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            “God” is Mind, therefore “god(s) plural – would be mind(s) plural.  Knowing this, certainly it is seen that in Truth, there are not “gods” many - not minds many, for there is Only One GOD – One Mind – The Intelligence we call Life.

            That which you call “your body” is in this Mind and of this Substance called God. Know this: God continually – eternally - conceives perceives, embodying Its ideas. YOU are not an idea. You are God, the Intelligence and Mind in which all ideas - “things” - originate. But you must know – truly know this, not just mentally, in order to understand how creation is embodied, how ideas take shape and form, what your “visible body” truly is, as well as what is eternal and what is not. The body-image you see in the mirror is an idea in the Mind you are, but “it” is not you. If one is of a split mind, thinking they are a separate being from God, then they would consider their body to be something which they are living “in” and “out of,” and would consider it to be aging.  Once one apprehends with clarity and certainty his True Self as the Only Mind and Perfect State-of-Being, the body image is viewed differently. The body is now understood to be an “image” – an illusion, a hologram.  All “things” are formed in Mind.  All “things,” including “bodies,” are the embodiment of ideas of Mind, formed in Light and sustained by Light. All “things”- “ideas” - are what is otherwise referred to as Creation. Creation is finished, in that all ideas that ever were and ever will be, are simply “here now” awaiting their issuing forth. There is Only the One Perfect body-world, or embodiment of ideas - referred to as the world.

When Jesus took Peter, James and John to the “mount of transfiguration,” he was not taking them up a literal mountain somewhere in a place called Palestine. He took them “up” in the Spirit of Revelation where he revealed to them the truth- illuminating their understanding, so that they might see that his true Self was their true Self; that just as he is the Light, so are they (we) the Light – the Illumination, the Spirit (Essence, Substance) of all things, and that all things are in and of the Mind we are.  All things are what I Am. Creation, ideas, things, forms - are not separate from Me, rather they are “Me” - embodied.  I create, form, bring into existence, give body to - the ideas that are ever-present in the Mind I Am. Creation is brought into expressed images from the Source or Origin I Am.  All “things/forms -the embodiment of ideas” are brought forth into visible expression because this is what the Omniactive does. This is the activity of the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient One I Am.

            It is only “thought” by the thought-taking man that he lies down to sleep in a “night” for so many hours.  He may say, “I need my 8 hours of sleep.”  He thinks then that he sleeps 8 hours and then awakens to find again in his bathroom mirror a man who is “another day older and deeper in debt,” as the song goes.  However, this is NOT the case.  This “idea” of what appears to be “happening” is a dream, and the one who believes this is dreaming, asleep, dead to the Truth.

            The Conscious Awareness I AM is always awake, always aware.  This Conscious Awareness which I AM is not fooled for one moment by thinking that the man in the mirror is Itself.  In Awareness I know that I never slumber or sleep.  I remain awake, fully, eternally Conscious, no matter how things may appear.

What appears to be a man (or woman - person) who goes to sleep and dreams for so many hours – is like a dream.  The belief that this one is a (hu)man or woman, born somewhere, sometime, who earns his living by the sweat of his brow, and must make his way in the world, separate from God - is all part of the world (thinking) which is an illusion.

            The man who “thinks” he goes to sleep also believes he was born in “19…” and will die in “20…” and believes that he is “aging” between these two dates on a calendar, thus he sees exactly what he expects to see when he looks into the mirror in the “morning.”  If he believes himself to be 30 years old, he sees what he expects to see. If he believes he is 60 years old - or 90, he sees in the mirror exactly what he expects that “age” to look like.  He is living between the ditches of birth and death on a narrow strip of time, and has no understanding regarding his true I-dentity. He is identifying with an image in his dream world, trying to improve it, spiritualize it, prosper it, but he has no more possibility of realizing any of these things in Reality, than does the man in the dream he just dreamed himself to be “last night.”  He reads books, takes vitamins, pumps iron, and runs to stay healthy, hoping to beat the clock and live longer, when in Truth, he has not even “lived” yet at all. He is asleep, dreaming, a dead man walking through a dream world.  LIFE must come to this dead man so that he might be born again, i.e. LIVE in the Revelation of LIFE BEING.

