The Mysteries of God Part Part 2.
The Restoration of the Soul

The account of the creation of man is very brief and is contained in just one verse in the Bible, And God said, “ Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” Gen 1:26. In that one verse God determined what this creature he called MAN would be, using himself as the model, “In the image of God,” and then proceeded to declare his dominion over all that he had created in Gen 1.

The purpose of this study is to explore God’s purpose regarding the generation of mankind on the earth. This is important for God only brought forth ONE MAN in Gen 1:26 but we understand his will and purpose was for mankind to fill the earth. In this beginning of man on the earth we are confronted with certain facts that form a foundation upon which we can build our understanding of the process. First of all the plurality of the statement, “Let us make man,” raises a question as to who does the “US” refer to. Religion rushes forward to assert that this refers to the so called concept of the “TRINITY’ of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. However, The scriptures state, Deuteronomy 6:4” Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:”

We need to be reminded that in creation everything came out of God for there was no other source from which anything could come. All of mankind was already resident in God as spirit, and Christ also came from the same source. So in a true sense the being of God contained everything and everyone that has every been born, all of which were actually a part of himself. So when God spoke, it became the expression of all that God is. In this sense God and creation are ONE, just as God and MAN also constitute the “ONE.” Acts 17:26 & 28.

Spirit and Spirituality

The concept of spirit and spirituality remains largely a mystery to man of the earth today. Even though we are essentially a “Spirit creature” having come out of God, our physical body and environment seem to deny
any sense of the world of spirit. Our consciousness is regulated by our five natural senses emanating from the natural or carnal mind, and so we have nothing in our natural life that connects with the Life of spirit. Therefore, for most people the spiritual aspect of life has no specific way of entering our consciousness.

The history of Israel whose origin was by way of a spiritual birthing through a 90 year old barren woman, is an example of mankind’s lack of both understanding and function of spirituality. The Truth is that the source of LIFE is not to be found in this physical, material world, but only in the invisible world of spirit. Science has tried for many years to produce LIFE in a test tube. To this day no one has succeeded because it is a Proven Principle that it is only Life that can generate Life. This is because the Source or PRINCIPLE OF LIFE is found only in the realm of Spirit, and expressly in God.

IF Israel had been a spiritual people they would have accepted the 10 commandments, in the spirit in which God gave it to them. But not being spiritual they could only receive them as a L-A-W. Now a law is something that you must obey and to make sure that people obey the law there is always a penalty for breaking a law. It is the thought of what the penalty will cost us that becomes the driving force in compliance to the Law. None of which has anything to do with spirituality. But not even the penalty caused Israel to be obedient to the law of God. The 10 Commandments given to Israel was actually a manifesto of the character of God, which if they had used as a pattern for their own life, would have made them a Holy people.


If we understand spirituality we will know that obedience is a part of spirit life. This is why God said to Israel, “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine.” Exodus 19:5.

The difference is that obedience has nothing to do with Law. Let us
consider a family situation where the father or mother say to the children. I want you to keep your bedrooms neat and tidy and you will make me very happy. If those children have been brought up in a spiritual family where God is honored and love reigns the children will do exactly as they were told, and will be happy to do it.

However if that family is like the typical household, it would not be long before the parents will have to say to the children you have not done what you were told to do, so now this is the way it will be, “If you do not do what you are told, you will not receive any pocket money for the week, and you forfeit your T.V time also for the week. What has happened here? It was a reasonable expectation on the part of the parents for the children to be obedient, but obedience based upon love has not been forthcoming. So what is the next step in seeking compliance from the children. The next stage is to make the request for obedience to become a L-A-W. This law demands there be a JUDGE, and also that there will be a penalty to pay.

In this simple illustration we see two things. One is that spirituality has been lost from family life even for many Christians, and with it the true sense of obedience. For many Christians they come to God with a sense of pride telling him they are really seeking to do what the Bible says, I refuse to go to the places where people gamble, and I will not touch alcohol and never break my marriage vows. So many think that is obedience, when in fact it has little or nothing to do with obedience but has a lot to do with a law, which they believe is the basis of obedience. Under this law, if you have failed to repent God will punish you, and send you to a place called Hell forever.

