by Rexanna Raymond




My brothers and sisters in Christ, what a privilege is ours, to be chosen of God to reveal His mystery of the ages. That mystery being, Christ in us the hope of glory, Colossians 1:26,27.

My pastor once said, we need to have a burning passion to pursue that which God has called us to do and to be. I believe, without that passion, we will not press toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:14. Of course,

there will always be some who prefer the path of least resistance.

Does God love His weaker children any less than His mature sons and daughters? Of course He doesn’t. The difference comes with the rewards, Revelation 22:12.

God knows our strengths and our weaknesses, both physical and spiritual. He doesn’t ask more of anyone than he or she has been equipped to do. However, he does demand our best. I am reminded here of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. Perhaps it would be wise, if every now and then, we ask ourselves "What am I doing with the talents God has given me?"

As you read this book, I encourage you to look up the scriptures and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I believe you will be inspired to attain to the goal our Father God has set before you: to serve in the capacity for which we were ordained.

God bless you with perseverance and endurance as you run the race that is set before you.



I had so much running through my mind when God was talking to me here, I just couldn’t come up with a short title let alone believe I could put it all together and have it make since. So here’s hoping this becomes direct revelation to you form our Father.

Lk.21:25-36 amp. Sounds like Jesus was warning and exhorting His disciples as to how they could make it through anything. In Lk.12:35-40 Jesus doesn’t gives them a lot of information as to the date and time of His return but rather just tells them to be ready and be alert at all times. Jesus used the night watch to show them they must always be ready. He goes on to say, He may take more time than His servants think necessary and chances are their excitement and expectations will slowly fade away.

I knew these disciples were the servants of God, I knew that they were long gone, and I also know we too are servants of God. By all of that I deduced that the "Body or Church" was still here and still waiting. God took me from here to a walk down memory lane, back to my childhood and the things I’d been taught, growing up in a " Godly Baptist" home. Things like a rapture, martyrs, tribulation and the mark of the beast or the number 666. But before I tell you about them the thing I remember most was we were always looking and waiting for the return of Jesus the Christ, we believed it could happen any time and we feared an angry God. There was also always an excitement and expectation in my family concerning Christ’ return. This is something we don’t see in the Church any more. Now as for the mark, my family was all in agreement, that they would die rather than take the mark and they were expecting the rapture before any real trouble began. Don’t laugh! I’m not making fun of the doctrine here in any way. I’m saying, as wrong as it was, we were faithfully waiting, watching and praying for Christ’ return. I’m also saying we were ignorant in our relationship with God but not with our "Church" or our faith. To bad we didn’t have that the other way around. A relationship with God first would have saved us a lot of suffering. Anyway, back to the mark, I’ve learned I am marked, marked by God and that mark is my immunization against anything the world, religion or the devil (if you think that way) can come up with to corrupt me. I’m marked and sealed by the Holy Spirit of God and every spirit out there can see it and they tremble because of it! I’ve learned a martyr is a true and faithful witness, so welcome to martyrdom if you truly serve God. Then there was that tribulation thing I mentioned, and I don’t think any words say it more simply then, it’s the life of a true servant of God. The rapture thing is hard only because of my up bringing, but I think God started it before the foundations of the earth; Jesus finished it when I died with Him and He ascended into heaven. As for the belief that I’m going there again to live for eternity, I don’t believe that anymore. God said He created me to rule and reign here on earth and I choose to believe that. As for God’s wrath, I wasn’t appointed to it, so I don’t fear it. Do I fear God? Well I call it that, but it’s in a much warmer package then it used to be in. It’s more like an awesome reverence and respect just for my "Special Dad".

If we follow Christ we can expect great tribulation. If we are called, chosen and faithful, we will go where He leads, and once there, we will go through the troubles with Him. Perhaps by then we will have learned to hold our promises very dear and we will have learned that the victories He gives to us are also precious because, He fought the battles not us and then He choose to give the victories to us, out of His love. Heb.10:19-25; Rev.12:11; Eph.1:13-14; Rev.21:6-7.

If we have eyes to see, storm clouds are gathering, we should also see God’s righteous judgments are upon the "Church", Rom.1:17-32. But I’m also seeing parts of the "Body" looking and judging out of fear, especially the troubles or judgments of late (terrorist attacks, chemical warfare, and fear of what is next). While others seem to view it from Acts 17:26-31. But as depraved as the "Church" and world may look now there is a righteous remnant at work right here, for God, and It’s my belief that God is shaping and using this remnant to soon provoke the "Body" or "Church", which will in turn scatter these storm clouds and ultimately free the "Body of Christ".

1Pet.4:17-19, I believe, judgment has already begun in God’s House. I don’t really believe the "Church" has a grip on this as they chose to sleep and dream that it will never go through anything. If you have eyes you can see that what I’ve been saying. I believe we are seeing a "Church" that is only a shell of it’s former self. I’d say Jer.2:13 say’s what I’m thinking. And I also found apiece written by A.W.Tozer that states my point very well.

[The old cross would want nothing to do with the new cross. The new lets the Adam nature live without interference; it lives for it’s pleasures while adding delight to it’s self by the singing of songs and attending church rather then partying and sexual lusts.

The new cross does not slay the sinner it redirects him. It gears him into cleaner and happier ways of living that will saves his self-respect. The Christian message is slanted in the direction of the current vogue in order to make it acceptable to everyone.

While the philosophy behind this may be sincere, sincerity doesn’t save it from being false, because it is blind. When Jesus took up His Cross He had already said good-by to family and friends. He wasn’t coming back. His life wasn’t just being redirected; He was going to have His life ended as a human being. This cross had no compromises, made no modifications and spared nothing. It was for killing all men, once and for all, completely and for good. The old cross never tried to stay on good terms with its victims. It struck cruel and hard and when it had finished it’s work, the man was no more.] I believe it’s vital for us to have the revelation of Gal.2:20, in order to continue this journey we have been chosen for and have decided to take.

Do I have questions? Yes! Do I think I fall short? Yes! Only because at this point my carnal mind still fights to live. Can I change it right this minute? No! Am I worried? No! Because I know the Lord will finish the work in me that He started, it’s my promise and I’m learning to hold my promises as something very dear.

This country we live in may have been founded on God but just like Israel it has allowed laws, religions and false gods to move in and take over. I love the lines that say, "Give us your tired, your poor and huddled masses, yearning to breathe free" it makes me feel pride, importance, and helpful too. But God warned us in the bible against having any of these prideful important feelings or anything to do with pagan things, Ex.20:1-6; Ezek.20:21 and 28-32; also in Jer.9:25 thru Jer.10:5. But the "Church" has joined right in with the world and it’s pagan ways, and has given into foreign ways and worship. God has a plan to rid the world of such things and I for one do not believe there is a person or group who can stop the sovereign move of God concerning this or what He has planed for this people and this time. If it doesn’t sound like love to you, think again! God corrects those He loves, and He is a jealous God over those He calls His. The "Church" has wronged Him and His by not doing what He says, look at Israel if you don’t agree.

There have been so many bad or misinterpreted teaching taught by the "Church". And while in California I was faced with one: A good and sweet Christian man had been reading my book "Rags to Riches Spiritually". He asked me if he had misunderstood my meaning or perhaps I’d been wrong, about a man working hard to provide for his family. Because after all the bible does say, "God helps them that help themselves". Well I had never read that in the bible and I couldn’t find it in my concordance. But I did agree with him, I could be wrong, I’d been wrong many times. But the worst thing was, I couldn’t help this man understand that what the world and his "Church" had done, was set him up to believe and accept their way of thinking. He couldn’t see that he had no victory in his life. This wasn’t his fault; it was all he knew, all he’d been taught. And as hard as I tried, He couldn’t understand I wasn’t coming against a man working hard or taking care of the family God had given him. I wasn’t against, any of the things he feared. I was against a man being in charge, I was against God not being his source and I was against, a man not having God in control of his whole life. I was against a man being as good as he could be without God being the center of him. And to me "helping myself" meant, leaning wholly on self and self’s abilities to get everything done. Maybe God shows me things He doesn’t show anyone else, although I’d find that hard to believe, yet I look at some Christians today and I can see they have no peace or victory in their lives. They have based their whole walk with God on pieces of truth taught to them by man. Then they shut down their receptors, just like this man was doing. God needs us open to receive, not closed. God say’s, " we are transformed, changed into Him by the renewing of our minds", Rom.12:2amp. It’s an every day thing and we can’t get it from a man; it has to be a direct revelation from God Himself. God is always moving, He is a now God and He wants us in tune to Him NOW! Not tuned in to religion, men, jobs, pleasures and things of this world.

I believe God is bringing, this part of the "Body" here tonight, into a different realm and to get there we must be able to hear Him and then act on it. When God took Jeremiah on his little field trip to the potter’s house, He had a lesson for Jeremiah to learn and I pray we all learn from it tonight, Jer.18:1-6. The Potter (God) has control of the clay (us), not us in control of the God. When the Potter sees a flaw (anything not put there by Him), He crumbles the entire piece in His Hands and then slams it back onto the wheel and starts forming once again. Notice that He doesn’t throw it away as useless trash. He doesn’t patch or repair, He keeps working it until He gets it to do what He wants. The clay never talks back, never grumbles or complains, it only yields to the Potter’s Hands. Maybe we once felt we were in control, and maybe we once felt we understood everything God wanted from us. But when we truly let God have our life it sounds more like Job in, Job.42:1-6. Job had a revelation! Not just an understanding of what he had heard from someone, but he had a personal revelation directly from God. For you spiritual giants I’ll use Gen.32:24-30, until we can cross over that place of "Peniel" in our heads (or kill the carnal mind) we will have a hard time meeting God face to face. Personally, I’ve struggled with man and God for a long, long time now and my only desire is to be blessed by God and know Him face to face. That means I’ll see God differently from then on because I’ll have had a personal revelation of Him, directly from Him.

Maybe some of you feel like this man I was talking about earlier. Maybe you didn’t realize how in charge of your life you really are. Don’t worry, the Potter, is ready and waiting to slam you down on that wheel and start again. He never sleeps or slumbers He is always waiting for you to give it up to Him. Don’t think He is hard and unyielding, it’s His LOVE for us that makes Him seem unyielding, but then some of us need that patient unyielding kind of LOVE, don’t we?

I know if we could see the finished product, the Potter was making, we wouldn’t fight Him so much, but this too is part of the Potter’s plan and it will take each one of us right into our fullness of time. Praise God! I’ve said it myself many times, if only I could see what God has ordained me, if only I could see where each step was taking me, where each trial was bringing me closer to, if only I could see me fulfilling my destiny. But the truth is, we can see this, if we stop the enemy of God, (our stinking thinking) and accept the mind of Christ, 2Cor.10:3-6; Philp.2:5-6. This mind brings us life in His Kingdom.

We say we want all God has, we want Him in control of our lives, yet we continue to drive His R.V. (His Righteous Vehicle). If we give Him control and we are still in the drivers seat, trust me, none of us are going anywhere. Were just doing donuts (spinning).

I believe God wants us to get hold of something here tonight and that is; a storm is coming, infect it’s upon us and everything that can be shaken, is. Judgment has begun, in the House of God, "us"! And the enemy that will be destroyed is our carnal mind! But only as we accept and yield to His transformation, only as we believe Him and His Word. So will you weather the storm with me and prevail? Will you believe His word is true?



For three years now God has been trying to get each one of us to accept something very vital and very important. He has tried to draw us into an intimate relationship with Him. He has shown us the mistakes of our forefathers. He has let us see how precious our promises are. And He has tried as hard and fast as I can write to show us who we really are and why we are here for such a time as this. So tonight again, He is willing to try, to get you to believe and accept His truth.

Truth is everything about "The New Creation", us, is in the bible and I might add here, it’s in great detail too that is if you have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit has hidden from the carnal man. Trust me, God never would have allowed this "Bible" if He Himself had not used it to speak His secrets to His elect and chosen. Case and point; the scribes and Pharisees. They believed the scriptures held everything God wanted them to know. They believed Moses and the prophets had for told of every person and event that would have any effect on Israel. I believe Jesus backed this up in Matt.23:2-3. They knew the "Law" and the "Letter" but they didn’t have eyes to see and ears to hear and they couldn’t do the will of the Father. We can see this very thing all around us today, each one reads the bible and receives something different but no one can read and receive truth unless it is by the Spirit. Only by the Spirit do we receive truth so if your not getting it through the Spirit, who are you getting it from?

The scribes and Pharisees may have had it in theory but it couldn’t give them life. I said something to Dale or Al the other day about how great the knowledge these men had yet they didn’t do anything with it. When the "wise men" went to Herod looking for the baby born to be King of the Jews, Herod called for these scribes and Pharisees. They had the answers! They knew! Matt.2:3-5. So why weren’t they looking for Him? They weren’t even in Bethlehem and they weren’t even anxious for this glorious event! They knew the book! But they didn’t know the Author!

Let’s take a look at Nathanael in Jh.1:45-49. Nathanael knew what the book said, he knew Christ was to come from Bethlehem; he knew it said nothing good would come out of Nazareth. But he was willing to find the truth, and he found the Christ. His under- standing of the book went out the window when he found the Author.