            If you did not know how old you are, how old would you be? If you did not know anything regarding “age” at all, what would you expect to see in the mirror?  When someone says, “How old is he (or she)?”, what they are truly saying is “what am I expecting to see here of this person called by this name,” and sometimes they seem to be surprised that the person is much younger or older than they had “thought.” Well, YOU are not the man in the mirror. You are the I, the True I, the ONE you are speaking of when you say, “I” this or “I” that, IF you are aware of your Self.  In and of your Self you are not any age, for you are SPIRIT and Spirit has no association with any age, for Spirit is Eternal, not going from point to point, but Eternal Being in the Present, the Ompresent NOW. 

He that is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.  What does “born” mean?  “Born” is defined as to conceive. You must first be able to conceive your True and Only Spirit Self. Do you conceive of yourself as being “flesh,” human, man, mankind? Or do you conceive your Self: God, Life, Mind, Spirit? For until you can conceive of your Self in Reality, you will remain in a false concept of your self, world, body, and creation.  You will try to protect, improve and preserve a false image, which is vanity, fruitless, profitless, foolishness.

Mary was able to conceive Christ. She was able to conceive the Truth and bring forth out of her very being That which she conceived.  You are even now bringing forth what you conceive, but if your concept is fleshy, earthy, worldly, then you are bringing forth a dualistic world of opposition. If your conception is Christ, Light, Life, Understanding, Perfection, All-Good, All-God, then you are realizing Life above and beyond the common-thought, and you are enjoying LIFE, Being - AS the Light of your world 

            Realize that there is no 24 hour day, no 7 day week, no 12 months, and certainly no “years.” This is “eternal” Life we are speaking of. Spirit is All and Spirit is the Conscious Awareness behind, beyond and above the scene - or the “seen,” so to speak. Conscious Awareness is what I AM, my one and only True State of Being, and IT –being What I AM - is never subject to the images cast on the screen of life.  Once I realize this, recalling my True Self, living now Consciously Aware, no longer “trying to be somebody, build a reputation, hoping to get recognized,” I no longer expect the picture on the mirror to reflect “age.”  It takes what seems like some “time” to realize what is being said here, but once it is realized, then the picture on the morning mirror begins to change somewhat, and it certainly loses its importance.

            Someone asked me recently how old I am to which I replied, truthfully, “I am ageless. I was never born and I will never die.” They laughed, although I was absolutely serious, but they said, “Well, you seem to me to be about 18,” and so it is, whatever it seems to them…  And that is the dream …  If “they” think they can take a body and bury it someday, then they will bury what they dream to be, but they will never bury Me.  They cannot bury the Conscious Awareness I AM.  And – “what is that to thee” anyway, “follow thou me.” 

            The man who thinks he is living out a “lifetime” of so many years gets exactly what he expects.  And the aging appearance he sees in the mirror in the morning is again, exactly what he expects to be “there” when he “gets up in the morning.” That “image” means a great deal to him until he sees from the right(eous) perspective, the Only True Perspective: from the ALLness and ONEness. It is like for instance, cutting out a picture from a magazine when one is – say - 15 years old,  and keeping the photograph for 50 years, then holding that same photo up to a mirror again many years later, say at 65. Has the “person” in the picture, the photograph, changed due to age? No! Of course not! The picture of the woman or man held up to the mirror 50 years earlier would still look the same, appear to be the same age as when the picture was first taken and viewed.  The photographed image would appear exactly the same as when it was held it up to the mirror “all those years” before. And so it is, in Spirit, in Truth, you do not change, “I change not.”  It is simply an image in an imaginary world which appears to change.   