I remember a preacher whose mother rebuked her son for disobedience telling us, that she made him stand in the corner for what seemed to him a long time. But she would call out at intervals from where ever she happened to be in the house, “Are you standing in the corner?” And this time the boy replied, “I am standing up on the outside, but I am sitting down on the inside.” I suspect the boys honesty cost him more than he bargained for.

We are a spirit being because our origin is out of God. Our Body has no life in itself but it is the spirit, which is Christ in us that is the source of
our life. That spirit is one with God, functioning on the same wave-length. Therefore whatever God says, the spirit in us receives being One with God and that spirit would respond without question. If the spirit is LORD in us, then we will be obedient to all that God says. However, it is obvious that in many Christians, Jesus Christ is not LORD but there is some other authority in control who decides what we do or not to do. This function cannot be confused with obedience.

That authority is the one we birth in our consciousness, based upon our physical birth and obedience to a mother and father, whose name (Nature) is given to us by them. This one does not automatically hear the voice of God, for it functions on a different frequency. This person in known to us as “SELF” but is unknown to God, having a different origin and owes allegiance to another authority called the Carnal Mind. Obedience to God is impossible under this alien authority, for it has no direct connection with God but is dependent upon its own intellect to know by reading and study of the Bible, what God requires. True obedience to God is not possible under these circumstances.

Adam had a Love relationship with God that was passed on to all mankind based upon OBEDIENCE. There was no LAW governing Adam’s life in the Garden of Eden, but a relationship with God based upon Love.. For Love to function it must flow unhindered both from the one expressing Love to the object of that love, and from the one who is loved, back to the source of that love. While the flow is unhindered the relationship of Love creates a unity beyond any human agreement. God told Israel, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

But we are told that Eve, who was not a part of the creative process of God, but was now accepted as a wife by Adam, begins to express herself making her own decisions under the direction of a serpent and not under God as Adam had done, since he was put in the Garden. He did not need to be able to make any decisions for there was nothing he needed, for his every need had been supplied by God in the Garden.

However, Eve considered the one issue that God has raised regarding the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of which they were not to eat, because that fruit carried the seed of a knowledge that would
destroy their relationship. In keeping with our natural or Carnal mind, man has considered this to be a L-A-W having no understanding of the relationship Adam had with God. If it was a LAW then it could not be the basis of a Love Relationship at all, but a legally binding demand on the part of God for Adam to keep with a penalty attached for disobedience

The Knowledge of good and evil was not a part of the knowledge God made available to Adam, because it was not connected to TRUTH, and God never created it. The Bible declared through the Apostle John and others that GOD IS L-O-V-E, and not just loving. That being so, how could he be both GOOD and also EVIL?

Mankind solves the issue by declaring that God is LOVE but he is also JUST, which infers that to be “Just,” one has to stop loving and this means that God must cease to be God. In other words man credits God with having human emotions making his responses the same as that of a carnal man. So it becomes plain that if God is both good and evil then he is nothing more than mankind on the earth.

The word to “Know” in the Bible is translated from the Greek word “Ginosko” which means, to become known, to have knowledge of and understanding. But it also refers to the knowledge that a man has of his wife. This knowledge is actually spiritual but for many remains only a natural physical knowledge. In a court of law if a man has obtained that knowledge of a woman illegally, it is called, “CARNAL KNOWLEDGE.” In the Old Testament, it is the Heb word “YADA’ and has exactly the same meaning. The Apostle Paul made the Statement in Phil 3:10,

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”

Many Christians would say they know God because they read the Bible and go to Church etc. But the word “To Know” must go far beyond intellectual knowledge as revealed in the word Paul used to determine the type of knowledge that he is speaking about. For a man to know his wife requires a most intimate relationship, which is designed to entwine the spirit which in man is male and female to function as ONE, bringing together the two aspects of spirit into union.

Unfortunately today this relationship has been dragged down to the “Animal Level,” in which the desire is not to unify but simply to produce the greatest pleasure in order to gratify their lust. Many books have been written on this subject suggesting ways to increase the pleasure and the amount of satisfaction through this intimacy.

