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                                                THERE IS A WORLD…


There is a world, “the” perfect world, just beyond what your eyes see. It is Heaven, and it is HERE NOW.  I have already written on this, and you may want to read that writing entitled “Heaven Here and Now,” but I feel it is necessary to continue writing on this, as certainly not everything can be written in a single writing and continually the revelation broadens before us. 

            Colossians 3:2 plainly tells us to: “Set your affection (mind) on things above, not on things on the earth.” Yet so long as we remain “hearers of the word” and not “doers” of what we are told, we cannot understand with a true understanding what is and what is not Truth. 

            Talking about Truth will not change anyone.  For at least 2000 years, according to the calendar of man, these words, “Set your mind on things above, not on things of this earth,” have been ringing through the ears of those who read and talk about the scriptures.  But, so long as one reads this verse and then listens to the news, the weather station and the man next door, rather than doing what the scripture says do, he will remain veiled to the world of perfection, Heaven, here now.  He will continue to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, teaching, educated opinion, scientific fact, and all the other foolishness of man.  He will continue to have his wars, his storms, his diseases, and his lack because he is living in and “of” the world of his belief. 

            If for one moment you will turn from this “world” of belief and realize that in the silence of your own heart is the key to this wonderful kingdom – which is a consciousness, a state of awareness, in which there are no wars, storms, diseases, or lack, and never “look back,” you will realize the perfect world, body, mind of Christ.  You have that mind, you know.  Or, perhaps you do not know that you have the mind of Christ, but the scripture tells you that you do and there again you must accept it for it to operate in you, through you and as you. (I Cor 2:16)

            If you will cease from your own thoughts and allow that Mind which was in Christ Jesus to be in you, because in actuality it is the Whole Mind that is your True Mind even now,  you will come apart from the world which seems so real to you right now. 

            Jesus told us to “fear not, to take no thought, to worry not about tomorrow, to be at peace, to let not your heart be troubled,” yet this is impossible to the one who believes in a world where all those things which cause fear seem to be the order of the day.  When one turns from the world of appearances and truly sets his mind on things above, those things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy, (Phil 4:8) then the peace of God (which is your True Self) will reign and you will no longer fear anything, for there will be nothing to fear.  Peace will never come to “this world,” the one Jesus said he was no part of.  “My kingdom is not of ‘this world’.” 

            But the True World is here right now, the Perfect world, the World without fault, destruction, pestilence, war and rumors of such.  There is a veil over your eyes if you do not see it, but it is definitely, eternally here.  The veil that is covering your eyes is a veil of education, the opinions and knowledge of men, reasonings, doubts





and fears.  The wisdom of God is foolishness to man, and the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. 

Ask yourself some things and set your mind on these things, expecting an answer, but not from the wisdom of man, rather expect your answer to come from the Truth, God – from within - your own Christ Mind.  “Who is this breathing and where does this breath come from? Who is it that speaks through this mouth? Who is it that hears the sounds about me and who is it who is seeing through my eyes? Who is it that brings me to awareness in the morning and sustains me through the night? Who, when I am unconscious of “this world” while sleeping - IS living me? And who is it that brought me into visible expression in the first place, and is ever the underlying LIFE of me? Who am I?”  Listen long enough to hear and know, for “It is I.”  And this “I” is YOU! “Christ is our LIFE.” (Col 3:4). “For me to live IS CHRIST.” (Phil 1:21). 

            There is no “you and me” apart from Christ, and Christ is the Light of Life -  God Himself.  God is ALL.  Jesus Christ and God the Father are one, “I and my Father are ONE.” (John 10:30).  And Jesus prayed: John 17: “that they may be one as we…, (vs 11), “That they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.” (vs 21), “that they may be one, even as we are one.” (vs 22) – I IN THEM AND THOU IN ME, that they may be made perfect in one.” (vs 23). 

            See that Jesus is in God, God is in Jesus, and God is in you, and God is in me, and I am in God and you are in God, for there is no separation.  God is you and you are me and I am you, and Jesus Christ is you and you are Jesus Christ.  Man separates and divides.  God draws all back into the ONENESS of the Reality of BEING.  No, not human-beings who call themselves “brother and sister” thinking this will make them one.  No, there is only ONE – one Life – and that LIFE is what we call God. 

