The Matrix






Home Up Floyd Watson's Bio The Mystery of Life Series A letter to my children A New Years Thought Birthed in Love Writings of Curtis Matheny Meditation Series Serenity & Solitude Writings of Linda Bloomfield Mystery of Godliness Series Mystery of the Father Birthed in Love THE ANOINTING Thoughts and notes Parable of the Seeker Writings of Darcy Ferneau Our Beloved Self 09.03 Path of Illumination 08.03 Writing of Lillian DeWaters Writing from Jane Woodward You are the Light of the World All Things Are Yours  10.03 Urim and Thummin  11.03 Vision for 2004...Our Date with Destiny part 2  THE CLOUD HAS MOVED NEW...writings of Janis Rose The Ever Present NOW   01. 04 GOD OF THE IMAGINATION New from Dee Roberson Worship and Toning 02.04 For Rock lovers March 1 Ministry UPDATE 04.04 COME INTO THE DARKNESS part 2 EMBRACING THE DARKNESS Writings of Alllan Dinall Responses to Darkness article 05.04 MATTERS OF THE HEART Writings of Tony and Theresa Messano SINGLE EYE QUOTES FROM THE MATRIX THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX 06.04 THE ISNESS OF GOD THE REALM OF NO CONFLICT 09.04 BACK TO THE GARDEN Latest from Jane Woodward New from Janice Rose 09.04 Some Web Sites to check out New Poems from Jeannie Diazio 10.04 THE NARROW WAY New Song from Georgeann Hudson Thought on meditation from Linda 11.04 EVER LEARNING SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY Remembering from Whence we Came 12/04 BRINGERS OF THE DAWN POEMS by SUSAN A THOUGHT ON ENERGY "TOUCH" 04/05 Writings from Lola Whisnant 05/05  The Pursuit of the Christ Mind New Page 17 Lillian DeWaters Allowing Others To be Who They Are Deception



Chapter 4

"The Garden of God"
Floyd Watson


Three realms of overcoming for every believer

I was awakened several days ago with the thought that there are three realms we each have to encounter in our lives that are matrixes. Since the release of the movie "The Matrix," this thought has been on the mind of a lot of folks. What is a matrix? Webster’s dictionary says, "that which gives form, origin or foundation to something enclosed or embedded in it." In the movie, the matrix creates an "illusionary reality that the masses of humanity find themselves trapped in." But in our world, we can say it’s the foundation of our three-dimensional realm of living; it’s the rules that define our five-sensory, physically oriented world of limited consciousness. The Matrix is really the car in which we are riding and the big question is "who is driving?"

When the day dawns in our understanding
all shadows flee away

The first matrix I see is the World Matrix. This is the illusion so many call reality. It’s in this realm where we are always trying to get something—then we’ll be happy. It’s where our happiness is conditional. It’s the "American dream." It’s a place of separation where one is always looking "out there" for fulfillment. The Bible calls it the temporal realm. It has the three-dimensional appearance of being real, but it is not eternal.

A good example here is the war we find our country involved in with Afghanistan. What is this all about? The media would say we are going after the "bad" guys. But have you ever asked why Russia tried for 10 years to take over Afghanistan in the 80’s without success but instead experienced the downfall of the USSR? Could it be this war is all over oil and he who has the control of the oil has the money and the power, thus being a world power? It is this "illusion of power" that has created the downfall of every great civilization in history. In this reality, one group is protecting their interests, which they have judged as a "good choice" and reckoning anyone not with us must be against us thereby being the enemy. The USA was training and arming Bin Laden in the ‘80s to defeat the USSR. Now the Chinese are funding the resistance (Bin Laden) so the USA can’t get the oil and the USSR is supporting the USA in their efforts. Can you see how this has turned around? Remember the Chinese have more in their standing army than the population of the USA. Can we see the "matrix" (illusion) that the public is living in?