In this question of “Knowing God” concerning God and man, to think of a relationship with such intimacy would never be considered. Such thoughts as we have in the physical world would seem to have absolutely no application to the spiritual relationship a man can have with God. Even just to think about being intimate with God seems horrendous in the extreme. Then why does the Apostle Paul use such a term in expressing the focus of all his desires, is to KNOW GOD to the same degree as a man can know his wife in this natural realm. The answer is BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO KNOW GOD.
We need to go back to Matt 19:3….


The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made (them) at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

They say unto him, “Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.”

Verse 4 tells us that God made the man in the beginning Male and Female as the first man was spirit and spirit is male and female functioning as one. God is spirit and the man was also spirit for the man was made in the likeness and the image of God so he had to be whatever God is. So the
scriptures tell us that, “FOR THIS CAUSE,” which refers to the separation of the Female from the Male in Adam, in Gen 2:21-22 causing the female part of spirit to become a separate entity, and capable of functioning alone without Adam. Now the Bible says, “For this cause shall a man leave his mother and his father and will cleave unto his wife in an attempt to make the man complete again as male and female. But the best that can result from this union is that the two become ONE FLESH.

This is not how Adam was created in the beginning for there was no mention of F-L-E-S-h in the beginning. He was SPIRIT with the Male and the Female functioning together as ONE SPIRIT and no mention of Flesh. It becomes obvious that man’s concept of marriage does not in any way restore what God gave to man in the beginning. Therefore the whole question of reproduction no longer functions as a spiritual reality but simply as a physical experience whereby neither the Male nor the Female can now reproduce alone, but only as the two become ONE FLESH.
The Flesh

The word Flesh appears first in Gen 2:21. Genesis 2:21-22 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

The Hebrew word for “Flesh” is “Basar” pronounced {baw-sawr'} and refers to the body of Man as well as the animals, also used as a (euphemism) for the male organ of generation. Neither the man or the woman are now the same as they were created in the beginning. What God created as ONE in the likeness and the image of God now has become a duality with the two now being able to function individually and independently of each other. No longer is the man in the likeness and the image of God. No longer is the man “Spirit” but is now characterized as F-L-E-S-H.

This “Flesh” now sets the man apart from his original condition at creation. Man has experienced a tremendous change that links his body with that of the animals from a natural point of view. This means that man’s body can no longer be considered to be the dwelling place of God,
for God has never considered the animal body to be his dwelling place. Most Christians have never considered these things nor what is required in order to restore man to his original place in God.

Religion has taught that if a man will give his heart to Jesus, and confess his sin and believe that Christ died on the cross for his sin, then he is “saved” and born again and will go to heaven when he dies. It becomes obvious that such a teaching has nothing to do with the restoration of the soul. There has to be much more to the restoration of the soul than simply changing our mind about a few things.

To go back to the beginning we find God surveying all that he had created and this is what the scriptures declare, “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31. There is no mention of evil of any kind present in God’s creation. It literally does not exist. Of course that statement raises a chorus of voices declaring what about this and what about that, without knowing that this world we see with our natural eyes is not God’s world. All we can see Paul tells us is passing away for it is not eternal.

The true realities of life are all in the spiritual world, which is invisible to natural man. 2Cor 4:18. There was no evil in the Garden of Eden nor was there any sickness, pain or death. The tree God spoke about to Adam warning him not to eat the fruit of that tree was not a literal tree, any more than the tree of LIFE was literal, yet so often I hear Christians speaking of Adam eating the forbidden apple. That tree represented a KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM that would contradict the truth that Adam knew about God. This other “knowledge” challenged the truth concerning the true character of God and is the reason why God is presented by the religious world as a monster who kills his disobedient children in a fiery hell.

For Adam, God is LOVE and that was the TRUTH with nothing that could challenge or add to that knowledge. There was no sense in which one could say, “YES God is love, but he is also JUST, as if that would challenge the truth about the love of God. God does not have to stop loving in order to be just. GOD IS LOVE so there is nothing in the character of God but love and Grace. We use the term UNCONDITIONAL LOVE when
we speak of God’s Love.

However, human love has very real limitations when expressed by mankind. A man my say he loves his wife but if she lies to him about anything he feels justified in resenting her and retaliating. Parents may love their children, but also can be very cruel to them if they are disobedient. Human Love has very definite limitations and can change from Love to hate and even murder in some cases. This indicates the great difference there is between God’s love and human love.

