The Prodigal Son

Part Two


Have you ever wondered why the elder son never left the Father and went searching for his brother? Ever wonder why your brothers in the Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal church realm, did not come after you, when you left the "truth" of "the" faith? Why did they not plead with you to not  become a convert to the "other" religion? After all where you not in the only "true" religion? Why did your Oneness Pentecostal brother just let you go off to believe in the Trinity, when the truth is in the One God doctrine? Why did the Muslim brother not stop you from converting to Judaism? Did not your brother love you? Did she not want to prevent you from making a grave mistake and of being eternally lost and hell bound? Why did the Kingdom minister scorn and ridicule you when you left the Kingdom doctrines and began to believe in the so-called New Age message? Where was their kindness, tenderness, and love of their realm when you began to spend your inheritance on another faith and religion? Where were you my Jewish brother, my Christian friend, my Islamic church member, my Kingdom Son of God? Where? Where? Where?

This is all that is said of the encounter and departing: "Luke 15:12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living." It is the younger son that requests this portion of his inheritance and not the elder, but the elder is drawn into the request by the younger son. The elder does not seem to have any say in the matter and so receives his portion as well. But perhaps the elder did not  want his portion, or he would have asked for it himself. 

So where was your brother and why did he not come after you when you left the Father's house?

I was in the fields working and doing my Father's will. I was preaching the Kingdom message and the Gospel of Reconciliation, for the fields are ripe unto harvest you know. I left my job and raising of the family, to preach to the lost, to the detriment of my wife and children. Yes they suffered, but it was for God that I did it. I became an Apostle for the Lord and had many duties to attend to, so much so, that my wife left me. But it was the will of Father for this to happen. I became the wife of a prophet, so much so, that I became submissive to him and endured the abuse of authority that he was given. After all, he is the head of the family and I must obey them that have the rule over me.

I was doing the Father's will, my brother, and did not go after you because I was looking out for myself. I was protecting my inheritance given to me by Father. I did not ask for it. You did and Father decided to give me mine at the same time. I had a feeling that you would spend yours and have nothing in the end, but I was not about to let you spend or borrow mine. You are young and immature, impulsive and quick to give up and spend what is in your possession. You have a hole in your pocket and can keep nothing. You have no thought for tomorrow and what may come. You live for the day and the day always catches up on you. So why should I let my inheritance slip from me, because of your mistakes? You are the one that made the choice to leave the truth of Fathers house, not me. I just became a recipient of your desire. But that does not mean that I was going to share what was given me, with you.

You have spent everything on riotous religious choices, so how can two come together in fellowship, unless they agree? You are NOW a Trinitarian, and I am Oneness. You left the Kingdom message of Reconciliation of ALL, for some New Age teaching of crystals, so we certainly have nothing in common, NOW. You spent ALL Father gave you until you had nothing left to spend. Am I my brothers keeper? No way brother. What is mine, is mine. I am about MY Father's business, in MY Father's field, keeping my inheritance, given me of MY Father, come hell or high water. I was not about to go looking for someone to relieve me of what is rightfully mine, brother or not.

And when I saw MY Father come out of His house to greet you, ordered the feast and present you with a robe and other expensive gifts, I got truly ticked off at you and MY Father. After all you had spent, He still gave you His robe. Why should you have that which was rightfully mine? You do not deserve it. I was the one who worked his butt off in the Kingdom and lost everything I had, just to reap a harvest from the field, and you're the one who gets the reward. If you had stayed away, I would have what you have been given. I was better off with you out of the picture. Now that you are back, MY Father has favored you over me. He never grave me a feast. He never spread out the banquet table for me, to feast at, neither killed He a fatted calf all the time I was in the Kingdom field. But the second you come back, you get it all and I am out of MY Father's picture. He only has eyes for you.

Well, my brother, I can certainly understand your anger towards me. However, I cannot understand it towards Father! I was never, nor am I still now, not after your inheritance. After I had spent ALL that I had, on riotous Religious living and gave all to them, I was left with nothing, but this emptiness within. Yet there was still something within that said come Home. I came to myself and decided to go back to Father's house. I understood that I had nothing left and would be satisfied to eat sparingly with the servants, of the crumbs on the table. There was no desire to have anything of yours only to receive some crumbs, should Father be willing to give. You never crossed my mind. Yes it was YOUR Father who gave you your portion, but, my brother, YOUR Father is also MY Father.

And so, for the first time, we see the anger of the elder brother, towards his sibling and his rebellion towards his Father as he refused to go into the feast. He disobeys his Father after proclaiming he had never transgressed against Him and Scripture never says that he repented of the transgression or that he ever went in.