I can hear Paul’s heart (Eph 5:14) "AWAKE THOU THAT SLEEPEST." This world is a dream world and everyone living in it is living out of his or her dream. Living in the matrix. Jesus still says, "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD." (John 18:36) In I John 2:16, the world is defined as "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (EGO)." We must leave the world of touch, taste, feel, and hearing and seeing. In a three-dimensional life, you will die because your only hope is that "one day something will happen" or "one day I’ll get to heaven." We must find the NOW as our Life. I love the scripture in the Song of Solomon (2:17 and 4:6), "When the day dawns (in our understanding...not waiting for another day) all the shadows must flee." This world matrix is the shadow realm, the realm of illusion.


The church has tried to overcome evil by doing good for two thousand years not realizing that good and evil are from the same tree.
What we desire is the tree of LIFE.

The next matrix I see is the Religious Matrix. And, wow—this is a tough one. Every church feels they are right and everyone else is wrong. And there are those who feel their group has the flow of present truth. The only way out of this matrix is to become a thinker. Remember every church started with one man getting a thought and everyone buying into it; then you didn’t have to think for yourself, they told you what and how to believe. If you look back into church history, you can see the start of this religious matrix.

The Council of Nicaea met around 300AD and out of the books they had gathered, they chose sixty-six and formed a Bible. They knew they were entering a period of great difficulty. But they also understood if this Bible was worded a certain way, they could govern the thinking of the people. They could use it for their advantage by admonishing the readers to hold each word to a very literal understanding. So at this point, the "backbone" of religion became FEAR. "If we keep everyone fearful of being deceived, then they won’t think for themselves." But, I John 4:18 says, "Perfect love will cast out all fear…" And we know that He who began a good work will complete it! (Phil 1:6) If you have a problem with what was just said about the Bible, pick up a Strong’s Concordance and do some word studies. You will find reading the Bible is like peeling an onion; every time you think you have seen the whole truth, another layer is revealed. And by the way, I read the Bible and love it—and now with enlightened understanding that grows as I grow.

When you can step out of "Mother’s House" into "Father’s House" your world will change. Looking back at Jewish (Old Testament times) tradition, the son lived in his mother’s tent until he came of age, at which time he moved into his father’s tent where he began to learn his father’s business. Another type of this would be moving from the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place. In the Holy Place (mother’s house) you have rules, warfare, conflict, five-fold ministry, and duality; but when you step into the Most Holy Place (father’s house), you have to learn to stand in the reality of your life. The rules change, the war is over, the work is finished, a new Priesthood stands here and no more duality. Nothing but God is in this room.

See, in mother’s house, if you fall and skin your knee, she picks you up and loves on you and blesses you and teaches you to get up and try again. But you will never grow up in mother’s house. Now, in father’s house when you fall down and skin your knee, the Spirit says, "stand up and do it right." It is in this place (this house, this room) where we come to realize that we have all we will ever need in us already. The nature of the father is in us, all that is His, is now ours. In father’s house, we learn to walk like Him, talk like Him, see like He sees and do what He does, and speak with His authority. I love that scripture in I John 2:14, "I have written unto you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning..." We are not in father’s house to learn about Him, but to KNOW Him.

We have stepped from the second day into the third day and ALL the rules have changed. You can’t play church; you are the church! I John 5:20 says, "we KNOW He IS COME." God did something 2000 years ago and we must awaken to that finished work. I no longer serve the "God of gonna." Nothing ‘out there’ is coming to change anything. If anything happens on this planet, it’s coming out of YOU. Remember, there are two things that keep the religious matrix alive—"fear" and "someday."

Ego is the appearance realm

The third matrix I’m seeing is the Ego Matrix. This matrix began in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:21 says, "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them." Here we find a self-imposed limitation, the ego-veil…this would allow the human species to separate themselves from the all-knowing reality. Humans would no longer operate at 100% brain capacity but from a limited 10% usage as defined by their five senses. In this they found their limited duality existence. A good definition of ego is: "the enshrouding of the Genetic Origination." This is where the illusion of separation came in here and religion has been supporting it ever since. Duality became the illusion...we forgot our true roots...we are the offspring of our Father. This is where fear was born—fearing the possibility that we might never again remember our ONENESS with our Father. Can you imagine one day knowing the full existence of the Creator, and the next day experiencing a dimmed recollection. This was Adam and Eve’s experience after they were clothed with coats of skins. WOW...But God...allowed each experience to evolve knowing He had set the stage for the lesson plans to be learned at a pace that would always encourage the return to the fullness of Light.