For God so loved the WORLD that he GAVE his only begotten Son, whosoever receives him as the reality of who they ARE, and believes into the reality of his and our death, burial and resurrection, shall have everlasting life in which there is no condemnation, and there is no death. Think about that statement for a moment, God loves everybody in the whole world. Generally speaking not even the Church believes that GOD LOVES EVERYBODY.

Christians say no, that could not be true because that would mean that the bad people are loved equally by God with the good. In our society today it sounds like the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil has infected all of mankind. The only satisfying answer to the true expression of God’s love is that it is based upon LIFE IN THE SPIRIT and not on human, moral or mortal life.

Spiritual Love, has a very different basis on which it is founded. Once we believe in good and evil we are excluded from spirituality, for in the spirit world there is no good and evil. In the world of spirit there is no sickness, pain, suffering, or death and there is no poverty or lack of any kind for everyone who is part of the spirit world is in the image and the likeness of God. ALL have the same abilities, wisdom and knowledge of God, and having dominion over all the works of God’s hands. God watches over his kingdom with every citizen being considered equal regardless of what country they may come from or their language or skin color we are just ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY.

But you may ask where is this Kingdom of God today, and I will tell you which Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is IN YOU.” This means that it
begins in the HEART OF MAN, with the King Jesus Christ ruling and reigning, and will expand across the world until every man has been included.

Eve the Living Soul

Eve rationalized the prohibition concerning the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, deciding that she would not die if she ate the fruit of that tree, but instead there would be a great benefit for her in that her eyes would be opened to see much more that she has seen before. Not having been connected to the source of Life in God she believed that there was much more to be had, than what had been made available in the Garden for Adam. So she ate the fruit of that tree, and her eyes were opened to see another world which Adam had never seen and had no desire to see, for he was satisfied in Love.

Many want to argue about the restriction put upon Adam regarding the tree of knowledge, seeing it only as a L-A-W. But instead it was a Father speaking to his son, telling him, Son I do not want you to touch that tree, because I know what the consequences of your doing so, will be. We will no longer enjoy this love relationship we now have because YOU will have to break our love relationship to accommodate the knowledge you will receive from the fruit of that tree.

The trees represent our thoughts which are like the fruit of the tree that can reproduce itself. For you cannot see me as the author of both Good and Evil and truly Love me. I do not want you to be separated from me which will cause you much pain, and I will suffer also. Beloved understand that the result of eating the fruit of that tree, did not cause GOD to instigating some retribution on Adam, as it would have been if it had been a Law, but it was a natural consequence of Adam’s own actions.

In the discussion Eve had with the serpent, which played the part of the NATURAL MIND of Eve, she finally developed the idea that she had a mind capable of thinking and making decisions, not knowing the TRUTH which can only be known by the spirit. Eve had become a LIVING SOUL which was now a separate entity from Adam who is spirit, so she has no input from the spirit, functioning out of her SOUL LIFE. Now she is eager to
share her newfound knowledge she has gained from eating the fruit of the tree, with Adam so she gives him also of the same fruit.

Many Christians have never understood what took place at that time and so the ignorance of the carnal mind has been the reason for many false concepts of truth. For instance religion has called this action of Adam as the ORIGINAL SIN by which all mankind was brought under the sentence of death, and condemned to an eternal judgment by God. This presents God to mankind as a Monster who has decided that unless mankind repents and fulfills certain religious obligations they will be subject to an eternal hell fire forever. This abominable doctrine does not come from God as Truth but from the serpent deceived minds of men who have never heard the voice of God.

The truth is that when Eve gave the fruit to Adam, he was able to make a considered decision because he never spoke to the Serpent and was not deceived. He was spirit and as such could not be affected by the serpent. As the Christ he understood the situation that was before him, and knew that Eve had eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and therefore she was subject to death. However death from God’s viewpoint is totally different from what we understand today by the natural mind. Death for us mortal people involves the cessation of life and the body being buried in the ground. But death from God’s viewpoint is a broken relationship with God, and has nothing to do with the cemetery.


