Radiant Awakenings
Johnny and Connie Purnell

Twelve Tribes

Radiant Awakenings', where are these great awareness's originating? Why are they occurring in the time of our NOW? So much has been and is being revealed to this glorious Body of Christ. The ex-pression of each part and the expanded points of view and divine interest. I will move on to my per-sonal experience and views. In dealing with the SOUL, keeping in mind it is FOUR PARTS, FOUR DIFFERENT FACES, FOUR WINDS OF INSIGHT OR INSPIRATION. We see the four many times in our scripture in their original languages, as well as in many languages, and personal interpretations. We will be open to receive the LIGHT.

Some perfect pictures of the soul realm are presented to us in the word. This sharing will be on the changes as we see them change in the flowing of the script. Ezekiel 1:10, AS FOR THE LIKENESS OF THEIR 'FACES' (plural), they FOUR had the FACE OF A MAN, and the FACE OF A LION, on the right side: and they FOUR HAD THE FACE OF AND OX on the left side; they FOUR HAD THE FACE OF AND EAGLE. So man is not a TWO-FACED, OR SIMPLY DOUBLE MINDED. "MAN IS A FOUR FACED, FOUR FOOTED BEING SO TO SPEAK.= MAN, LION, OX, EAGLE. But where does all of this find it ROOTS?? Here they are referred to as FOUR LIVING 'CREATURES"=Alive,restore, fresh this is the same meaning of word FOUR BEAST in the Rev.chap. 4. So we understand different writers used different terms when they were sharing. We also should remember each person lived in a completely different time frame and shared out of their present understanding (could be most limited in light of our understanding today). In the Rev. the beast or creatures have experienced some changes=the first beast=is now a lion, not man. The second beast is now reduced to CALF not ox thus displaying a broken WILL. In third place (no longer in first place) is a man (same as in Ezekiel= except CHANGE OF ORDER. The fourth beast in same place but HE IS NOW BECOME A FLYING EAGLE (he has been elevated to a higher understanding WOW! the picture unfolds). Moving our thoughts to another pertinent wor in Ezekiel 10:14. "the FIRST FACE IS THE FACE OF A CHERUB (this change shows another change in place and face. We began with the OX in third place, then in second place HE HAS BECOME A 'CALF', but now we have another dramatic change, he is now in FIRST PLACE AND IS BECOME A "CHERUB". We now see the progression cleary to reduce the OX, TO A CALF (the breaking of the OX WILL), AND FINALLY TO "NO WILL OF ITS OWN, as the face of a CHERUB SHOWS UP. So we see the SOUL OF MAN GOING THRU CHANGES, AWAKENINGS.

We will explore further these changes as we discuss the CAMPS, STANDARDS, TRIBES and their ENSIGNS. Using the MARCHING & CAMPING ORDER (click here for chart 02). Here we see the CAMP OF JUDAH moving FIRST (JUDAH'S CAMP=Judah, Issachar, & Zebulon) = These speak of EMOTIONAL REALMS ( 1st.Judah=GODLY OR PURE LOVE), ( 2nd. Issachar =MIXTURE OF GOD AND MAN),( 3rd.Zebulun=MIXTURE OF GOD and MAN) We must not judge here, as we study THE VARIED NATURES, we will see the truth and balance of it all. The 2nd. Camp is REUBEN'S CAMP moving in the second order of marching. (REUBEN'S CAMP=Reuben, Simeon, Gad)=these speak of our DESIRES. Camp 2 is second in the marching order. Thus we see DESIRES AT GRADUATED PLACES (1st.Reu-ben=GODLY DESIRES SWALLOWING UP ALL OTHER). (2nd. Simeon=leaning toward negative or mans desire),(3rd. Gad=Leaning toward God but in an unbalanced way). Those marching in the 3rd CAMP, THE CAMP OF EPHRAIM, These are defintely the realms of WILL. (1st.Ephraim=called an OX or REBELLIOUS HEIFER, not the pure WILL OF THE FATHER,) more to be shared of this later. Ephraim was still the leader, this is a scarey thing, (2nd. Manasseh=broken will, causes to forget), (3rd. Benjamin= the Son of Right Hand, PURE WILL OF GOD). Moving on to the 4th. CAMP, we have the CAMP OF DAN, ( his flag or standard is the EAGLE=the MIND=MANY MANY MENTALITIES.) We see the order of Dans camp. (DAN, ASHER, NAPHTALI). Dan is the leader in our judgments, every mentality, every INTERPRETATION. More on Dan as the study continues. In 2nd.place we see ASHER God uses him to bring BALANCE. Then 3rd. we NAPHTALI=STRUGGLE
The conclusion we are left with in the CAMPING MARCHING LIVING ORDER is LIFE ENDS IN AN END-LESS STRUGGLE. Not SO! NOT SO! NOT SO!!!!!!!

