Home Floyd Watson's Bio The Mystery of Life Series A letter to my children A New Years Thought The Garden of God Birthed in Love Writings of Curtis Matheny Meditation Series Serenity & Solitude Writings of Linda Bloomfield Mystery of Godliness Series Mystery of the Father Birthed in Love THE ANOINTING Thoughts and notes Parable of the Seeker Writings of Darcy Ferneau Our Beloved Self 09.03 Path of Illumination 08.03 Writing of Lillian DeWaters Writing from Jane Woodward You are the Light of the World All Things Are Yours  10.03 Urim and Thummin  11.03 Vision for 2004...Our Date with Destiny part 2  THE CLOUD HAS MOVED NEW...writings of Janis Rose The Ever Present NOW   01. 04 GOD OF THE IMAGINATION New from Dee Roberson Worship and Toning 02.04 For Rock lovers March 1 Ministry UPDATE 04.04 COME INTO THE DARKNESS part 2 EMBRACING THE DARKNESS Writings of Alllan Dinall Responses to Darkness article 05.04 MATTERS OF THE HEART Writings of Tony and Theresa Messano SINGLE EYE QUOTES FROM THE MATRIX THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX 06.04 THE ISNESS OF GOD THE REALM OF NO CONFLICT 09.04 BACK TO THE GARDEN Latest from Jane Woodward New from Janice Rose 09.04 Some Web Sites to check out New Poems from Jeannie Diazio 10.04 THE NARROW WAY New Song from Georgeann Hudson Thought on meditation from Linda 11.04 EVER LEARNING SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY Remembering from Whence we Came 12/04 BRINGERS OF THE DAWN POEMS by SUSAN A THOUGHT ON ENERGY "TOUCH" 04/05 Writings from Lola Whisnant 05/05  The Pursuit of the Christ Mind New Page 17 Lillian DeWaters Allowing Others To be Who They Are Deception



Come into the darkness


The third day is a day of darkness. Joel 2 1-3


Darkness is an interesting thought. We had a gathering in Calhoun Ga. several weeks’ back and darkness was the theme. At the end we had an amazing display presented and I feel every life was challenged and changed. Several scriptures: Lam. 3:2 "I (God) have led you into darkness and not light", Isa. 45:3 "to give unto you the treasures of darkness", "For I dwell in a thick darkness" "Moses came into the thick darkness where God dwells", "For when I sit in darkness, you will be a light unto me"

So many are finding themselves in a dark place in this day. All the promises of religion have not worked out. But all this has a reason and is working out a reality that you cannot find anyway but embracing and going through. The key to this life is everything you will ever need is within NOW and the trick of religion is to keep everything external. John says, "you have an anointing that will teach you all things and you know all things". So we find darkness drives you within to find the reality of Spirit Life.

"Come away with me", "Come up hither", and Rev. 4:1, "There IS a door open in the heavens" SO where are we going? Into the darkness! Isaiah said it this way, "Who is blind but the servant of the Lord and who is deaf but my ministers." Darkness causes us to quit judging according to appearances and see the purpose for everything each must go through. In Psm. "I cause the storms of life to bring you to your wits end" WITS END CORNER which is the end of your good sense or reasonings.

Back to this meeting we had on darkness… then someone jumped up and cut the lights off. As different ones began to speak out of the darkness and it was absolute darkness, the spirit began to move. There was a ONENESS, cause you could not see and in this you didn’t know where one began and another stopped. We began to see a glow, like a dim light bulb, coming from each one there. It was amazing…we became the only light in the room. "Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise upon you…" It was a gathering you could not reproduce or make happen but the Father met us in the darkness. Out of our darkness He spoke.

Darkness causes you to search too. So many have found a dis-satisfaction in church after many years but don’t know which way to go. You can stay in mother’s house only so long cause you will NEVER grow up in mother’s house. The call is to Father’s house and here all the rules change. I have found another key in this and its what Jesus said," resist not evil." That which you resist you give power too. As I have learned to embrace the fire, embrace the darkness, they have become my friend. This is where you find a people living in NO CONFLICT for they embrace all and resist nothing. This is true freedom.

There is a plumbline, a standard that has been set in the earth. Several years ago there was a line drawn in the sand in a meeting in Texas. Are you waiting for someday or are you NOW? As we stand in this Day it will be unveiled before us but we must stand. No longer double-minded but understanding what really happened at the cross when Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED" The standard is a people standing on Mt. Zion with NO accusation or condemnation towards any man. A people that have laid the weapons of war down and desire no conflict. In Obadiah they are called SAVIOURS. They do not judge according to appearance for they know the hearts of all men. They come to bless all creation, to show mercy and forgiveness. It's not someday either ITS NOW. It’s happening on this planet and out of the darkness, the same darkness Moses drew near to, the Father is speaking.

In the Most Holy Place realm is darkness. In the Holy Place you have the candle stand but when you step into the Most Holy Place it is walking to the edge of darkness and taking another step.


So many run back cause in mother’s house (Holy Place realm) cause you have rules and regulations. You have man’s voice to tell you what to do. In the Most Holy you are the light as He is the light. Even the VOICE comes out of your darkness (form) and comes into the light. He’s speaking out of your darkness and when we hear that voice we turn to see the voice and in this we see the appearing. What a mystery that is being revealed…the mystery of the Day of the Lord! "And when they heard the VOICE many came out of their graves", the graves of their religious understanding that had bound them.

Jesus went into the darkness of the tomb and here the divine mystery of life is played out in secret. The earth-bound "caterpillar" has now descended into the darkness with God, and when the metamorphosis is complete the butterfly will emerge. That transformation is the same for us today, as the mystery of God is being worked in us, our hope is "WHEN I AWAKE I WILL BE IN HIS LIKENESS" and it has NOW become reality. The greatest day in the history of this universe has dawned, the third day, so I stand there staring at the now open tomb and look inside, but it is EMPTY. Two angels declare he is not there for he is RISEN. But I MUST SEE HIM. What has happened to the "caterpillar" for I would like to know? Surely there must at least be a heap of DUST? But there is nothing there, for that person I believed myself to be, WAS SIMPLY AN ILLUSION HAVING NO REALITY. But my true reality which is CHRIST was not affected by death and so on the third day I stepped out in my real identity. The offspring of the Most High God.

In Joel 2:3, "…And before me the garden of Eden" The place where there is NO death, sin, sickness, poverty, lack, and conflict. It’s the place of Melchesidek, all that you need flows unto you.



Blessings, Floyd




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