Life begins in God and is of such a character that it must always be connected to its source. As a fetus in the mother’s womb is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, and if that connection is broken before the fetus is ready to be birthed, it will die. So it is for us today, if the flow of life which we received from God in creation is broken, DEATH occurs. But this death does not involve the cemetery, but simply we are DEAD TO GOD as the flow of his life which is eternal has been broken from our side of the relationship and so we become MORTAL and our LIFE IS IN OUR BLOOD. The Bible refers to this life as MORTAL LIFE. What Came direct from God to the man is ETERNAL LIFE as in Gen 1:26 and 2:7.

When the Lord God brought forth a manifestation of himself according to Gen 2:7 the Bible says he formed a body from the dust of the earth, remembering that everything including the dust came out of God in creation. Then when the form was complete it says he put that same life he had received from God in Gen 1:26 into the man with the body, not by a blood transfusion but by BREATHING into the nostrils of the man with the body. Man is the only creature that God breathe his life into, not into a dog or a cat only into the M-A-N.

We must also understand that the Greek word “PNEUMA” means Spirit, Wind and breath. We also have the same meaning in the Hebrew language, as the word “RUWACH” means wind, breath, mind and spirit. Ezekiel 37:9 “Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.” It is interesting that Jesus Christ breathed on the disciples before he returned to the Father, John 20:21

“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:”

Apart from us receiving the breath of God we will only have mortal life which is subject to every disease and sickness and subject to death also. There is only one spirit, which is male and female functioning together as one. Reproduction from God’s point of view is spiritual and has nothing to do with anything physical. In Genesis 1:27 Scripture declares, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him male and female created he them.

The Image of God is SPIRIT which is “Male and Female functioning together as one.” Keeping this in mind we discover in verse 28 that God gives the MAN an assignment. Genesis 1:28 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

Many Christians read this verse considering that this command was given to Adam and Eve, but I assure you that Adam was SPRIT and there was no EVE as a separate entity at that time, for ADAM WAS SPIRIT. In the account of the creation of man in Gen 1:26, there is no mention of God having created a woman as a separate entity from Adam. God never recognized Eve as a separate entity from Adam, but in Gen 5:2 it states that GOD CALLED THEM ADAM.

He only created his SON who is Spirit which is MALE and FEMALE, functioning together as ONE. This is so important for us to understand, for TRUTH is either established or lost right here in Gen 1:28’


This assignment given to Adam is of vital importance for everyone today, to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. This command was originally given to the MAN created in Gen 1:26 as a direct command, but the majority of Christians have never considered that this requirement applies to every MAN on the earth. Remember that God only created ONE MAN and that man was Christ Jesus. Eph 2:10 tells us, “We are God’s workmanship (concerning our Body formed in our mother’s womb) but WE, our true being as spirit was CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS.” Every other man on this earth has come out of Christ Jesus the first man God created.

God’s covenant made with Abraham depended upon him producing the Covenant Son who is the sole heir to all the promises of God given to Abraham and through him to us today. The promise was to Abraham and to your SEED, which is CHRIST. The continuation of the covenant promises depends upon Abraham producing the DIVINE SEED which is CHRIST.

James 1:18, “Of his own will begat he us with the Word of Truth, that we should be a kind of first-fruits of his (God’s) creatures.” We are told that the purpose of our being brought forth as the offspring of God, is that we might be the true expression of the “Seed of God,” from which we are to birth the generations that are yet to come, as we bring forth the Christ in us. This is vital if Jesus Christ the King is to rule and reign over the Kingdom of God on this earth. The continuity of the Covenant made with Abraham, is dependent upon the “Seed of God” being
birthed through his people. It was to Abraham and HIS SEED that the promises were made, and Paul declared that HIS SEED IS CHRIST. Gal 3:16.

The Process of Reproduction

For that to be the truth, there must be a “Spiritual Birthing” as Paul declares in Galatians 4:19 “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” Only then can we say with the Apostle Paul. “I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I LIVE, but it is no longer the “I” that lives but CHRIST THAT LIVES IN ME.” This is the man God created in the beginning, and who is now the dwelling place of God giving Christ visibility on this earth.. He is the one to whom God gave the assignment to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.

