Right And Left

You Are…What!

Once upon a time there was an appendage, called Lefty. Now Lefty belonged to a wonderful body and was very proud of what he did and the position he had in this entity. Lefty was made up of five parts, each having a particular function to accomplish and perform, and they all did their jobs with great pride and enthusiasm.

One day Lefty noticed another appendage that looked quite familiar and similar to himself, yet, not quite. He had not seen this before, so he was intrigued with it. So Lefty, being the inquisitive one that he was, called out to this appendage and asked:

" Hey, who are you?"

"My name is Righty. Who are you?

"They call me Lefty", said Lefty, wishing to ask more questions of this new character he had just met.

"Where do you come from, and what do you do?", asked Lefty.

"Well, I have always been here doing what the Master has given me to do.", replied Righty. I have five fingers, like you seem to have, that have different jobs and responsibilities to perform. My thumb was given the job to stick itself up in the air and see if it could persuade people to stop and give us a lift to wherever we wished to go. He does quite well at it."

"My first finger has three jobs to perform. It points and pokes and picks. It gives entities directions by pointing them in the direction they may not wish to go. It pokes them when it gets upset at other entities and it prod's others to be about the Masters business."

My middle finger sticks itself up and tells others to f.."

"Hold it, Hold it, you don't need to go there!" said Lefty." I don't need to hear what the ministry of the middle finger does. I know what his stand is and don't like it. It's crude and vulgar and it offends me, so keep his position to yourself. In fact, keep all your jobs to yourself. They sound disgusting anyway", said Lefty.

"Well, I haven't finished telling you about the other ministries", said Righty.

"I don't want to hear about them, nor what they do, if it's anything as disgusting as the others", replied Lefty.

"I can't understand why you do the things you do, anyway!" said Lefty. "Why aren't you like me and my five fold ministry?"

"We have great positions and wonderful fellowship, one with the other", said Lefty. "We are all in one accord, yet each knows what he must do and none offends the other in its task. It sounds like you're all in disaray over there. And you seem to be about trying to do things that are not productive and up-lifting, like us over here. Why don't you stop what you are doing and be like us?" said Lefty.

"Well, I can't" replied Righty. "You see, this is where the Master has placed me and given me the job I am doing. I can't go against my Masters directions, nor will I. Now, should He change my job description, then I will gladly follow His wishes. But until then, I can only carry out what He has given, to the best of my ability."

Lefty was left in quite a dither at what he had heard, and seen. He was not about to accept this appendage in the condition that he was in and was determined to change Righty into what he thought he should be.

"Listen, Righty. Me and the five fold ministry have gotten together and have decided that if you do not change into what we think you should be like, then we will not fellowship with you. We will also let the others know that you don't fit in with us and that they should not listen to you, nor fellowship with you either. We have already sent out information to the feet company and informed them of you and what it is you are doing. We intend to let others know, as well." Shouted Lefty, holding himself and the ministries up high, for others to see.

"Go right ahead", replied Righty. "I will continue to do my Masters bidding, until He enlightens me otherwise. I am about my Masters business."

So Righty continued to be about his Masters business and Lefty continued to inform the others, in the body, as to what Righty was doing. All of course, in love.

"I guess", thought Righty, " I should not have told the left hand what the right hand was doing."

There is an age old adage that says that we are what we eat. In Genesis, we read that Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and that is what they became. Both good and evil. That is also what they produced and that production has continued till now. Yet, if they had eaten of the tree of Life, just think at what would be produced now.

There are many, who still eat from the good and evil tree and try to have others eat of the same one, thinking that it is the one that will change them and give them understanding and wisdom. Come and be like us and you will know. You will understand the wonders of the world and be apart of our fellowship. But if you don't, we must separate ourselves from you, for you are not one of us. You are different than us and you don't fit in.

And there are those that wish to eat from only the tree that gives Life. The tree that the Master wishes His Sons to eat from. The tree of unconditional love and understanding. Compassion and forgiveness. Peace and joy. Kindness and gentleness, of a meek and humble heart. Those that eat from this tree, usually are not accepted by the Lefties of the universe, for they are ones that follow and seek after the Masters Life.

So what are you eating? For that is what you are becoming and that is what you will produce. Kind after kind, like after like.

Yes you can plow ahead and do your own thing. Be a part of a five fold ministry, a six, a multitude, or none. Or you can follow after the Masters Life and produce after HIS KIND.



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