In Jh.7:40-52, there is great controversy over who Jesus is. They knew the book but they didn’t know the Author! Jesus answers this whole issue well in Jh.5:37-40. Heb.10:7amp. Every detail about Jesus was written in the book. His character, origin, works, birth, rejection, death, resurrection, and coming again in us. Everything about Him was there but only for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit was saying. It was there for all who sought truth from the Father and Praise God it still is. I figured since we were with Jesus in the beginning and He left it all to come here and have God start Him, at what we’d call, the bottom. Then being sent here by God to be the "feet" of Christ wasn’t such a bad place for us to start either.

John the Baptist’s life shows us this also in Jh.1:19-27. Now the Pharisees knew John’s father was a very well known priest so John was no stranger to them yet they asked John, "Who are you?" They knew who he was but they wanted Scripture that would give them John’s role or ministry to Israel. John gives them the best answers a carnal mind can understand but they couldn’t hear the Spirit speaking behind John’s answers, Matt.11:14 and Matt.17:11-13. Scripture talks to those who seek truth and are willing to hear.

So what is the Spirit saying to us? Let’s start in Isa.52:7 notice this says "him", one man, not a bride or body but a man. Note also that the beauty of this "one" will be seen in his feet. Nahum 1:15 again "him" and singular. Now go to Rom.10:15 are you getting a fuller revelation here? Them, those, they, many, us! Paul wasn’t ignorant of the Scriptures; he simply had revelation of what God was doing through "The One" Eph.1:10 and 1Cor.12:12-27, shows us different parts of the body, each having a different function, but it’s still the same body. I taught a few weeks ago, that God needs the feet in this body to get moving; it’s time to get this army on the move, and the feet move the body. I figured that since these Scriptures had put feet and hands in the same sentence they must be destined to work together like the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Thus I figured it must be the job, for this army of "foot soldiers," to get the rest of the body in shape while still here on plant earth. I noticed too that the ears and eyes are always mentioned together in the Scriptures. I know I’ve been pounding the importance of the eyes and ears spiritually for some time, so I know they are important and some of these (eyes & ears) are also a part of the five fold "foot soldiers" as well as many others in the body. They are important for receiving revelations, visions and such things, but the ears are needed so that we hear the truth. After all faith comes by hearing! 1Cor.12:17 got my attention, as I’d never seen smelling in a sentence with the eyes and ears before. But I saw this as discernment, and that is definitely a need for us in this hour, as we are having to separate the precious from the vile more and more as we grow in the Lord. And then 1Cor.12: 20-22 are very clear that it doesn’t matter what part of the body you were chosen to be you are very important to God and His plan to save all men. Verse 21 makes another really important statement to us. The Head (Christ) cannot say to the feet (the body, us, living here on earth) I have no need of you. That’s too awesome! Go to Col.1:13-18 and Eph.1:22-23 just in case you need help remembering, Who the Head is.

I think the "Body" looses its self, blocks its own path and makes the straight roads crooked. God makes it clear and we muddy it up, why? Because we refuse to see ourselves as God sees us, Pro.23:7. It does say we are what we think we are, doesn’t it? The closer we walk with the Lord the more we will understand that holiness involves trusting totally in God and not the world, it requires us to make a choice between the two. And that line gets finer and finer as we walk with Him, Ps.119:101-105. Doesn’t God say, "be perfect as He is perfect"? Matt.5:48. All of this isn’t for the sweet by and by, it’s for the here and now!

Jh.13:3-10 I felt this was important for us to see and it helps make my point too. If God says we are clean (pure, holy) and Jesus says here we are clean already. The only thing He was washing off of them at this dinner was what they had picked up or chosen to believe along their path. It needed cleaned off because it defiled the God in them. When we are dead and gone there won’t be a need for cleansing or perfecting. Eph.5:26- 27 This is talking about the "Body" but He only washed the feet to get this started so I believe He is washing the "foot soldiers" to get this move going and He will wash us until He refines His "feet" and they turn from every evil way and receive His truth about them. That is awesome to me hope it helps you.

The new creation will be clean to the soles of their feet. Perfected in every area and no longer bear the image of the first Adam. We are being reborn, transformed and brought into our fullness by the washing of the Word. As the sons of God give them- selves over completely to there Father, meaning they have accepted what He says about them and they have put aside their desires and wills for Him then we will experience Ps.121:1-8. Nothing but the perfect will of God will overtake us! I could fill a book with all the Scriptures and testimonies of how God takes care of those who fear, serve and do His will, 1Sam.2:7-10 and Prov.3:23-26. For two years God has been diligently at work with each one of us here tonight. He has been grooming this part of the body to accept the truth of "who we are" in order for Him to bring us into His glorious peace and into a dominion not known by many at this time.

Learn from the examples He leaves us, Lk.8:22-25 they are in a storm, they are afraid they could die but on the boat with them is a Son of God. One who has committed His life entirely to the Father’s will. He is also the only one not disturbed by His circumstances, (inner peace). I figured that was the only way He could sleep in the midst of such a terrible storm. Now when they wake Him up, He didn’t get all frustrated, He simply took command of the situation. Then in wonder and awe the disciples said, "What matter of man is this"? He’s the manner of man God created all His sons to be! Not afraid of adversity, living above human circumstances and in complete control of every situation. Sons have confidence, peace, rest and faith in their Fathers abilities. Does it mean we will never have trouble or problems? No! It means that they are here only for us to overcome, Philp.4:13; 2Sam.22:33-40; Mal.4:2-5; Ps.91:9-16.

Gen.3:15 says the "Seed of the woman", Rom.16:20, Paul brings it around to us by saying "your feet". This sounded like a future thing to me anyway, as Jesus was with the Father, when Paul said this. So as always I’m wondering and asking questions of God. Could the seed spoken of here started with Jesus the Christ and be finished in the saints of God? When Jesus prayed, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" I believe He put things into motion down here. When He said, "It’s finished" He gave us everything He had to hold the fort and keep His enemies under our feet! Every- thing God has shown me seems to involve feet, either His or ours, which are truly His anyway. If feet move the body, could we be this "foot company?" Ps.47:3 and Ezek.43:7 is God saying He will rule and reign through this "foot company?" Make no mistake God will rule this world. His children may be defiled for the moment but God is bringing us out of the lies, unbelief and doubt. He is setting up His throne in us and He will rule in us completely. Praise God! In case you didn’t catch that, this doesn’t happen until these "sons" or this "foot company" or "us" here tonight, let Him set up His Throne in us! Until we submit completely to the Father, otherwise God will not put the world in subjection to you! That is how His will can be done on earth as it is in heaven. And the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ’s! (Plural)

We have learned from many of the greats as we studied in the book of Hebrews. We saw how they chose to fully follow God. I want to look again at one of these men that maybe didn’t look so important. Josh.14:6-13 Caleb also followed God with all of his heart. He had been one of the spies and he had tasted the first fruits of the promise. He had put his "feet" on his inheritance, now he was claiming it as his, so that he could enter into it. You here tonight are like Caleb you are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, the earnest of your inheritance, Rom.8:21-23 and Eph.1:13-14. You have tasted the heavenly gifts and the powers of the world to come, Heb.6:4-5. So my question to you is, "Will you be like Caleb and say to God, give me this mountain?" Are you ready to kill the carnal man once and for all in order to obtain the fullness of Gods Kingdom? Are you a part of this "foot company?" The plan and purpose of the entire "Body" waits the treading down of every enemy, Deut.11:22-29. Could the "feet" of Christ be entering into the fullness of His inheritance? Jesus had to kill the carnal man, at Gethsemane, in order to enter in. Mt.Gerizim was where God gave the blessing but only if they followed Him whole-heartedly. Gethsemane was also where God gave the blessing but only as Jesus followed Him whole-heartedly. Have you been to your Mt. Gerizim? Are you His whole-heartedly?

Do you know who you are? Rom.8:8-9; Col.1:25-27; 1Cor.15:45-50; Eph.1:4-5; Prov.23:7. What is it your mind thinks about? Does it confess negative things like, "I can’t or that’s impossible?" Matt.19:26; Mk.9:23. In Philp.4:8 we are told what we are to think about. 2Cor.10:3-6 says we are to pull down the enemy, "our thinking"; we are to bring every thought captive. It doesn’t say we can’t or we have to wait for God to do it! Jam.1:21-25 says we have the word implanted or engrafted in us, that means, (put deep within, permanently, inserted deep within a living site, joined to grow as one). It doesn’t get any better then that!

God tells us clearly in Gal.4:22-31 we are not of the flesh covenant we are of the spirit covenant. But as long as we choose to believe the lies we remain children tossed about by every doctrine and we are not mature sons, Gal.3:29-4:7. When we choose to remain in this state we go right back into the "garden", back to the tree, and with the serpent, Gen.3:1-5. Eve was already like God, she already walked and talked with God, she already ruled the planet earth, and she already knew what was right in God sight. But she believed the lies of the serpent (the world and religion) and she fell to the pride and the lusts of the flesh just like Satan wanted. When you know the truth it’s hard to claim ignorance, Adam and Eve couldn’t!

Truth is we were with God before the foundations of the earth, Eph.1:4 -5. Truth is we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh His very own Body are we! Eph.5:29-30. Truth is we are born of Gods will not mans, Jh.1:11-13. Truth is we have no sin in us we are holy, 1Jh.3:9 and Rom.11:16. Truth is we overcome this world, 1Jh.5:4. Truth is one day the anointing that has been poured out on the Lords "feet" will fill the whole earth just as it filled the whole house in Jh.12:1-3.

O foolish children, who has bewitched you that you would not obey the truth? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, you now think you are being made perfect in the flesh, Rexie1:1. Decide tonight who you are! And then will the real Body of Christ stand up!



For quit some time now I’ve been questioning God about Jabez and the prayer request he put before God. I’ve read it from different Bible translations, and a book called "The Prayer of Jabez" plus I’ve thought on it in great length. So now I’m going to try to share with you, in short form, what I believe God said to me about it.

1Chronicles 4:9-10, now first of all I noticed there are 9 chapters here of who had who, (or genealogy). So why right in the middle of all this who had who did God put verses 9-10? This man Jabez reminded me of Melchizedek, Jesus and even us, spiritually speaking that is. I didn’t even see his genealogy listed here or where he was from. But what kept bugging was God had spoken of him here right in the middle of 9 chapters and in the 9th and 10th verses. So I searched out the number 9 and found it meant end or last. And 10 meant perfection of Divine order. Maybe now you can understand why I saw Jesus and us in this man. Why had God put these 2 verses in the middle of all this who had who and yet in those 2 verses told us more about this man than most of the hundreds recorded here? I was sure God had done it to say something to those who had eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit was saying.

The first thing God tells us about this man Jabez is that he was more honorable than his brothers. Since God had put this here I had to know why. Jabez had to be a man who sought hard after God and wanted Gods will in his life, so maybe this was why God said there was a difference between him and his brothers.

Let me explain more clearly; take Jacob and Esau, they were brothers, had the same parents but Esau’s father loved him more and being the first of the twins his father planed to give Esau his blessing. But Esau cared little for either his spiritual or birthright blessings. On the other hand, Jacob was the one who hungered for the blessings of God and didn’t too much care for or respect the traditions and practices of his forefathers. He wanted all the blessings and he purposed in his heart to have them. Now the bible plainly says, God loved Jacob and heated Esau, Mal.1:2-3 and Rom.9:13. I know a lot of the teaching refers to these scriptures as having to do with Israel but God was showing me something so I’m keeping on that thought. God wanted me to see that Jacob was more honorable than his brother. They were as different as night from day and Jacob knew it. It was a difference put there by God before they were born. It was the calling on his life put there by God before the foundations of the world.

Look at Joseph; he was different than his brothers too. Same father, same family but he was different and he knew it. God had put that difference there before they were born. He was more honorable than his brothers. He hungered for the things of God and Gods will in his life. He had a calling on his life put there by God before the foundations of the world.

Eliab was the oldest of Jesses sons, in line for blessings before the rest, but when Samuel wanted to anoint him the next King of Israel God said, no! Eliab’s heart wasn’t right before God, right family, right father, but not as honorable as the least likely, little David. David was different than his brothers and he knew it and God had made it that way before they were born. David had a calling on his life and he hungered for the things of God in his life. And God had done this too.

Now, I don’t care what man says, I’m telling you what God says and that is; there is a higher calling on some of us! There is a difference between the "Elect of God" and their brothers. This revelation isn’t for the "Whosever’s" it’s for the "Elect, Chosen" or "The Jabez Brother’s". All are the same, cry the "religious"! But we just read all are not the same and they know it! There are some who press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God, while the others settle down to living, dieing and going to heaven. Rom.9:16 clearly says, it’s not a matter of us making ourselves better than our brothers, it’s all about God, His mercy and His purpose. God elected His honorable sons before the foundations of the worlds. Don’t judge me here, you better ask God, because there is a difference, and God did it.