            When once you realize that you are not the man/woman/image in the mirror, then you will see your SELF, and you will see your Self face to face, as you are, and always eternally have been.  You will see that though the one in the mirror appears to change, to age, it has nothing to do with YOU, with “I”, with Self, and thus, just as the dream last night fades in the morning light, so does your “self-image!” You will know your Self as you are Known and this knowing changes the picture.  You know that you cannot change, age or die.  You remain ever the same, regardless the appearances.  But the truly wonderful thing is, things do change for you in knowing this.  You no longer get sick, have the pains and miseries of those who seem to be complaining around you.  You no longer need medications, doctors, insurance, or burial plans, for Truth makes you free of the image world.  You still seem to be part of it, but you are no longer fooled by what you see and hear, you KNOW you are not “of” it.  You feel lighter than air at times.  Unweighted by the world of belief, you seem to soar above it all, watching from the pinnacle as the world sorts itself out beneath you.  You take flight in your thoughts and at the end of “the day,” think of it all as a dream.  You collect neither memories nor time, neither do you hold on to anything, for all that you see, hear, taste, smell and touch has any significance only in the moment, and eternally is neither here nor there, rather all that appears to be simply “is what it is” momentarily, a passing “thought.”

            Your slogan is not, “Lest we forget,” rather “Lest we remember!” For unless the Spirit of Truth brings all things to your remembrance from before you dozed off – a moment ago - so to speak, and began to think you were the man in the mirror, there is nothing else worth recalling.   

            You are Immortal. You will never change. You are not the image in the mirror. You are Consciousness! Consciously Aware you see the night dream and the day dream the same from the heavens, the Spirit – which is the Only Mind, the Truth. Your True body, your True world, is the only body, world there is: The Perfect and Eternal.  The true body/world has no lines, no outline, no limit, no limitations - is not maintained in a form. Forms - all “forms or images” - are kept in Mind until they are required. It seems as though they are just sitting there – enshrouded in the darkened recesses of Mind, called Void, until the exact moment in which their form is “needed.” The loaves and fishes (ideas of supply) are there in Mind, God, Life, Spirit, always.  All “forms of supply” are simply brought forth into visibility as the “need arises,” revealing what has been there in the darkness, -“invisible” - all along. The True world, body, Mind, is not affected by the world of the illusion.  The “world, body, mind” which is considered to be the norm, so long as one is dreaming, is a distorted image. Belief in a distorted image is an error in judgment, simply not seeing “What Truly Is,” while calling those things which “are not” as though they were. Once that Which is Perfect is Come, the Truth, the Real, True and Perfect is seen! Perfection is All – is All there is.  

The form you take to be your “house,” or body, is taken on in Mind. What you adopt as being true is true for you.  When Jesus said to be “in” the world not of it, he was saying, there is noting wrong with the body/world, however, your concept must be the True or you will be subject to all that goes along with a distorted concept called “this world.” To be subject to it means subjection to its “ills, problems, age, limitations, etc.” Knowing your True Self, world, body, Mind, you find the here now to be perfect, entire and lacking nothing.  All comes into being in the moment, as you are appearing on the scene, so to speak, thus every need is met, every problem is solved and you no longer have to “think” about it, “reason it out,” or “try” to make anything happen.

            Jesus said, “I can pick it (the body) up and lay it down.” You do that too – every “morning.”  You have simply “thought” you were getting up every morning, morning after morning, and going to sleep every night, night following night.  Actually YOU never went to sleep, for “I” neither slumber or sleep.  “I” am Ever-Awake-Alert-Aware.  What looks like “morning” is when I pick up my body (or take up my body image) - again. What looks like “night” is when I lay my body down again.  I am ever awake and aware that this is what is happening. 

            If I live in a body consciousness, then “my days will be few and full of trouble, however, if I live Consciously Aware, I realize I Am Eternal Life! I have no beginning, no end. I AM Alpha and Omega, back to back, the same “door,” with nothing in between. I am the Eternal ONE. 

            It is only if I “think” in terms of separation that it appears that I am the man in the mirror, that I go to bed at night and wake up in a morning, and live for so many years.  Once I realize I Am Consciously Aware eternally, then there are not minutes ticking by, rather there is only now! This present moment.

            Everything is different than I have ever thought, for I know I cannot age, and the concept referred to as “age” means absolutely nothing to me NOW. 

