To BE..The Answer

As A Man thinketh-so is He

The greatest obstacle to you Be-ing is Thinking. Thinking identifies you with your mind/soul. BE-ing identifies you with your Spirit. Only in the realm of Spirit, can one BE, for the realm of Spirit is the realm of reality and absoluteness. The realm of the mind thinks it is something it is not.

God said BE still and know that I AM God. In stillness there is no constant mental thinking. ALL is still before Him, with him and in Him. No commotion, no confusion, nothing but quietness, peacefulness and a knowing that there is naught but God BE-ing God. It is BE-ing at ONE with the ALL in ALL.

Thinking is the ego that looks at being the BE-ing, but cannot ever attain it, for thought always dwells in the past of future, where BE-ing is a state of NOW. The Ego of thinking, tries to define itself by projecting the past into the NOW or bringing the future thought into the present so as to maintain its ego. Without the past or the future, thinking cannot exist on it own. It needs them to survive. BE-ing is always in the NOW.

Paul said to put away the past and to press on. Put away your thoughts about what was and who you were, for what was and who you were are not who you are NOW nor what is, at present. Yet, if you think, you will BE that which you think. It is an Illusion, for it is just thought, which is not real, but projected in the mind to bring about its own ego reality. Are you a sinner? If you think you are, you will BE. But Knowing that Jesus took away ALL sin, means you are not that which you think you are. The thought of you being a sinner was projected into the present, even though your Knowing knows that in the NOW, you are not. In the Illusion of your mind, you think you are. In the reality of Spirit, you are not.

You are a New Creation or a RE-newed Creation. And that Re-newed Creation is Spirit which is not brought out of your thinking mind.

Thought/ego deals from the realm of the physical mind state where Spirit dwells in temples not made with hands. Thinking tries to dictate from the past, while the Spirit is trying to Re-new and bring back into RE-menbrance your true state of BE-ing. Thinking labels, judges and defines by past thoughts and experiences and tries to define the NOW by them. That's why many still see Jesus on the cross and not within them. They have never taken Him down from the cross and He is still BE-ing crucified every day. No RE- surrection has come to them and the image is still hanging there as though He was right in front of them. The past cannot fulfill the present. Christ is not still hanging on the cross. HE is within, NOW.

Thinking is the Illusion of reality, for as you think so you are (so you think!) Stop thinking and you stop the Illusion, for you stop the time of the past and future and live from the NOW, which has no time. RE-new the mind, from the Spirit realm and you remove the control thinking has over you. The Spirit realm is reality and reality is Truth and the Truth will set you free. Free from the Illusion of your thinking mind which has had control over you. The freedom that Christ bought, was the freedom from your mind which has bound you since the lowering of your Spirit into the realm of the body/flesh/grave/hell. Freedom from the mind/death realm removes the barrier encompassing the Spirit, for the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Freedom and salvation comes from the Re-velation and understanding that you are NOT your thoughts. You are the manifestation of God in the flesh to the world of the Illusion of the mind of others.

The soul/mind wants to live today by the memory of the past and the possibility of the thoughts of the future. Listening to that still small voice and BE-ing still, we prevent the thoughts of the past and all its commotions from invading the realm of the NOW. When we are still, we stop the movement of the past from moving forward into our present and we Re-new, that is bring back into newness, the state of the mind. The re-newed mind is one in the NOW.

Don't give thought a second thought and the thought will not materialize itself. The mind then loses its power and the Spirit is free to dwell in peace in your present NOW. There is a state of BE-ing in peace, joy, etc., that arises from within the realm of Spirit, that nothing from without can disrupt. No matter the surroundings circumstances, the NOW is ever present within. That is heaven. The principalities and powers of the thought mind have been brought into subjection and God is ALL in ALL in you. The greater the peace within, the greater the peace without. The deeper within you go, the higher you ascend in God. The wonder is that there is no end to the depth nor the height you can descend or ascend, for there is no end in God.

There is no life in thinking. When Adam was formed from the dust of the ground, the Spirit was blown into him. Life is in the Christ within you. The Spirit of the Living God dwells in your tabernacle and without it there is no Life. Thinking, cannot live without the spirit, but the spirit - your true identity - never dies and needs not thought for its existence. Spirit IS, without thought. I AM, therefore, I think.

The mind thinks about itself, its past, its future, its this or its that. The more you think about something, the more you think about something and the circle continues without anything happening, except thinking. I think I will love someone today. Great! How? Well let me think about it for a while. BE-ing Love needs no thought. You just Are. And BE-cause you Are Love, you express the ing of the state.

But how does one know one is in the state of NOW?

Ever sit down and just get the RE-velation from God about something and begin to write the words out not knowing what is coming next. Ever write poetry, compose an article to post and wonder when you are finished how that came about. It is often called something from the heart, which is your Spirit BE-ing in the NOW.

You are not your mind. Use it in this realm but don't let it use or control you. The Re- newing of your mind is done by the BE-ing of the Spirit. What so ever things are pure, etc., BE these things. The more you think about purity, the less you are purity, for it never comes into a BE-ing state.

BE ALL you can BE, for ALL you can BE is ALL that you ARE, and ALL that you ARE is ALL the I AM.

Think about it!…NO…




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