God says that out of the man-made ruts of religion and denominations He has raised up a company of sons who are being caught up in His divine purpose. These sons have heard the Spirit thunder, "Come out of her, My people". These "Jabez Brother’s" have a deep hunger and thirst for the things of God and they are different then their brothers. Those who refuse to hear Gods call will not love these sons; they will misunderstand them, laughed at them, rejected them and lie about them. Why? Because God made them more honorable than their brothers before they were born. Praise God some of us in this room know who we are, not just because we are called and chosen but because we’ve experienced all of the above. Our brothers don’t understand just yet but they will in time, it’s the same family, same FATHER, but were just different.

The next thing God tells us about Jabez is: "his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bore him in sorrow or pain". Some translations say Jabez means "Causing pain", I thought that was funny as there are 9 chapters here recording births and I’m sure they all caused their mothers pain. But I figured God had a reason for saying it. After all what was said about Jesus in Isa.53:3? "Despised, rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Was God trying to show us a picture of Jesus in this man Jabez? This in turn would also show us a picture of ourselves once we have committed ourselves completely to the Father and the call He placed on our lives.

This took me over to Jh.16:19-22 but I wasn’t looking at it from the death of Jesus as much as I was seeing it from the point that the church will endure great hardships and will travail greatly as this "Manchild" is brought forth from within the body. However this will also produce, in the long run, the greatest joy they could imagine. I know we read in Heb. 1:9 that God anointed Him with the oil of gladness more than His brothers and in Heb.12:2 it said for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. Jesus may have had to know the greatest sorrow and trivial of soul but, He also knew (knows) the greatest joy of all those He calls brothers. Do you understand, that I’m saying, Jesus the Man suffered the greatest sorrow, travail, grief and reproach possible in order to bring forth His "Body" which in turn would birth this "Manchild" which would return His Bride to Him and in doing this for Him as The Christ this "Manchild" or remnant will bring Him joy unspeakable. If we are being transformed, as we believe we are, into His image then we too will endure for the joy set before us. I believe we call it overcoming this world.

We talked before about "Tabernacles" and we know we are Gods tabernacles. But I wanted to touch on one thing that I felt fit in here, Lev.23:40 and Deut.16:13-15. We may weep through the night but JOY comes in the morning, sons! Enter in, taste and see, God may have to bring this all about through sorrow but the victories will be ours for the Lord has spoken it! So look up you Jabez men of sorrow, for God has set joy before you!

As I said before I could find no written word about Jabez except the 2 verses we read. So I looked at him as one of Gods "are not’s" which is what I call Gods chosen and we find them in 1Cor.1:26-29, things which "are not" to bring forth the things that "are". I truly believe what God says here, He has chosen! He chose Jabez and He chose us! Plain and simple. And just as Jesus was unwanted and an intruder to the religious, so are we! Just as Jesus disrupted their man-made system by a mighty manifestation of Gods power, so will we! So my dear friends if you are in this to get accepted or recognized by the religious world, forget it, it’s never going to happen, quit trying to be somebody because it will be the nobodies that God will use in this (end of the beginning) that we are entering into. Are you one of Gods "are not’s"? Praise God if you are because you are right where He wants you to be.

One thing I know about Jabez was he was a praying man and he had an intimate relationship with God, if he didn’t he could never have approached God with this request the way he did. The things Jabez requested were impossible for him to attain but he had a friendship with a God that could do anything. Believe me when I say we need to pray and believe as Jabez did, that we too have a God that can do the impossible, if He can’t we are never going to do what He put us here to do! Jabez knew how to humble himself, believe big and ask large. This isn’t a place of boasting, pride, or arrogance; it’s a place where we begin to see our glorious inheritance and that will humble.

"Oh that You would bless me indeed" Jabez cried. I believe Jabez came to a place I long for. A place where no one else can satisfy the desires of my soul except my Father. Where the things of this world lose their charm and God becomes my total focus. Before Jabez asked for anything else I believe he was asking for the perfect will of God in his life. What a son! Jh.8:29 and Lk.22:42, Jesus wanted the same; His Fathers perfect will, what a Son! If Jesus is our pattern and we are sons. Is this what we are praying? A son wants what the Father wants, a son strives to please the Father and then a son is transformed into his Fathers image. It will be glorious!

I could tell you a million more glorious things here that would encourage you but I want to get to the best part of Jabez’ prayer request. I’ve heard this prayer broke down in several ways but none got a hold on me like the one God gave me. "And enlarge my territory, that Your Hand would be with me". God showed me as Jabez moved forward with God and kept Gods purposes first in his life that he had a need for enlargement. Not for things and money but for room to keep all God was pouring into him! At one time our little hearts could hold the God we knew but not any longer. Praise God! I don’t know about you but this excited and blessed me. I finely knew why I loved the prayer of Jabez so much. I had come to a place with God where I felt numb, sort of lost in space and feeling weird next to some of my brothers. Now I knew why! I needed God to "Enlarge my Territory". I needed more room to find the "unreachable riches of Christ". I needed more room to reach for the ultimate limits in God. I was missing something and things were closing in on me and now I knew, I needed enlarged! Deut.12:20-25 this was too awesome if you had ears to hear the Spirit! I believe Isaiah was trying to tell us this or maybe he was challenging us, either way I understood it Isa.54:2. If we are not moving forward with God and enlarging we will stagnate. Get stinky!

Praise God He has chose this people here tonight, this part of the remnant; to hear the call of the Spirit to move, go on, don’t stay in this or that! I’ve shown you where history always repeats its self yet "The Church" doesn’t seam to learn from it. Thank God His chosen continue to "Come out of her". Thank God we had eyes to see and ears to hear when something was wrong and we moved on. Thank God He chose us to move away from the dead man-made movements that stopped and became nothing more then another doctrine or theory. Praise God He could call us to life from out of all that death, that He could give us life when we were so indoctrinated. Religion has never been able to hold those who heard the voice of God calling them to move on.

I found a verse in Isa.28:20 that I’m sure I took out of context but it said what I was feeling. My bed hadn’t shrunk, the son had grown, Praise God! I wasn’t a freak who never grew, I was a son and I was out growing the tiny space God had been kept in. Now I understood the next part of the prayer. "That Your Hand would be with me". The Hand of God holds His rod and gives correction as well as love. At first I wondered, did Jabez know what he was saying? But as well as I’ve gotten to know Jabez, yes, I believe he knew. I believe he understood what David did in Ps23:4. "Your rod and Your staff (discipline) they comfort me". Do they comfort you? Do they let you know, like Jabez, you are a son: God’s Hand corrects those He loves it also protects and gives. So Jabez knew what he was asking for, have you asked God for His hand to be with you? Ps.145:14-21 did you catch v.16? An open hand is also a helping hand it also offers fellowship and equality. A closed hand offers nothing but pain.

Then Jabez says, "Keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me"! Amplified Bible says, "And You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me"! Living Bible says, "And keep me from all evil and disaster"! Gods Word Bible says, "May Your power be with me and free me from evil so that I will not be in pain"! But anyway you say it; Jabez wanted God to do it all, as he knew he in and of himself, could do nothing other than what God wanted and allowed. Just like Jabez and Jesus we walk in an ugly and dirty world but it didn’t touch Jesus, and it doesn’t have to touch us either. God loved the world so much He died for it. He loved the people so much He sits with everything dirty and ugly and gives them everything He can. When Jesus walked here as a man, He did it perfect, so that we could. His life and death made the way for us to live as holy and perfect as He did. Perhaps Jabez experienced this type of life, I know it’s what he wanted and I know it’s what I want. So Lord keep us from evil that it doesn’t grieve us and we don’t grieve our brothers.

"And God granted Jabez what he had requested". Praise God for His mercy and grace. Thank Him because we too know "The One" who is able to grant all things. Thank God that nothing is impossible for Him! Learn from Jabez and ask God to enlarge your territory. When we can receive this revelation we will have an open channel to our Father and we will be able to grow into His "Largeness". Accept what He has done, who He is and who you are and remove all the limits to what God will do for and through you!



For some time now I’ve been asked to look at some of the different levels in the Kingdom. I believe that the Spirit has finely revealed some of these levels to me and I wanted to share them with you. First I want to look at the great Apostles Paul’s life. In the book of Ephesians we find Paul in a prison in Roam. I’m sure his body was chained to this earthen realm but his spirit and thoughts were with Christ in another realm of divine revelation. Maybe that’s where they got that song; "Satan had me bound but Jesus set me free". Anyway his circumstances were not good as far as his earthly comforts were concerned, but Paul had found the way to let his spirit soar above his circumstances. He had been stripped of all he had but was richer by far than those who help him bound. Eph.3:8 while Paul was bound by the world he knew, he was able to find his peace in Christ, and that allowed him to write the words that have lived thousands of years and lead millions to the God he loved.

If circumstances have you bound (health, an unsaved mate, money, a job or the place your in) it’s no reason to have your spirit bound too. Everyone here knows Pastor Dewey, and we can all agree that his body has him bound. But I have seen his spirit soar and I have heard God’s words come from his mouth. His body may be paralyzed (for now!) but not his spirit. That’s when God allows Dewey to soar with Him into divine revelation. As Dewey lets go of his circumstances God takes control and they soar like eagles together. It’s an awesome sight to see!

Then there was John, on the Isle of Patmos, exiled and banished to an island. So how could he continue his work in the kingdom? No church, no people, no work, nothing! But guess what, that was where John had the most awesome experience of his life with God. They separated him from everything but they couldn’t separate his spirit from his Father. John soared to heights that I doubt anyone has reached to this day. No prison can hold the person who cares only for his fellowship with the Father; no type of prison can hold the one whose heart is not bound to the things of this world.

I also want to show you how God takes you from being a servant to being a friend and then a son. Go to the book of Philemon, here we find a run away slave named Onesimus. He is the slave of one of Paul’s converts in Asia Minor, he has run away and it looks like he is now in jail, in Roam, with Paul. This isn’t just your average run away slave boy here; he’s also rebellious, he has been raised in a Christian home, and he knows Paul from his master’s house. But now his circumstances have brought him face to face with the mighty men of God himself and we all know that means a change is coming. Paul deals with this young man and thus we get a beautiful story of Gods love for us. In verse 10 Paul says, he has begotten Onesimus in his bonds. If Paul had not been stripped of everything and placed in that jail, who would have been there to change this young mans life? Paul was doing as Jesus had done; Jesus had allowed Himself to be bound to this earth for us 2Cor.8:9. He had to leave glory, and though He knew no sin, He took sin upon Himself that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Philp.2:6-8, He came a long way to find us just to get us back where we belonged, and that was back home to the Father.

Philemon 11, says that in the past Onesimus was unprofitable, think about that a minute. Could this be true of us in this room? Of all the things that God made only "man" has rebelled and not done as the Father wanted. I’d say we could call it unprofitable! Imagine Gods feelings after He breathed life into man, and man rebelled allowing no more fellowship with Him. God was ready though and sent His Son to die for the world, thus buying man back from the clutches of sin, 1Cor.6:20. The price God paid was of far greater worth than man was worth, I’m sure, but God was stirring something in us that, He knew, would one day be profitable to Him. God must have said something like Paul said about Onesimus, "Who once was unprofitable to you but is now profitable to you and to me". So just what is it God is going to do in us that will make us so profitable? Lets look at Rom.8:16-18 it lets us know we are Gods children (servants), heirs with Christ, and that we can share His inheritance with Him, but only IF we share in His sufferings also. If we do not share in His sufferings we will not share in His glory. God has purposed to bring forth sons and that means He is making these sons out of you and me, we can be the ones He spoke of in, Rom.8:29-30amp.

God loved the world so much He gave His One Son, (the unspeakable gift) and He is getting back "many sons". Because God gave His One Son for the world He will reap a harvest of many sons back into glory. This is what God sees in us and it’s also what He sees as profitable! All these sons for One, all are in His image and likeness. So that which was in the past, unprofitable, is made profitable now! And all of this is ours because Jesus allowed Himself to be bound in a body, in this earthen prison for a time, so that He could restore us back to the Father. In Philemon 15-16, Paul, restores and sends Onesimus back to Philemon but not as a servant any longer but rather as a beloved brother. Not only did he return home he came with a new status, he was now changed. 1Cor.15:45-49, man might have left God during the "Adamic" realm, but through Jesus, man was returned to God in the "Christ" realm. Praise God!

So it’s back to the Father we must go, but not as servants, now it can be as sons of God and brothers of the First born. It’s a different life, different status and greater authority, no longer in the image of Adam but now changed into the image of Christ. No longer the lower sinful nature but now as partakers of the divine nature. We have been moved from the gutter most to the uttermost, if only we receive it. We may have started our uttermost trip in ignorance Rom.5:10, where we were enemies of God. After all Jesus did say, "if we weren’t for Him we were against Him", Matt.12:30 and that would be an enemy. But God said love your enemies, so He did, He loved us, gave His Son for us, and reconciled us back to Himself. Think about God’s laws here, a seed has to die to reproduce, Jh.12:24 and Jesus was our seed of life, which makes us His harvest of life. No man took His life, He gave it, Jh.10:15. So that those who would receive what the ONE Son had done, could be given the right, privilege or power to become the sons of God. Amen?

Lk.17:5-10 shows the mark of a servant is obedient faithful service, or working for God. He does not have to know why; he just must do as he is commanded. So the servants of God who are faithful and obedient are then eligible for a promotion. Servant to friend, Jh.15:15-16. While the mark of a servant is mostly blind obedience the mark of a friend is revelation. They don’t work for God they work with God. They have been enlightened; they have come into the knowledge of Gods plan and purpose.