The first man Christ Jesus now fulfills his responsibility, in Gen 2:7. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” In this simple statement he fulfills his obligation to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. He simply brought forth a manifestation of “himself” as spirit and formed a body suitable for the man to live and function on the earth according to God’s will and purpose. It is important to understand the when it came to giving that man LIFE, it was not transmitted by a “Blood Transfusion,” but by breathing into his nostrils the same breath of Life he had received from God. This man with a body is now ready to be put into the Garden of Eden especially prepared for him.

The first man Christ Jesus out of whom all of mankind has come, is dependent upon this Man Adam in the Garden to reproduce in order to fulfill his assignment to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. How wonderful is the fact that the one out of which all of God’s children are to be birthed dwells in that MAN, for he is spirit and that spirit is the “SEED OF GOD” which is Christ. For the earth to be filled with the offspring of God the man has been so created that he has the capacity to reproduce out of himself, being spirit which is Male and Female functioning together as ONE. The purposes of God must be fulfilled through the man as God has not made any other provision to fulfill his will.

In Creation God never produced any more offspring other than that first man, of Gen 1:26, except that we know that IN THAT ONE MAN is all of mankind that have been born, or will be born on this earth. Eph 2:10. Now he has fulfilled his assignment by bringing forth a manifestation of himself in the likeness and image of God. Now Adam is the “Off spring of God” and becomes responsible to do the same and bring forth a manifestation of his true identity as Christ. If he fails to do this then there is a disruption in the plan and purpose of God, for God has NO PLAN “B.” God would then have to search for another who will birth the Christ in obedience to his will and purpose, and continue the divine “Seed.”
Paul declared in Acts 17:26, “God hath made of O-N-E (Source and ONE Beginning) all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” The “SEED” of all mankind originates IN GOD uniting all of mankind in a divine family relationship, with no division caused by Borders, Language, Culture or Color. The true seed of God is in every man, but for many it has been dormant having never been activated to produce the CHRIST.

Before we can proceed in understanding the Process of Reproduction we must examine the next stage in Adam’s development.

The Garden of Eden was quarantined from the rest of the earth where Adam could live and function as the companion of God. Each day Adam would hear the voice of the Lord God and he would be there to enjoy fellowship and oneness with him. God and Adam were O-N-E sharing together the same spirit, the same purpose and desires, and the same life. It is not known for how long this peace and tranquility lasted but the time came when the Lord God stepped in and said, “It is not good for the Man to be alone, I will make a “Help Meet” for him.”
The Woman

The Hebrew word used here comes from a root meaning, “To prove, or to test thoroughly.” So this change was designed as a test to prove Adam’s faithfulness to God. In Gen 2:21-22, that the Lord God caused a deep sleep (A Trance) to come upon Adam and he slept. This indicates that he has no personal involvement in what is taking place while he is asleep. The Bible declares that a “Rib” was removed which included the Female
part of the spirit in Adam. The Hebrew word for “Rib” is “tsela” which has reference to the side chambers in the wall of the Temple. However, we know that the result was the removal of the Female part of the spirit in Adam, which now became a separate entity to Adam.

This change was to allow Adam to make a choice, for he could decide to join himself to the woman, or remain true to his spiritual identity and remain in fellowship with God. Remember his assignment is to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. It would seem that the sight of this “Woman,” the like of which he had never seen before, did not even raise a question in his mind. God only created the Man who is spirit and the Female was an integral part of his spirit being, but is now walking beside him. No mention is made of where her life came from as with Adam., and she functioned independently of Adam altogether.

The scriptures declare, “The ways of God are past finding out, or are unchartable.” Isaiah the Prophet said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:7-8. The tests of life are not there for God to discover if we will be faithful to him or not, for that is already known to God, but to reveal to us what is our true reality.

Every need of the man was supplied and there was no lack, for the Garden of Eden was designed specifically for him. He was instructed that he could eat the fruit of every tree in the Garden with the exception of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the Garden. The fruit of that tree he was not to eat, for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die. A river also had its source in the Garden flowing out to water the rest of the earth outside the Garden. This represented the flow of life from God himself sufficient for all mankind. It was Adam’s responsibility to “Dress the Garden and to Keep it.” This involved taking care of the Garden and to guard it from anything that would seek to upset its peace and tranquility.