God – Life is the one, the Only One, breathing, seeing, hearing, speaking, awake and aware eternally.  Your life is not lived between the goalposts of birth and death.  Your Life is CHRIST.  When you realize this you will know why you are to love your neighbor as yourself, because your neighbor is your Self, the Same Life living you is living your neighbor.  And when you begin to see this, really see it, as in it becomes your revelation, then the world as you have thought of it disappears. 

            Jesus did not die, for death would be a permanent state, and Jesus proved that the concept we refer to as death is nothing.  He simply in several instances called death sleep, but the disciples insisted that he call what they “saw” with their blinders on, and the veil snuggly covering the Truth to them, death.  So then, do I die each night when I sleep? Yes, in a way. I die to “this world,” for the Life that I truly Am, my True Self, never dies, never slumbers, nor sleeps. 

            We have so failed to see why Jesus came as a man, in visible form in the first place. Why would you say Jesus came?  To save the world? Well, did he?  Is “the world” as you see it saved? Is it any better than before his appearance?  So, what would you say that Jesus’ coming accomplished? II Timothy 1:10 answers the


question: “who hath abolished death.” Jesus abolished, put death to death, did away with death? “Well, then, what about all those graveyards and the tombstones and

the funerals you have attended? And where are all those people? Surely they died? I know I saw their corpse.” 

            Well, either II Timothy 1:10 is a lie or the world you are “seeing” is a false concept, an illusion, a dream.  The scripture plainly states that Jesus Christ abolished death.  Now, rather than trying to justify the world of appearances, “Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment,”(John 7:24) in other words judge correctly, make your decision correctly, according to what IS RIGHT.  Jesus Christ has abolished death, has openly exposed that illusion for what it is. 

            It is merely an appearance, as in a dream, which one is looking at when he thinks someone has died.  Jesus was back in 3 days talking, walking, greeting friends again, showing the scars which were required to prove that it was indeed him, otherwise he would not have had those scars. They were simply required for the benefit of the doubters of “this world.” God provides whatever we need once we are ready to receive the Truth to bring all things to our remembrance.  Jesus was cooking and eating fish with his disciples once again on the beach AFTER his so-called death and burial.  He exposed the “lie,” the illusion, now you have only to identify with Him to see this. 

            We have thought that “being a Christian,” or being “a believer” would get us through this thing called death, but that certainly – still – we would have to die, even though II Timothy said that Jesus Christ abolished death.  We have made excuses for not being doers of the word, hearers only.  We have thought that by “being good, being ‘Christ-like,’ giving to charity, helping our fellowman, thinking good thoughts, and not breaking man’s law most of the time, and only a few of God’s laws some of the time - we would be able to get by and in the end, because of our believe in Jesus Christ, without even truly knowing What this Jesus Christ is or what the appearance of Jesus Christ truly was all about.  Then we thought that after this death that Jesus abolished, we would make it to a heaven where we could walk on streets of gold, live in a mansion, (although we gave up such extravagance ‘here’), dance around in white robes and play harps, and all the other non-sense we have “believed.”  Foolishness all.  II Timothy 1:9 states that God ‘hath’ saved us, and has called us with a heavenly calling, NOT according to our works! (There is nothing any man can do that would be good enough ever. Good is not something we “do,” rather What we are as our True Self, the “I” – Self.), but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us – in Christ Jesus before the world began.”

            Okay, let’s look at that verse:

1)      God hath saved us.  What does that mean? Saved means delivered, made whole, healthy, prospered, protected, preserved, and many other wonderful truths in definition.  But once one realizes his True State of Mind, his True State of Being, the Infinite, the Eternal, the Way, the Truth and the Life, he knows that there was never anyone to be “saved,” rather this term is used to show that the man who thinks the things of the




appearance world are real and true must see the Truth in order to be “saved” from thinking such things and that is all that being “saved”