            This is why Jesus could say, “Destroy this body and in three days I will raise it up again.” Three is the number of fullness. He could have appeared in the same body again instantly, but then it would not have been believed that he had died or that he had beaten the idea of “death,” so it had to be that what appeared as some “apparent” time was allotted to expose the illusion called “death.”  He also showed that he did not need to appear in the same form/body in which he had “died” when he appeared in the garden to Mary as a gardener, then differently on the road to Emmaus as a stranger, then on the beach as a man cooking fish – all to disciples and those who had known and loved the form they recognized and thought of as Jesus.  Yet the form they had known and loved was in no way required, except to the doubting Thomases - for Life, the Conscious Awareness requires no particular form.  However LIFE takes up a form as IT sees fit and lays it down as IT sees fit, and so I do every so-called “day.” So long as “you” need me to be in a certain form, I will, but I am not required to be “this one” TO BE.  To the man who is living in sin – which is nothing but dualism - thinking double-mindedly, thinking he is a man and God is God, that the “two” are not ONE - it seems that “there is morning and night” – day after day.

            LIFE – Which is what we call “God,” Consciousness, Life, Awareness, I Am, takes on a form that I might know “health, wealth, joy!”  Without a body/world/form, I cannot know health or wealth or even joy! For a form, body, world is required for this Non-Entity I Am to live, move and be! This is the way I recognize Self, enjoy Self, and commune with My Self.

            Once I realize, just Realize (just Be): Awake, Aware! Then sleep, morning evening, night, today, are simply words, symbols - through which I appear to and in a world of belief.  The form I take brings with it requirements – “needs,” but my “reward” or the meeting of any so-called “need” comes right along with the need, and is thus completely, wholly met in the moment – not down the road, but is met even before I realize the need.

            A very interesting little example of this can be told as a parable. What I am aware of in the moment is the reality of the moment. Realize that – as with all “memories”- whatever appears to “have happened (past tense)” is in mind, and what is considered to be a memory can only be a “dream,” because I AM is ever present tense, ever in the now.  Thus we consider the story, account, or parable: Our son and daughter-in-law came to the beach to visit for a few days.  We went to breakfast on the beach where they were selling ice cream in 24 different flavors.  Our son said that he wanted to come back that afternoon to try one of the flavors he picked out on the sign. 

            We walked on the beach and enjoyed the beautiful “day dream” for what seemed like hours, then pulled our chairs down into the surf and sat there for some time more before he said again, “I am thinking about that ice cream. Let’s go!” Before we could go we waded out into the water deeper to wash off  the sand.  The surf seemed especially strong.  (You must see that although  this is a “true to life experience,” and so was what I was consciously aware of in the moment, it is nevertheless – an illusion). Anyway, there was a strong undertow, and we were having a difficult time moving out into the water to wash off.  But in the undertow and the high waves while splashing water I looked and saw a dollar bill washing right up to me.  I laughingly pulled the dollar from the surf and showed it around. What had just happened was not lost on the moment.  I knew that I had brought that dollar into manifestation, - “You mean – you Jane, had done that?” No. I mean “I” had done that and “Jane” picked it up – OR so it appeared! Ya just gotta laugh when you realize what I’m saying here! Ya just gotta realize the joy of Life!

            I added that dollar to the other 4 I had in my pocket and we went to get ice cream.  When we arrived at the counter between the three of us our bill came to $9.40.  I had 5 dollars - including the one which had just come to me, my daughter-in-law had 4 dollars and my son said, “I have 40 cents in the car.” The girl behind the counter said, “Let the 40 cents go,” but he went to get it for her anyway.  The point is, although she had said let the 40 cents go, she most likely would not have let “$1.40” go, and had the dollar not washed up to me in the ocean we would not have had the money to buy the ice cream. 