What took place in producing the woman was done with Adam under a deep sleep having no consciousness of what now has taken place. This is
important to know as Adam had no part at all in this whole process for he is asleep. This indicates to me that this whole episode of removing the woman from within Adam and making her a separate entity from Adam is purely an allegory. There are two reasons why I believe this to be true. One is that Spirit cannot be divided, because spirit has no GENDER, which means that there is no such thing as a MALE spirit nor is their a FEMALE spirit. There is only spirit which is male and female functioning together as one.

The second reason is that GOD IS SPIRIT and you cannot divide God. Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is ONE LORD.” Throughout the Old Testament God is referred to as THE “HOLY O-N-E.” This means that the removing of the female aspect of spirit from Adam is an “Allegory” and not literal. To consider that the woman is a part of the creation process of God cannot be substantiated from the Scriptures. Finally the Apostle Paul concluded his consummation of the Church in Galatians 3:27-29

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all O-N-E in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

It appears that Adam considered the presence of the woman beside him instead of IN HIM, quite normal. So it was not questioned, indicating that he was still in that state of deep sleep whereby his spiritual consciousness had not been restored. The reason for the allegory would seem to be so that we would be fully aware of how the SOUL in man functions. In the wisdom of God he had decreed that man would be brought into an experience of separation from God, in order to see if he would voluntarily choose to establish a love relationship that required obedience to God.

The woman immediately leaves Adam and declares her independence from him charting her own course and making her own decisions. She meets a serpent who found her “Natural Mind” easy to influence, causing her to ignore what God had said about not eating the fruit of the tree of

the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent convinced her that she would not die if she ate the fruit of that tree, so without any reference to Adam she picks the fruit and eats it. Her eyes were indeed opened and she takes the fruit to Adam asking him to share it with her.

Adam was not deceived by the serpent having never spoken to it, so he had a choice. He could let Eve face whatever would be the consequences for her disobedience but Adam must have known that this woman was an integral part of his own being so that he did not have a choice but to join her as they were one. He shared the fruit of the tree with her but not in disobedience as the woman had done, but knowing they were connected in creation.

That day Adam did not respond to the voice of God as he had previously done, but he hid himself behind the trees. The first words God speaks is a question to Adam. “Adam where are you.” Gen 3:9. The literal answer was already known to God, but the question was to cause Adam to know W-H-Y he was hiding and not out there walking with God. There was no accusation in this question, and the word “SIN” is not mentioned.

Adam’s answer was, “I heard your voice in the Garden and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself. God replied with another question, “Who told you that you were naked, have you eaten of the tree whereof I commanded you not to eat? And Adam replied, “The woman you gave me to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” And the Lord God says to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” And the woman replied, “The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.”

Again notice God’s reply to the Serpent that represents the carnal mind that controls the Living Soul, “Because you have done this you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.” The “Dust” that the serpent would eat is the flesh (body made from the dust) causing the disease, sickness and the mortality in man. The word “Serpent,” comes from a word that means, to practice divination, divine, observe signs.” Paul says, “But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Religion declares that this is the ORIGINAL SIN, which results in all mankind now being guilty before God and is subject to eternal judgment. This is not supported by God’s response to Adam for the word “Sin” is not used at all. However it is interesting that the Lord God said to the woman,

“I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in sorrow you will bring forth children, and your desire shall be to your husband and he shall rule over you.” How many Christian parents sit up at night not knowing what their children are doing, or if they are on drugs, or waiting for that dreaded knock on the door and hearing a policeman saying, “I am so sorry but your son or daughter has just been killed.”

Now we must pause to declare that “The Garden of Eden,” is not a literal garden, and Adam’s experience there must also be seen as SPIRITUAL for this man is in the IMAGE OF GOD which is SPIRIT. Everything concerning Adam that takes place in this Garden is also to be understood as Spiritual. It is important for us to acknowledge this before we consider the events recorded concerning Adam in the Garden.

There are two ways of understanding the events in the Garden of Eden, One is to see them as a Test of Adam’s obedience, or it is God setting the stage for man’s entry into life on planet earth, according to a complete and well thought out plan. In the process of which he finally subdues the earth, and brings it under the Authority and Control of the MAN who was given dominion over all the works of his hands.

