all! (brothers name) in all sincerity YOU DO NOT KNOW GOD!” Yet this same individual also wrote:

“My thoughts are God's thoughts, and He has become my Head.”

“The REAL Jesus Christ and the Father are yet to be revealed to you! But stick around and we will bombard you with so much light that you will be enlightened or seek an EXIT!”


"By the way you failed to answer the questions. It is obvious that you are an ET'er. Why are you posting here? You might have a better reception with Matt Slick and CARM! Over there those guys IGNORE Jesus' WORDS declaring what HE, THE SAVIOR WILL DO as if his words are worthless and meaningless and signify nothing. But the appearance of condemnation of men they EXALT as if it is newly found gold nuggets! I am happy Father has given some of us quick minds to receive and believe JESUS! I reject the doctrine of ----! It is the SAME ERROR found in most churches on any Sunday morning. Thank God,

“Do you think my teachers, Michael and Gabriel, KNOW "the BOOK"?
Now ---- answer these questions and we will SEE just how wise you are!”

“Your "false" charge is no more than faulty human reasoning based upon incorrect assumptions.”

“YOU need to stop being so gullible and naïve and let go of that extra baggage trailing from “ET” doctrine and “hellfire and brimstone demise for man” sewage!!”

“YOU lack the SKILL TO UNDERSTAND the scriptures …. because of Revelation 5:1-5. I do not have YOUR PROBLEM ….. because of my Teacher ……”

“Your understanding (lack of) is NO MATCH for the understanding of the Archangel Gabriel! It is better to quiet yourself as a little child and listen and learn! Be prepared to LET GO of what you presume to be true and LET GOD show you His truth! I DO NOT have a human teacher and that ought to be obvious!!”

“You cannot understand what you read in the Bible because Revelation 5:1-5 INCLUDES YOU!”

“I find the above statement both FALSE and inaccurate at best. It is “partial knowledge”, a by-product of EXTRA BAGGAGE of the “doctrine of men”! This is a “UR” message board and NOT a modified ETERNAL TORMENT bastard message board! U – R means “you ARE”, that is “you exist” as second persons plural, the children of the Eternal One.”

“I find your conclusion in the above quote to be “short of the glory” and “short of TRUTH”!”

“There are some here who simply DO NOT BELIEVE GOD, that devils exist and the scriptures above cannot possibly be true! However, we "let God be true and every man a liar" who opposes that truth! Some of your favorite human preachers are AGENTS of devils, who use them as human "microphones" to foment blasphemy against YOU, and God, and all men! You DO NOT WANT to believe that devils have overcome the church, and all men, DO YOU?......”

“Those who READ MORE KNOW MORE and have fewer questions. Those who read in a limited range will not have all the “puzzle pieces” and they will have many questions.”

I leave this portion of the article, with these words as expressed by this preacher of the Good News.


“My thoughts are God's thoughts, and He has become my Head.”


 “I said it before and I say it again you can't teach and you do not understand what you read in the Bible, Revelation 5:1-5. I will stuff that scripture down your throat until you get the message!”


And that is often what takes place in the Kingdom. Some wish to stuff the Scriptures down our throats until we get the message they want us to have. It is their belief that they want to stuff down our throats. It may not necessarily be God’s belief.

Is their racism in the Kingdom? Is there an inherent superiority in the Kingdom? Do we try to humiliate, intimidate, or mock others for what God has shown them and by doing so, are we being racist? Or are we just defending the faith as revealed to us in the Scriptures?

I am extremely thankful for the brother who preaches the Good News, for allowing me to see clearly, what God wanted me to see, perhaps in myself, but perhaps also within the Kingdom and other faiths. When asked about my writings and articles, I have always maintained that the writings were from God to me and for me. No one needs to ever believe what I print, or say. No one ever needs to accept any portion of what is written, because when they were written, they were for me, for my understanding. I only share what was given to me, with all of you. Your Spirit must decide, for you, whether you accept what is written or not. I NOW understand more clearly, that I hold no superior position to any one else, even though some may view my beliefs as being so. I hold that ALL wo/men are completely equal, for my position is that ALL are a manifestation of God in the flesh. Even where one may see religious racism.