could mean.  This does not mean that we have to leave the world to have everything, (health, wealth, protection, preservation, life, liberty, etc.), but that we have to leave the world of our imagination, where we think we are ‘human beings’ who are born, get sick, get old and die.  We must leave that world, for that world a false assumption, and that false assumption is the “this world” which Jesus said was not his kingdom (consciousness).  You must leave ‘the consciousness’ of “this world”, and realize your God-consciousness. Set your mind on things above!  There is no rapture as is thought, for Jesus prayed in John 17:15, “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world,” however, there is a rapturous moment when, in the moment, in a twinkling of an eye, the Truth comes to one, the Truth “dawns” and it is seen that “I Am That I Am.”  “I” am It. “I” am God, for God is all, with no tags hanging out anywhere.  When this, which is “the gospel,” is realized, then in the dawning of this new day, in the light of Truth, everything seems to change, when in actuality the Real, which was here all along is seen, and a new earth is discovered, which has been ever present awaiting your recognition all along.  In the world of Reality, Heaven, there is no war anywhere, no storm raging, no enemy to fight, nothing to overcome, but the thinking that these things are “real,” and that battle is not yours but the Lords (the Christ Mind).  This “battle” is over in the moment you accept the Truth of your True Self, the True and Only Life there is: GOD, living you! STOP separating yourself from God, thinking, “I know there is God and I know that God is my life, but there is still me, this personality! So long as you think that way you will stay subject to “this world.”  There is no world like the one which you have imagined except in your accepting such an idea to be so.  There is always, only the perfect world, mind, body and Life, which is God. 

            Cease giving “man” the glory! Cease giving man’s intellect and knowledge the glory.  Cease giving science the glory. Cease giving the technological advances the glory.  Cease giving world leaders the glory. Cease giving this world the glory! GIVE GOD (LIFE, SPIRIT) ALL THE GLORY!  ALL THE POWER!

            Give no power to a storm, for there is none, except in your double-minded thinking that there is.  Give no power to a leader, or a terrorist or enemy, for there is no such except in your double-minded thinking that there is.  Give no power to a disease, lack, physicians and medication, for these are the principalities and powers of “this world.”  There is ONLY ONE POWER: the OMNIPOTENCE we call God, and That is the Life that is living you! God is your perfect Being! You are It.  Not you, your little personality you see in the mirror and call by a name.  No! The Life that IS ALL in all!

            Cease seeing yourself as a man, a woman, or a human being, and your sorrow will be turned into joy!



            Jesus was meeting with those of like mind one day when his mother and brothers came to visit him.  When it was reported that they were “without” Jesus did not recognize them, but rather said, “Who are my mothers and my brothers? They are they which DO the will of the Father (Consciousness).”  When the Kingdom of Heaven is within – why ever be “without?”  Come within and you will find no storms, no confusion, no stress, no lack, no illnesses, no war, no storm,  no fear. Come within and you will find the joy, peace and righteousness of Spirit, the True Self you are. 

            The next part of II Tim 1:9 will now be addressed, “and has called us with a heavenly calling.” What is this heavenly calling?  It is the calling to arise and walk, to come home to Father’s house (Consciousness of True body, world, mind). It is the calling to return! Return! Return to Your True State of Consciousness.  Here you will find no reason to fear anything, for in the heavenlies there is nothing which shall by any means hurt you.  “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Tim 1:7).  The heavenly calling is to realize, accept and know that you are Christ! You are Jesus Christ in Essence, in Truth, in Reality, in Substance, in Spirit, in Life.  There is no personality called by a name other than The Name – there is only one Name under Heaven!~ Only One.  Do things change when you realize this? Yes, and no.  Yes, you appear to stay the same to those who do not know you, recognize Christ, but no –everything for you will be different.  You will no longer visit the doctors and physicians to receive your medication to keep your dream alive. You will no longer need to! Your medicine cabinets will hold hand lotion and perfumes, rather than prescriptions.  You will no longer need doctors nor dentists nor the things of this world to hold together and piece together the world of imagination.  You will no longer need health insurance or life insurance and your bills will be paid on time, all of them, as well as having your finances come in line with the need, whatever it might be. You will be directed when to pay a bill, when to purchase something, when to let it go. You will find your day ordered and complete with no regrets at the end of it.  You will find that you fear nothing, realizing nothing to fear.  You will be at peace and in harmony with your surroundings.  You will love all as yourself. You will not fault anyone including yourself with any thing for you will understand Who you Truly are and realize there is no blame to be placed anywhere on anyone for anything.  You will find that your needs are met and met abundantly. You will rely on no one, but your supply may come through what looks like others, while you know that they are truly all One with you.  You will give – not because you hope to get, but because you know you have it all and there is no reason to hoard or hide away anything “for a rainy day,” and you will receive great joy in giving.  All your needs are met in the day they arise, even if it appears that they are for a tomorrow.  You will not run out nor run short.  You will love and forgive yourself and in loving and forgiving yourself you forgive all.  You will find success in all you do and rejoice in knowing it is not temporary, for success is what you are.  You will judge no one, for you will know that God is all, and God judges no man, (John 5:22) for all judgment is given unto