            Now this may sound like a silly little story to you, but it was a wonderful experience in LIFE, and I believe that it will be remembered for some “time” to those present.  This story serves to show that “before they call I will answer them, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” If you think this is foolishness, so be it, but though it is a simple illustration of how we bring what we need into manifestation in any given moment, it is actually a magnificent illustration, because if you can get this, you will see that you will always have a “body, form, world,” because Mind lays down and takes up form/body continually, but this form/body/world has all it needs in its “comings and goings,” or apparent activities in the moment, in Perfection. Oh, if you can see this, you will never try to get rid of anything again in order to be “more spiritual,” although if you need to go through that, like the rich man who needed to experience selling, giving away and letting go, then that is fine.  If the world of “things” still has any hold on you and you have not realized that you are Mind out of which all “things” flow, then you may have to let “things” go. But once you do and you realize that I AM Mind, and you begin to “praise God/Mind – from Which all blessings flow,” you will no longer be held in bondage to things, no longer feel you need to hold onto, keep, save, or hoard “things,” for you will know creation, or “things” are Spirit, presently manifested in the moment, continually.  I manifest, or make visible the world, body, forms, things that I see, hear, touch, smell, taste, etc. as my “world” of awareness.  But they are in me! They are all IN MIND! They are Me, The Mind I Am, not separate from, but in and of Me. Spirit – All is Spirit.

            They have no substance in and of themselves. They are proceeding in the moment from God-Consciousness.  Someone with a poverty consciousness brings forth lack, but it is an illusion, although it seems “real” to them.  Someone with a religious consciousness brings forth the law of their particular belief system, and although it is an illusion, it sure seems “real” and necessary at the “time.”  Someone with a consciousness of illness and disease reflects illness and disease in a body they think they live in, but again, that is merely an illusion, for here now is the Perfect body I Am, and It is All. 

            I, in Full Awareness, bring forth all that I need in any given moment, for I bring ALL into visibility NOW! Out of the Mind I Am flow all the issues of Life, and All is Good – very Good – in fact: Perfect! But you cannot “make” this happen. You cannot “make anything happen.” And - I will never bring anything into visibility “tomorrow” anymore than I have brought anything into visibility or manifestation “yesterday,” for there is neither a yesterday nor a tomorrow.  I bring it all into manifestation NOW as I appear as body/form. I bring all the form requires into visibility with it, for it.  Just as in a night dream, all that the dream requires is present in the dream.  No one has to call out in a dream, “Cut! We are missing a prop for this scene.” Everything needed is here now, in this moment for this moment.

            You will never make a sick body whole, neither will you ever make a poor man rich by thought.  I already am whole, and my world is complete NOW.  The “pain body,” of which some speak, is the image body, or the imaginary body and the imaginary world of the “natural” man.  The man who thinks he is living in a natural body, world, thinks he went to bed last night, got up after so many hours of sleep, and looked at himself in the mirror “this morning.”  But that is not What you Truly Are! This must be made plain to you by That which causes the appearance in the first place. 

            We cannot change the pictures before us, for they are simply that, pictures, being cast on the screen called “life.” But these “pictures” are seen for what they are: light images, holographic forms - when once you discover your True I-dentity. There is nothing wrong with them. It is simply the perspective from which one views the body/world, creation, which can seem to produce a distorted picture. If your perspective if heavenly, spiritual, wonderful - then your body/world/creation, will be heavenly, spiritual and wonderful! In this Light the image, body, world, creation, takes on a whole new meaning.  When Only Perfection is accepted and seen, the outflow of the Mind is a reflection of Perfection. The Truth projected onto the screen reveals a new heaven and a new earth.  Then, and only then - which is NOW, the body, shape, form is changed and What is seen in the mirror of Life, is beautiful, whole, perfect, no longer a distorted image, because the Truth can only shine forth the Pictures called Heaven.

A vain imagination, which a liar and the father of the whole world of “belief,” is swallowed up in the victory of Life, Love, Beauty, Abundance, Peace and Joy, while the body - which is Spirit wrapped in swaddling clothes - draws all men to Its Star in the heavens, the Very Light of Life.  

            I lay down my body-image-world at what is called “night.” I take it up again in what is called “morning,” but I change not.  And His (the I That I Am) mercies, (magnificent blessings, joys, experiences, supply, all) are new every morning: every time I take my body up again in the Revelation of a New Day. 