We are in an hour where God is pouring forth much revelation, and it’s sad for us to see our brothers who are content with being servants, or maybe its they are so blinded by the world they choose to remain content in there bondage, while we on the other hand hunger and are fed awesome light from the throne of God. Whatever it is, they can’t see, that greater place in God that we are all pressing to enter into that we would be changed into His image and likeness.

However friendship is not God’s best, Rom.8:29-30; Heb.2:11-12: Ps.22:22. Gods plan is to reveal His sons, the overcomers, a harvest of the Divine Seed, the many membered Christ, the Melchisedec order of kings and priests who will rule on this earth, or the Manchild if you like. Praise God!

The picture of sonship I’m speaking of is seen perfectly in Gal.4:1-7. The heir is lord of all, that means master and ruler of all his Daddy has! However this lordship doesn’t come until the child has fully matured. As long as he is a child, he is treated as a servant. He is under teachers and tutors and someone else governs the child’s life. We must have gotten some of our parenting skills from God, as we don’t let our children have control of things either, not until they are fully matured. When a child reaches full maturity, he comes into his inheritance, or as verse2 says, "Until the time appointed by the Father". We can see a picture of this in Gen.25:5-6. "Adoption", now that is a word with more than one meaning. In the Greek it is "huiothesia", and means, "the placing of a son". It’s a little stronger than our word adoption as it literally means, for a father to take his own son who has matured fully into manhood and officially sets or places him in as a partner or that the father would set or places his son into his inheritance. Joint heirs with Christ! Rev.21:7, the mark of a son is "he has inherited all things belonging to the Father". I believe there will be gifts, blessings and oh yes heaven for the "whosoever" but the inheritance of all that God has and is will be reserved for the sons of promise, the overcomer, the manchild who bears His image and fullness. And they will dwell in a different place than there brothers (in the spirit that is).

Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon (but not as a servant) and I’m quit sure Philemon sent him back to work with Paul. I hope you receive what I’m saying by the Spirit as I don’t think most of this will make much since otherwise. God doesn’t promote us to go beyond the veil or into His glory, just for us to stay there and never share it. I believe He does it so that His glory can be given back where it is needed. For Oneismus it was from Rome to Colosee and back to Rome. But God has a people who will journey into His glory and bring that glory back into this world, thus meeting every need, freeing His "Body" and conquering every enemy and that will includes death my friends.

Do you see what I see? The mark of the servant who works for God is his obedience; the mark of the friend who works with God is his revelation of Gods mysteries; and the mark of the son that works AS God is his inheritance. It’s a win win situation, Rom.8:16-17 and Jh.15:14. We don’t lose anything, everything we have in the servant realm becomes more in the friend realm and what the servant and friend have, stays and is multiply as God moves us into the sonship realm. Changes are upon us, anointing’s are drastically changing, what was good enough in the past isn’t good enough any more, not for the sons of God anyway. In case you’ve been sleeping, the world we live in is changing rapidly, God is moving even more rapidly and time is flying. So if you plan on staying in this realm of sonship you’d better be in constant fellowship with the Father. You’d better know who you are. And you’d better be dead to the world. So my question to you is. "What is your inheritance"?




I’ve been hearing a lot of things lately about the "Joseph Generation". And as always when God gets me stuck on something, I ask a lot of questions. Although I don’t always get the same answers as others, I’m always satisfied in my heart. So what I’m going to share with you may not be your idea of the "Joseph Generation" but it will give you something to go to God about, I’m sure.

I guess the first thing that I wanted to know was why God had said what He did about Joseph in Heb.11:22? Why in the middle of all the great things He was saying about all these wonderful saints, was this part about moving Joseph’s bones? Why hadn’t God said something like He did about Able, Noah or Abraham? Why hadn’t God mentioned the coat of many colors or the victory over the pit or the prison? Why hadn’t God said anything about his faithful serves to Him or that he saved all those people from starving to death in Egypt? To me this was strange and I wanted to know, why? And of course God wasn’t going to take me straight there.

First I found out that Joseph had promised his father that he would not bury him in Egypt, but would take his body to where Abraham and Isaac were buried, Gen.47:27-31 and Gen.49:29-33. I also found that the whole 23 chapter of Genesis was about Abraham buying this burial place. And since I don’t believe God puts fillers in the Bible, I knew I was on the trail of another one of God’s mysteries.

We find Abraham’s wife, Sarah, has died and he needs a place to bury her, and then later to bury him and his descendents. Abraham does not want to accept this burial property as a gift from the children of Heth, but insists that he must own it for his hairs; not only that, but he must also pay top price for it. Now the children of Heth couldn’t understand this, but then they hadn’t heard from the God of Abraham either. This was odd, to me anyway, because as we all know Abraham was one of God’s prophets, he was a seer or visionary. He had to know that God was going to give this land with its cave to his descendents, so why buy it and why insist that he pay full price for it? Perhaps Abraham understood Matt.13:46 before it was written.

God showed me that Abraham did know about this coming event, and that he knew this land would someday belong to the tribe of Judah. He also knew it was just outside of what would one day be Jerusalem. Buying it was Abraham’s way of making sure he and his descendents were in the right place at the right time. I didn’t quit understand that but I gathered that this cave, just outside Jerusalem, was important and that God would show me the connection soon enough.

Gen.50:22-26, now Joseph is making the children of Israel swear they will not bury him in Egypt, but one day when God takes them out of Egypt they must carry his bones with them and bury him in the cave outside Jerusalem with his father and Abraham. Now Joseph being the man of God he was, I was sure, that God had shown him the same thing Abraham was shown. We just read there in v.24 that Joseph knew God was coming to take them out of Egypt. Keep in mind, when Joseph made them promise all this, Egypt was good to him and the Israelites, so why all the need for the oaths? I believe it was because God showed him all that was coming in the future for Israel, right up to Jesus. Just like I believe God had shown it to Abraham. God honored the men who gave Him their lives and I felt that this was God’s way to honor these men. So before I get lost here, back to the wilderness.

Ex.13:19, so Moses wasn’t going to take any chances here, he had heard the word of the Lord, an oath had been taken, and Moses would follow where God led him. Moses knew the odds were impossible, he knew he couldn’t do it in his strength or his abilities. But he did know the God that could and you might say he had a little insurance; so to speak, because he also knew that God was going to get the bones of Joseph all the way to that cave safely. Joseph the prophet of God had spoken the word and Moses relied on the word of the Lord!

But when I thought about these grumbling and complaining Israelites carrying this coffin for forty years, I had my doubts. Could Moses count on God for all of that? The movie "The Ten Commandments" and all my studying about the wilderness trip, could lead one to think not, had God not been on that trip with them. And that was where I was sure Moses had to immerse himself in order to get through the wilderness with this group. Why they didn’t leave that coffin in Egypt or bury it in the wilderness totally amazed me, so I knew it had to be God and Him alone that got that coffin through. So my mystery was tying loose end together here and I was feeling like it was going to tie in with the sonship revelation somehow. I hope that you will receive this same vision for our time that Joseph received for his time. Perhaps if we do, then we will understand what God is about to do.

I think it’s safe to say these bones, of Joseph, were a sign and a prophetic statement that God would bring them and all those with them, safely into the "Promised Land". Unfortunately not everyone with Moses looked at God’s promises like Abraham, Joseph and Moses did. I also think it’s safe to say that when Joseph said this he had a lot more on his mind than just a prophesy about his bones. Why had God picked Cannan when Egypt had been so good to him? His family had been buried in Egypt. Why such importance on an oath and promise to carry these bones? What difference did it make where the dead rested? Joseph was one of Gods children, so surely he knew his spirit would be with God, no matter where his body was put. So why all the concern over his bones or where his flesh should be buried? Keep in mind here what I said earlier; I believe this great man of God, this seer, saw into future events. So this is why all the arrangements and fuss over his body. This is why he had to know he would be placed in that cave outside what would one day be Jerusalem. He had seen one of the greatest events to ever take place on this earth and he wanted to be there for it.

Matt.27:50-54, the world was shaken, the veil was torn, and history was made. Jesus had been crucified and paid the highest price there was for the world. Outside the city, graves were opened and many of these dead saints, walked the streets of Jerusalem. Now it doesn’t name these saints, but I don’t believe it takes a rocket scientist to name some of them that were there that day. Did you keep track of that line that read, "They went into the city"? That could only mean, they came from that high priced cave just outside that great city, Jerusalem. It also said, "They appeared onto many". Spirits can’t be seen, nor could dried up bones be considered as seeing someone, so guess what? Bodies were seen, resurrected bodies, real people were seen! Now you might think I’ve flipped or as my pastor says; "I lost the cheese from off of my cracker", but I know in my knower, that God did not send these bodies back to those graves to die and turn to dust again. The Spirit of God had reasons for leading Abraham to make such a costly purchase of the land (he buried his wife in) because; God had already shown him it was all going to belong to his descendents anyway. The answer is simple when you are God; it was because He had set them apart, and He had per-destined them for that time and that day, before the foundations of the world. The added bonus was they (Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses) believed their God.

So what has this got to do with us today? I think the saints who arose on that day and walked the streets of that city, along side of Christ I’m sure, were sort of like the first fruits of what is coming to those who believe. They are our proof that a harvest of glorified bodies’ can and will walk this earth. They are also proof that there is life after death. I believe this is what God showed Joseph, and I also believe Joseph wanted to be a part of it so bad, that God let him and Abraham be in that first fruits bunch, or the first part of the future, "Joseph Company".

God has promised us that the "Later House" will be greater then the "Former". God has promised that His "Church" will rise in the power of the Spirit like nothing else has before (well except for Jesus maybe) but even He said, "We’d do greater things than Him", Jh.14:12. But God must deal with His "Church" first, and then His glory will be seen in her. I know that some of the "Church" has a twisted belief that they will all just fly away, but God has other plans for her. She is going to come to perfection right here on this earth and after much tribulation God’s sons will bring her to the Father.

You must believe that in this "Church" there is a Hand picked remnant, which is hearing God speak now! They are also seeing a vision of this "Joseph Company" and they are willing to die to self, in order to become the second fruits or sign, to the rest of the "Church" that this victory isn’t just a story or a far off hope, but its a living reality! This isn’t a far off event either because this "Joseph Company" is being prepared as we speak. God is putting them in the right place at the right time doing God’s thing! And have no doubts, it is God doing it and He will have this "Company" ready right on time!

God’s plan has always been for Christ to have a "Body". A "Body" through which He could express and reveal Himself to the world. And as was planned the "Church" in general has not had the ability to believe for much more than getting into heaven by the skin of their teeth. But Praise God, there has always been a group who dared to believe that their God could do anything and then some! This group has always believed God’s promise, that He was going to have a people who will be conformed and transformed into the image and likeness of His Son. They also believed that Gods Son was able to bring many sons to glory, Heb.2:10-18 and Col.1:26-27. This is the "Joseph Companies" inheritance and their promise from God!

You can choose to wait all you want, but as for me, I’ve heard His voice and I’m seeing the vision of what is coming for this hour. And with Gods grace I’ll be among those who’s flesh (bones) will step into the realm of the Spirit, receive from God for His people, and step back into this realm and be seen by many! I don’t want the inheritance that most of the "Church" claims, it fall way to short of the mark I’m heading for. They can keep their heaven and their mansions if that is as far as their vision can go. But I’m going to dare to believe for the impossible!

Let the bones of Joseph open your hearts to receive. Because all through our wilderness journey we have a witness, just like Israel had, that a "Joseph Company" of sons will break forth with life and power, from out of the dead bones of the "Church", through Christ! Let this take root in your hearts! Believe it! Let faith rise up in you and let it flow freely from you like the mighty river it is. Be a Joseph and dared to believe God for too much!!




I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, as we traveled these last few weeks, about how we have been hearing and using Jh.12:24. So I went there and read it and of course, I started asking God questions. I knew there was more here than met the eye so I figured I’d better read this all, so let’s read, Jh.12: 23-36. For some reason this seemed to speak volumes to me this time. I know we’ve read this in a lot of the studies we’ve done over the past few months, but today, things were jumping off the page at me. I knew Jesus was trying to tell us, "This world holds nothing for the ones who know and love the Father". When I read v.26, my spirit jumped, and what I saw might never be what you see, but I knew God was showing me once again that, "I can walk in the realm where Christ is and I can walk back into this realm where we are right this minute". Yes, we have to follow Him in every area, which includes, serving, fellowship, learning, obedience, suffering, and maturing. But then He said, "Where I am, there My servant will be also, and My Father will honor him". Keep in mind what I said about going from being a servant to sonship, "You keep everything from the servant position and take it into the next position and it just keeps multiplying, we don’t loose anything, we gain". The truth is, in Him we live and move and have our being, Acts 17:28. This realm or that, we are in Him, yet we receive the right as sons to walk in both.

Jesus says here in John 12, that He really (as a man) doesn’t want any part of this, yet as a Son, He knows it is this very thing that He came to do. Do you feel that way too? I do! I question God, I doubt, and probably more then you all! He goes on to say, he doesn’t want us walking in the dark, ignorant! When we stay ignorant, we remain children, we do not shine forth His light and we are not sons of "The Light". We’re children tossed about and kept under tutors.

