Creating the Manifestation            9/28/06
                                                         part 2
In the first part of the article, I talked about things that some of us have been going through. I received the following part in the Spirit, last night as I was meditating on my True Identity.
Many times, in my years of learning and still doing so, I was taught many things about WHAT we should be; HOW we should act; and WHY we react as we do to things that come our way. But, those teaching me never quite came to the part of HOW TO DO THESE THINGS.
It is easy to say, "just follow the leading of the Spirit", but as I said in part 1, at this present time, we are not ALWAYS walking in that realm of ALWAYS walking and thinking and speaking in that beautiful, peaceful and loving realm. We are learning to keep our focus and our consciosness where it HAS to be, in order to stay in that realm of BEING. The plan of God does manifest in it's true Being, when our new mind is stayed on Him/Her.
As I was reading last night, I was drawn to Jonah. We all know the story of Jonah. His disregarding of what God told him to do. He was to go to a place that was foriegn to him. The place he was told to go to was Nineveh, a place of great wickedness in God's sight. We've all been to our Ninevehs, whether it be a literal place or a place lying within us. Jonah made up HIS MIND to NOT go to this place, he decided NOT to be obedient to what God wanted of him.
Jonah 1:2, "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me."
Now before we go any further, let's keep our mind in that realm of our True Being. Let's not look at wickedness, as we have been taught wickedness means. OK? Let's look at this as a type and shadow of what is being said to US, TODAY, AND THE MANIFESTATION THAT IS APPEARING.
In Jonah, fear took hold of him. And as we know, fear is NOT of God.
ALSO, keep in mind what we read in part 1, "we HAVE RECEIVED the FULLNESS OF HIM".
 IF we have our consciousness where it should be, we will follow the example of the flesh man, Jesus. We are in the earth, but, our MIND is in the heavenlies (Spirit). In that place, the only thing that can manifest is the will of God. As I said, we are LEARNING this, how to Be Who we are. We are still having times when we do not stay aware, and let ourselves slip back down into the lower thinking of the flesh. And that's ok, remember, we are learning. We are practicing. Some are further along than others, but we will all come together exactly as the Plan was laid. So, don't feel bad about any mistakes, just get up and keep on going and know that the mistake was a learning of something.
What we see of Jonah, is that he DID HEAR FROM GOD!! But, he allowed that old mind to tell him about all the danger of following God's instruction, and what COULD happen to him. He had dropped back down to natural or carnal HEARING. And you know, BOTH types of HEARING can be and are very strong thoughts that lead us to whatever action we choose to take.
Excitement can cause us to lower our thinking. A new love, a new home, a new child, an experience that is VERY exciting, and many times excitement will bring us to allowing the slipping of discernment. We must learn that it is our REACTIONS to something that decides what voice we will hear. And the act that we take on what we hear.
The word Nineveh tells us much. Nineveh was the capital city of Assyria. And the meaning of Assyria, shows us a picture of exactly what Nineveh was: it means; fire, burning, firey, fire, flaming, hot. I am not going to go into the history of Nineveh, but this definition gives us an idea of what God was sending Jonah into. But, what Jonah didn't understand is that wherever we are sent to, His protection and PRESENCE is with us, because we are ONE with Him. Sometimes in all our knowledge we seem to forget this. But, it is all for a learning of the vital importance of us keeping our consciousness where it belongs.
 I think that is what is being said to many of us who are going through our "hellish week". That Voice, in all the hell, is constantly speaking, "STAY AWARE!". Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't and if we don't then we learn from the conseqences WILL follow. But, as I said, it is a learning. A VITAL LEARNING. Once this happens, we usually ARE more aware of where we allow our mind to go.
But, notice the first thing that God told Jonah to do; "ARISE". Jonah, had he listened and done this first step, would have, I believe without a doubt, been obedient to what God told him to do.
 FIRST and ALWAYS we must "ARISE". This is the mind that I am speaking of. 24/7!! When we are in that RISEN state of Being, NOTHING can penetrate the mind, except LOVE and the LIFE that love produces.
As I was writting this up, a precious sister called me. She and I are so ONE that some of the things we share is just a part of what the other one is experiencing. But, she told me that what she heard in the Spirit, is that heaven (Spirit) and earth (us) ARE coming together. She, also, said that what she heard was the words, "we must stay in that consciousness of Who we are, 24/7". I feel that these words are being heard all over the land today, to those who are called to manifest the First Fruit Company----God.