I like what Des Walter wrote in "the Ego of Man." He says, "Society today suffers from an expression of individualism that asserts the rights of an individual over and against the rights of the community. Self is all that matters. The dictionary refers to EGO as the "I" or self, the personal identity. Egoism is systematic selfishness, and it bases morality on self-interest. It is the controlling force developed in the SELF, having the power to govern because we perceive ourselves to be a separate entity from God."

As we begin to awaken from this ego matrix, we find a clearer understanding of Rev 22:3 where it says we are stepping into a place of NO MORE CURSE. Before being clothed with coats of skins and living under the curse, Adam and Eve were in a place of communicating at will with their Father. Everything they desired became theirs...simply by thought. All that they wished to experience, they created out of themselves and by fully understanding the process, it became a reality. Operating with a sixth sense, so to speak, they had only to think the thought and it became a reality. This means that everything we see on the planet came together through thought. Every thought you and I have becomes part of the collective thought reality or matrix. Thus this matrix can be defined as a culmination of thoughts and is called "mediocrity."

How to stay out of this thought matrix
my personal testimony

One thing I have found is this: you can be caught in a matrix and not even know it until your world is rocked. Not too long ago, I had gotten so busy doing good things that I lost the very thing that had brought me into a flowing with the Father. I found myself in a foggy, cloudy place in my mind and the amazing part of this is I did not even recognize I was in a fog at the time. Outwardly things looked good and many wonderful things were happening. But there was a knowing inside of me that I had to stop and get quiet. I had discontinued practicing silence and meditation each morning...things were too busy, too many places to go, hungry hearts everywhere. But I had lost something by sacrificing that "walk in the cool of the day." I had gotten caught up in a matrix, a fog, and it took rocking my world to its foundations to bring me to a screeching halt to see this.

For three days I sat quietly; then on the fourth day it felt like a spider web was lifted off my brain. It was amazing to see clearly again. I saw what had happened, that though I thought I was seeing clearly with all my busyness going on, I was caught in a matrix. The only way to change our world is to change our thinking. I asked the Father to show me how to stay open and how to avoid being caught in this illusion again. This is what I heard:

Maintain a great purity of life. 2 Timothy 2:20-26 says, "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor and some to dishonor. If (since) a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work." And in I Peter 1:22, "Seeing you have purified your souls…"

This present age is the "feel good" age and everyone must feel good about themselves. It’s almost casting off all restraint and living by the rule "if it feels good, do it." It is the do-your-own-thing of the ego matrix. Earthquakes must come to shake our world, to cause each of us to return to the life within, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. The purity of walking with Father in the "spirit" of this new Day!

2] Be faithful to practice the presence. This is a key as we realize, "As He IS so are WE in this present arrangement." I John 3:2 says, "Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, (in our world) we shall be like Him; for WE SEE HIM AS HE IS. And every one that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure." I John 5:20 says, "We know HE IS COME..." Thus we are not waiting but seeing him NOW unveiled within a people! Many are finding this scripture no longer just a hope, but the reality in their lives. We must know as we walk on this planet our Father walks on this planet for we are His offspring. You are the only expression of Him many will ever see. I am finding we are looking more like Him and acting more like Him and only doing the things we see Him do. Sounds like our elder brother Jesus doesn’t it?

3] We must give special care to an "inner beholding" of God. Paul’s cry to the Galatians in chapter 4 verse 19 is, "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ BE formed IN YOU." When we find the scripture in Revelation 3:20 saying, "Behold I stand at the door and knock…", we find He is IN US knocking and bidding us to come IN and sup with Him and He with us. Here is where we find the place of walking with Him in the "Spirit" of the Day. All you will ever need is already inside your vessel! Let us get to know that One who inhabits this temple.