Why, in all this, does the elder have such feelings towards his brother and Father? The answer lies in the beginning of the story, where the younger brother asks the Father for his portion and Father divides it between BOTH. You see, the elder never asked to receive his inheritance. He was perfectly happy to BE IN Father's house. After the division, the elder was no longer IN the house of the Father, but OUT IN the field, working FOR the Father and TO keep the inheritance. And so because he was no longer IN Father's house, he placed the blame on the younger brother and became bitter towards him and his Father. But he did not want to end up like he thought his brother would, so he worked very hard to keep what he had, believing he might lose it all and end up just like his brother.

He had worked very hard, in the fields, for they were ripe unto harvest. He had given and invested ALL that he had, his life, his time, his family, his everything, just to stay in good graces with Father, expecting a reward after it was all said and done. Heaven, he thought. But the bitterness towards what had happened, was still inside and came forth upon the return of the younger. The preachers, the Apostles, the authority figures in ALL religions are not so different than the elder, especially if they believe the younger will receive a reward from the Father, after they have spent all that was given to them, while the authority have been working so hard in the field. Many a child of God has received the blunt end of the bitterness of the Kingdom messenger, the Pentecostal preacher, etc., when the child of God tells them that Father has accepted them right where they presently are in life. It is not an acceptable tail to tell to them and most will not come and dine with you for telling it. The bitterness of all the work done For Father does not sit well in them, when they see the peace within the accepted child of God, in the realm they are NOW in, BY Father.

In all this, where have you been? Are you the younger Christian who has left Father's Kingdom message to become a believer in New Age doctrines? Are you the Jew who has traveled the road to the Koran, or the Baptist who has befallen to the Catholic and left "the" faith of our fathers? Have you been scorned by your fellowship so much that they look down upon you with distaste, anger and bitterness while refusing to see you as the Spirit Son of Father? Where is your brother, NOW that you are feasting at the Father's table? He was invited in to BE with you and Father, for ALL that the Father has was his as well. But the elder is not seated with you and the others. 

He has become the Prodigal Son.

It is said, that the last shall be first and the first, last. The younger has been given food fit for a King. A banquet laid out for Melkezedeck and has on the clothing to prove it. However, the elder, who was in the field so long and doing the work he thought he needed to do, is not enjoying the blessings of the Father. He is seated with the servants that were thought to be for the younger.

All that I have, is thine, said Father, but the elder refused to believe Him and so did not, then, enter Father's house.  There are many elder sons who have yet to enter Father's house, to dine at the Master's table, because they have seen the Father give to another, that which they believed was rightfully theirs. Yet it was never theirs to begin with. It was Fathers.

Today, in the Kingdom, many an elder son of God has ministered in the field for what seems like an eternity. They have followed what they have believed was the Fathers will, in doing what they did. They have planted, watered and nurtured the seed, expecting a great harvest. And in all their doing, they failed to just BE who they were...Sons. While one went out and spent ALL Father had given, the other secured his inheritance in the field. Yet both spent their inheritance. Only in different ways. The younger did not cherish what was given him and neither did the elder. One spent it on every Religion he came to, while the other spent  it in a field he chose. One became empty and thankful to eat the crumbs, while the other became empty and bitter believing he still had it all.

Well, brother, we have taken different courses in our journey. I chose to spend my inheritance on riotous Religions and you in Father's field. Yet Father did not send you into His field. You chose to go there. He gave you your portion of the inheritance and it was you who chose to work the field. You could have stayed in Fathers house and enjoyed your inheritance, but perhaps you wanted more from it and the field was where you chose to plant and grow more dividends. And that, my brother, would have been fine, except you grew bitter in the field and in all your doing, you forgot your Being. In trying to keep that which was given you, you spent it all in the doing forgetting that Father loved you because of who you are and not because of what you did. When you came to Father, at the end of your toiling in the field, you came with nothing as well, for you had invested it all in your Doing, forgetting His grace. You had nothing to bring with you for you came to Father with empty hands and alone, like me. If you had come to Father in your BEing, you would have known that ALL Father has is thine, for you and the Father are One. There would have been no anger towards me and no bitterness of Father for His gift to me. You were fearful of losing that which you believed could be lost or given to another. You cannot understand how Father can accept me as I am and where I am, when all that I was given, is no longer present. But you cannot see, that all that was given you has also been spent and you come back from the field just as empty as I. 

You see, my brother, I left and returned, while in your returning, you left.

There are many, in the Kingdom, who have worked so hard at preaching the message, not realizing that they were spending that which was given them. And many a brother has become bitter while in the field - not realizing that they were, until they came upon their younger brother returning home with nothing to show for themselves but New Age doctrine, or Oneness creeds. Perhaps they even became bitter as they saw the younger become more spiritual and have a closer walk with Father as Father gave them Spiritual gifts upon there coming back from emptiness and they resented the Father for that. There are many reasons that could be shared, but the end result of the story, was that the young came in and the elder did not.

Both sons had spent their inheritance. One within a fenced in area, the other without. Neither understood that BE-ing a Son comes only from BEing in Father's home. 

They were both Prodigal Sons.

It does not matter where you once were. The question to Be answered is, where are you NOW.


Sirius 8

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