To remove any perceived racist concepts, be it racial or religious, one must see others as equal to them. That we may disagree in those beliefs, must be seen as also being OK. How we express ourselves perhaps is what may determine if we bring across a superior position. Can we share, with others, what God has shown us, without undermining another’s belief, by intimidation or mockery, for instance? Is it possible to express the position of the Trinity, without saying that the Oneness doctrine is of the devil? The underlying factor is can one share his truth, while maintaining that the others position is also true, for that person? But most of all, if we view one another in the light of truth verses false, then are we not all being fed from the same tree of the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong?

Jesus said He came to give us LIFE and LIFE more abundantly. We are the Tree of Life, and LIFE does not exist in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong. It is a completely different and separate Tree. The above article was written to show ME that when we look at right and wrong, we will not see the Tree of LIFE. We will not dwell in LIFE and we will continue to see man after the flesh and not in Spirit, as Paul admonishes us to do.

PS: Update: I am including a response, from this preacher, after an individual posted a question on a board, regarding racism and this article. 

"ra·cism (r³“s¹z”…m) n. 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. --rac“ist adj. & n.

su·preme (s‹-pr¶m“) adj. su·prem·er, su·prem·est. Abbr. supr. 1. Greatest in power, authority, or rank; paramount or dominant. 2. Greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, or achievement. 3. Ultimate; final. --su·preme“ly adv. --su·preme“ness n.
The American Heritage Dictionary

Racism is a superiority complex because of race. That is "DIFFERENT" from superiority because of religion. Any religion can and probably does embrace men from many races and nations. And all religions feel they have superior truth except perhaps a religion like the Bahai's that embrace all men and all beliefs.

Universalism is SUPREME because that is the work and goal directive of the Creator. We teach that the Father will gather all generations of humanity to Himself and transform ALL into the glory of the angels. This does not EXCLUDE any man because of his sinful life in this world or present state of religious sentiment. Do I feel that this is a SUPREME BELIEF and it is "better" than all others? Indeed I do! If you want to call me "racist", then help yourself, but you will be using the wrong word. I have a SUPERIOR DOCTRINE based upon what I KNOW from the Supreme Being. Do I feel univeralism is superior to what else is out there? You bet! I am not afraid of a label any man may use to describe my position. My purpose is to share light with those who should receive it. Univeralism includes all races! It is SUPERIOR to everything else out there which excludes some or most of men because of that religions superiority complex. A truly "SUPREME" proposal is to unite all creation into "ONE"! I can brag about a doctrine like that. I call it SUPREME TRUTH! God's love, grace, and mercy is like no other love! Every man will be treated like the prodgal son was treated. He will be glorified, wined and dined, and he will have peace and immortality forevermore!


If others do not want to join us because we "stir the waters" from time to time, then let the timid ones go where men preach "doubt" and are uncertain about what to believe as well as what is true. As long as there is no firm foundation to stand on, they will feel secure? If they can find a message board that meets their comfort-criteria, then let them join it and find peace. When "the angels stir the waters here", blessed are all those with infirmities who have the good sense to jump in! They shall be healed."

As you can see, the author comments that "this is "DIFFERENT" from superiority because of religion." This, to me, is an admition that there is religious superiority (religious racism). The author admits that his religious beliefs are superior to others and tries to defend his position on the outcome of that faith...ie. the Universal Salvation of ALL. So the end justifies the means. It's OK to be a religious racist as long as the outcome is of a greater good. Well, my racist friend would agree with him and say to this brother, that the White race is justified in getting rid of the Blacks, the Jews, the Hispanics, etc. because the end, a pure White country, justifies their racist belief.

He goes on to say that if there are those that do not join his perspective, than they are "timid" and follow preachers who preach "doubt" and are "uncertain" of "truth". They have no "foundation" to stand on. If they cannot stand the stirring of the waters by this "angel" than they will not be blessed, neither will their infirmities be healed by God. If you want to have God's blessings, than you must follow this man!!!

I believe that every person can be proud of his race or religion. He can be proud to be born Black, Jewish, Japanese, White or any other color or faith. One can share the great joys of his race or religion and express that to the fullest extent of how wonderful it is. But can that same person do so at the demise of the others race or religion, without calling attention to his own superiority? Is there a difference between sharing ones faith with ALL and shoving it "down your throat"? Between proclaiming the wonderful joy YOU have in the understanding of your faith and telling all that it is Superior to anything else others believe?

Is it perfectly OK ,for my friend, to call my Negro Brothers Niggers, or Pickaninnies or any other name that will reflect negatively on my Brothers and cause them to feel inferior to the superior position of my white friend? After all, to my friend, the end justifies the means!!


Are we Religious Racists?



The God you love...is the love you give.


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