If a man desires to change his life
he must change his thinking

We must find the place where we are "…bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2 Cor 10:5. . For it is through your thoughts (or how you use your power to create a thought) that all creative energy is attracted to you.

If your mental pictures are ones of being surrounded by things and conditions you desire and are rooted in joy and faith, your creative thoughts will attract these surroundings and conditions into your life. This may sound a bit too much like wishful thinking, but trust me; it is far more than wishful thinking or hoping. This is the power within you!

Fear is the major thing that must be overcome. (I John 4:18) We know that "perfect love cast out all fear." And consider this thought from Revelation 22:3, "There shall be no more curse." If we have taken a circular journey out from the "garden" back to the "garden," then all that came with the fall like sickness, sin, death, lack and poverty, are to be reversed. Fear came in through separation that religion taught us.

Fear vs Love

Separation Oneness
Lack Abundance
Loss Fulfillment
Conflict Peace
Death Life
Chaos Harmony
Withdrawal Embrace
Backdoors 100% commitment
Destructive Creative
Repelling Integrating
Confusion Clarity
Limitations Potentials

Revelations 22:2 talks about the leaves of this tree are for the healing of the nations. These leaves contain the healing balm for the hates of the world and for the lacks of mankind. These leaves hold power to heal all the selfishness and the greed and the envy and can bind up the wounds of those who have broken themselves. Blessed are those who are starting to hold out the leaves of love, healing, mercy, forgiveness and peace.

As love is released and flows as vibrations from our hearts, it is felt by those in our presence. We have found that love is the essence of power and as its vibration is released, the flow of life goes forth. The LOVE of God that is shed forth through the hearts of His children is the fruit of the tree. Released vibrations of pure love bring perfection to those that find it.

Learn to open and allow this stream to flow...we will cause the rivers to rise and affect all in this creation. "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge (understanding) of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14

Upon awakening, if one will immerse himself within that holy, life-renewing stream of God’s almighty love, be quiet and listen, the song of heaven will begin to flow. For, we are the song and the music of heaven. We are the "fragrance of Christ," (2 Cor 2:14-17) the garden of His delight.

Are we believers? "BE and LIVE" the higher laws and you will begin to comprehend all truth and be given all power. The higher laws come with that change of Priesthood, one after an endless Life, one after Melchisedec. Our forerunner and high priest, Jesus, showed the way. Hebrews 6:20.

Never, never lose sight of the fragrance you bring into the lives of those around you. How often have you walked past a garden HIDDEN behind a fence or a hedge and have been overtaken by the sweet perfume that rises in the air simply to bring pleasure to the passer by. You are the planting of the Lord, you are the garden of His delight. Each and every bloom that bursts forth from within you in its different colors and hues speaks of revealing each truth that makes up the Christ, who you are!

When we come to know Jesus consciously, not just religiously, our world changes. We can no longer be bound by the doctrines of men. All fear (which is the back bone of religion) is gone. This way of life is super abundant and brings peace, health, and prosperity. For I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly. Blessings!

Stones of Fire is a writing ministry dedicated to bringing the present reality of the Kingdom of God into visibility. We realize we are not waiting for anything to happen but understand "He has come" (I John 5:20) and is dwelling within a many member body. Those that are living in the heavenlies (Eph 2:6-7), are starting to see the appearing of the Lord (2 Thess 1:10.) In this day, Revelation 11:19 is a living reality. "The temple (greek word Naos, the living temple...lively stones) of God is opened in heaven…" For we have been through the earthquakes, lightening, thunder and have heard a voice coming from within the temple that will set creation free. The last part of that verse says, "…and great hail." Isaiah 28:17 says, "…the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies…" The two greatest lies are: 1) you are something other than what the Father says you are (Col 1:21-22); 2) and it’s not finished (Hebrew 4:3.)

Religion has tried for two thousand years to overcome evil with doing good only to find they are both from the same tree. WE must find the tree of Life in the midst of our garden. It’s time for the tree to bring forth leave (Rev 22:2-4) "...for the healing of the nations."

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