Thinking Creates!

In the beginning was the Word (God's thought process) and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God created Adam in His own image...and He formed man from the dust of the ground.

As a man thinketh, so is he...for what-so-ever things are pure, etc., think on these things.

God is the creator of ALL, both that which is physical and that which is the metaphysical. God brought ALL things into existence, not by thinking them into place, but by BE-ing. He is ALL in ALL.

In the beginning, God created...From what? From where? How? What did He have to create from? Only from Himself. Only from His essence could He bring forth. It was not His thoughts that brought forth creation, but essence. ALL that He IS. His Isness created and from this Isness was created thought formation. And form became the Illusion.

In the beginning, before there was a beginning - which refers to time - there was only God. From the essence came beginning, time/space. In time/space, God brought forth, created the heavens/spirit realm and the earth/thought realm.

The thought realm is a realm of formation. It is a realm of Illusion, for nothing in thought is real. Thoughts are just imaginations forming images of Illusions and believing these Illusions are real. The created realm is the realm of Spirit from which thought breaks forth. God created the heaven/Spirit first and from there were the thoughts formed. Thoughts are formed out from Spirit, and used to manufacture the Illusion which the physical believes to be the reality. The physical realm, body, is the dimension where the heaven and the earth reside.

Thinking forms thoughts, in our minds, that gives us the Illusion of reality of what is not. We think we are lost sinners, separated from God and as we think, so we are. Reality/Spirit, knows we are not. Spirit knows the reality of who I AM and it is in Spirit we move and have our BE-ing.

God is Spirit, but He is more. God IS. God IS Absolute and nothing can describe absolutely, what absolute IS. Spirit can, for it IS. Thinking tries because it is not. When we think, we try to KNOW. Yet KNOWING is of the Spirit, not in thinking. For knowledge cannot displace KNOWING, as knowledge is of the mind, thought realm. Whereas, KNOWING is of the heavenly realm.

Spirit is described as wind. A blowing force, blowing where it wills. Yet it is only that which we feel that can BE described and defined. It cannot BE seen, but only felt. If our senses do not feel the force and send the electrical impulses needed, to the brain, then the wind is not there. Our thoughts cannot create wind, for there is no pulse stating that it is present. If the electrical impulses are sent to the brain, for configuration and compilation, then the thought is formed that wind is present. Stop the pulse and you stop the thought, even though the wind is still there.

Thinking and Spirit cannot mix. Spirit/wind knows it IS. Thought thinks it is, because it relies on the Illusion of the in-formation it receives from the Illusion. It is circular, for the Illusion feeds the thought, which feeds the Illusion. Thinking says the wind is not present, because it has no pulse saying it is. It cannot feel/read the presence of Spirit and thus says it isn't there.

Thinking does not create it's position that the Spirit is not present. It forms it's understanding from the external past or future Illusion that does not exist in the present NOW. Thinking does not know the Spirit, but Spirit knows ALL. Thinking is formed as was the first Adam. Spirit is creation created.

Remove all electrical impulses of the five senses, time and space and you remove all the formed Adam. At least all that you think Adam is. It is only the five senses, time and space, that defines the formed Adamic Illusion. No senses, no Illusion of Adam. Yet Spirit still exists.

Thinking can never, and will never, create. It can only form and its form is only one of Illusion based on senses, which when removed, do not exist to thoughts. The Adamic formation is one of thought and as thought continues to be formed, it begins to believe itself to BE reality, when it is not. As a man thinketh, so is he. So he thinks!

Christ destroyed the Illusion of thought and brought in the realm of reality/Spirit. The realm of BE-ing. The realm of creation not formation. Christ was lowered into formation, yet knew He was not the Illusion, but the Creator. Christ said, "I AM" not I think I am. He knew He was IN the world of Illusion yet not OF the Illusion itself. He destroyed the Illusion, on the cross.

Thinking deals in the realm of time and senses. Remove them and you stop thinking and dwell in the realm of Spirit creation, which is your reality.

Thinking tries to BE the creation, for it tells you that ALL that is, ALL that you feel in the senses, is real. It says that the reality impulses are true and that who you are is what the impulses tell you you are. You are not your senses. You are not your electrical pulses compiled together in the brain and projected outward. The brain configures all the pulses and forms thoughts based upon in-formation gathered. Remove the in-formation and thought has nothing to project outward. There is no wind for there is no in-formation declaring it so. Yet, so it is.

Spirit creates. Thinking thinks it does. You are not your thoughts. You are not who you think you are. You are, who you think you are not. And who you are, you can't think about. So don't give it a second thought. BE it. For IT/Spirit is ALL you ARE. IT IS.

Thinking about it will never bring you to a state of BEING, for thinking and BE-ing are of two separate realms. One is earthly, one heavenly. One dwells in Illusions, one in reality.

I think...therefore I AM.

No, I AM...therefore...



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