To BE...When

Before continuing to read this article, I would ask that you re-read the posting below, "To Be or Not to Be"

To Be or Not to Be, That may be the Question. The Response is I AM, therefore there is no question.

But when am I supposed to BE? The Scripture says: " them gave He power to Become the Sons of God" and "...the whole world waits for the manifestation of the Sons of God."

As stated before, the Sons of God were Be-ing manifested at Pentecost and shortly afterwards as the then known world was Be-ing turned upside down.

Jesus gave those that Be-lieved on His name, the power to Be-come sons. When?

Be-coming is a process in progress. Be-coming denotes time. The question is how much time. How much time is involved in coming into Be-ing? The answer, No time.

If one is taking the time to BE, then one will never BE, for Be-ing is out of time. Time is an Illusion based on the past and future. BE-ing is not. BE-ing is in the NOW and the NOW is in no time.

One can never Be-come Sons of God as long as one is waiting to Become the Sons of God. One can wait for its manifestation, but waiting denotes time in the future where Be-ing is in the NOW, the present. The more one waits for the Sons to manifest, the more one will wait, for in the statement of waiting is the fact that it has not yet arrived. Example: Wait on the Lord. Why? Because He has not yet arrived.

The power to Be-come sons can take a lifetime, a century, a decade, a year, etc. or NOW, instantly. It can Be instantaneously or never. It was almost instant to those at the time of Christ, but has taken centuries since then. Why?

Be-cause, (the cause of Be-ing), has fallen back into thinking it takes time. It does not. Be-ing is always in the NOW. So stop thinking and you will stop time. Stop time and you will always BE. There is no time in the Spirit and Spirit is who you are.

If one thinks that the thing, thought, idea, experience, etc., will cause one to BE, it will and cannot do so. The past is the past, never to come back except in memory. Memory can cause you to re-experience something, but the cause is not the Be-ing. For example, you remember that person who caused you to get angry, and you become (come into an experience of being) angry again. But the difference is that a past experience was the cause of you being effected by anger. Be-ing is not a cause. It is a state. The realm/state of Be-ing does not come from cause. It first is. Be-ing is, then it does the causing, the experience of Be.

I AM love. I AM is the BE, causing the state of love experienced, effecting those who are loved.

The time of future cannot cause one to BE either, for future time does not exist. It isn't here yet, and when it does get here, it no longer is the future, but the NOW. Both past and future time are Illusions that can cause you to think you can BE. Illusions are not states of Be-ing, but realms of mind thoughts. Scripture says that what so ever things are pure, etc. think on these things. Thinking on these things will not cause you to BE these things, for you can think on them till the cows come home and nothing will change you into those things you are thinking on. Think about it!

All you have, is the NOW, to BE. The present NOW is all you ever have. There is never a moment in time, when you are not in the NOW. You are not in your past, for it is past and you cannot Be in your future, for it is not here yet. You can only BE in the NOW. You can only live your LIFE in the NOW. BE-hold (hold your BE-ing) NOW is the day of salvation takes on a greater meaning, NOW.

You can BE in the state of BE-ing, NOW. You cannot Be in your past, nor your future, for they are in time and Be-ing is out of time and in the NOW. I AM is a statement of NOW. God did not say I was or I shall BE. I AM is always a NOW statement. I AM kind. I AM merciful. I AM patience, love, etc. You cannot BE those attributes in the past for they are gone and you cannot BE those attributes in the future, for it has not arrived. Only the NOW exists for BEING.

So when are you to BE? When is your state of BE-ing coming? When are the Sons of God Be-ing manifested? If you are waiting for them, you will always Be waiting for them. Your state of BE-ing will be that of waiting. Waiting for a future that will never come.

The power to BE-come Sons, that is to come into Be-ing, you have NOW and it can Be instant. The moment you Be-gin to think about it, you transfer yourself into time and NOW is times worse enemy, for time does not exist in the NOW.

BE-hold, hold into BE-ing, NOW is the acceptable time. NOW is the acceptable instant to BE.

The who, is you. The what, is BEING. The where is here. The when, is NOW. The how, ahhh, that is another question!



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