Jesus knew that the "Life" that was in Him was the answer to every need the world had. I think He also knew the problems, in the adamic realm of flesh, and being only one man not as much could be done. So it was more than necessary to become, a many membered body, and open the door to both realms. Then the sons would get the job done they were being born to do. If He didn’t open the door to both realms we would be forever lost, forever separated from the Father. This all required Him to be lifted up and glorified, then His seed of "Life" could be planted in humanity. There was no other way for the world to see Christ! Jh;1:4 says, "In Him was Life", I took that to mean that outside of Him there wasn’t any life. He had this Life in the beginning with the Father, Jh.1:1-4, but He came to earth to multiply it in man. As long as He was here (without being lifted up) He could only do so much. However all He did here was not His purpose for coming. His purpose was to open the door back into the realm He had come from. So that man (when he believed) could do all He had done and more! Matt.28:5-10, if the door to both realms wasn’t opened, this and Matt.27:51-53 could never have happened. Trust me people; God is revealing something now, in this hour, to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Jh.1:11-13 and Rom.8:13-14, He has given us the power. 2Cor.4:7, tells us He is hid in these bodies or earthen vessels. In this soil, us, He planted that Life that can go beyond the veil and back again. Col.1:26-27. We were with Him before the foundations, Rom.8:29. If Jesus was the express image of God, Col.1:15 and Heb.1:3 (stay in the spirit here) then so are we. God is our Father and Jesus The Christ is our Brother! Go to 1Cor.15:44-46, we started out in the natural but through Christ we are able to believe who we are and why we came. The Father is saying something along these lines; (My Son became a vessel for Me that I might express or unveil Myself to this world. He laid down His Life, He gave it, to the death of the cross that through that death I would give Him a Body. And through this Body, He might express Life to humanity. By My Son doing this, I was able once and for all to have the curtain torn away that separated these two realms that you might grow up into His image).

In Jh.1:10 we can see that Jesus was alone in the world He had made. There was no one else at that time manifesting sonship. He was in the world He had made but the world knew Him not. Even John the Baptist, filled with the Spirit in his mother’s womb, and given great revelation of who Jesus was by the Father, doubted if it were true, Matt.11:3. So even John didn’t understand the realm of sonship. The world saw Jesus as illegitimate and trouble. His disciples saw Him as a prophet and a good man full of love and compassion, so God had to reveal to them that Jesus was the "Son of the living God". They did not understand the realm of sonship. And nothing much has changed over the years; God’s people still do not understand the realm of sonship. God’s people chose and still choose to walk in the natural realm. We all can relate and understand walking in the flesh but people then and now (and I’m referring to the Church here) do not want to understand or accept what the "New Creation Man" really means and why he is here!

I was wondering here if maybe I hadn’t taken this to seriously myself. But after our "Disciple Class" the other night, Al, Lisa, Dale and I were all talking and this subject came up. Dale was reading from Acts 17: 24-31 and I thought this explained it very well. Before Jesus, all were of the seed of the first Adam. After Jesus, God made the way for man to partake of His Divine Nature this brought knowledge and understanding to God’s people through the seed of the second Adam 1Cor.15:22; Heb.2:10; Eph.5:30; 2Pet.1:3-4; Eph.1:4-6. Not even Jesus’ own disciples understood Him or what He was about, Matt.16:16-17, sounded good but then in verse 23 Jesus called him Satan. Peter couldn’t stay in the higher realm of sonship he didn’t understand it. James and John in Lk.9:54-56, they understood the realm of the prophets but not the realm of sonship.

I finely saw how alone Jesus really was, He was the New Creation Man, the Son of the living God and at that point there was no one else in the world quit like Him. It’s no wonder He was so misunderstood. However as always He didn’t let anything stop Him, He was on a mission and He was determined to populate the world with sons that could walk in the realm of Sonship. Many sons made in His image and likeness.

Now, as great and true as this is, there are not many of God’s children, who want to believe and accept this. Sonship still remains a lonely place for those chosen by God, to be apart of the remnant or " this manchild," (the ones chosen to walk in the sonship realm). As Al, Lisa, Dale and I continued to talk, it became clear to me why God’s children find this realm of sonship so hard to accept. The new creation man has bought the same lie as the first created man had in the Garden, Gen.3:1-5. Eve was already as God in the Garden. She walked and talked with God there and she and Adam also ruled and named everything in the Garden. Yet she believed the lie that she was not like God. "Your eyes will be opened (you’ll know the truth) and you will be like God." We are God’s children, nothing could be more true, Jh.1:11-13, born of His will not the will of our parents. Created in His image and likeness, filled with His Divine presents, yet we doubt it! I’m sure this is why He had to predestine or set aside a chosen remnant, a part of His Body, that would believe the unbelievable, accept that they were different and then choose to walk in that anointing.

Is it a blessing or a curse? Is it hard to follow in the footsteps of our Eldest Brother? If I were made to choose at this point in my life, I think I would say it’s a blessing and I need to push myself harder in the obedience area so I can walk in those Footsteps. I can also see now why Jesus had to be alone with the Father so much (other than no one understood Him). It was because that was where He found His fellowship, His peace and His strength. I can see now, that it was in my times alone with the Father writing down all the things we talked about here, that I grew and found His fellowship, peace and strength. It’s a place where it doesn’t matter if my family and friends don’t understand me because I’ve learned that the more I press into sonship the more unexplainable this place I walk with the Father becomes to those who do not walk there. But my Father understands me and I understand Him more now then I did yesterday and less then I will tomorrow and that’s a good place to be. And I understand that this is o.k. with God too because He has everything planed this way. And I know there is a harvest coming out of this Divine Seed that lives in you and me. Sonship isn’t for just a handful, there are many sons coming forth. That is why God planted that First Grain into the earth of humanity.

God is doing the work, He is tending to the precious croup He planted in His Firstborn, Jam.5:7; Mk.4:26-29 and He will have a harvest. God isn’t worried or disappointed with us at this stage He knows the end. It was Him that put every circumstance and condition in motion, and He put it there to bring us to maturity in the fullness of time. There will be no harvesting until that which is in the field bears the same image as that Seed that was planted. That means, the same life giving qualities, the same obedience, love and gifts. The Father is taking this remnant, this "manchild" to a place of maturity, a place that when He buts the First Seed next to it, He will not see any difference between them.

You doubt? You think "No way"? Think again. On the isle of Patmos, John couldn’t tell the difference, Rev.19:10; Rev.22:8-9. I know what your thinking, these were in the spirit realm, they had there glorified bodies. Yes they were and yes they did but the Father opened up the veil between His realm and this realm, on Calvary. In Him we live and move and have our being, take some time and fellowship with the Father, ask Him if this is true. In Jh.20:31 I think John was trying to say, we live and move by His word or name, which is all "Life". He was showing us "The Grain of Wheat" as Jesus the Christ, and that we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. Why? Because God wants us to see this realm He walks in, and He wants us to see it like; Adam, Eve and Jesus did. Right here, right now, that we might share in it as they did with their God. But first we have to see and believe who we are, where we should walk, how we are to act and what our privileges are in Christ. This is the path of a son and it will lead you into the same Life giving place it led Jesus, "into the Father!"

This here sums up the gospel for me; this is the good news, (we are like Christ) we are bearing His image, sit with Him on His throne, and we will share His glory and His inheritance. Christ in us the hope of glory, so far this has been up for theological debate, or understood to one degree or another by some, but it was never brought into the realm of being a truth and reality by the "Church". This was never intended for the sweet bye an bye. It’s for those who know they are different, know there is more and for those who will dare to believe! Our doubts and fears that this is true will not stop it from happening. God has said it and it will be! He wants us back in the Garden!

Oh, buckle your seat belts, if you think I’m lost in space now because I’m going further, deeper and faster. The Body of the Firstborn Son will be seen again, but not the way we’ve been taught. He will be seen on this earth, and by the whole world, in His Body of Sons first. And the world will know they have seen the Christ, the Son of the living God! His Kingdom will come! His will shall be done, HERE! And it will be greater than any heaven the "Church" has ever dreamed of!

Jesus made the way! He also showed us by His actions and words what our rights and responsibilities were. The sick were healed, the blind could see, devils were cast out and the dead were raised to life. The deaf could hear and the lame walked, He forgave their sins and walked in obedience to the Father. Jesus did it as a man, to show us that there are no limits on us in the Father, but that it’s our doubts that put limits on God, just like in the Garden. Everything that Jesus did had a purpose and revealed the realm of Sonship. He concord evil and overcame death to make the Way for us to do the same thing. The work was done for us, we hold the roadmap, so what is the holdup?

God gave the "New Creation Man" total dominion over all that He has created and everything must bow to this authority. When we walk in the realm of the Spirit we are no longer bound to the lies of this world all the limits that belong to this world are removed.

The "Church" wants to believe they have limits, that Satan is the ruler of this earth and that he has dominion here, and for now God allows them to believe that. However I see that as a loss and a burden and I finely know what the statement, "The serpents meat" means. Praise be to the Father that He would chose such as us to know this glorious mystery, that the new creation man, born of the Seed of God, is no longer under the rule of the devil. Because our Brother has made the Way, and we were put here to walk in it! First the blade, then the ear, then the full grain, and it all happens in the fullness of our Fathers time, Jam.5:7 Amen!





God took me to Joel 1 & 2 and then to Matt.13 yesterday. Today Bob calls and says, "Turn on the TV a prophet is going to be on TBN". So we turned it on to listen and do you know that that prophet only said two things that I can remember hearing, and they were, Joel 2 and Matt.13. And you guessed it; I went back and started digging.

Joel 1, gives us a very vivid vision or a very good picture of doomsday. The seventh verse is the part about the vine being laid to waste, and that got my attention first. Not that v.5 and a few others didn’t strike a nerve too. But verses 7-8 and 13 are where I’m going first because I felt the prophet Joel was warning and calling God’s ministers to repent and weep for the "Church". She has been in error for some time and she has allowed man to be her head long enough. Keeping that in mind let’s jump over to Joel 2.

Joel 2:1-11. The Day of the Lord is approaching, the trumpet is being blown and the great army of the Lord is going into battle against the corruption or the religious systems and that is Rexie1:1, as I see it. Then in verses 12-13 Joel speaks of a time of restoration in the "last days", and I’m doing a study on that, so you’ll have to wait for it. Then in verses 28-32 we read some awesome prophecies about the great out pouring of the Spirit in these same last days.

To explain this to me more fully God took me over to Matt.13 and pointed out several things to me in six of these parables. And to shorten this I’ll try to just stick with the most important points. The first parable is about the sower sowing good seed and v.23 is the most important point. The good seed is sown into good ground and brings forth good fruit, some a hundred fold. Stop right there, this is sonship! This is a picture of Christ in us, or in God’s remnant here on earth. "These Sons or the Mature Man" are moving about the earth among the "Church" at this time. Her people are weighted down with unbelief and the cares of this world and are not listening to the Father’s voice. I believe this is because they are not appointed as yet by God to do more then they are doing. But even in all of this unfaithfulness and unbelief, God has appointed the "the remnant or mature man" to receive and to different degrees understand the "Word Of Life". Thus making our fruitful life seem like an oasis to those God puts a hunger in. God’s sons then produce a hundred fold because we become like the "Tree of Life", doing the things He did. Meaning soon and very soon we will bring knowledge, healing and life to the world just as "The Original Son or Seed" brought Life!

Next the verse says, "some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty". Different degrees of fruitfulness because they haven’t reached their fullness, Eph.4:12, yet they are faithful. The disciples of Jesus could be an example of this as they were not the new creation man therefore they didn’t understand "sonship" nor did they produce a hundred fold but they produced much fruit.

If that statement stopped you, good, it stopped me too. I’ve always, in one way or another, compared myself with the disciples or others in the Bible but never with Jesus. I’d say that was my religious up bringing, however, the truth is my Father says I’m created in His image and likeness. He is "The Seed" planted in me and He is my example of perfection and as His elect I have a right, not to settle for anything less than what He says!

Next is the parable of the "Wheat and the Tares", Matt.13:24-30. Here a man sows good seed but in the night his enemy comes and sows tares. After much care and watering the good seed begins to grow and the tares are seen. The owner of the field says, "His enemy has done this", but then he says, "Leave the tares alone for now". Basically he was saying that the tares would be taken care in the end. So for now just let them grow with my crop as though they were one because in the end the difference will be easy to see. The fully mature wheat will manifest a difference and separation will be very easy!

This has gone on since the time of Jesus, 1Cor.1:11; 1Cor.3:2-4; Heb.5:11-13 and it goes on and on even into today. His "Body or Tree" looks like Christ but it doesn’t have the perfection, power and authority of the fully matured "Wheat", not at this time. It doesn’t look like the "Original Tree of Life" yet. But in the fullness of time it will be easy to see the difference. If Christ is Life as the Word has said, Jh.14:6-7; Col.3:3-4; 1Jh.1:1-2 and He is in us, then we too should be giving life to others! For too long we have lived Eph.4:17-18 due to our ignorance and don’t think that because you are saved and filled with the Spirit that you’ve arrived! Move on and let Christ grow out of you!

