
This article is different than what I normally post. Most deal with the reality of who we are and in our Being. This writing will bring us back to the realm, that our Being must come back to, in order to help those here. Where this writing leads, I know not. What it will say, I am not sure of, only that it has been given me to place it in you. There is a purpose to everything under heaven and only you will know if this writing has a purpose for you. Many say that those that are so heavenly minded are no earthly good. I say that to BE of any earthly good, one must BE heavenly Minded.

I have had this burden, for quite some time, having begun it with the article on Sirius and Sugia, yet even before. It's culmination will not end with the articles, for its ending must come from you, as a reflection of your Being, to those seeking help. If the Sons of God cannot bring this essence to those seeking relief, who will be able to?

Let me also say that I have no experience in the physical realm of the natural hurt, pain and affliction one has when they experience the rape of oneself or that of a loved one. I do, however, have great experience as to what happens in the rape of a believer in the spiritual realm. These articles will deal with that experience, its cause, effect and hopefully its cure. Many of you that read these writings may find themselves back in these realms and memories. I do not wish to take you back in time where you may have felt these hurts and pains, but many, hopefully, will be able to uses these memories to help those in the earthly realm of pain and sorrow. If you have been there, you will know what I am speaking of. If you have not, bear with us that have. Let us Begin.

Spiritual Abuse/Rape

A sentient being lays curled up under a pew, cringing in fear. His head, limp on his wife's lap, tears flowing profusely down the side of his weary face, while his arms and legs lack the strength the move from the posture he holds. In the rear of the building, the voice of a woman is heard through the stillness of the night. A shrill that pierce's the eardrum of those present, as they clasp their hands upon the sides of their heads, trying not to hear the crying and screaming of repentance, hell fire and damnation.

Far away, another sentient being sits on the roof of a car praying and pondering the things spoken of in the church service she just attended. A man from the church approaches her and asks if he can pray with her. After a bit of persistence fro him, she reluctantly agrees. He gathers some brothers and brings her to a vacant building, just next to the church. There she is locked up in a restroom for 15 hours, while she is called a Jezebel and many other things. Screams of repentance are shouted upon her, over and over again. Oil is poured all over her new dress and shoes. She is left in a stupor, and for three weeks or more, she is unable to recognize her children. Nor does she remember who she is. Depression sets in and death is on her mind. Seven brothers and one sister almost bring her to the point of insanity.

Still in another part of a city, a young sentient being is brought before the congregation and publicly humiliated by a member who has temporally taken the pulpit while the pastor is away. She is described as a slut with a deviant sexual desire for this man and all the men in the church. She has a devil and it must be exorcized from her. The parents and congregation sit silently while this precious child is demoralized right in front of them. They do nothing, neither say anything but amen to it all. Later it is found out that it is the man that has the demon and that the pastor must do the exorcizing of it from him. No apology is ever given to this preteen child by the devil possessed man.


Abuse is defined as: to attack in a physical way or in words, revile; to use so as to injure or damage, maltreat.

Rape is defined as: the act of despoiling, violent seizure. A relationship without consent and effected by force, duress, intimidation of deception: an outrageous violation

Individuals often look at abuse as being physical, such as beatings and the like. There is also the mental abuse inflicted upon people, which most cannot see, but tends to come out in peoples character change. There are safe houses and help facilities where the abused and rape victims can go and feel safe. At least for a time. There they hope to recover from the pain that has been inflicted upon them with the vision of perhaps being able to return to normality. However, normality sometimes does not return, for the scars tend to go deeper than the wounds inflicted upon the flesh. The victim, often becomes the victimizer in later life.

But what of another type of abuse and rape? One that is often not seen, sometimes not detected and rarely confronted. A rape that can leave one so scared, it not only effects their relationship with their fellow man, but with God. It is called Spiritual Abuse/Rape.

Spiritual Abuse (SA) has been defined as the mistreatment of a person who is in need of help, support or greater spiritual empowerment, with the resultant effect of actually weakening, undermining and decreasing that person's spiritual life. This, however, is a kind way of saying how truly effectual the rape of ones Spiritual Life is.

In the Christian Church, the Good News that should set man free, becomes the Bad News that destroys ones inner being. Where the striving to protect the doctrines of ones Church, turns on the very ones seeking protection and help from it.