            Now, I neither “try” to make something happen, nor “try” to prevent anything from happening.  I know the Truth I Am, and am fooled not by a world or body seen in a reflection.  I no longer look over the edge of the pond and think, “That is me down there.”  No!

Say this with Me, for you and I are One, since there is, after all, only ONE:  I know I Am NOW in my Kingdom, (Consciousness). I rule as King in My Kingdom (Consciousness). My world is established in harmony and peace eternally.  Now - consciously aware of the Perfect body/world, Mind, I Am - I have nothing to teach, nothing to go and “tell,” nothing to sell, nothing to prove – for there is no one who needs proving to.  I simply be and whatever my hand finds to do I do all as unto the  Lord (the One Mind – Omniactively, livingly, moving, being – all for my own good pleasure), and if it appears that “another” responds to what is being done and said, I do not see it as being “another,” rather I see It as simply an aspect of my Self that has come into the Light of my Awareness - the Same I that I Am.

            There is no “you and me.”  There is only always the I that I am, the One Mind, the Oneness of Being, bringing a whole world of “things”, “ideas” into manifestation simply for the pleasure and experience of it. You will never get rid of “things,” but you will cease and desist from the attraction to things as things, for the baubles and bangles of “this world” will lose their glitter and glamour. When you have “all things,” and want for nothing, there is no reason to keep or hold onto anything, and no “thing” will have any hold on you.  All is well, complete, beautiful and perfect in my world, where there is no “other,” no one who can break through and steal, no one who can harm in all my holy mountain. There are no lies here, for Truth reigns.  Here now, there is no evil, no sin, no duality, no past, no future, no “good and evil,” i.e. no opposition. Darkness and light are the same to me.  I AM always HERE! It is not “I” who appears as the body form, rather It is I who manifests a body form for the sheer enjoyment of it. “Leggo my ego,” and I find my Self - free, awake, aware, eternally BEING! Constantly, non stop I conceive, perceive, conceive perceive.  I do not conceive evil!  I cannot conceive of any “thing” evil, dual, distorted, distressed, diseased, nor even disappointing.  All is Wonderful!

            To “think” there is a separate heaven where there are no “things” is to still be in a dual state of thought.  There are always “things” and always will be, because that is what Mind “does.”  Mind brings forth, and throws “pictures” on the screen of life. To believe there is one world which has things and another some “where” which does not, calling it heaven, believing there is a world in which there is both evil and good, and another which is perfect - is dualistic, double-mindedness, and is simply not seeing the Heaven within clearly as yet.  To think there is a place – world or state, where Jesus walks and another world where you walk - is dualistic.  When you become “single” eyed, you will understand that there is Only One World, the World of the Perfect.  There is no other, and Jesus Christ walks, talks, lives and breathes as you HERE NOW. “For me to live IS CHRIST!”

            We do not have to go live in a cave somewhere and give up all the “things” around us to become more spiritual.  In fact, you will NEVER become more spiritual than you already are!  You have only to know your True Self.  Jesus had a house in Capernaum, set right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. I have visited the spot and the “stones” which still remain of a house that is supposed to have been the one in which he lived.  It matters not to me whether that is “the true site” or not of a house in which Jesus lived, for I consider not the things of this earth as being anything, but what is of interest to me is that he made reference to his house several times in scripture.  Sure, it did not have a wide-screen TV, or a king-sized bed, but never-the-less, Jesus did not bunk down with friends all the time, nor camp out under the stars every night, nor huddle in a cave somewhere. He was and IS Real! He had a house “then,” and he has a house NOW, but it is not a building or house made with hands! It is the house/body of Which I Am Aware NOW!

It must be realized that GOD is Life coming into visible expression as you, as me. God came into expression as a man named Jesus, the same as God comes into visible expression as one named whatever you call the man in the mirror.  But it is Always and Only the Same One coming appearing in form. Jesus did not lack for a thing! If he needed wine, pow! It was there. If he needed food, pow! It was there. If he needed tax money, again – it was there. And so it is with me and you.  Whatever I need in the moment – pow! It is here now!