Next the parable of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven, Matt.13:31-33. I saw this as the organized "Church" or man’s order in God’s House. Birds were symbols of evil or the devil; they were considered dirty and we can see that from Matt.13:4 & 19 as well as this one. The "Church" then and now forms their own denominations, organizations, orders, powers and the like which puts them in the place of God and then say it is God.

Don’t loose me here, the "Church" still has good people, martyrs and converts but it’s lost most everything that made her "The Church". When Rome took her over she became the strongest so-called "Church" in the world. Only one thing was very wrong with it, heathens were putting on pretty robes and saying they were the "Church" it didn’t work because their hearts were never changed, Matt.15:7-9. You must become a new creation in Christ, not a new creation in man!

The mustard seed when it grew became the greatest of trees, the tree the birds (or evil) came to roost in and then tried to take over. Man-made religion, laws, doctrines, cults and the like never had much God then and still don’t have much of Him today. The leaven of the world (religion and man) entered the "Church" and tried to mingle with it and hide. Hindering what was good, until it all started looking like the world. It was like a dead body, it had no Life, no manifestations of Life, 1Cor.5:6-7; Gal.5:9. Unfortunately the "Church" hasn’t changed all that much. Don’t loose focus here; yes, the "Church" has done wonderful things, everything God has wanted. And yes, God still has His prophets and those who will serve Him faithfully but, the true Life giving qualities it should have are not there yet! Perhaps it’s because they are still eating from the "Tree of Good and Evil". The "Tree or Church" was and is corrupt, but Praise God, its only for as long as God allows it, Job 14:7-9, so there in lies our hope for the "Church" as God has promised.

Next is Matt.13:44, the treasure hidden in a field. Now a well tended and cared for field would have yielded it’s treasure to the owner already. So I had to guess that God was making a point here. This had to be an old piece of ground, unkempt, full of rocks, stumps, dead trees and weeds. Not much to look at or desirable at first glance. But then "one man" sees something where there is nothing; he has to have it, he hides it. His desires for it are great and it must be his, and he is willing to pay the greatest price there is for it. This "One Man" knew it’s worth, knew it’s secret, "He" knew the treasure hidden in the earth and "He" concluded that there was nothing more precious then this treasure, not even "His Life". Since I saw this man as Christ I understood what He was saying here. This field would produce a great " Treasure or Tree"! Although at that point and as yet to this point it hasn’t bore much fruit and its treasure is not always seen, but it will be. It may not look like much yet but I figured that was because its treasure was still hidden. But trust God, it is there, just under its braches just under the earth! Its branches are reaching out to every nation, people are seeing but not believing, sort of like they did Jesus. But God must bring forth His sons first, and they must come from out of "her, the Church" and from out of "Her" corruption. God’s Spirit is moving once again just like Joel prophesied nothing can stop it!

God is bringing life to His sons first, (the manchild or the remnant) who will see the treasure hidden in the earth, (Christ in the Church) and these sons will be willing to pay the price to restore "Her". Nothing can stop the move of the Spirit that God has set in motion. Its just going to keep going and in a greater measure as God pours out His Spirit and power, kind of like at Pentecost, only this time it will not set upon man it will be like a flood coming up out of man!

The parable of the "Pearl of Great Price" was next in Matt.13:45-46. The hidden treasure in this parable reminded me of Jesus and the sons of God because Jesus said we were to do greater things than Him. So when I looked at this parable God showed me the "Sons of God", were the ones who know they are different and therefore they were seeking more from Him. This man was seeking, so he has to know he would find something and like Jesus, we will find that "Pearl of great price" in the "Body of Christ". What he finds is worth far more than he had imagined and we will find this too as we see Christ in each other! What he finds changes him forever! Oh, don’t get lost here, the stumps, dead trees and weeds are still around him but they can’t stop what has started. He’s been called out, anointed, and is changing. He is starting to bud, which will bring forth fruit, fruit that will look just like the "Seed " that was planted, the "Christ in you" or the "Tree of Life" in you!

Next is the parable of the "Dragnet" Matt.13:47-50, and here I found verse 48 and the words, "gather the good into the vessels". Again this said sons to me. Not that the "Body" isn’t important, it’s very important, but it’s our mission as sons to feed (her, the Body, or the Church) Rev.12:1-6. So I’m not against the "Church". It’s just the "Manchild" (or sons for this job) come first.

Verse 48, said to me, that this "Divine Life of Christ" was coming forth in the sons and coming very soon. God’s sons have a divine purpose and destiny and that is to be conformed into the image of the "Son". When that happens, then God’s "Body," will cover the earth as waters cover the seas.

Will the "Church" fight it? Oh, yes she is! Will it hurt? Birth pains are just that, pain! But just like a real birth it can’t be stopped, it will happen. Sonship is misunderstood and has confused the "Church" for 2000 years. So don’t you get confused, when I say "Sons of God" I am saying the fully matured. Filled to that measure of fullness in Christ we spoke of in Eph. They will bear the fruit of the Spirit, they will use God’s power and the authority of His name, they will manifest everything the "First Son" did.

Christ is the Head of this "Body the Church" and for to long the "Church" has taught and accepted that it was the tail held under Satan’s power. The truth whether you like it or not is; Christ is not the Head of a Body held captive by Satan, He is not the Head of a tail. He isn’t going to settle for a divided or corrupt Body here on this earth! He is the Head however of a glorious Body, full of His Life!

In this realm, right here and at this time, God is moving. He is bringing forth His sons, (humans if you can’t get it any other way) anointed with His fullness, walking in the resurrected life! They will be God’s "Tree’s of Life" made like Him, by Him, and equipped to put and keep the devil under their feet. If you see them, you will know you have seen the Father! God is doing it right in front of everyone’s nose; only doubt or unbelief will keep you from seeing it. It’s started already, right here, right now, and in these vessels of earth!

Nothing can stop it! God’s Word is final! 2Pet.1:5-11. If it looks like doomsday, look again! You should see the Father! If you’re eating from the "Tree of Good and Evil" stop! Change your diet! You are already like God! Don’t receive the lie! Your destiny is to be the "Tree’s of Life"!





I’ve been feeling like I’ve been putting the "Church" on a back burner or maybe in a bad light, for those called to that place, because of all the revelation I’ve been getting on the "Sons of God". I’ve been trying to get you all to see, who you really are, and then to understand you’re destinies, but I’ve sort of skipped over the "Church", because I’ve always seen this group or "this part of the Church" here tonight as "sons" and perhaps not all of us are destined to be that part of the "Body or Church". Or perhaps I’ve given some of you the idea that I don’t think there is room here for the "Church". So tonight I want to let you know, I do believe there is a place for the "Church", in all of this. And since I see myself as a "son of God", I’ve thought, I may have gotten some of you a little confused so I asked Father to help me understand what I was feeling about His "Body" and the order I felt things went in and then to help me and you understand this "thing" people call His "Church". And I say that only because it doesn’t look like Him YET!

So He took me to Eph.5:25-27, and I said, "Father this is not what I’ve seen"! Maybe it’s been our dream or hope but not a reality. And as far as I was concerned the "Church age" was about ended. I didn’t get the feeling Father liked what I had said so I rephrased it. I said, "I’m not talking about Your glorious Church in Ephesians, I’m talking about the "Churches of men" the ones I’ve been in". I think He was relieved I hadn’t included His Church in there and He began to explain that He was going to have this "Glorious Church" this spiritually awakened Body, and that it would be manifesting Christ. And it will come as He pulled down the systems of men, Col.2:20-23 and Gal.6:12-15.

I believe God is bringing "His Body" into this "Glorious Church" not out of Her. In other words, He is brining the church into Him and out of man. The curse and decay of man in God’s Church’s is passing away, so I was right in way, that the "Church age" was ending. I just hadn’t considered the fact that God was doing the pulling down in order to do this great restoration that was coming, Acts 3:21. God does have a time and an order for everything; my focus was just on the sonship part because that is where God is taking me. So God showed me again that the sonship part was what this restoration part was hinged on and that helped me feel a little more in tune with what He was doing. God’s sons must be brought into perfection and then the "Church". I believe books could be written on this subject but we need to stay focused on this path we are on to get finished here. I think from Acts 3 we can safely say that there will be a time when all creation will be restored to it’s original glory or put back into "Divine Order". Rom.8:18-22 confirms this by saying, "all creation waits for the sons to be revealed". Why? Because we will be delivered of this world and its pull which will start the "Church" on its path to restoration and glory!

I think, we all believe that the "Church" isn’t getting out of here in some great rapture in the sky, Jh.17:15 and I think, we all can agree that the "Church" we see today is not the Church in Eph.5:25-27. I also can safely assume that everyone here knows that God keeps His promises. So I went to check out the promises of a restored and "Glorious Church". Since we just studied Hebrews, and I was so impressed with it, I started there. Heb.11:8-10, they saw their promises afar off, they believed them and embraced them. They were seeking what was not yet come, and that is what we should be doing! Go to 1Chron.17:11-14, God promise’s David that He (God) would establish a Kingdom and build His House through the seed of David. Now go back to Heb.2:8-9, we don’t see it yet, this kingdom or dominion, established here on earth, but we can see it fulfilled through Christ, interpretation; Rexie 1:1.

In Ezekiel, judgment is brought against God’s people, and Ezekiel is captured with them. During this time God shows him visions of destruction, but then He gives him visions of restoration. Ezekiel saw the temple of God destroyed and then he saw it restored to a greater glory then it had had before. Hag.2:7-9, again a picture of the restoration coming to the latter house. We just finished a study in Joel; where we looked at his visions of destruction and restoration, and we saw there a greater glory for the latter house also. In Zech.8, we see the prophet Zechariah, being giving visions of God, as He cleans up His priests and casts down the accuser of the brethren. In Dan.7:13-14 we see the wondrous visions and prophecy’s, given to Daniel, by God. Here he sees the glory of "one like the Son of Man". He also saw all the systems of the world overcome; I believe, Daniel saw the restoration of the "Sons of God". I believe he saw the birth of the "Manchild" the remnant, take its place of authority, thus bringing glory back to God’s House!

Isaiah saw the glory of Zion and the restoration and rule of the Lord and His "Christ’s", (you can read about it in) Isa.49&50. In Jer.50:28 and 46 and Jer.51:19-23, we see here the escape from Babylon to declare the vengeance of our Lord and His temple. At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved and the cry is heard around the world, to me this is saying the same thing as Rev.18:9. God is bringing down man and his rule or fornication with His "Church". Jeremiah goes on and sees the (sons of God) here as God’s weapons used to bring this about. He says in Jer.51:19 that we are not like Jacob because he was of the former things. The ladder house (us), are not like the former, yet God is the maker of all. We are the ladder, we are the new creation man, and we are God’s inheritance. We are also His battle axe and weapons of war, for with us God will break nations and destroy kingdoms, (religious systems, mans rule and order), Rexie 1:1.

In Jer.32:8-15, Jeremiah buys land, and again we see the promises of God to restore. God gives Jeremiah assurance through this purchase, or inheritance, that He (God) will once again fill the land and it will prosper. Go down to verses 42-43, God makes it very clear that He has brought the calamity and He will also bring the restoration, for He has promised it and He is God, He alone has the final say. Can you understand that all this calamity, (vanity, pride, self worth and such things) were allowed here by God for His purpose. Now can you see the promises of God to restore this (sealed (by the Holy Spirit) and purchased (by Christ) the land (us)? Maybe now Eph.1:13-14 amp, can mean more to you and give you something to embrace with all your strength! And did you catch that part about Jeremiahs guarantee or promises, in the form of his deed; it was sealed and placed in an earthen vessel for safekeeping. Don’t lose track here, Christ is in these earthen vessels, being kept safe, while God shakes everything loose that isn’t Him. 2Cor.4:7, God’s Holy Spirit or should I say, Christ Himself has been placed in these earthen vessels for safekeeping. Sealed as our guarantee, that we too will receive the fullness of our inheritance.

I say God’s first reason or His eternal purpose for restoration would be Eph.3:9-12. God had said in Ezek.36:16-38 that His people had failed Him and profaned His Name among the heathen, so He let the heathen have them. What has changed? We too are God’s greatest creation, His crowning glory, made in His image and have we not failed Him and profaned His Holy Name among the heathen or the world? At least it seems to me, that God has let us be taken captive by all that the world and self have to offer us, so that we could grow up and learn to hate God’s enemies as much as He does. Praise God, He made the way out! Praise God for His great love and His promises! Because as we heard the truth of His great promises to deliver and restore us back to our true glory (and even more if we would believe for it), we wanted it, we started seeking to find more truth and we hungered for more, Praise God it was our destiny! We saw where God didn’t let anyone take credit for anything, He did it and He will undo it, Ezek.36:36. God wants everyone to know He is Lord, that He has done or allowed everything and that He will do it again and I believe He is going to do it again right in the midst of the heathen. We studied the parable of the good seed sown and an enemy came and sowed tares among the good seed, I believe God has sown the "Good Seed" in His ground, and the tares are being seen, just like He said they would. There may be heathen all around us but God is in charge of us all! He made us His way to fulfill His purposes, its that simple, and His "Church or Body" will be the fullness of Him who fills all in all, Eph.1:23.

