The Mask

A mask is defined as something that serves to conceal or disguise. A pretense, cloak, façade. Something that conceals from view and masquerades one's true character.

Imagine a blind man, blind from birth. He has never seen anything but darkness and to him darkness is not defined because he has not seen light to which to compare darkness to. To him darkness could be known as light. Or it might just be called tree, car or anything else. Everything to him is nothing, for nothing is all he sees. It is a mask that he has been born into, that has concealed from view, everything that you think you see.

But you can't imagine his view. There is no image that you can place into your mind, nor take out, that can describe what the blind man sees, for you can see! Or can you?

Close your eyes. What do you see?

I am sitting in my room, where I meditate, write and listen to music. A C.D. of wonderful soft piano music is playing in the background and a cool breeze is coming through the window and patio doors. How do I know this? Because even with my eyes closed, my mind sees what was projected through the electrical impulses of the eyes. You can see the same picture I just described, can't you? Those impulses have been implanted into the memory banks of my mind, so that when I cannot see, I see. The images are just as "real" as when my eyes are "open".

What did you see when you closed your eyes? Imagine!

In the movie "The Matrix" (love it, check it out), the character Neo, is blinded by a bright light and asks why his eyes hurt. The reply is, because you have never used them. Just like the blind man. And friend, neither have you.

In the beginning, Neo is confronted with the decision to know the truth, or, to live with the desire to understand and know what the Matrix is, but never knowing. Choosing to know the truth, he picks the red pill, which disrupts his neurological electrical waves and sends him into another world. He awakens to find himself in somewhat of a pod, where he looks around, only to discover millions more pods, like unto his. Upon being unplugged from the brain center, he passes out and awakens to find the Real World.

He learns that the life he believed he was living, was an Illusion to mask the reality of the life that really IS. During the time in the pod, he was fed Illusions of that which you presently see. Projections of unreality into a mind that holds the images to be truth. Imagine that! Close your eyes. What do you see?

You too, have been concealed behind a mask which has distorted your vision, and without vision, the people perish. The mask is your mind and your mind has flashed images of Illusions of which you have come to believe are true. Images in your imagination, which by definition, are unreal. Your eyes have brought into your mind, electrical impulses, which your mind has interpreted to be the reality of life. It's those Illusionary images that have masked and masqueraded your true identity and has cloaked your reality in a façade of perception. Perception held on as fact and believed in as truth. Close your eyes. Imagine.

What have the images revealed? They have revealed that you are what you see. You are a human being, going about your daily lives, seeking that which is missing. You see good things, bad things, right things, wrong things. You see love, hate, beauty and the beast, and in it all, you wonder, is there something else? You sense, feel, and see yourself separated from man, because you have that same vision that you are separated from your Maker and Creator, by that which is know as sin. You are a mortal, seeking immortality. Someone corrupt, longing for incorruptability. A lost soul, in the middle of the wilderness, looking to be found. That is the Illusion presented to you, by your mind and you have accepted it all, and more, as truth. It is a veil over your eyes to prevent you from seeing the Reality of your Identity. It is what you have chosen it to BE.

Now picture the blind man and let us add a few more "defects". He now cannot hear. Now we have an individual, who cannot be told about what he cannot see. He is unable to see if you are doing something right or wrong, for these words have had no meaning attached to them. You could be murdering someone right in front of him, and he would not know nor be able to judge your actions (would some were sometimes blinded like that) It is your senses that describe the Illusions of the world you live in. Remove the senses and you remove the Illusions.

But you live in your senses and believe in the Illusions.

Two thousand years ago, the mask of your mind was rent in two. The veil of your temple was torn from top to bottom and the Reality of your BEing was released to see the truth of your Identity. The presence of your Essence. The veil cannot be repaired, no matter how much Velcro, snaps, zippers and buckles you use to try to mend it. The light has come out. Once the veil was rent, you were freed from any Illusion your mind was projecting. But the light is so blinding, that you want to shut your eyes again. It hurts. You want to place the mask over your Essence and snap up that veil again. There is comfort in darkness. Close your eyes. Imagine.

In the movie, the character Cypher, wants to go back into the Matrix, so he can forget the Real world. In the Matrix, there is no remembrance. In the grave, there is no remembrance, say the scriptures. And so do you. You want to close the door to the Temple, so that you can hind behind the veil. And if some light gets in, you run to the inner court and close the veil behind you. The veil of the Temple has been rent, why close your eyes again to the vision of your Reality.

With your eyes closed, you can believe the Illusion of separation from your God. You can imagine the pain, sorrow and hurt, this causes you and others, and you would rather accept this, then accept the Reality of your sinless perfection. It is easier to believe an Illusion you have lived with and "seen", then to believe in the Reality of an unseen state you have always lived in. Once the neurological impulses have been broken, once the connection between your mind and your Spirit has been rent, you "SEE" the new creation, the New Man, the True Spirit in the Essence of Reality. And it is frightening, for it is the first time you have used your eyes.

In the movie, the individuals who had been brought into the understanding and truth of the Real World, had been brought in one at a time, each in his own order. But Neo was the first to truly believe in the reality of Reality. He was the first to show the others that you must remove all fear, doubt, and disbelief. All of which are Illusions designed to halt the Christ in you. Once the Illusion was truly halted, Neo didn't have to run from the gatekeepers or dodge bullets and darts from the devil. He was able to just say no. No to the Illusion that the illusion was real. No to time itself, as he halted the bullets in their flight. With the Matrix broken and a gatekeeper enlightened from within, the other gatekeepers to your mind fled.

You are the only one keeping the mask on. You are the only one holding it up, so that you need not see with you eyes the reality of your BE-ing. You do not want to let the mask fall to the ground for it is nice to be in the safety of the darkness.

The blind man has no choice, but to be blind. Many love to help him on his path, explain what is in front of him. Describe what this is and that is. But the blind man cannot put a picture to the image you are trying to project to him. After all, he is blind. You are not. Or are you?

Open your eyes. NOW what do you SEE?

If this message has blessed you, bless others, for freely you have received, freely give.



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