This gives us a quick overview of the SOUL.


Moving to the birthing order of each leader, we see different mothers, same FATHER,many different time frames, different influences, what kind of mentality did each mothers influence have toward bringing into being the child? IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE YOU KNOW? The four mothers are: LEAH, Jacobs first Wife, not his choice, but he had to follow the YELLOW BRICK ROAD IN THAT WONDERLAND. Rachel's maid, Bilhah (Jacobs con-cubine was 2nd to bear. Next is Zilaph, Leahs maid, Jacobs concubine making her the 3rd to bear sons. In the fourth position to bear is Jacobs 1st choice, but LAST TO BEAR.


In Jacobs life we see four women, or FOUR DIFFERENT "MOTHERS". These women birth the TWELVE TRIBAL LEADERS OF ISRAEL (ALL of them have the same FATHER (think on this). Jacob personally does not go thru a name change until after he has been given 11 sons, and 1 daughter. This is most note worthy in the understanding the NATURES OF THE TWELVE LEADERS.
It makes MANY DIFFERENCES in the aspects of their personalities. Let us ex-pand this thought.

All FOUR WOMEN WERE OF LABAN'S HOUSE. Makes us wonder what all the influences in LABAN'S HOUSE could have been? As we explore these women, much light will be revealed.

LEAH=3812 (st. con.) weak eyed (poor visionary) beautiful (jealous, not able to see her own beauty), to be (or to make self) DISGUSTED, TO FAINT BE-FORE THE REAPING IS BEGUN, GRIEVED, TO LOATHE OTHERS WAY, to make SELF weary. She was Jacobs first WIFE but not his first CHOICE. She was the FIRST TO HAVE A SON. Sons are: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, 6 sons, and 1 daughter=Dinah. Begin to think upon what kind of natures this would produce from she and Jacobs explosions of LOVE, at least as they knew it in their culture?

ZILPAH=to trickle, fragrant (dropping) slowly falling as MYRRH=distilling pro-cess,(one who refuses to grow stagnate within SELF) Laban gave her to Leah. She was his personal maid of victory, joy and especially DIGNITY. She was called a concubine (BUT WAS SHE?) She too, is of LABAN'S house and influences. She bore 2 sons Gad, and Asher. She was 3rd. in bearing.

BILHAH=timid, FEARFUL, terrified, TROUBLED, to PALPITATE ( causing fear to spring up) WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF FEAR? Bilhah was Laban's handmaiden also. He gave her to be Rachel's maid. She was the 2nd to have sons. DAN, and NAPHTALI. She was intimate with her stepson Reuben.

RACHEL=a very good traveler or loving the journey, (remember when Jacob first saw her, she was tending the sheep, so she understood and was familiar with their natures and habits. Sheep are good travelers (not one spot dwellers), they don't stray as easily as goats, and know the shepherds voice. In Rachel's case, we see her as the first SHEPHERDESS, and JACOBS FIRST CHOICE. She is the last or 4th in line in bearing sons. they are JOSEPH, and BENJAMIN. She died in the child birth of Benjamin, interestingly enough, Bilhah assisted her and Jacob changed his name at birth. HE WAS THE FIRST SON TO BE BIRTHED AFTER JACOBS NAME CHANGE.

JACOB=heel catcher, supplanter, schemer, to take someone's place.

ISRAEL=he will rule as God. Isn't it encouraging to behold the changes in us as our consciousness returns. We are not longer in the seas of forget-fullness but in various states of REMEMBERING.