It’s pretty easy to know what God is doing in this hour if we take the time to hear His voice. There was a time when God wanted us to speak as a child and only see in part, 1Cor.13:9-11. But the perfect is replacing the part and shortly the glorious will replace the spotted and wrinkled. Like we learned in the study, (A Grain Of Wheat Made The Way), first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain, so first the "Sons", then the "Church", and then the "Glorious Body of Christ".

I know to this point in time the world hasn’t thought to much of the "Church" and most Christians haven’t really helped to make "Her" look any better. People would think we had a very imperfect God to look at "Her" in this stage, but the truth is, it had to happen this way so that God could show the world and every principality, that He alone is God! And one day when His "Church" lines up with His perfect plan the world will see, we are perfect for He is perfect. His words will come from our lips in His power and authority and that is when the Head will finely set on the "Body" the way it was intended from the beginning.

We are beginning to see small parts of "God’s Body" coming together and moving in His power at this time. We see it in places where there are no divisions, no denominations and where God is worshiped in spirit and in truth. Where He is allowed freedom and His truth is shared as well as embraced. We find it in places where the brothers are truly learning to love each other in spite their small differences. It isn’t always in a church building because God’s people are seeking God’s face and sometimes that leads them to small home groups or meetings outside the church buildings. Their interest is on what is God saying, where does He want me now? Church dogma, programs, lies, bickering, backbiting and divisions are not where God is! Hearing Him, obeying Him and moving when He moves is!

Oh, I’ve heard the cop outs, I’ve probably used a few myself. "I’ll stay at home by myself, I know I’ll get more from God there". "I’m above all this church playing", "Church is for babies Christians, they need all that stuff’. But the truth is we are joined to these "babies", they are a part of God’s body and they are a part of Him. If we are hearing God then we better be praying and believing for restoration to come to the "WHOLE BODY". This religious system is coming down because God won’t have it any other way. We are all in His wine press together; we will each come into His fullness in His time. God has an order, a "DIVINE ORDER" and we each have a divine purpose but we need each other so that we can arrive at that purpose in "ONE PIECE"! Not in parts! God’s purpose includes all; not pieces!

God is bringing perfection to His Body, it is sinless, it will never die and it is glorious! He started this restoration and it cannot be stopped, His Kingdom is coming and it’s coming to this earth, Mal.4:1-6; Matt.6:10. His will is going to be done in this earth as it is in heaven!

We can see true worship and ministry in the walk of Jesus "the Man". He was a pastor or "Shepherd" as He had a heart for all; He was anointed to bring the good news making Him an evangelist. In Him was the "Son" who obeyed the Father, who grew in wisdom and accepted His Father’s authority, and then used it as His Father said. In Him we see the "Prophet", as He was divinely inspired to tell God’s will to His people and He told of things to come in the future. He was sent or commissioned, making Him an "Apostle". Teacher; no doubt at all that He fit that description, He feed the hungry soul, He healed the sick, raised the dead, and loved beyond belief. He was everything the Father was. He was everything we are to be! This is what the Father is restoring to the "Church"! If you are pressing hard toward sonship you should see a difference in the way you do, say and view things. Don’t look at the "Church" the way she is, she isn’t who she will be. She is no different then we were before we knew the truth. Look at her through God’s eyes and see her and yourself for who you truly are!

Restoration is coming and its not some great gathering in the sky, its far far better than that. It’s going to be "awesomeatious" when Christ is seen in us! What a day it will be for us when we are righteous, not self-righteous. When everything unclean is removed forever, where we will truly be holy for our Father is Holy. Where we will walk in His Power and His authority and have dominion over all the works of His Hands! This has been His plan since before the earth was and He hasn’t changed His mind, but it starts with the "Manchild, the sons of God" being brought to perfection and then the restoration of His "Church". It is all coming, but it’s in His time and in His Divine Order.





It seems like everyone I know is being torn, it’s either in their health, with their families or in their finance’s, but which ever it is, life in the natural has become a struggle. So I was just setting here talking to the Lord and going over a lot of what has been happening in my life this last year. The sorrow of losing loved ones and the disappointment of others I loved, seemingly walking away from God and the latest great news, that I married to a walking dead man. Then of course there were my struggles with dealing with each event, and then learning to embrace the way each one left me feeling. I wondered how others would have handled my struggles and what Jesus would have done in my shoes.

So I headed to the 23 Psalm, but got stuck in Ps.121:1 while on my way there. It caught my eye for the first time. I had heard this scripture before, but it had been quoted wrong, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help". That is not what it says! It’s a question! It had always sounded good to me when quoted the other way, good and religious I now see. It had always sounded full of faith to me too, but how wrong religion has been! It was never a statement of faith! It was a question and a question we must each find our own answer to. But if your real smart you can find that answer in the next few verses 2-8, "My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth", and every one of my circumstances!

Now I was wondering, why I’d ever thought so highly of this statement when I had thought, they were looking to the "hills". I found that rather silly because right away God showed me scripture in Amos 6:1 and Jer.3:23 that made me think mountains and hills were not a good thing after all. Then God said something along the lines of, "My people have always looked to the natural for their help, but not all of My people are called to the ordinary, and they can see past the natural through the eyes of My Spirit". I remembered my mom, reading stories to me as a child, where the people of God had hid from their enemies in the hills. Then I realized what God meant; His people had looked to the hills for their safety, not to their God! We too like to put our trust in things we can see and touch, things like our jobs, the bank, the doctor, our possessions and even our parents or spouse. So many hills and mountains all around us whom we can choose to run to in times of trouble. Oh, how solid and comforting they seem in our times of trouble, but where is our real help? God gave us families for support, but they are not our answer in times of trouble. Then I remembered Rev.16 that tells about God’s wrath being poured out, but v.20 caught my eye. I know God is going to destroy everything that is not from Him. I also saw in Ps.23:1-5 that God was our only real hill! And I knew that this was much more important then the natural things around us and that we were going to have to put our trust and confidence in the Divine protection, provision and leadership of the Holy Ghost! It’s like Rom.8:14 says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God". To the ordinary man this makes no sense but then the ordinary man isn’t coming into sonship either.

In Deut.33:26-27 Moses is prophesying to the children of Israel, just before his death. Boy did he go out in a blaze of glory! We will have to trust God here that this man Moses knew how to lean on that ever-lasting Arm of God. He had delivered millions from the hand of Pharaoh and he had left that mighty nation, of Egypt, in a mess. And guess what, he did it all without any hills to trust in. He took millions across a sea without a boat and he fed them forty years without a restaurant or a grocery store. Moses had proven God and found that God never failed him. That’s how he could tell them about that ever-lasting Arm! When Moses was instructed by God to gather "manna" and put it in the "Ark of the Covenant" in the Holiest Place in the Tabernacle in the wilderness, it wasn’t because God had said it was important or because it was something God had given them! It was because they needed a reminder! A reminder of how God provides for His people. And I’m sorry to say, so do we!

I know that the training and discipline God has been putting us all through seems at some points more than we can bear. Believe me I know what I’m saying, been there, done it, own the T- shirt, and I know that most of you have been there too. But remember, we haven’t shed any blood for Him yet. And I’m wondering if God has really begun to strip away as much as we feel He has. I questioned God, and asked if there was anything I was holding onto? I asked, if I have an "ace up my sleeve," something I was depending on just in case He didn’t come through? Yes, our Daddy owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but they are His hills! So what is it we each are looking too? How many hills are we looking at? Do we have "an ace up our sleeves" that we’ve been waiting to use? But no need to worry, if we don’t want to give it up or deal with it now, Father will take it away from us before this is all over. I know that we have the best trainer, in the entire universe, and I know He will produce good fruit in us at the right time. He has always been an on time God and He isn’t going to back up now! God determined a long time ago to train us up to rely totally upon Him for every need. It was that way in the "Garden", it was that way in the "wilderness", and it will be that way again with you and me! It’s not an easy lesson to learn either. Jesus had to learn obedience by the things He suffered, Heb.5:8. So do you really think you are above getting it the way Jesus did? No! Sorry we are just like Him and Daddy will teach us the way He wants to! Elijah learned it at a brook, watching ravens come to feed him. A widow learned it when she had nothing left but oil. Joseph learned it in a pit. Paul learned it in a prison; the question is where will we learn it? I can guarantee you we will learn it somewhere!

Now I can only speak for myself here, and I figured I was a really slow learner, because God has been giving me lessons for years and I still fall short of the mark I have set in my heart. But I also figured sense the mark I have, had been set so high, God had to be the One to put it there, because I never would have dreamed of reaching that high. So I asked God, "How can I learn this lesson faster"? His answer was so simple, He said, "Think on things that are true, lovely, pure, and learn to embrace what I am doing in your life". In short form, He gave me Philp.4:8. He said, "If you keep your mind on the things that are good, things I’ve brought you through, learn that it is Me and embrace it, learn from it. Then you won’t have much time to worry about the rest, will you"? And you know what? God was right again it works!

I started thinking back when Fred was 2 years old and the doctor’s diagnoses for him to grow to any good size freaked us out. So we prayed and we spoke life and perfect growth to his body, and you know what, that doctor was wrong, because Dr. God fixed the problem. Then I thought about the time we needed money real bad and we needed it by 9:00 a.m. the next morning. We prayed again, spoke finances into our lives and waited, and at 5:00 p.m. that night, a man came to the door with just the amount we needed to pay that bill the next morning. Dale’s back being healed by God was another glorious one; doctor’s said a wheel chair for life and Dr. God said "No Way"! Doctor’s said, "bone doesn’t grow back where it’s been taken out", but Dr God said, "Yes it does" and He put it back in and they had to take all that steel out of his back. Mysti’s asthma has always been bad since she was a baby, and it scared Deanna pretty bad on a couple of occasions, she’d scream "Mom" hand me the baby and we’d pray and command that attack to stop and before Deanna could get her medicine, Mysti, would be fine and going back to sleep. There was the time Deanna and Mysti were in a real bad car wreck, they were hit from every side, the new car was totaled and they were at the hospital. I called Dale at home; he and our friends all started praying. When we got to the hospital we found that Mysti was fine but Deanna was in ICU. They said the sack around her heart was bruised bad and she would have to stay and be watched, incase it ruptured, then they could rush her into surgery and try to save her life. So we needed a miracle and we needed it right away. We called everyone and we all prayed for God’s perfect will. The next day she said she was fine but the hospital wouldn’t let her leave. That went on for 3 days before they believed she was all right. Then we were amazed even more when we went to get her things out of the wrecked car. As we walked up to where her car had been taken, a man came out and asked us if we were there for her stuff? That was odd but we didn’t think much about it. As we got closer to the car the man said, "Is that the little girl who was in the car that day?" He was pointing at Mysti and we told him yes she was. He then said, "You guys must really know God". We said, well as a matter of fact yes we do, but what made you ask? He said, "I knew someone did when I got to the car that day and those two children were not dead". He then added, "I knew someone was praying and I knew that angles had been placed, all around those two kids". He was right; God had put angles all around them to protect them, from what was coming that day. God had told Dale and I to pray that morning for Angles and protection around our family. Never be too busy to hear God say, "Pray for this one or cover that one". You will never know how blessed I am that we listened that day!

Then God made us move here to Tennessee, where He wanted us to help so many people. We had nothing but a small income and one faithful couple, to help with the finances, but God met ever need that came through here and He is still doing it today. Then there was the time when Desi drank gasoline; God was there, He showed Robert where she was, we prayed and Desi was fine. Again God was there when we needed a good car and He always made sure we didn’t have to pay much if anything for all of our blessed cars. Then came Fred, you’d think we would have panicked. God sending us a son, to rise when we were just making it, how would we make ends meet now? What could we do to help a tormented and tormented little boy? But guess what that little boy is now 17 and I don’t believe he has done without anything he ever needed or wanted, thanks to God and His faithful followers. Dale’s heart has been a mess for years according to the doctors so when God told Dale to go ahead and let a doctor fix it, we prayed and let that doctor start looking for all the damage and you guessed it, he couldn’t fine much of anything wrong. He did decide since he had the opportunity, he would put in a stint in one tiny blocked artery, so that nothing would go wrong later on, but here we are again with bad reports but we are going to embrace it, pray, and believe God for another miracle.

Then there was the time a nursing home was trying to kill my mom. We had everyone praying, and God did it again. Then to top it off God told her, "She could pick her own time to come home", it would be her call not His. What a God! I know there have been many more prayers God has answered not only for us but also for this group here tonight. Jo’s surgery and her leg and foot problems, Bob’s health and that bout he has at the hospital. Al’s health several time, Sam’s liver and heart, Bobby’s heart, and the time I was told I had cancer. But God came through every time, He was the answer to every prayer we prayed. I can’t say we’ve embraced every one of these tests but we are learning how to do that too.

I know there are millions more; I can’t remember all of them all at this time. They happen every day, all day long to those who love and serve God. I believe that our very lives depend on our desire to have God teach us, and that we keep our focus on Him, His abilities, His provision, His care, His ways and His Love, more now then we ever have. Why? That’s an easy one, He is shaking everything that can be shaken and we will need Him more now than we ever have before!