SA comes only from the teaching in the belief in spiritual authority and the responsibility for SA rests souly upon the shoulders of the teachers and preachers espousing the belief. It can occur when spirituality is used against the believer, to make them live up to some kind of spiritual standard. It becomes a performance based walk, where the performance dictates the closeness to God. The standard is always measured by the one holding the measuring stick and defining the rules to measure one by.

A young sentient being is devastated after receiving a dear John letter in the mail. The female discloses that she no longer wishes to get married. She feels led by God, to follow another path. The resultant effect of this act, is the departure of the young man from his church.

Sometimes later the young man confides in his father and shares his heart about that time in his life. He discloses how the pressure of trying to line up to the spiritual standard placed upon him, by the leader of his church, was overwhelming He felt he had to perform in a certain way and fashion, all the while struggling to keep his walk with God and falling apart within. He shares how he just wanted to get away from the churches environment and influence. He was being ripped apart with desires he could not understand and feelings that condemned him in the eyes of God and the church. When the opportunity came to remove himself from this environment, he grabbed it. Even to the point of getting engaged to one he did not love but lived 3000 miles away from his home. He was given the approval of both leaders of the churches and that it was the will of God for them to marry. He believed it, but God changed his mind.

How was the father supposed to protect the son, when the father was in the same church and believed in the authoritative structure taught to all? How was the father to know what was happening to his son, when the authority taught that each must seek help from the same authority that alone heard from God? How could the father know his son was being torn apart inside, when the father could not even get up off the floor and lay hid under the pew in fear? Where could the son go, but to the authority that was abusing him with standards and fear preaching of hell and damnation? He saw no hope in his situation.

In all spiritual abuse cases the individual is left bearing a weight of guilt, judgment, condemnation and confusion so destructive it leaves the abused wondering about his worth and standing with his God. Or even if God loves him at all. Many ponder suicide just to get away from the depression and heaviness inside, noting that death is better than the hell they are presently living in. But the fear ingrained in them of eternal punishment compels them to live in death and allows them to be raped of their innocence and love for their Creator. Some, however, are not so lucky and a precious life is taken, all because someone has abused the authority they believe was given to them by God. It is better to obey, than sacrifice, it is said. Some willingly sacrifice themselves on the alter of death, rather than live under the alter of condemnation.

It has been said that it is possible to become so determined to defend a spiritual place of authority, a doctrine or way of doing things that you wound, abuse and kill anyone who questions , disagrees or doesn't "behave" spiritually the way you want them to. When your words and actions tear down, attack or weaken an others position in Christ - to gratify yourself, your position or your beliefs - that is spiritual abuse. When your actions destroys the innocence of the young and the weak and causes them to feel condemned and fearful before their God, that is spiritual rape. It is innocence that one never gets back and like the natural rape of a woman, the marks are left for life.

When a religious system enslaves its people to that system, its leader, or standard of performance or tries to force the people to live under laws, rules or formulas for its spirituality so as to cause them to be weighed down, unable to measure up, torn from within and without, you have discovered spiritual abuse and the rape of the congregation it seeks to free. Freedom, in these systems, comes with a price - enslavement.

The apostle Paul writes: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery." (Gal. 5:1 NIV)

Spiritual Abuse is a yoke of slavery placed upon the one who has sought help in his relationship with God. The yoke is ever placed upon him slowly, until the weight of that yoke has been on for so long that it no longer feels like a yoke. Kill the frog slowly by bringing the temperature of the water up in degrees. He does not notice that he is being boiled alive and dies an agonizing death, thinking it is normal. Throw one in an already boiling pot, and he jumps back out immediately. Spiritual abuse takes time. Time to prepare the water and time to set the flame. The abused is unaware until it is too late. The heat becomes the norm and his life is slowly sucked away. Should he realize that he is in the pot, he is made aware that the flames below him are worse than the water he is presently in.

How does spiritual abuse happen? How can a Gospel, set up to set people free become a yoke of bondage and oppression that sometimes kills it very people? Are there signs that identify spiritual abuse that can help one recognize it? Is there something that one can do to help bring believers into the true righteousness, peace and joyful freedom of Christ? I pray so, if not for us, then for our children and grandchildren.

To Be continued...God willing.


Sirius 8

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