"TOUCH" 04/05






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In the past week a word that has come to me over and over is touch. I guess with all I have gone through lately sometimes you just want someone to touch you. Part of it is impartation I'm sure. When they touched Jesus it is said His VIRTUE went out. And I know we can impart what we have. So lets look at the word touch first as a feeling.

Touch might be only considered one of five human senses; however, when a person touches something or somebody this gives rise to various feelings: the perception of pressure (hence shape, softness, texture, vibration, etc.), heat, cold and sometimes pain. Have someone's words ever touched you?

Touching another person is a form of physical intimacy and plays an important role in human sexual behavior. Touching is also integral in physical abuse (striking, pushing, pulling, pinching, kicking, strangling, etc.

Touching is a form of nonverbal communication.

Human babies have been observed to have enormous difficulty surviving if they do not possess a sense of touch, even if they retain sight and hearing. Babies who can perceive through touch, even without sight and hearing, fare much better. Touch can be considered a basic sense in that nearly all life forms have a response to being touched.

One can also be emotionally touched. In this metaphorical sense it refers to some action or object that has evoked a sad or joyful emotion. For example, to say "I was touched by your letter" would not imply the reader were angered by it, but that he or she felt joy or sadness when reading it.

I think its the emotional body that has moved me. In a difficult time someone just comes up and puts his hand on you. No words need to be said. When someone has a loss... words can't express much but touch speaks.

Many go to meetings over and over looking for something to touch them. Its all external and I know when you touch me He touches me for we are His hands in this present arrangement. Can we see we are to impart His love, mercy, forgiveness and life? Our calling in this realm is to bless every family on the planet. So we touch creation. And it all starts with touching one another. I need your touch!

The Key to Life is having an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! Lets reach out and touch someone.