So, Jonah was told to "ARISE". Jonah did not do this. This was his first mistake. THEN, he was told to "go to Nineveh". He was told to go to that place that was HOT, FIREY, and FLAMING.
We know how easy it is, when we are listening to something about someone else, to think of how WE would have reacted. With me, the first thought that came to me as I read the definition of Assyria, was, "well why didn't Jonah remember that the written word tells us that "our God is a consuming fire". But, we must remember that Jonah did not have the Spirit reactivated in him, the way we do. So it is easy for us to think, what we think when it is someone else's experience that they are going through.
 We should be KNOWING what someone is going through. We are all ONE, even if some aren't aware of this truth yet. When one of us hurt, we should feel it, know it, and call forth the FINISHED WORK of that situation that they are going through. The manifestation of that Finished Work that God sees as FINISHED.
When we are hurting, it's sometimes hard to remember the Finished Work of what we are going through; but, when we ARISE in our consciousness the hurting and the pain leaves and STRENGTH takes the place of those reactions to the physical things we are going through, and we step back UP to the consciousness that He has placed in us. AMEN!! That consciousness is a release of all the cares of the WORLD and our awareness is sharpened. AMEN!!
So, we know the decision that Jonah made. AND we know the CONSIQENCE OF HIS ACTIONS. We must KNOW that there are consequences to everything we do. So, let's skip down to where Jonah was on the ship and the men knew that it was Jonah that was causing the sea to be so rough and terbulent.
The word "sea" refers to PEOPLE. Most of the time, our hellish week either involves people, whether it is us listening to THEM, instead of that Inner Voice or whether it is simply us not being where we should be in our consciousness. Usually, people are involved, BUT, it is up to US, what we CHOOSE to hear and act on. We can blame no one, except to know, that WE made a choice and that there will be consequences to go through.
Jonah 1:13, "Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not; for the sea wrought and was tempestuous against them."
There are many, today, who have received the revelation of their True Identity, but are not allowing it to come into manifestation. I know that what they say, they do mean in faith; but, there is a process to manifesting. YES, IT IS FINISHED, but, we must create the manifestation of the Finished work. And it's not done with words alone. It has to become a way of LIFE.
We have all "rowed hard to bring it to the land (our body)", only to learn that it cannot be done without the living in the Being that we are, every minute of every day. And as we live it, we kiss (blow) and speak (mouth) into the corners of our being, as we are .
I have seen some that are in gross error. Because they have received the fact that we are ONE with God, they think that they can do ANYTHING that they please and it is GOD DOING it. Friends THIS IS A TRICK OF THE CARNAL MIND!! Let's look at some things.
1) God does not LIE. God CANNOT lie.
2) God is not deceitful and does not deceive.
3) God is not hurtful, but loving
4) God is not non-compassionate, but is conscious of all
5) God does not use His Own name to deceive others, His name is Love, not deceit
6) God cares about ALL
7) God does not steal, destroy lives
There are many, today, that are doing all of these things and claiming that they are God and it is God Who is doing these things. They are under a STRONG DELUSION. God does not do something that He is not.
Haven't you heard preachers say, "God told me that you are to....."? Look at the above and test his/her words. Use the DISCERNMENT that is within you. And even if you choose to go against what that discernment tells you, THINK AGAIN. RISE UP and THINK. Either way you choose, you will see a consequence that has to be accepted as YOUR CHOICE. And know that we will have a consequence to our action and decision.
When we are provided with the means to go somewhere, or to speak a word, or to be a part of something, make sure that that provision is cared for with the consciouness of God. If we do this, the consequences turn out to be a sort of reward for Being Who we are, that reward being, the manifestation of more of Him. Roots will take place and an offspring will come forth. If we choose the other road, there too, will be consequences that we will go through. Look at Jonah. He is proof.
But, after going through our consequences, the big picture shows us what God's Finished work looks like. And it is glorious to behold. Once we go through this learning, we are to call forth or create the manifestation of that Finished work.
I am doing just that. I am creating the manifestation of the Finished work of what I have just gone through and learned. And for the privilege of learning, I thank and love everyone that was involved in it in any way. It was for my own good. Amen.

It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?