I don’t believe Jesus ever prayed the problem, He always prayed the answer! Matt.9:22; Mk.5:35-41; Mk.6:34-44; Mk.7:32-35; Mk.5:8; Matt. 8:25-27 and this is only a few examples. The prayers Jesus prayed in Matt.6:7-15 and in Jh.17 show us the difference in the ways He prayed. Yet the results were always the answer to the problem, He never prayed the problem. He embraced what His Father said even when He didn’t like it. When we understand who we really are we will see a change in our prayer life. God is teaching us, sometimes it’s a truth, sometimes it’s a lesson, and sometimes it hurts, but always He is training and raising us up into Himself.

God will meet us every time, but to get us to that place or to the mind of Christ, He must test us until we learn, not to look to the natural, (or to the hills), but to depend entirely upon Him, Pro.24:16. This is our inheritance. So choose this day what you will allow your mind to think on. It will serve you well and give you life, if you chose, God and Phlip.4:6-8. It’s your choice so to speak! And the best thing I can say to encourage you, other than to love and fear you’re God and fine out who you really are! Would be for me to tell you, to lift yourself up in the Lord through a personal relationship, the Psalms can give you a good start. I’d start with the 34th Psalm and then Ps.139.

When you understand who you really are and why you are here, you will put God first. You’ll look to Him in you’re times of trouble and you’ll never go back to accepting things like the "devil did it" or "Oh Lord, I forgot to pray right or pay my tithe this week". Growing requires understanding, understanding that God doesn’t allow anything to happen in our lives that He will not use to strengthen us, change us or effect someone around us in some way! No devil in hell can take us out of His Hands! Ps.139:7-11; Jam.1:2-4. We have a destiny, and nothing can stop it or keep us from it! God is still God in our troubles, He is God in our joys, He is God of our health and God in our sickness, He is God of our wealth and God in our nothing! He is Lord of ALL!!




As I faced my Maker and knelt before Him, I realized that there were others all around. Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles. An Angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a quilt that showed our life.

But as my Angel took each piece of cloth off my pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in everyday life. I saw hardships that I had endured, which were the largest holes of all, I glanced around me, but nobody else had such squares, other than a tiny hole here and there. The other quilts were filled with such rich and bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened; my Angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like he was binding air.

Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the serenity of truth. The others rose, each in turn holding up their quilts. So full their lives had been

My Angel looked upon me and nodded for me to rise. My gaze drooped to the ground in shame; I hadn’t had all the earthly fortune. Oh I had love in my life and laughter, but there had also been trials of illness and death, false accusations that took from me my world at least the world I’d known. I had to start over many times and I struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick myself up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer asking for help and guidance in my life. I had often been held up to ridicule which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin, as I sat beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me.

And now I had to face the truth, my life was what it was and I had to accept it for what it was. I rose and slowly lifted up the combined squares of my life to the light. An awe filled gasp filled the air; I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes.

Then I looked upon my quilt. Light flooded the many hole, creating an image, the face of my Lord. Then the Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, "Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My Life, My hardship and My struggle. Each point of light in your life was when you stepped aside and let Me shine through until there was more of Me than there was of you."

May all of you’re quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to be seen through you! Let Christ have you’re troubles that they may become His. He wants the best for us, let Him use each trial in your life, its Him trying to raise you up right. Step aside and let His Light shine through!

Author Unknown



Rev.21:7, He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

Rev.1:5&6, Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, v6. and HAS made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be....

Jude 24.Now to Him who IS ABLE to keep you from stumbling. And to present you faultless. Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.

2 John 9....He who abides in the doctrine of Christ HAS both the Father and the Son.

1 John:5:l·8...whoever is born of God does NOT sin....

1 John 5:20....Son of God has come and HAS given us an under standing, that we may know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ, This is the true God and eternal life.

1John 5:14&15....if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us....vl5. we know that we have the petitions....

1 John 5:11&12....God HAS given us eternal life in His Son...

1 John 5:l&4 whoever BELIEVES that Jesus is the Christ, IS

born of God....

1 John 4:11 Love has been perfected among us in this; that we

may have boldness in the Day of Judgment, because AS


1 John 3:1-3....of love the Father HAS bestowed on us, that we should be CALLED children of God! v2.Beloved, now we are children of God;....when He is revealed, we shell

BE LIKE Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

1 John 3:9 Whoever has been born of God DOES NOT sin, for HIS SEED remains in him....

1 John 2:27....the anointing which you HAVE received from Him, abides in you....

1 John 2:1&2....if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. v2. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins....

1 Peter 2:9, You ARE a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. a holy nation, His own special people....

1 Pet.2:4&5...chosen by God and precious. v5....spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices....

1 Pet.l:23, having been born again not of corruptible seed but incorruptible,

1Pet.5:l0....who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus

after you have SUFFERED a while, perfect, established, strengthen, and settle you.

1 Pet.l:8&9....v9,the end of your faith--the salvation of your souls,

James 4:6&10,God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble. v10. Humble yourselves in the sight of Lord, and He will lift you up.

James l:17&18,Every good gift...every perfect gift is from above, ....v18. Of His own will He BROUGHT us forth by the word of truth that we might be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.

James l:12,Blessed is the man who endures temptation....

James 1:5,If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, who

gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be

given to him.

Heb.13:5&6...." I will never leave you nor forsake you", v6. So

we may boldly say; " The Lord is my helper; I will not

fear, what can man do to me ?"

Heb.12:7, If you endure chasing, God deals with you as with


Heb.ll:l&3, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the

evidence of things not seen. that the things which are seen were NOT made of things, which are VISIBLE.

Heb.10:23, Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without

wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Heb.9:14&15....v15.....that those who ARE called may receive

the promise of the eternal inheritance.

Heb.6:17-20, God determining to show more abundantly to the

hires of promise....vl9. This hope we HAVE as an anchor

of the soul, both sure and steadfast and which enters the

for us....

Titus 3:4&5....v5....He saved us, through the washing of

regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

Titus 2:11-15....grace of God that brings salvation. V12. teaching

us that....we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age v13. looking for the blessed hope.…v14. who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from EVERY lawless deed....v15. Exhort, and rebuke with all authority, Let no one despise you.

Titus 1:2, in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie,

promised before time began.

2Tim.3:11&12...and out of them ALL the Lord delivered me.

v12.ALL who desire to live godly in Christ WILL suffer....

2 Tim.3:5, having a form of godliness but denying its power.

And from such people turn away!

2 Tim.l:7&9, God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of love

and of a sound mind. v9. who HAS saved us and CALLED us with a holy calling....

2 Thess.2:13&14....because God from the beginning chose you

for salvation...v14....for the obtaining of the glory of our

1 Thess.5:23&24,v24.He who calls you is faithful, who also

WILL do it.

1 Thess.:7&8, For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in

holiness. v8....HAS also GIVEN us His Holy Spirit.

Col.3: 12,Therefore, as the sleet of God, holy and beloved. Col.2:9&l0,For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead

bodily....vl0. and you ARE complete in Him who is the head of all....

Col.l:27....Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Co1.1:21-23....yet now He has reconciled, present you

holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight.... Phi1.4:13 P·!19, I CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. v19. My God SHALL supply ALL your need,...

Phil.2:13.for it is God who works in you both to will and to do.

Phil.2:5,Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ. Eph.5:30-32, For we ARE members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones, v32. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

Eph.5:8-17....but NOW you ARE light in the Lord, Walk as

Children of light. vll. have no fellowship with the unfaithful works of darkness....

Eph.5:.l, therefore be imitators of God....

Eph.4:13, Till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members. of the house hold of God.

Eph.2:4-10...great love with which He loved us. v5.....made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ....v7....His kindness toward us in Christ....v8. By grace you have been saved... vl0. We ARE His workmanship....

Eph.l:3-14....who HAS blessed us with every spiritual bless ing... v4....He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy....v5. having predes tined us to adoption as sons....v6....He MADE us ac cepted in the Beloved. v7. In Him we HAVE redemp tion,...v8....He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence. v9....made known to us the mystery of His will....v11. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance....vl2..,.should Be to the praise of His glory.… vl3., WERE sealed With the Holy Spirit of prom ise. v14. who is our guarantee of our inheritance....

Ga1.5:24&25, those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. v25. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Ga1.5:16. Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Ga1.4:5-7....that we might receive the adoption as sons. v6. And because you ARE sons, GOD HAS sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts....v7, You are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Ga1.3:24-28....the law WAS our tutor to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. v25....after faith has come, we are NO longer under a tutor. v26. For you ARE all sons of GOD through faith in Christ.

2 Cor,13:5,...Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you ? unless indeed you are disqualified,

2 Cor.l2:9..,.My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness....

2 Cor.10:3-5....v4. our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God, v5....bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

2 Cor.9:8,God is able to make all grace abound toward you....

2 Cor.6:16-18....For you ARE the temple of the living God....

2 Cor.5:17, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold ALL things have be come new.

2 Cor.3:6, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant....

2 Cor.l:21&22.HAS anointed us is God. v22. who also-HAS

sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.

1 Cor.13:12, for now we see in a mirror dimly, but THEN face to face. ( when we grow up, we will see Him in us )

1 Cor.l0:13,No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to men; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able,...

1 Cor.6:20, You were, bought at a price therefore glorify God. in your body and in your spirit, which ARE God's.

1 Cor, were washed, but you were sanctified, but you justified in the; name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God,

1 Cor.3:23, you are Christ's and Christ is God's.

1 Cor.3:16, do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells IN you.

1 Cor.2:12-16,Now we have received NOT the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.vl3,... the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual. v15. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. vl6....But we HAVE the mind of Christ.

Rom.11:29, for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevoca ble. Rom.l0:13, Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Rom.8:37-39, nothing....v39. nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God....

Rom.8:29-31, for whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son,....v30. whom He predestined these He also called, whom He called; these He also justified; whom He justified, these He also glorified.

v31....If God is for us, who can be against us.

Rom.8 14-17,for as many as are led ‘by the Spirit of God, these ARE sons of God, v15. For you DID NOT re ceive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you RE CEIVED the Spirit of adoption....vl6. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we ARE children of God. v17. and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Rom.8:9, But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in deed the Spirit dwells in you...does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.

Rom.8:l&2....There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ....v2....Christ Jesus has made me free from the law Of sin and death.

Rom.6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are NOT under law but under grace.

Rom.5:1&2 having been justified by faith, we HAVE peace with God through our Lord....v2. through whom also we HAVE access by faith into this grace....

Acts17:25&26....He gives to all life, breath and all things.

v26.He has made from one blood EVERY nation of


John 20:23, If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them, if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.

John 17:14&20&23 I have given them Your word; and the

world has hated them because they are not of the

world...v23. I in them, and You in Me that they may be made perfect in one.

John 16:13-15....He will guide you into all truth...vl5, All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that Hewill take of Mine and declare it to you.

John 15:5&7....for without Me you can do nothing. v7. If you

abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask

what you desire and it shall be done for you.

John14:26....He will teach you all things and bring to your

remembrance all things....

John 14:12-14.... he who believes in Me, the works that I do he WILL do also; and GREATER works then these he will do, because I go to My Father. v13. And what ever you ask in My name, that I will do....

John 14:16-18&26....Helper. that He may abide with you for ever

vl7.the Spirit of truth....vl8. I will not leave you or phans; I will come to you. v26....He will teach you ALL things and bring to your remembrance all things....

John 13:20....he who receives whomever I send, receives Me,

and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.

John 8:31&32....If you abide in My word, you are My disci ples indeed. v32. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:12....1 am the light of the world, He who follows Me shall NOT walk in darkness, but HAVE the light of life.

John7:38,He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said; out of his heart will flow rivers of living waters.

John 3:27&34....A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from HEAVEN.( GOD). v34. For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.

John l:12&13,But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God....vl3. who were born, NOT of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but OF GOD.

Luke 21:34-36,Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be

weighted down....v35, it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. v36. pray always that you may be counted worthy to es cape all these things that will come to pass,

Lukel0:19 Behold I GIVE you the authority to trample on

serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the

enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Mark 9:23....If you can believe, ALL THINGS ARE possible to him who believes.

Matt.21:22,And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive.

Matt.l8:19....if two of you agree on earth concerning any thing that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

EX.7:1, So the Lord said to See I have made you as God to Pharaoh ( or the world ).

John 8:51 MOST ASSUREDLY,I say to you, If anyone keeps My word, he shall NEVER see death.

Matt.5:13&14 You are the salt of the earth.....vl4, You are the light of the world.…





How many times can a heart break?

Is a question I’ve been asking myself?

I’ve come up with a lot of answers

But not any that really count.

They mostly refer to the questions

I need facts, not hear say evidence.

How many times can a heart break?

Is a question I’ve been asking myself?

So far I’ve come up with nothing,

To help my poor heart to mend.

There is nothing left there to bandage,

And, it’s to late to start again.

How many times can a heart break?

Is a question I’ve been asking myself?

I’m living in a world of madness,

Fighting hard to fight disgrace.

The going is mostly uphill,

Against despair, I’m in second place.




Donald G. Holt