And he did not just bring “needs” forth, but he brought the best wine – the fermented wine, the wine that was potent – for the wedding guests.  Yes, it is a parable, saying to us that the Spirit comes forth in whatever way and manner It so wishes, to bring all good things to the table! And God – you – do not just bring forth your “needs” either, except that you see that everything you bring forth as a need! If I want it - I need it, and thus I perform miracles every moment, if you wish to call God just Being what God is, just doing what God does - miracles.  If you brought forth only “needs” what would you bring forth? What you consider needs and the next man in the dream considers needs would be two different things.  No! My wish is my command, and I do not even have to pray it out loud or speak it, in fact we are told that what you tell your Father (Consciousness) in secret will be shouted from the rooftops.  In other words, the simple acknowledgment, be it momentarily, is sufficient to bring it forth.  You will never, however, tell anyone, God included -anything with the “hopes” of bringing it forth.  You must know your Self, and that is sufficient for all “things.”  Rest!

            The one who “takes thought” about it, may not believe this, but it is never-the-less true.  The one who “thinks” like a man does not recognize that he has everything at present, that “my God-Consciousness, Father-Mind” supplies everything in any given moment - and so he asks how this can be.

            There is nothing wrong with “things,” for you will never escape having “things.” There is nothing wrong with anything when you realize Paradise, Heaven here now.  There is nothing wrong, bad, or sinful (dualistic)! What you realize, however, when you come into the full recognition of your God-Self, is that all things are simply ideas (creation) in the Mind I Am, simply coming into expression, even before the “you” knows you need them.  My God (Mind, Consciousness, True State-of-Being, Self) shall supply all “your” (the one you call by a name) needs according to his (the God-Self I am) riches (abundant ideas,) in glory (doxa – thinking – Mind), by Christ Jesus (Illumined Awareness).   Man is so involved with “doing” that he thinks he can “do” something to perfect his self, or spiritualize his self, and thus searches for ways, means and methods to “climb up some other way” than to just BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. “That just sounds toooooo simple.  Surely there is something I can ‘do.” No, Beloved, there is nothing you can “do,” accept, “Be still and know…”

Realize: I AM PERFECT NOW.   You have never been im-perfect. You cannot be otherwise than you ever-eternally are.  You are not the reflection in the mirror carrying the false ID. You are not the distorted image you see in the mirror.  YOU are the Perfect I that sees all, knows all, is All in all.  You are the I that is above all and all is in the I, the Mind, that you Truly are.  Creation lies in you, and is made visible in the moment you “need, wish, recognize or desire.” You can “do” nothing to “get” it or any “thing.” You simply have to “be” and Life will simply continue (eternally) to “happen” about you, in you, through you, as you rest in the Blessed Assurance of Infinity, as Eternal Life.  All of creation is yours, IF you do nothing to try to obtain anything, if you rest from all effort to have, make, improve, or do. You will simply know, intuitively, when something is coming into the visible, for it will come to you as a wish, need, or desire. It would otherwise be your prayer.  And as it comes you will walk through – without taking thought – all that “helps” to make it so. But you cannot set your hand to it, or you will prolong the coming forth! You will hinder it, because you will be operating on man’s level, the level of thought taking, where nothing ever actually happens! 

When you leave all, give all and forsake all: leaving effort behind, giving up all reasoning, logic, means, methods and formulas, and forsake all attempts to make anything happen, and simply BE, Life becomes a grand Revelation, with you at center stage watching it all happen about you, in you and through you, and actually all because of you!  You will simply “know” when to turn to the left and when to turn to the right, when to be still and when to move, when to speak and when to be silent - you will know that your words are not your own as a personality, for there is no such, rather they are Living Words, Words of Spirit and Life.  You will know that “of your own self” you can do nothing, but with and in Consciousness, God, you can do all things.  And you will lack for nothing. The way is made straight before you. You simply stand still and see Life as you BE LIFE.

Truly, it is wonderful! And the wonder of it all is that IT is ALL IN YOU!!!