 the Son, and Jesus Christ judges no man, (John 8:15), so who is there to judge? All is well, in peace and harmony, love and light in the Truth. 

            3) II Timothy 1:9 – “not according to our works.” When they called Jesus “good,” he denounced that thought because he knew they were calling him, the man Jesus, the personality: Jesus, good and he flatly told them that there is none good but ONE.  This ONE is the ONE that appears as all of us. This One is the Life behind all. This ONE is the God-Consciousness or Christ Mind that is YOUR TRUE and ONLY! This One is the One Jesus prayed that we might know in John 17 and it is truly: ONENESS.  Not oneness of fellow human beings, no! The Oneness of Heart, Mind, Christ, Light, Spirit, Wholeness, Completion, Perfection, the Oneness of LIFE.  There is no “good man” anywhere. There is only the ONE who is all of us.  Regardless how many appear to be in the room, in the world, there is only THE ONE.   Therefore, we are not called according to good works, rather to the Recognition of our True Identity – according to his (my) own purpose and grace.  If you still think this is a personality speaking this to you, you are still blinded by the mist or veil which is as thick as a man’s hand.  See through into the heaven which is here now before you. See through into the Truth which will make you free from the veil of ‘human thought’ which is no thought at all.  You are in a fog of belief.  Cry out in your inner most being and realize that I Am my Inner most Being!

            4) “Which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE the world began.” BEFORE! Before we thought we were born, before we began to collect a history of events and experiences called “our life,” before you began to “think like a man.” You have heard it said and perhaps read it many times that the Holy Spirit would bring all things to your remembrance – from when?  Have you ever wondered from when?  From BEFORE you called yourself Nic or Jane or Jack or Jill. Before you thought you were a little man living on a planet earth, before you took on a separate and false identity.  The Holy Spirit or Illumination of Life, will bring to your recall everything which is True and has been True even through the “moment” you have been calling “all these years.”  

            Will you have to give up anything?  You will give up your beliefs, your opinions, your fightin’, arguing, your “human” dream life, and self will, realizing there is only ONE WILL and It is the will of Life, Beauty, Perfection, Joy, Wholeness, ALL-Good!  Man only has a will so long as he thinks he does while dreaming away in the dream he calls his life. But then, that is the world where storms and disasters occur, and it can become a nightmare in a heartbeat. 

            In Truth, there is Only One Will, the Will of God, and it is ever done!  And IT has nothing to do with disasters, disease, distress or any such thing, for IT is done in heaven and earth when the True – which is heaven and earth, are recognized as All – all there is.  If you live like a man, you will die like a man, but if you LIVE in CHRIST, as you are and always have been, you will never know death.  You will never have even a brief burp between one life and another, for you can know Heaven here now, and watch your world turn from opposition to the gentle flow of Life. 

            There is nothing but God, nothing but Life, nothing but Beauty and Perfection.  ALL is here now – within - to be seen, known and enjoyed eternally.  We have only to wish and be willing to let go our personality, our idea of “life,” our sense of personal separation, our fears and doubts, our stubbornness and pride, for all of these things are mere figments of the vain imagination and have no place in the Kingdom of God.  Desire nothing more than you desire the Truth and you will experience the Revelation of Jesus Christ. You will find your Self in Life, as Life, and Life as you.  You will come to the end of the rainbow and find the pot of God is the Pearl of Great Price You Are!

            Thinking will not make it so.  Reasoning it out will simply not work.  Figuring through it will only create mental strain. This is a giving up “your” way, your will, to find YOUR LIFE! IT will take nothing from you, rather you will realize the “open sesame” to everything!

            Joy, peace and righteousness! Its all yours for the accepting!