Trapped Angel

A Sentient BEing once wrote:

"In the late 60s while in a large convention of Sons of God ministers who were not being very friendly or nice to me, I was feeling rather bad and lonely. I was sitting on the back row and withdrew into myself which is what we usually do when we feel hurt. I had the strangest experience that I like to explain as "I trapped an angel". Using the Aramaic idea of angels. It is the language that Jesus most likely spoke while on earth.

The Aramaic meaning of angels is not beings with fluffy white wings as is commonly pictured today. The word means: concept, idea or thought which is God. Divine thought concept. It means we are continuously being bombarded with divine thought, but we are not "catching" it. Because we are always, thinking, thinking, thinking and analyzing and trying to figure things out, we can't "catch" anything or use the mind as a trap, or a 'slotha' which is translated 'trap'.

When the disciples said "Teach us to pray" they were asking ,"Teach us to slotha, or catch something", because that's what the word means in Aramaic. In English that is hard for us but in the Near East where Jesus came from everything had a literal meaning and an inner meaning; a more metaphysical meaning.

If I said to my friend here "Let's get up in the morning and go 'slotha'." As guy to guy he would probably take me literally
and think I wanted to go hunting. (God forbid for real, this is just an illustration for me) So we get up and go out and set traps for what we can catch. So we get real quiet and from our hidden vantage point we wait. When we get real quiet, something comes along and we catch it or trap it. That was the word used by the disciples and Jesus for prayer.

Literally using the mind to catch an angel. An angel is an idea or concept that is divine. It's not about the divine, it is the divine making it all the way to your personal consciousness. Can you imagine what your life could be if you would use your mind to trap the thoughts of God. The next friend you make, the next relationship you have, the next job you have, the next place you listen for those instructions, "Go right, Go left." You would upgrade the quality of your life because your steps would be ordered.

So back to my illustration. I'm sitting on this back row in the meeting and I have this thought to play a game as God. Remember this is back in the 60s. I had never heard of creative imagination or mediation or those kind of things then. Somehow in the shutdown of my mind to protect myself and not to be hurt, something broke through the veil and I caught a thought that I didn't get from the outside but from the inside and it said "Play Me." I thought at first, what an absolute bizarre thought. You mean "Play God?" I said to myself, "Okay, I'll do this." I didn't know at first what to play, because the word G-o-d didn't give me a concept to work with. I needed a less abstract term. It came to me: God is Love. So I will pretend to be ALL Love. I felt silly at first playing this game pretending within myself to be Love, but then something happened. All of a sudden it wasn't a game and I wasn't pretending but I was 'flipped' for want of a better word, into something that was like the replaying of an experience. I today call these kind of experiences cellular memories.

Einstein said imagination is greater than knowledge. Jesus said we need to become as a child to enter the kingdom. You can find children playing with an old box and some sticks and they will make it to be anything in their imagination. Perhaps the little sticks are people and they are coming up to the house that is the box. As adults we usually lose that playfulness of imagination.

Here is a quote from something I was reading that made a real impression on me along these lines:

"Now, when God plays hide and seek"......that is what I experienced as I went into all Love, then all Joy and then all Peace in this experience.....all the things that I conceptually knew God to be. What happened to me is that something in the core of my gut began to have a yearning. I don't really have words to convey this feeling. I began to have this pensive yearning and longing and this game wasn't so much fun any more. I began to feel an emptiness. But my logic would say but you are all Love and you are all this and ......what else could there be if you are ALL. Then I began to get in touch with a place of nothingness in my Allness. It is really true in quantum physics and more eastern thought that it is the Nothing that is Everything. Nothing and Everything are the same thing. The Nothing is actually the void or womb of Everything. When you have nothing you have the possibility of everything. And I slipped into that place. What was made known to me was that , while I was the Allness, I had not yet become what I was.

Where I disagree with some of the eastern thought is where they believe when you realize your Oneness with the divine, you have arrived. I disagree, I believe it's just starting. Once you know who you are, then you have to know what you can become on this planet. I know who I am, but I don't just want to stay inside myself with this knowledge, but I want to come out and be that to raise the consciousness of mankind. To erase the belief of death and old age and sickness. To be God's doorway to humanity.

To use another illustration. When my daughter was born she caused me to become something that was only in me in potential before; a father. When they brought out that little girl, I looked at her and she ministered to me. It reminded me of the Zadok priesthood in Ezekiel that went in to minister unto God. We have always been the ones in need, need, need. We are always bombarding God with our shopping list. It doesn't always occur to us that God has a need to be ministered to. Can you lay aside your needs and become God's availability to minister to the God in another. So, when I looked at my daughter, something came back to me that was in me that only she made me become. I was that, but I had not become it. I could only find it in my creation. My child made me to become something and the circle was completed of giving and receiving.

"When God plays hide and seek and pretends that He is you and I , He does it so well that it takes Him a long time to remember where and how He hid himself. This is why it is so difficult and took us a while to find out that we are God in disguise pretending not to be Him." This is why some are still having a hard time with their true identity. You have pretended for so long to be are so caught in that aspect of the game that when it is time to wake up it is so hard to do.

But when the game has gone on long enough all of us will wake up and stop pretending and remember that we are the one single cell, the ONE, the Divine and all that there is.

Joseph Campbell who is popular for his writings about archetypes and the truths of the worlds mythology of the collective unconsciousness said this: "You see there are two ways of thinking, I am God. (I prefer the word divine. I think most have a problem calling themselves God because it is a religious term that has been so encoded in the consciousness that it is more rejected) If you think, I here in my physical presence and my temporal character am divine, then you are mad and have short circuited the experience that you are the divine. You cannot know it in your ego, but in your deepest being where you are all at one with the none-dual transcendence." You have to go through the veil. Why can't we go through the veil. Because of deep inner codings that are caught energetically in the stages of our life that tell us we are not worthy to go behind the veil. The Judeo Christian culture tells you, you are not holy enough, sanctified enough of all the little things, you know the little foxes that are always pointed out to you continuously. The truth is when we know who we are, we enter behind that veil but we don't want to continue to make a new religion of going within. Everybody has been going within. I'm purposing that we went within to develop a new relationship with the Self and now when we go within we should always bring a little of that 'innerness' out with us.

Bring it into your marriage, into your relationships, into your professions, into your lives. Bring a little bit more, and a little bit more, out. We need places where we can be free to bring out our true Self and soon you won't have to go in anymore, because your inner will become as your outer. And your outer becomes your inner and you won't know if you are in the body or out of the body. And you will find that you are in the one beside you and you are in all of life everywhere because you are the One. Everything will begin to speak to you. That's when you become a Divine Human. You are Divine, but you bring that divinity into the humanity which raises the it at the cellular level. And instead of heavy bodies of red dark blood we become bodies holding light in our veins. We become spiritual beings that have arrived at universal consciousness and can build any form that we need and we can be anywhere because all we have to do is to refocus consciousness and we are there. Some people are experiencing this now as they explore beyond the perimeters of limited thinking."


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