I am of the opinion that the latter constitutes the format for what took place in this Garden of Eden. Therefore we must bear in mind that God has no intension of changing what Adam was, as he came from the hand of the creator. He was spirit, which is Male and Female functioning together as ONE in the beginning, and he is still spirit even after he left the Garden of Eden, but Adam was made responsible for his thoughts and his actions just as we are today.

Before we bring this book to a close let me remind you that you were created Spirit in the beginning and you are still spirit today and that spirit is
male and female functioning together as one. But we have to face the fact that when we see a woman we have to make up our mind what we consider her to be. If we see her simply as a woman we declare that what happened in the Garden of Eden was literal and God actually created a woman as well as a man. But we know that this is not so, therefore the woman we can see with our natural eyes, can only be a manifestation of the woman that is part of the spirit in man.

This changes our whole concept of marriage, for the wife walking on the outside of me is simply a manifestation of the woman that was created within me as spirit, which is male and female functioning together as one. Spirit is what characterizes the MAN who is in the image and likeness of God, who also is male and female and is able to reproduce out of himself.

If we fail to see our wife as being an inseparable part of our true spirit identity, it indicates that we have forgotten who or what we are as spirit. But the real issue here is that we are required to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with the God kind of people. The required process is for us to Bring forth the Christ as the reality of our true identity. Paul acknowledged this is Gal 4:19 as he speaks about “Travailing again until Christ is formed in you.”

Remember that Christ is the Covenant Son who is heir to all the promises given to us through Abraham. He is to inherit everything, so when we birth that Christ we become joint heirs (Equal Parts) with him to possess the promised land representing our body, bringing it under the authority of the Christ and sickness and suffering and death can no longer touch us for HE IS LORD. Because we have not understood this the promises that were given to Abraham and TO HIS SEED, we cannot access, because we have not brought forth the Christ.

If we look upon a woman today and believe that she is a part of God’s creation, then we are walking in the same dream world that Adam found himself in when he saw the woman standing out there . He saw here as bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, and called her woman because she was taken out of him.

This is an allegory and not literal, because no where do we find God
creating a MAN AND A WOMAN., only a MAN who is spirit the same as GOD. God is not a MAN and a WOMAN, God is spirit and that spirit is male and female functioning together as ONE., therefore God could begat us OF HIS OWN WILL without any help from a woman. James 1:18. Because we have not understood spirit nor spirituality these things seem very strange to us. However I am going to share with you the truth.

In Gen 18:9 The heavenly messenger asked Abraham a question, “Where is your wife?” He replied she is IN THE TENT. Paul refers to our body as a Tabernacle or Tent. 2Cor 5:1. If this was what Abraham was referring to then he was right. But I do not think Abraham understood the truth of spirit being male and female together because Sarah laughed when she heard what the visitor said. “I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son.”

For a woman that is 90 years old to birth a son was in her understanding an impossibility so she laughed. But is anything too hard for the Lord? But it is God speaking to Abraham so he must know something we do not know. The messenger asked Abraham about his (Real) wife to see if he understood that his true wife was an integral part of his spiritual identity. THIS IS THE ONE who will bring forth the SON and HEIR, not 90 year Sarah the independent woman (SOUL) he can see on the outside of him. Then who is Sarah the woman on the outside? Abraham came to understand that Sarah was a visible manifestation of the SPIRIT WOMAN who is a part of the SPIRIT which is male and female in himself. (Meditate on this)

The child was conceived by the spirit in Abraham just as Jesus was birthed by the spirit in the Virgin Mary. who was betrothed to Joseph, but not married. Isaac was born as the messenger said, and he was the Covenant Son who is CHRIST. Matt 1:1 “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” God’s promise to Abraham was realized because now his SEED would be as the STARS OF HEAVEN. For in that Christ is all of mankind . When the truth is understood then marriage is not the two becoming ONE FLESH any more but he that is joined to the LORD IS ONE SPIRIT. Only then will the Soul be restored to its rightful place as part of the SPIRIT that is M-A-N.

May the spirit give you enlightenment and spiritual understanding of these things that are the eternal realities of our life in Christ. Be wonderfully blessed in the Lord as you hear that still small voice of the Father from within, for your body is the dwelling place of God.
Written by Des Walter
September 2010