To BE or not To BE...

To BE or Not to Be, That is the Question

Shakespeare had a good line in his play or Illusion. Descarte once proclaimed I think, therefore I am. God just says I AM That I AM. Another translation of Scripture quotes it as saying: I Shall Prove To BE What I Shall Prove To BE. The state of BE-ing in process. To BE, that is the statement. What does it mean to BE?

God is said to BE the Supreme BEing. That is the Supreme in the process of BE-ing Supreme. Be-ing the ultimate, the everlasting, eternal ALL in ALL, ever-present LIFE Essence. ALL that is, is LIFE BEING LIFE in its fullest, and fullness, nothing lacking. In you, BE-ing is something you can feel yet not fully explain to another, for it cannot BE mentally understood. BE-ing, in God, is His complete Essence. BE-ing, in you, is the same. It is the very Essence of who you are, not what your mind projects of Illusion of yourself.

BE-ing is realizing, making real, I AM prior to experiencing I am this or that. One can always BE in the state of Be-ing, before one experiences the state. For example, I AM happy. One must come from the state or realm of BE-ing happy, then one projects or experiences happiness. The BE-ing comes before the experience. However, if something causes you to be happy, one is not coming from the state of BE-ing, but from a cause that creates an experience of happiness. The effect of the cause is not the state of BE-ing for it is external. BE-ing is Internal

I AM love. I AM is the BE. Love is the ing experience. God said to BE still and know that I AM. We are to BE in the state of stillness, without thinking of external things, slowing the mind of illusions, and we will know that I AM.

As a man thinketh, so is he. Thinking will cause you to become the Illusion of that which you think you are. You think you are a sinner, you will become that sinner, etc. However, remove all thought of who you think you are and all that is left is the state of BEING what you really are. Thinking is the Illusion. BEING is the reality.

I think therefore I am. NO. I AM, therefore I think. I AM therefore I have the Essence to BE Thought, Word and Deed. The BE is the state. The ing is the experience.

The question may be, To Be or Not to Be. The response is I AM therefore there is no question.



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